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The Crest of Love and Courage:page 2

hidden by mysterious clouds. Why do I feel the need to protect her? Thinking back to his conversation with Mimi earlier. "But what if an evil digimon shows up? No one will be here to protect you." What he had really wanted to say was "I won't be here to protect you..." Matt knew why he was so protective, but he didn't want to admit it to himself. Matt looked over at Mimi who was tossing and turning in her sleep. She's kinda cute, when she isn't always complaining, thought Matt. "I think I need some sleep," Matt said aloud. I can't believe I just thought that, wondered Matt as he lied down, still staring at the stars. Pondering over recent thoughts, he yawned sleepily. I'll figure it out tomorrow, he thought, slowly drifting off to sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mimi was still tossing and turning. Matt had just turned over onto his side, trying to get comfortable when Mimi rolled over. She had rolled over right beside him, then snuggled up beside him and didn't move. Matt just lied there, not knowing whether or not to move. Although he wouldn't admit it to himself, he was kinda enjoying it; finally him and Mimi weren't arguing. Too bad she was asleep and he was to stubborn to do anything. Matt finally fell asleep with Mimi by his side. He slept a peaceful sleep. ******************************* PART THREE The next morning, Matt woke with a start. Where am I? he thought. Where are the others? Matt heard mumbling. He looked beside him to find a still sleeping Mimi. Suddenly it hit him; what had happened the night before and his decision to stay with Mimi. Matt just stretched out and pushed the thoughts away. We'd better get back to camp, thought Matt, as he stood up. Matt then looked over at Mimi. He debated about waking her up, remembering the incident from the night before. Matt sighed. "I guess I better wake her up." Matt said aloud. He stepped down beside her. "Mimi, time to get up." Mimi was still groggy. "Just five more minutes Mom." Then she rolled over and began sleeping again. "Great, this is going to be awhile." Matt said, trying to think of a way to get Mimi to wake up and not have her angry at him. "I've got it," said Matt. He stepped over to Mimi and picked her up. Well at least she's not heavy, thought Matt, walking down the trail. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When Matt finally reached camp, Izzy was on watch. He was so busy typing away at his computer, he didn't even notice Matt walking by. Everyone else was still sleeping. Tai and Sora were still sleeping close to each other, but they weren't holding hands or snuggling anymore. Well, they're secret is still safe for now, thought Matt, who put Mimi down by the sleeping digimon. He walked over to Izzy. "Hey, watcha doing?" asked Matt, trying to see the computer screen. "I'm trying to reach Genni," replied Izzy, not taking his eyes off the screen. Matt just sat back and watched Izzy type away some more before becoming bored. Maybe I should try and get some more sleep, thought Matt as he yawned. Matt walked over to the middle of the group and lied down, drifting off to sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tai woke up groggily. Why do I have to get up? he thought as he rubbed his eyes. Tai looked up at the sky, then down to the sleeping form beside him. Tai smiled as he looked at her. Sora, he thought. My Sora. Tai gently pushed aside a strand of hair, then remembering they weren't alone, quickly made sure that no one saw. Tai relaxed, only Izzy was up, and he was so absorbed by the computer he probably wouldn't notice if a herd of monochromon stampeded through the camp. Tai then remembered that Matt hadn't come back during his watch that night. He quickly looked around the group. Mimi was sleeping by the digimon, while Matt was sleeping near the group. I wonder what is going on with those two, he wondered. Still deep in thought, Tai didn't notice Sora waking up until she spoke to him. "Tai, what's wrong?" asked Sora, her voice filled with concern. Tai looked down and smiled. "Nothings wrong, Sora. I was just thinking about those two." Tai answered, motioning towards Matt and Mimi. Sora smiled. "You should leave them alone, Tai." cautioned Sora. "Matt doesn't exactly like people prying into his into life." "Well I guess I won't pry then." Tai replied grinning. "Just don't bug Matt. If he likes her then he'll tell her." Sora said sitting up beside Tai. "Now why would I bug him when I have you to bug." Tai said grabbing Sora and pulling her into his lap. "Tai!" Sora exclaimed, laughing the entire time. "What if someone sees us?" "Let them. I think we should just tell everyone." Tai started. "It would be easier on us, and our friends wouldn't have to keep it a secret anymore." "Are you sure about this?" asked Sora. "Definitely," answered Tai. "And that means I can now do this." Tai leaned over and kissed Sora. "Well, I can't argue with that." answered Sora, laughing softly. She lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck, gently pulling him closer to her. "Then I guess I can do this too." Sora pulled him in for a longer kiss. "Would you two stop that already." Tai and Sora broke the kiss, both looking a little startled. Matt was sitting up with his eyes closed and his head hanging a little. Waking up had been bad enough, but to see Tai and Sora kissing. What a way to start the day, thought Matt. Izzy who hadn't been paying attention earlier, now was and noticed Tai and Sora. He didn't say anything, but he looked a little surprised. "Well today is a good day to tell everyone." said Tai, breaking the silence. "Might as well wait for everyone else to wake up." replied Sora, still sitting in Tai's lap. Izzy and Matt just sat there in silence. "So, finally decided to get it out in the open?" Matt finally spoke, grinning a bit. "Well, why not? The only person who doesn't know is Joe." replied Tai. "Well, it's much better to get it out in the open. Good for you Tai." Izzy said. "Well that explains where you two were last night." Tai and Sora both blushed slightly. "Yeah, well..." Tai stuttered, looking a little nervous. Both Izzy, Matt and Sora started laughing. "Hey," said Tai, pretending to look hurt. "Don't worry Tai, we're laughing with you not at you." replied Sora, still giggling. "But I wasn't laughing." replied Tai. Mimi woke up to laughing. Can't a girl get any beauty sleep around here? thought Mimi sitting up. Then she saw who it was coming from, Matt, Izzy, Sora and Tai. How sweet, Mimi thought when she noticed Sora in Tai's lap. Then it dawned on her, I didn't fall asleep in camp, thought Mimi. Then how did I get here? Then Mimi looked over at Matt who was still laughing. He must have brought me back, but why? While Mimi pondered over these thoughts, the rest of the group noticed that she was awake. "Hey Mimi, glad you could join us. I see you found your way back to camp." Tai said grinning. Sora just shook her head. "Yeah, but I sure would like to know how I got back." replied Mimi, looking straight at Matt who just looked away. "So how did you two get back to camp?" asked Tai. Sora nudged Tai in the stomach. "What was that for?" Tai whispered. "Tai, one of these days your going to have to learn to keep your mouth shut." replied Sora sighing. Matt just sat there. Great, what am I going to tell them? thought Matt. I know. "Well, Mimi started sleep walking, and I just followed her back to camp." Matt finally replied, not looking at Mimi. "What? I've never walked in my sleep before." Mimi said, crossing her arms and glaring at Matt. "Well ya do now." answered Matt, looking out towards the jungle. Tai, Sora, and Izzy all watched, although none of them really believed Matt's answer, they didn't question him further. Sora got up and went to talk to Mimi and Tai and Izzy went to wake up Joe. Matt sat there on his own. No one believed me, he thought. Oh well, at least Tai stopped asking questions. He looked towards Mimi and Sora. They were both laughing at something Sora said. Well at least she isn't mad anymore, Matt thought to himself. Gabumon walked up beside him. "What's wrong Matt?" Gabumon asked. "Nothing." Matt replied. "Are you sure?" Gabumon asked again. "Yeah I'm sure." answered Matt. Gabumon stared at his friend. Something is really bugging him, thought Gabumon. "Hey Matt, how about we go find some breakfast?" asked Gabumon smiling happily. "Sure, why not?" answered Matt, getting up and brushing off his pants. "Lets get going." Gabumon said, heading off into the jungle. "Hey Matt wait up!" called out a voice. Great, now who is it? thought Matt. Matt turned around and found Sora walking up to him. He was a little surprised but didn't let it show. "What's up?" asked Matt casually. "Nothin much, just thought you might want some company." Sora replied smiling. "Sure, Ok." Matt said turning back towards the jungle. They walked in silence, occasionally picking up some fruit or berries to bring back to camp. Matt watched as Sora gathered the fruit. I wonder why she came with me, thought Matt, reaching out to grab the fruit from the bush. Lost in his thoughts he didn't hear Sora calling him. Sora called Matt five times, finally getting a bit impatient, she walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder, "Matt." Matt had been doing some thinking. Why was everything bothering him? Why did he feel funny about certain subjects, especially Mimi? Matt thought some more on the topic until his thoughts were interrupted by a hand on his shoulder and voice calling out his name. Matt had been so startled that he whirled around, fists ready to attack the intruder but all he found was Sora, looking equally startled herself. Matt looked at the frightened expression on Sora's face and a wave of guilt washed over him. He hadn't meant to scare Sora, and just cause he was startled he had almost attacked her. Matt lowered his arms to his sides and turned his head down, letting the guilt take over. What's wrong with me? Matt thought. Sora had jumped back when Matt had whirled around, she didn't mean to startle him, but she did and now he looked ready to attack the next thing that moved. Wow, I wonder what made Matt so jumpy, she thought. Sora looked around her just to make sure no one else was around, then when she looked back, Matt had lowered his fists and was looking at the ground. He's so sad, why? wondered Sora. She slowly walked forward, making sure not to startle him. "Matt, is everything okay?" Sora questioned. Matt heard Sora coming closer and then finally ask him the question he knew was coming. "Yeah, I'm fine." Matt replied coolly, not looking up. Sora watched him, waiting for an answer, but didn't like the one she got. She wanted to help, but he wouldn't let her. "Listen Matt. I know something is bothering you. If it's Tai, just tell me and I'll get him to leave you alone. I want to help, but you have to tell me what's wrong." Sora said standing there, not moving closer or farther away. Matt looked up at her. He knew she was trying to help, but did he really want her help? I do want to talk to someone, thought Matt. Maybe Sora can help me. "Alright, I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone." Matt replied, looking down at the ground and shuffling his feet nervously. "Of course Matt, no one will know." Sora answered, a small smile appearing on her face.