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If That’s What It Takes

Chapter 1


Mimi sighed and dipped her aching feet into the cool water of the stream. She and the other seven Digidestined had been walking for what seemed years. Just a few moments ago, the group had stopped for the night, and Mimi had wandered off to soak her feet in the cool stream that had been detected near by. Laying her pink hat beside her, Mimi sighed again and leaned her head against a large boulder on her other side. Just like this, she sat for several moments, finally drifting off to sleep. About half an hour later, she woke with a start. She looked at the sun, which had almost disappeared. Quickly, she stood up and shook Palmon, her Digimon companion.

"Wake up, Palmon! We’ve got to get back to camp!" she exclaimed.

"Uhh? What’s this? Mimi? You actually got up?" Palmon mumbled.

Together, Mimi and Palmon hurried to where the camp for the night had been set up. Upon reaching the small clearing, Mimi stopped in confusion. No one was there! Mimi looked around.

"Mimi, where is everybody?" Palmon questioned.

"They probably went off to look for food or water! I feel so bad! Sleeping when they’ve all been working. But then again, I needed that rest!"

"Matt! Sora, Tai, Kari, TK! Joe! Izzy!" Mimi called out. "Matt! Where are you guys?"

Just then, she set her eyes upon an object a couple of feet away. With a gasp, she hurried over to it. Izzy’s laptop lay, discarded upon a mound of dirt!

"Izzy would never treat his precious computer that way! Something must have happened!" Mimi cried. She ran over to the object and snapped it open. What she saw made her cry out in horror. There was a warning on the computer screen, written in one of Izzy’s many typing programs!

"What’s it say, Mimi?" Palmon asked worriedly.

In a trembling voice, Mimi read the warning out loud. "Myotismon has captured us! Don’t try to look for us, he’ll only capture you too!" It was signed simply with the Words, Izzy and the others.

"He’s captured them!" Mimi cried. She hid her face in her hands and cried. What would she do now? The others, Mat, Tai, Joe, Izzy, T.K., Sora and Kari had all been captured, and she was the only one left.

"Mimi," Palmon interrupted her thoughts. "There’s something else!" Mimi peered at the screen and read the rest out loud.

"15 21 18 3 18 5 19 20 19 1 18 5 8 9 4 4 5 14 9 14 20 9 5

2 21 19 8 5 19" Mimi read out loud. "It’s just a bunch of numbers, Palmon!"

"Mimi, could it be a code? Don’t humans sometimes make up codes out of numbers?"

"You could be right, Palmon. See how there are spaces in between some of the numbers? They might stand for words!" Mimi studied the code. "Wait a minute! None the numbers go over 21, and there are only 26 letters in the alphabet! There must be a number between each word!"

Mimi moved the cursor over to the first set of numbers, and pressed on of the side buttons. The cursor moved into an empty space in between the numbers 15 and 21. "Okay! So 15 would be the first letter. Let’s see…" She studied the numbers some more.

"Mimi…?" Palmon started.

"Shhh! I’m trying to concentrate!" She thought for a couple more minutes, then grabbed a piece of paper from her purse. She began scribbling letters onto the paper. "Got it! The message says…"Our crests are hidden in the bushes," she read aloud.

"How did you get that from the code?" Palmon questioned.

"Look," Mimi shoved the computer towards Palmon. "O is the 15’th letter in the alphabet. U is the 21’st letter in the alphabet. And R is the 18’th letter in the alphabet. Put them together, and you get the word OUR!"

"I never knew you were so smart!" Palmon complimented.

" But why would they have hidden their crests in the bushes?"

"So that Myotismon wouldn’t get them, Mimi!" Palmon explained. "Sometimes you’ve got to think!" Palmon then muttered to herself "I take back what I said about her being smart!"

"Did you say something, Palmon?"

"Uh…No!" Palmon nervously shook her head.

"Okay! Now let’s find the crests!"

Mimi and Palmon excitedly began looking in the bushes that surrounded the small clearing. After a couple of moments, Mimi cried out, "Look! The crest of Friendship! It’s Matt’s Crest!" Mimi held the crest close to her. She wished Matt were there. She had began to like him a lot…

"And I found the crest of Reliability, Joe’s Crest!" Palmon added. Within twenty minutes, Mimi and Palmon had found all of the Crests.

"At least Myotismon didn’t get these!" Mimi said in a relieved tone of voice.

"But Mimi, when Myotismon realizes that they don’t have their Crests, won’t he do something bad to them? Like kill them, or throw them into a pit of Tyranamon’s, or something like that?" Palmon questioned.

"Oh my gosh, Palmon! You’re right! We’ve got to find them! I don’t care if Izzy told me not to, it’s my duty! They’re my friends!"

Mimi and Palmon rested for the rest of the night, and the next morning, set out in the direction that Myotismon’s castle lay.

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Tai struggled against the chains that bound him to the wall in the dungeon of Myotismon’s castle.

"We’ve got to get out! What if Mimi doesn’t find the crests? What if some other evil Digimon finds them?"

"Tai, calm down! She’ll find them!" Sora soothed.

"But what if she doesn’t?" Matt picked up where Tai had left off.

"What’s this? Matt agreeing with Tai?" Joe joked.

"Joe! This is no time to make jokes!" Kari scolded. "We’ve just got to hope that Mimi can break the code and find the crests."

"But what if she can’t break the code?" T.K. asked.

"It’s not that hard to break, T.K.," Izzy told him.

"We’ve just got to believe in her!" Sora said.

"I’m kind of worried about her," Matt commented. "After all, there are lots of evil Digimon out there. What if Mimi and Palmon can’t make it on their own? What if she gets hurt?"

"We should send someone out to find her," Tai suggested. "That way Mimi and Palmon wouldn’t be all alone. And that way, If Mimi didn’t find the crests, she’ll at least know about them!"

"Uh, Tai? In case you haven’t noticed, we’re chained the wall and tons of Myotismon’s henchmen are stationed all over the castle to make sure that we don’t get out!" Matt pointed out angrily. This caused the others to become silent.

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"Uh! I’m so hot and tired!" Mimi complained, stopping after climbing up a steep hill. She leaned over, panting from her exertion. After a few seconds, she started out again.

"Why didn’t you stop for a rest if your so hot and tired?" questioned Palmon.

"Because we gave to find the others, and resting won’t help us go any faster!" Mimi explained to her Digimon companion.

Just then, Palmon ducked into the bushes, and used her poison ivy to pull Mimi in beside her.

"Palmon! Why’d you do that?" Mimi complained.

Palmon pointed to the path where they had been just a few seconds before. Demidevimon flapped about, his eyes searching the path.

"I gotta find that other Digidestined and the crests!" he murmured to himself. "If I don’t, Lord Myotismon’s gonna be really mad!"

Mimi let out a quiet gasp. They were looking for her and Palmon. Mimi’s first thoughts were for her safety. Maybe she should just stay here. That way she wouldn’t get hurt. But then again, if anything happened to the others, it would be her own fault. When Demidevimon had passed, Mimi turned anxiously to Palmon. "We’ve got to find them, and we’ve got to find them fast! Myotismon is looking for us, and he knows that the others don’t have their crests! The distraught girl ran back to the path and began to franticly hurry towards Myotismon’s castle.

"Mimi! Slow down! You know that it’ll take at least two days to get there, and your just going to wear yourself out! If you’re worn out when you get there, you won’t be able to help your friends!" Palmon called, hurrying running after Mimi.

Mimi somewhat slowed down. "I’m sorry, Palmon. I’m just so worried!"

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Sora gave a start as the chains binding her wrists and ankles snapped off.

"Hey! What’s happening?" Kari asked.

"Hahahahaha!" came Myotismon’s evil laughter. "I have decided to let you enjoy your final days in freedom!"

"You call this freedom?" Tai shouted up at his enemy.

Myotismon laughed again. "Once I find where you have hidden your crests, I will destroy you all. My henchmen are searching everywhere for your crests, and for your little friend, too, the Digidestined that escaped being captured by me!" Myotismon then left.

"Now that we’re somewhat free, we’ve got to send someone out to find Mimi and make sure she has our crests!" Tai exclaimed.

"Alright. Why don’t you go, Tai?" Izzy suggested. "After all, you’re our leader!"

"But then again, maybe Izzy should go," Joe argued. "He’s the smart one!"

"I’ll go!" Matt exclaimed. "I’m not going to stand here while you guys argue about who should go and find Mimi! She could be in trouble!" Everyone except Sora stared at Matt, not being able to believe that Matt actually cared about what happened to Mimi. Sora, on the other hand, had a sneaking suspicion that Matt liked Mimi, and vise versa.

"T.K’s the smallest!" Tai contradicted, ignoring Matt.

"T.K.’s not going anywhere! Do I make myself clear?" Matt shouted.

"Matt! Shhh! Myotismon will hear you!" Sora warned.

"Why doesn’t Kari go? She’s small, just like T.K.!" Matt shot at Tai. "Ah, forget it! Like I said before, I’ll go!"

"But Matt! It’ll be safer for Kari and Gatomon to go! After all, Gatomon knows her way around here!" Sora pointed out.

"Hey! I’m not letting Kari out there alone!" Tai hissed.

"But Tai, Kari has Gatomon," Joe repeated what Sora had said. "Gatomon used to work for Myotismon, so she’ll know a way out of here."

"Please don’t remind me," Gatomon begged.

"You know Tai, they’re right," Gomamon added.

"Please let me, Tai. I’ll be alright!" Kari turned to her older brother.

Tai hung his head. "Alright, alright. You win."

"Look, Tai. We’re not trying to put Kari in any danger, it’s just that she’s the best one for the job," Agumon explained.

"How will I get out though?" Kari questioned.

Everyone looked about them, searching for some way of escape. "Look!" Sora pointed to a small opening in the roof. "Gatomon, do you know where that leads?"

"It leads into Myotismon’s chamber!"

"Then we can’t go that way! Kari would be caught be Myotismon!" Tai said.

"Myotismon is never around at this time," Gatomon told them. "At least when I was working for him," Gatomon shuddered, as if not wanting to think of how evil she had been. "When I was working for him, Myotismon was always overseeing evil plans at this time of the day. He’s probably trying to think of a plan to destroy Mimi and Palmon.

"So, if we send Kari and Gatomon up there, they can sneak out and find Mimi!" Matt exclaimed.

"Hey! Wait a minute! If Kari will be able to get out, shouldn’t we all get out while we have the chance?" Joe asked.

"No! Myotismon will see us if we all go! And anyway, the opening is to small for anyone but T.K. or Kari!" Izzy replied.

"Should we really let Kari go out there alone?" Tai queried.

"Gatomon will be with me, so I won’t really be alone," Kari pointed out to her older brother.

"Okay! Let’s boost Kari out!" Sora exclaimed. Tai, Matt, and Joe knelt down on the floor, letting Sora and Izzy climb up onto their backs. T.K. then helped Kari up onto Sora and Izzy’s backs.

"Can you reach the roof, Kari?" Joe questioned.

"Just about," Kari replied. The young girl stretched her arms upward. She was just able to grasp onto the edge of the hole broken into the roof.

"I got it!" she called down to the others. Gatomon then jumped up to Sora and Izzy, and leapt up into Kari’s arms.

"You be careful, Kari!" Tai called softly up to his younger sister.

"Don’t worry about me! I’ll find Mimi, and we’ll be back to rescue you guys!" And quietly, Kari crept away.


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"Ahh! Get away from me!" Mimi shouted at the Numemon that sorounded her. "Palmon! Do something!"

"You got it! Palmon Digivolve to….Togemon!" Palmon was replaced by a giant Cactus Digimon. "How ‘bout some needle spray!" Togemon shot out small, sharp needles from her body at the Numemon.

"Ahhhh! All I want is a date!" cried one of the Numemon, running away. The other slimy green Digimon followed him.

Mimi sat down and put her head in her hands. "How will we ever find the others if Digimon like those icky Numemon keep attacking us? I wish Matt were here. He’d know what to do!

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Matt sat with his head in his hands. Was Mimi all right? He sure hoped so. If only he could be there with her. That way, he could protect her if something happened.

Just then, a beam of light shot out from Sora’s crest, enveloping Matt.

After a few minutes, Matt looked up. "Wha…!!!" he cried, jumping up. He was standing in a thick forest. Just a few feet away, was Mimi! Somehow, he had been transported to where Mimi and Palmon were.

"Mimi!" he shouted. "Mimi! Over here!" He started running towards her.

Mimi looked up. "Matt? How did you get here?"

"I don’t know, Mimi! One minute, I was sitting in Myotismon’s dungeon, the next minute, I was here!"

Mimi shook her head. "Well, anyway, here’s your crest!" she handed him his blue-ish colored crest.

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Meanwhile, back at the dungeon, the others were puzzling over Matt’s strange disappearance.

"Wh..Where did he go?" TK whimpered, looking at the spot that his brother had sat just a few seconds ago.

"Izzy! Where did he go?" Tai asked impatiently.

"I don’t know! Am I supposed to know?" Izzy replied.

"Well you’re the genius around here!" came Tai’s remark.

"Just a minute, you guys! I think I may have figured out something!" Izzy cried.

"You know where Matt is?" TK asked hopefully.

"No…but I can find out where Mimi is!"

"How?" Sora queried.

"By her Crest!" Izzy began furiously typing away at his computer.

"You can do that?" Joe asked, amazed.


"How come you never told us?" Tai asked angrily. "After all, I’m the leader, do you should have told me!"

"I didn’t know! I just found out now!" He continued typing. "There! See that little dot? That represents Mimi!" Izzy pointed to a small dot on the other side of the screen. "Wait a second…" Izzy began as he saw another small dot. "And that ones Matt!" Izzy almost fell over.

"So Matt’s with Mimi?" Gabumon questioned.

"Yup! Somehow Matt got transported to where Mimi is!"


Part 2


Matt sighed, leaned back against a tree, and thought about the day that had just passed. It had been a long day full of walking, but he just couldn't seem to get to sleep. He looked over at Mimi. Her eyes were closed, and she had a peaceful expression on her face. He wished that he could get up the nerve to tell her how he felt.

He let his eyes wander across the almost bare land. In a few spaces, there were small trees, like the one that he sat against, but mostly, it was just bare land.

Matt found himself looking back at Mimi. Without thinking, he reached out a hand and gently stroked her hair.

Mimi stirred slightly. As if realizing what he was doing, Matt jerked his hand back and looked away.

Mimi slowly opened her eyes, and looked around, seeing a dark figure sitting next to her. As her vision cleared, she saw that it was Matt. She had been having a wonderful dream about her and Matt. Slowly and carefully, she sat up.

Matt turned to face her. "Sorry Mimi, did I wake you up?"

Mimi shook her head. "No."

Matt took a deep breath. He knew that he should tell her how he felt. If he didn't, he would never know how she felt. Of course, he knew that she might hate him forever, but there was that chance that she felt the same way.

"Mimi?" he began. Mimi turned to face him.

"Yes, Matt?"

"I...I have to tell you something..."

"Go on," Mimi prompted.

Matt shook his head. "Nothing." How could he tell her? He who almost always kept his feelings bottled up inside?

Mimi looked away. She had been so sure that he was going to tell her that he cared about her. That he loved her. She felt disappointment welling up inside her, and she had to concentrate hard not to cry. She wished that she had the guts to tell Matt that she loved him.

Why can't I tell her? Matt thought. If I don't, just knowing that she doesn't know will slowly eat away at me from inside.

He began again. "Mimi..."

Mimi once again turned to face him.

And without thinking, Matt leaned forward, and his lips gently met Mimi's. He expected her to pull away, to cry out in anger. But instead, the kiss seemed to say more than words ever could. Instead of pulling away, like Matt had thought she would, Mimi accepted the kiss, and even kissed back. He then gently pulled away. "Goodnight, Mimi," he said. He quickly kissed her again, and lay down to catch some sleep before morning.

Mimi also tried to get to sleep, but she couldn't. Memories of the kiss kept running through her mind. Now, she knew how he felt, and, knowing that he loved her, she fell asleep.


Part 3

Kari swiped her hand across her forehead. It was so hot. Kari and Gatomon were walking across a vast desert that stretched for miles and miles around Myotismon’s castle. They had been walking already for almost a day.

"So…hot…" Gatomon stammered.

"I know, Gatomon. But it’s got to end sometime." Kari responded. She leaned over, panting slightly. She felt so dehydrated. So tired…

"Kari? Can’t we stop? I’m so tired." Gatomon said.

"We’ve got to find Mimi," Kari reminded her Digimon. "She’s all alone…" For Kari didn’t know that Matt had been transported to where Mimi was. "And anyway, there’s no shade to rest in. We’ll just get hotter."

Kari straightened up. "Gatomon!" she cried excitedly. "I see trees!" off into the distance, a large forest loomed, the forest in which Matt and Mimi were trekking across. With renewed vigor, Kari and Gatomon once again started out over the desert, hurrying to get into the promised coolness in the forest.


"Tai? Do you think Matt’s okay?" TK inquired.

Tai didn’t answer.

"Tai! I said…Do you think Matt’s okay?" TK repeated.

Tai still didn’t answer.

TK turned to Sora, his eyes asking his question.

"I’m sure he’s fine, TK," Sora said not very convincingly.

"He’s not! I just know it!" TK burst into tears.

Sora shook her head and walked over to Tai. "What’s wrong, Tai?"

"Sora, should I really have let Kari out there alone? She might get sick…Like that time when she almost died because of me!" He turned away, staring at the wall.

Sora once again shook her head, and sat down, her back against the wall.

"Now, I am going to go capture those other Digi-brats!" Came Myotismon’s voice. "If you let any of them escape again…"

Sora and the others looked up in alarm.

"He’s going to catch them?" TK cries became louder.

"I promise, boss!" Demi-devimon said, fearfully, and Myotismon was gone. Gone to catch Mimi, Matt and Kari.



"So, sometime soon, we’re going to meet up with Kari?" Matt had just explained how Kari had escaped from Myotismon’s dungeon.

Then, a shadow loomed over them. "So that’s how the brat escaped!" It was Myotismon!

Mimi gasped. "Palmon! Digivolve!"

"Palmon Digivolve to…Togemon! Here’s some needle spray!"

Matt slowly began to back away as Togemon fought, protecting Mimi as he did so.

"Crimson Lightning!" Myotismon shouted, throwing Togemon back.

"Digivolve again!" Mimi called.

"Togemon Digivolve to…Lillymon!" A bright light shot up from Mimi’s Digivice, and into her crest.

"Flower Cannon!" Myotismon threw blocked Lillymon’s attack.

Matt kept backing away, always in front of Mimi, so that nothing could hurt her while he was there.

Myotismon swept by Lillymon and towards Matt and Mimi. "Crimson Lightning!"

"Matt!" Mimi screamed as Matt fell back in pain. "Noooo!" she screeched as Myotismon grabbed her.

"Mimi!" Matt looked up at the girl who he loved, dangling from Myotismon’s grip. "Take me instead!" he shouted up at the vampire like Digimon.

"No! Don’t do it, Matt!" Mimi cried.

"I’d rather watch you suffer, anyway!" Myotismon snarled. With that, turned away and prepared to leave.

Will Mimi and Matt be separated?

Part 4


"Mimi!" Matt shouted as Myotismon prepared to soar into the sky.

"If I were you, I’d put her down, Myotismon!" Matt looked up to find the source of the voice. It was Angewomon!

"If Angewomon’s here, then Kari must be here, too!" Matt muttered to himself.

Sure enough, A few seconds later, Kari’s voice was heard. "Attack him, Angewomon!"

"Celestial arrow!" Angewomon shot her arrow at Myotismon.

Trying to dodge the attack, Myotismon dropped Mimi to the ground below. "Until next time, Digi-brats!" And he soared into the sky, heading back towards his castle to regain his strength.

"Mimi!" Matt managed to push himself up and run over to her. He dropped to his knees beside her. "Mimi! Are you alright?" He gathered her up into his arms and gently kissed her.

"I-I’m fine," Mimi managed to say, even though a sharp pain was shooting through her left leg, feeling like there was fire running through her veins. She moaned softly.

Matt looked at her, concerned. "You’re hurt! What happened?"

"I guess I just landed the wrong way when he dropped me!"

"Are you guys okay?" Kari dropped down beside Matt and Mimi.

"I’m fine, but Mimi’s hurt," Matt explained the obvious.

"Matt?…I thought…That you were back at…Myotismon’s castle!"

Matt took a deep breath, and began to explain all that had happened since Kari had escaped from Myotismon, leaving out, of course, what had happened last night.

Kari nodded her understanding.


Mimi looked around. It was now dark. Night had fallen several hours ago. A sharp pain still ran through her leg. A pain that was almost un-bearable. Because of this, they had stayed put for the rest of the day. Matt hadn’t wanted to move her. She looked over at Matt. He was asleep next to her. Mimi had insisted on taking guard, saying that she would never be able to sleep through her pain, anyway. It was true enough. She let her mind wander back to when Matt had first kissed her, and a warm joy ran through her.

A few feet away, Kari and Gatomon were huddled together, also sleeping. Palmon had also fallen asleep, falling forward onto the ground from pure exhaustion. She was the only one awake.

She reached out and gently touched Matt’s face. Oh, how she loved him. Leaning forward, she softly kissed his cheek, and then leaned back. Yawning, she slowly and finally fell asleep without remembering to awaken Matt for his night watch shift.




The next day, the three Digidestined and two Digimon started out again, with Mimi leaning heavily on Matt’s shoulder. Kari and Gatomon led the way, since they had just been over the wide stretch of desert, and would know the way better than anyone else.

"Kari? You mean to tell me that you crossed this whole desert in order to find me?" Mimi asked incredulously.

Kari nodded her head. "It’ll take us a while to get to Myotismon’s castle, and this desert goes on the whole way. We won’t be able to stop and rest, because there’s no shade at all. What I’m worried about is that when we get to Myotismon’s castle, we’ll be too tired to fight."

"So we’ll just free the others," Matt suggested.

"And how do we do that, exactly?" Mimi asked.

"Well…we’ll just have to come up with a plan!" Matt replied.

Kari thought for a minute, but couldn’t come up with an answer.

"We could go in the back door," Gatomon suggested. "Then go through the back corridor, down the left corridor, and in the second right door. That’ll lead us into the guard’s room. If we’re lucky, there’ll be no guard, or he’ll be easy to beat. Then we grab the keys, and go through the back door of the guards room. Go down the right corridor and through the 3rd left door, and down the stairs, and we’ll be at the gate to the dungeon!"

"Wow! You really know your stuff!" Matt complimented.

"It comes with working for Myotismon. Sometimes, in order to find him, I’d have to look over the whole castle, so eventually, I learned my way around," Gatomon explained, shrugging her shoulders.

"How much longer do we have to keep walking?" Mimi complained. Matt looked down at her sunburned face, and he immediately felt sorry for her. She obviously wasn’t used to this.

"About an hour longer," Kari responded. Mimi nodded her acknowledgment of the statement, and then became silent.



After what seemed forever, a big, dark castle loomed over them. Matt, Mimi, Kari, Palmon, and Gatomon pressed themselves close to one side of the castle as Demi-devimon flapped his way inside, obviously having been out on an errand for Myotismon.

He was probably looking for us, Matt thought.

Sticking close to the side of the castle, the group of five slowly crept around to the back of the castle. Looking around, Gatomon led them in the back door. Creeping as quietly as they could, Gatomon led them through the back corridor, then down the left corridor. Making sure that no one was looking, they hurried up to the second right door. Matt peered through it.

"There’s a Bakemon inside," he whispered.

Gatomon nodded, then quickly walked through the door. "Lightning Claw!" she attacked the Bakemon, who passed out from pain, obviously having been very weak. Kari quickly stuffed it into a closet, and locked the door.

"That wasn’t so hard," Mimi commented, leaning against a wall, still in a bit of pain.

Matt quickly grabbed the keys off of a hook, and they went through the back door of the guard’s room. Once again looking around to be sure that no one had seen them, Gatomon led them down the right corridor and up to the 3rd left door.

"Here we are," she whispered. "Let’s just hope that no one is inside guarding the dungeon!"

Matt slowly pushed the door open. The was no one there.

"Quick!" Gatomon cried out in a whisper. "Something tells me we don’t have much time!"

With Matt leading the way, his arm still around Mimi to help her, they ran down the stairs.


"Someone’s coming!" Izzy exclaimed. TK cringed, sure that it was Myotismon.

Just then, Matt, Mimi, Palmon, Kari and Gatomon came charging quietly down the stairs.

"Matt!" TK cried in delight. "I thought I’d never see you again!"

"Don’t worry! I’m here!" Matt responded.

"You guys made it!" Sora exclaimed happily.

"Kari are you alright?" This came from Tai.

"We thought you’d never come!" Izzy said.

"Couldn’t you have come a little bit sooner!?" Joe complained. Everyone was talking at the same time, making it hard to for anyone to be heard.

"We got here as fast as we could, Joe! We just had a few problems along the way!" Kari explained.

"Quick, Matt! Unlock the door, and let’s get out of here!" Mimi exclaimed. Matt hurried up to the door and fitted the key into the lock. Noiselessly, the door to the dungeon swung open. As quietly as they could, the captive Digidestined and Digimon hurried out of the dungeon.

"Now let’s get out of here!" Tai whispered.

With Gatomon once again in the lead, the Digidestined and their Digimon hurried on their way out.

"Fresh air!" TK cried, once outside, running around.

"Okay. We’ve got to decide what to do," Tai picked up on being the leader. "Do we just want to run and escape, or do we want to battle Myotismon?"

"Let’s battle!" Sora replied. "I mean, we’re going to have to fight him sooner or later, so we may as well do it now!"

"Ya!" Izzy agreed.

"Let’s do it!" Tai cried.

"Uh, you guys? Mimi’s kind of still hurt…" Matt began.

"I’ll be fine, Matt!" Mimi exclaimed.

"You actually want to battle Myotismon?" Palmon queried.

"We may as well get it over with! The sooner we beat him, the sooner I can rest!" Mimi exclaimed. Everyone laughed. "But first, here are your crests and Digivices!" Mimi handed everyone their Crest and Digivice.

"Hey! Where’d you find the Digivices?" Matt asked.

"Didn’t I tell you? I found them with the Crests!"

Once everyone once again had they’re crests and Digivices, Matt spoke up. "I’ll go in alone and find out what we’re up against!"

"Alone?" Mimi asked, her eyes widening in uncertainty.

"With Gabumon, of course!"

"Why don’t I come with you, Matt?" Tai asked.

"No. It’ll be quicker and quieter if I go alone!" Matt said. He gave Mimi a quick hug and kiss, which everyone (except Sora) looked surprised at, then he walked into Myotismon’s castle, Gabumon trailing behind him.

Izzy sat down and opened his computer, which reminded Mimi of something. "Here’s you other computer, Izzy," she handed it to him. Izzy took the computer and set it down beside him.

"What are you doing?" Joe asked.

"I’m going to keep track of Matt and Gabumon on my computer, while you keep track of them on your Digivice," Izzy replied.

After a few moments though, Izzy and Joe both looked up.

"What is it?" Mimi asked worriedly.

"I’ve lost track of him!" Izzy exclaimed.

"Me too!" Joe agreed.

"And that means that something bad must have happened to him!" Izzy finished.

Mimi turned big, frightened eyes towards the rest of the group.


Part 5


Mimi straightened her shoulders and tried to calm the panic that was swelling within her. "Let’s go!" she said determinedly.

"Go where?" Joe asked.

"To fight Myotismon! He must have captured Matt, which means that we have to rescue him!" Mimi replied, starting towards the castle while trying to fight against the pain in her leg.

Tai nodded and followed, the others following him. Once again, the Digidestined slipped into Myotismon’ castle.

"Now, where would Myotismon be?" Sora murmured, looking right and left.

"Follow me," Gatomon walked towards the front of the group. "If I know Myotismon, he’ll be in here." The cat like Digimon led the Digidestined down the back corridor and up to the fifth door on the right side.

Mimi peered inside. Sure enough, Myotismon was standing in the middle of the room, looking pleased with himself.

Without thinking about the consequences, Mimi burst into the room. "What did you do to Matt!?" she screamed angrily.

Myotismon turned to look at them and laughed evilly. "So you finally got here! Oh, and I’m afraid that you’ll never see your friend…what did you call him? Matt? Well I’m afraid you’ll never see Matt again!"

Mimi let out a scream of distress. "Palmon, Digivolve!"

"Palmon Digivolve to…Togemon!"

"Digivolve again!" Mimi shouted.

"Togemon Digivolve to…Lillymon!"

"Get him, Lillymon! Get him for hurting Matt! Destroy him!"

"Flower Cannon!" Lillymon shouted, using her attack.

"You expect to beat me with your silly little Geranium cannon?" Myotismon asked sarcastically, throwing Lillymon and her attack back.

"You guys! Digivolve!" Tai shouted at the other Digimon.

(I think by now that you should know the Digivolvutions, and they take so long, and I don’t want to bore you guys to death, so I’m not going to write them. So just pretend that they’ve already Digivolved!)

"Giga Blaster!" MetalGreymon shouted.

"Wing Blade!" Garudamon used her attack.

"Horn Buster!"

"Vulcan’s Hammer!"

"Celestial Arrow!"

"Hand of Fate!"

Myotismon also blocked all of these attacks.

"Ha! You’ll never beat me! And if you never beat me…Then you’ll never see Matt again! Hahahaha!" Myotismon cried.

Mimi fell to her knees. "No!" she whispered fiercely. "He can’t win!" She looked up. It seemed that there was no way to win. "Matt!" she murmured. "I might never see you again!" And tears started to stream down her face. She impatiently brushed them away, but new tears soon took the place of the old ones. Then, she heard a slight sound. A sound like something light gliding through the air. She looked up, and saw something hazy fly into her crest. She felt a surge of energy run through her body. Looking up, she knew that Lillymon felt the energy and strength also.

"Now, Lillymon! Destroy him now! Destroy him for even daring to hurt Matt" she could almost feel Lillymon’s strength growing.

"Flower Cannon!" For some reason, the attack seemed bigger. Maybe it was just because Lillymon was now stronger.

"Arghhhhhhhhh!" Myotismon screeched, caught of guard by the strength of Lillymon’s attack. "Noooo! They can’t win! Noooo! This can’t be happening! Noooooooooooooo!" he shouted as he slowly disintegrated.

Mimi stared off into space. They had defeated Myotismon, but where was Matt. Hadn’t Myotismon said that if they destroyed him, they might get Matt back? Mimi tried to remember his exact words.

"Ha! You’ll never beat me! And if you never beat me…Then you’ll never see Matt again!" That’s what he had said. So, that must mean that if we destroyed him, Matt will come back! Mimi thought joyfully.

Mimi looked upward. Slowly, a key fell from the sky and floated where Mimi could reach it. She reached out a hand and gently took hold of it.

Then, from above, the Digidestined heard a creaking, groaning sound. Slowly, a metal cage lowered into view. Inside were Matt and Tsunomon. Gabumon had obviously tried to fight Myotismon and de-digivolved. But something was wrong. Tsunomon was awake, trying to awaken Matt. Matt’s body was still, lifeless.

"Matt!" Mimi cried, running up to the large cage. She jammed the key into the lock, and the door swung open. Matt’s lifeless body fell into her arms.

"No! Matt!" Mimi once again felt tears falling freely from her eyes.

Just then, the hazy-something that had flown into Mimi’s crest flew out into the air again. It took the shape of a hazy Matt, and slowly lowered into Matt. Matt’s soul Mimi found herself thinking. A few seconds later, Matt stirred.

"Your alive!" Mimi held him close, never wanting to let him go again.

"Wh…What happen…" he started to stammer before Mimi cut off his sentence with a quick kiss.

A few seconds later, Gennai appeared. "Good job, Digidestined!" he congratulated them. "You’ve defeated Myotismon!"

"Now that we’ve defeated Myotismon, would you mind answering a few questions?" Tai queried.

"No! Not at all!"

"Well, how did I get transported to where Mimi was?" Matt questioned.

"Well…" Gennai began. "I guess I can tell you that. Tell me, Matt. Did you not wish that you could be with Mimi so that you could protect her? And did you not, Mimi, wish that Matt was with you so that he would be safe, and because he would know what to do?"

Mimi and Matt both nodded. "And you knew that you loved each other then," Gennai continued. He turned to the rest of the group. "And unless I’m mistaken, you all saw the beam of light from Sora’s crest engulf Matt before he disappeared." The Digidestined nodded. "Well, since Matt and Mimi loved each other, and since their thoughts were not selfish, Sora’s crest, the Crest of Love, took care of their problems. In other words, If TK were off somewhere, and he was lost. If he wished that Izzy was with him, because there were some interesting hieroglyphs around, so that Izzy could study them, and learn what they said. And if Izzy wished that he were with TK for the same reason, for knowledge, then Izzy’s crest would have transported Izzy to where TK was. The same thing would apply for every crest here." He finished.

"So our crests can really transport us to places if our thoughts are un-selfish?" Joe asked.

"Yes!" Gennai replied. "Is there anything else you need to know?"

"Yes! What happened just a few minutes ago with Matt?" Mimi asked her question.

"Well, you see…When Matt went into Myotismon’s castle to look around, Myotismon captured him."

"No! Really?" Tai asked sarcastically.

"Tai! Be quiet!" Sora commanded.

"Well anyway," Gennai continued, "Myotismon separated Matt’s soul from his body. While your Digimon were fighting with Myotismon, Matt’s soul got free and went into Mimi’s crest, giving her strength and energy, thus giving Lillymon strength and energy. Once Lillymon had defeated Myotismon, Matt’s body was freed, and his soul went to join his body. Now, is that all?"

"I guess," Izzy responded.

Mimi looked down at Matt. "I’m so glad your okay!" she whispered in his ear. She leaned forward and kissed him. "I love you so very, very much!"


The End
