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Kiss of Destiny

Part 1 The air was crisp and dewdrops had just formed on the leaves of the trees and the blades of the grass. A group of 8 kids and 8 digimon were sleeping peacefully…. Except for a chestnut haired girl that had been having troubles sleeping. Troubles sleeping because of her secret crush… (Annoying audience- ooohhh!! Narrator- shut up!!) "How will I ever tell him…he is soo cute and yet…I just cant find a way to tell him…" Mimi was talking to herself. "Tell who?" Matt said as he walked over to Mimi. "Nobody!" Mimi gasped as she closed a pink and gold book very nervously. "You sure? `cause I hate to see beautiful people in bad moods," Matt said, walking away. *Three, two, one* Matt thought in his head. "Wait!" Mimi said, "What if Sailor Moon really liked this cute guy in her little group, but was too scared to tell him…and was scared of rejection. And what if she really thought the cute guy liked her too?" She said, making it obvious she was talking about herself. "Mimi, just ask him and see what happens," Matt advised. "Thanks so much!" She said, hugging him and thinking of when to ask that ‘cute guy’ that she liked so much. ~*A few minutes….no….a half an hour later*~ "AAAHH!!!" Tai stretched as he yawned, "I slept like a rock…how about everyone else?" Everyone looked at him, with tired eyes and gray rings around them from sleeplessness. "I think Tai should buy one of those nose strip things to make you not snore," T.K. suggested. "No, I think he should inhale some hot mustard to clean his sinuses out," Kari replied, fixing her hair. "Good one Kari!" Tai said sarcastically, seriously thinking about the idea. "Hey, where are Mimi and Matt?" Sora asked as she looked around, not seeing the two at the camp. "I dunno. They are probably at the lake flirting!" Tai joked. ~*At the lake*~ WHOA! I think Tai is psychic! Mimi and Matt are flirting!! (audience- hahahaha!! Narrator- SHUT UP!) "Matt, I have something to tell you," Mimi said shyly. "Sure thing, Mimi!" Matt replied. "Well, over these past months in the digital world, I have begined to like you…more and more each day…" She said, trailing off in her thoughts. "Same here!" Matt replied, pulling her into a kiss. To Be Continued . . .

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