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Midnight Love

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon. Authors note: The song in this Fanfic was not created by me but the people who made the cartoon film Anastasia. I don't own the song either. Too bad i really liked the song. Midnight Love It was a cool night in the digiworld. Matt thought he was the only one awake. He was sitting under a tree far from the camp near small river were there was a beautiful waterfall. His harmonica was in his hands. He couldn't really see the lake. He also couldn't see the outline of a person who was standing at the edge of the lake. What am I going to do? He thought. I need to find out my place but I can't leave. Matt knew he could leave. He would miss his friends but that wasn't the reason why he was afraid to go. I'd miss her too much. He thought. He had always liked Mimi. He wished he could have heard her beautiful singing voice instead of Tai and Joe. Matt was starting to get up when he heard a voice. He looked over to where the lake was and saw Mimi. Her hair was down and her shoes, bag, gloves, hat and socks were gone. She was facing the waterfall. He could still see what she looked like though. Her brown eyes were sparkling and her hair was shining like a star. She looked like an angel. She just needed the wings and halo. Matt walked closer to her but was careful so she couldn't her him. He could hear her voice singing a song. It was sad and beautiful and had a strange sound to it. Dancing bears Painted wings Thing I almost Remember And a song Someone sings Once a pon a December Someone holds me Safe and warm Horses' prance through A sliver storm People dancing Gracefully Across my Memory Far away Long ago Glowing dim as An ember Things my heart Used to know Things it yearns To remember And a song Someone sings Once a pon A December Her voice was beautiful. Matt was stunned. He knew that then he really loved her. He walked up behind her. She was humming a different song. " Hi" She spun around and faced Matt. Even in the dark Matt could tell that she was blushing. " Oh…Hi." She was kind a smiling but Matt couldn't be sure. " Hi. What are you doing out here?" Mimi smiled. " I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd take a walk." She turned head towards the lake. " I found this lake so I thought I'd check it out." She paused. " What are you doing out here?" Matt smiled. " I couldn't sleep." There was an awkward silence. Finally Matt spoke. " You have a lovely voice. I loved the song you were singing. Did you make it up?" Mimi shook her head. " No my mother used to sing it to me when I was a little girl to help me sleep. Now that I'm older she doesn't sing it to me but I sing it to myself. You liked it?" Matt nodded his head. " I have to thank you for sticking up for me. I didn't really know what to say to Tai." Matt smiled. " No problem. You were right. We should try to remember our friends." Mimi looked at him. " I don't remember saying that. You did." Matt laughed quietly. " Oh yeah." Mimi looked up into the sky. " It's beautiful isn't it." Matt looked up. " Yes it is but it's not as beautiful as you." Mimi looked at him and smiled. " I have to tell you something Mimi." Mimi looked at him. Matt could swear her eyes could give off their own light. " Yes?" Matt was really nervous. He didn't know how he was going to say this. " Mimi…I have…really liked you for…. awhile." Matt felt so stupid. She probably didn't like him. " Matt. I've felt the same way for awhile now. I don't like you." Matt felt as if a 1000 spears teared his heart. " I love you." Suddenly the 1000 spears were gone. Matt was so surprised. " I love you too." Matt walked up to Mimi and put his arms around her. He slowly kissed her. He held her back and looked into her eyes. " You are my guardian angel." Matt pulled her close and passionately kissed her. He held on to half the night. THE END What did you think? Give me a break because this is my first Fanfic. No hate mail telling me that you hated it. If you didn't like then that's too bad.

By, Angel2020