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Mimi's Wedding

Note: Non of the characters involved in the story are mine they are liscened to Saban. The story takes place 10 years after being in Digiworld. Tai and Sora have wed, and now Matt and Mimi are engaged. Mimi is 21 years old, and Matt is 22.When I describe the dress Mimi buys don't even bothering listening to my description I have no idea how to describe it and no idea how much it would cost. I would like to dedicate this story to any one who likes Matt or Mimi and to The Matt4Mimi shrine. But enough chat its time for the story. Created by: Adam "Tachikawa" Christie. Reach me at Chapter 1 Flashback: 3 weeks back: "Mimi," Matt said as he looked to see if they where alone. "There is something I have to ask you." "Go ahead Matt." Mimi replied. "Well, we have been dating for almost a year and I'm going to ask you something." "Go for it, Matt." Mimi said suspiciously. All of the sudden Matt got down on one knee and said, " Mimi, will you marry me?" He asked blushing as he pulled out the ring. "Oh, Matt!" "I don't know what to say." "Is that a yes or a no?" Asked Matt. "Of course it's a yes!" Mimi said happily. Tears where starting to come out of her eyes. And for once they weren't tears of pain but of joy. With that Matt got up and they kissed. "This has got to be the best day of my life!" They both thought happily. The present Day 11:30 PM: "Rrrrriiiinnnngggg!" Went one of Mimi's many phones in her house. "Hello?" Mimi asked into the phone. "Mimi?" "Hi it's me Sora I'm phoning to ask you if we are going shopping tomorrow for your wedding." Sora asked. "Of course we are." Mimi replied. "Good," "we're going at 12:30 PM, right?" "Yes." chimed in Mimi. "Good I will meet you at the new wedding store in the mall by the new rice restraunt." Sora said. "Alright then, Bye Sora." Mimi said and the quickly hung up to tell Matt that she would be going with Sora to shop for her Wedding dress. "Fine by me, Mimi." Matt said to her as he got ready for bed. "Good, then it's settled." Chapter 2 The next day 10:00 AM: Mimi awoke to the sound of the alarm and she hit it too hard by accident and broke it. "Oops!" She thought to her-self. "Mental memo to myself buy new alarm clock." The aroma of eggs along with meat being cooked leaked into her nose. "Umm." "Smells good." She thought." "Well better get up." When she got out of the bed she quickly threw on her Housecoat and slippers. "Good, morning sunshine." Matt said jokingly as he saw Mimi in her PINK housecoat. "Shut-up!" Mimi replied giggling. Matt walked over carrying 2 plates with eggs, pancakes, sausage, and toast on them. "You like making breakfast, don't you." Mimi said starring at all the food. "Yep." Matt replied triumphantly. " I hope the Digimon had fun sleeping at T.K.'s place last night." Matt said as he read the newspaper and drank his coffee. "I'm sure they did." "They love staying at T.K.'s house." Matt probably didn't hear her because he was to busy reading the paper. "Man I love family day." Matt said looking up from the paper. "It's a great day off from work." "You know Matt, soon we will be a family." Mimi added. " I love it when you're right." Matt said looking at Mimi happily. "What time is it Matt?" Mimi asked. "10:30" "Why do you ask though." "Ten Thirty!" Mimi shouted. "Shit!" "I still have to have breakfast, have a shower, paint my nai-!" Mimi was soon interrupted by Matt's voice. "Look Mimi you don't have to go over the list, just skip doing some things." He said. "You're right Matt!" Mimi said, " I will skip some things." "You're the best Matt." Mimi said as she kissed him and headed up stairs. Looking over Matt saw that Mimi had barely eaten anything. "Better not let the food go to waste." He thought. And with that he reached over and started to eat Mimi's half eaten breakfast. Chapter 3 12:37 PM at the Wedding store: At 12:37 PM Mimi arrived at the wedding store only to find Sora waiting for her, along with Kari. " Your late girl." Sora said as she walked in the store. "Sue me." Mimi shot back. All three of the girls walked along looking and picking out stuff for the wedding. Mimi tried on loads gowns but they just didn't suit her.[not even the pink one] "Mimi, how much longer are you gonna try on dresses." Sora asked impatiently. "Until I find one that I really like." Mimi retorted. As they all trudged along threw aisle by aisle. Suddenly Mimi stopped. " It's beautiful!" Gasped Mimi. Who was looking at a pure white dress that had a bow near the middle, a white veil, and long arm gloves which were white as well. "That's a nice dress, Mimi." Kari said politely. Mimi quickly rushed over and grabbed the nearest sales person. "How much is that dress!" Mimi asked her. " Oh wonderful choice I do say so..." The sales lady rambled. "JUST TELL ME HOW MUCH IT IS!!!!" Mimi screamed so loud that people looked to see what the commotion was. "Please." Mimi said really quietly. " on-one -thousand-fiv-five- hundre-hundred." The sales person stuttered. "Thank you." Mimi said sweetly, and she ran over to the dressing rooms.15 minutes later: After buying practically everything she wanted at the store for the wedding Mimi, Kari, and Sora decided they had done enough shopping. After saying their good-byes Mimi along with Sora drove home in there own vehicles and Kari took the bus. When Mimi arrived home she saw a note that said "Went to lunch with Tai, Joe, Izzy, and T.K. will be home by 3:00," at the bottom it said " Meat is laying on the counter, please follow instructions how to cook it." "Well it's nice knowing that Matt is out having fun, and I'm stuck making supper." Mimi thought sarcastically. " Well better go and unload all my stuff and maybe get something to eat." Chapter 4 2:00 PM at Matt and Mimi's house: After getting some food to eat and unloading all the stuff she bought Mimi decided to actually try to cook the food. All she managed to do was burn the meat, including her hand, cut her-self, and got whacked in the head when she opened up one of the cupboards. Slowly she sunk onto her knees in her regular pink dress/hat. "Why do things like this have to happen to me?" She asked herself quietly. Eventually she ordered a really expensive food from an expensive restaurant. The food would be delivered in about 45 minutes so she decided to clean up and bandage her-self up. Mimi looked at her watch and saw that the food would be there in 30 minutes. "Well better go and get the Digimon before the food gets here. She grabbed her purse and took of in her Porsche. As she was driving she turned on the radio and her favorite song was on. Being to busy listening to the song she didn't notice that she sped right threw a Check Stop and that the cops where right behind her. When the song was over she glanced into the mirror only to see 2 cop cars right behind her. "Oh crap!" "As if the day couldn't get any worse it does." Mimi turned on the signal light and turned into the side of the road. One of the cops stopped, and got out of his car to give Mimi the ticket. As the Officer reached the window Mimi rolled it down. "License and registration please." Asked the officer. As Mimi handed him the stuff she looked at her watch and saw that she had twenty minutes. "Could you please step out of the vehicle Miss. Tachikawa." Mimi did as she was told. "Know what?" Mimi thought "I only have twenty minutes what does he want." "Recite the alphabet please." The officer commanded. "Alright a-b-c-." Mimi was soon interrupted by the cop's voice, "No backwards." "z-y-x-w-uhhhh-u-no I mean -v- uhhhh!" 5 minutes later: Very good Miss: Tachikawa," " You are free to go." "Thanks." Mimi replied sarcastically. "What a fag!" Mimi said as she got into her car and drove away. She got away with only a fifty-dollar find. With only fifteen minutes left Mimi managed to pick up the digimon, get the food, and just finish setting the table as Matt walked in. "Man Mimi something smells good." He said. "What's wrong he asked as he saw Mimi staring at the food wearily. "What's wrong you ask, if only you had a day like I did." Mimi mumbled. "All that happened was that I bought a wicked wedding dress, along with some other stuff, got burnt, cut, bruised just trying to make supper, and got pulled over by an Officer to get an $50 find." "Beside that how was your day Matt?" "Well after hearing your day I'm starting to think my day was way better." Matt said sheepishly. Chapter 5 After finishing supper and washing the dishes Mimi and Matt went to the family room for some peace and quite. The digimon where all curled up by the fireplace and that just left Matt and Mimi sitting on the couch. "It's good to be away from everything." Mimi said as she cuddled up beside Matt. "Uh-hu." He replied staring at the fire. "How many more days until the wedding Matt?" asked Mimi "Uh?" "8 days." He replied. "We got a lot of work to do." Mimi chimed in. "Hell, have we ever." Matt added. "so how are you coming along with your suit and other stuff for the wedding?" Mimi asked. "Uhhhh." Matt looked around sheepishly, "Well I haven't really done much." Mimi looked like she was gonna blow. " Well I'll see ya in the morning he said. With that he turned and left the room. Chapter 6 10:30 AM Matt and Mimi's house. 2 days before the wedding: Rush, rush, and rush. That's all that happened at the couple's house. After Mimi forced him to go shopping with Tai for a suit, and hand out invitations, that left Mimi with arranging for the caterer, along with the chapel. Mimi easily found a Chapel to hold the wedding in, but had trouble finding the caterer. "Booked." "Well yes thanks any ways." "Damn." Mimi thought as she hung up the phone. How am I suppose to get food and a cake at the wedding if every Caterer is booked. Mimi searched through every page in the phone book. Every Caterer she phoned was booked or closed. Finally at the K section of the book she found a Caterer under the last name K. Lin` Kiue 547-9832. "Might as well." Mimi thought. She phoned him and he was available. They made an agreement and they decided to have the party in their huge backyard. "Well I've done everything on my part of the wedding." 'Now I just hope Matt is having the same luck." "Your gonna look great in that suit, Matt." Tai said to his friend, as they left the suit store. "Now that's done it's time to hand out invitations." Matt said after he checked off the get suit on his list." Later that day: "So Mimi did you get everything done on your list?" Matt asked Her when he got home. "Of course Matt." "In two days we will be united." Mimi said. And with that Matt and Mimi kissed. Around 10:30 PM Matt and Mimi decided to go to bed. They layed there for awhile and talked about the wedding. "Well goodnight Matt." Mimi said. She turned over and turned off the bedside lamp. "Goodnight Mimi." Matt replied and did the same thing. Chapter 7 The next morning Mimi, Matt, and the Digimon were all up early double-checking to make sure that they had done everything. Matt and Mimi phoned everybody they invited to make sure they got their invitations. Mimi phoned the chapel along with the Caterer to make sure everything would be ready for Matt and Mimi's wedding. "Don't worry Miss.Tachikawa the Chapel will be ready for your wedding tomorrow. "Good, and thank you father [something that they call priests] ." Mimi hung up the phone with a look of joy on her face. 'Everything is A.O.K.!" She said to Matt who looked worried like they missed something or someone. "Mimi, do you have your ring?" Matt asked. "Yes Matt do you?" Mimi asked sharply. "Yep." "I was just checking. "Let's go over the list of people who are coming and who will be helping again." Said Mimi. 1.Flower girl- Palamon check 2. Ring Bear- Gabumon check 3. Best maiden- Sora check 4. Best Man- Tai check 5. Joe check 6. Izzy check 7. T.K. check 8. Kari check 9. there parents check 10. The Caterer check 11. Father Kido check 12. Other friends [digimon] check " Well that's everything." Matt said. The rest of the day Mimi spent up in the room deciding on how to wear her hair, and practicing for the big day tomorrow. Matt on the other had watched TV and drank wine to take his mind of the day tomorrow. After having supper they decided to spend the entire day away from each other until the wedding. " So do you agree?" Mimi asked her soon to be husband. "Of course." "It will be are last moment of being single." Mimi giggled a bit. "I'm getting a good's night sleep tonight ." Mimi told Matt. "I should as well, Mimi." Matt remarked. At 10:30 they went to separate rooms and went straight to bed. Well this is it the Final Chapter. I hope you have enjoyed my fanfic. Please email me at so I can see what you thought of the fanfic. Well enough chitchat IM sure you want to finish reading the story so I won't take up any more of your time. Please enjoy the rest. P.S. I have no idea what they say during weddings so I went by my judgment. Chapter 8 The day had finally arrived. As promised Matt and Mimi avoid each other as much as they could. Sora along with Tai came over and Sora went to help Mimi where as Tai went to help Matt. While Sora adjusted the dress Mimi made her hair long and curled the ends. "Man Sora how did you feel when this happened to you?" Mimi asked her friend. "I felt really nervous." Sora replied. They didn't talk much as they worked together on the Bride. Meanwhile downstairs Tai was helping Matt get ready. "Man Matt this is awesome." Tai shouted gleefully. "Keep it down will ya you'll scare my hair do." :Oh sorry Matt." Tai said sarcastically.The first to arrive at the chapel out of the bride and the groom was Matt. Everyone was sitting down waiting for Mimi. Matt waited patiently. A man entered the room walked up to the organist and told the old woman that the Bride had arrived. The organist started to play the usual song, and in entered Mimi. In front of her was Palamon wearing a dress and throughing flowers along with gabumon who was Carefully watching the ring as he walked down the aisle. When Mimi arrived beside Matt they glanced at each other and smiled. The Chapel priest did the ceremony and he asked Mimi. "Dearly beloved do you wish to take Matt's hand in marriage to death do you apart?" "I do Mimi." Replied Then the Priest turned to Matt and asked the same thing. Matt agreed as well. Then Matt took Mimi's hand and put the ring on her finger. Mimi did the same thing to Matt. "I now pronounce you husband and wife." The priest said. "You may kiss the bride." He added. With that Matt Pulled Mimi towards him and the gave the kiss that would seal there love forever. Epilogue After the wedding ceremony they returned to the couple's house to find that the Caterer had been there and had left all the food. The party lasted for hours there was food and dancing, almost everything a wedding party would need. When it was over Matt took Mimi into one of the many rooms and said "Well Mimi it looks like we are a family." With that Mimi pulled Matt down on to her and they kissed. The end

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Adam Christie