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I Wish:Page 2

"They seem to be perfect match." Another voice said. Suddenly, lights started to turn on in a circle around us, revealing the Council that Gennai is a part of. They all sat behind one large desk that circled in front of them. "I told you so." We turned to the direction where the last voice same from, and saw Gennai, smiling. "I knew they were destined to be with each other." "What's happening?" I asked. "You see, the Council needed you two to find out your true feelings for each other…and we needed to intervene to ensure the safety of the Digiworld." Gennai said. "The safety of the Digiworld?" Mimi asked, still in my arms. "Yes…you see we needed to unite all eight Digidestined, and this was the only way that we could intervene. In the future, you're going to fight more battles, and since Piedmon killed The Crest of Love…this was the only way to bring all of you together." Another Council member said. "So how did you intervene?" I asked. "You know the shooting star…?" Gennai asked. We both looked at each other, then back at the Council. "So how are you going to unite us?" I asked, still wondering. "Since your love is greater then the death of the Crest of Love, we are now able to use our powers to return you to your world. Even if you will remember everything, no one else will…because it will seem like the Crest of Love's death never happened." Another Council member said. "Now go. It is your time." Gennai said, pointing at the door behind us, which was opening. A white light surrounded our bodies, and we floated through the door. *** *** I woke up with the sun in my eyes. As I got up from the chair, my eyes were still closed, and all the memories from last night flooded back into my head. I remember Matt and I, getting together…the Council…coming back here. I suddenly felt someone touching my cheek. I opened my eyes to see Matt's face, smiling down on me. I looked back at him, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him. While kissing, he put his arm around my waist, and lifted me up to my feet, so we would both be standing. "What are you doing, guys?" I heard a voice behind me, which I instantly recognized as Tai's. We broke our kiss, and looked at everyone else, who were staring at us. "We were kissing…and if you don't mind…" Matt said to them, then leaning back down to kiss me. Everyone looked happy for us. They started to walk back inside, and off the corner of my eye, I could see Sora. She put up a thumbs up at me, as I released my left hand from Matt's neck to return it. She then smiled, and ran back into the apartment. Then I closed my eyes, and wrapped my arm around Matt's neck again. We stayed there for several more minuets, before we broke the kiss. He ran inside to get breakfast, but I stayed out for a little longer. I turned toward the sky, crossed my arms, and smiled. I love my life…and now I'm not willing to trade it for anything.