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A Perfect Gift

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. It belongs to Toei Animation and all those other companies. Author’s note: This is years after the Digimon adventures. Tai and Matt are roommates and Sora and Mimi are roommates in the same apartment complex. Tai and Sora are going out and so are Mimi and Matt. Ages as follows: Taichi, Sora, and Yamato (24 graduated college), Mimi and Koushirou (23, Koushirou graduated college early and now works for Pineapple Computers. Mimi is a senior in college), Jou (25, works as a doctor), Hikari and Takeru (21 in college)This is from Matt's point of view. A Perfect Gift By: Yuriko : Part 1 Matt's P.O.V I turned the key to my door into my apartment. Somehow I couldn’t comprehend the events that had taken place earlier today. What did Mimi want from me? Unconsciously, I knew what it was, but I didn’t want to admit it. Not now. Not ever. I don’t want to see her hurt. Or maybe it’s my selfishness hoping not to let myself get hurt. Never mind. I sat in front of my door. Sora and Tai must be in there; I wouldn’t want to disturb them. I needed time to think * Earlier today I went over to Mimi and Sora’s apartment. Tai and I are roommates who live in the same apartment complex as they do. I came over to take Mimi out for our Friday night date. "Hi Yama-chan!" She greeted me at the door with her usual happy and beautiful smiles and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I gave her one back. "College is a real pain! Hopefully I’ll get to graduate this year!" I laughed. Mimi comes from a rich family, and has the ability to afford the best education in the city. To bad she doesn’t realize how lucky she was. "I’m almost ready. Just need to find the right pair of sandals for my pink dress." "Oh, Mi-chan. Don’t take too long. I don’t want us to be late for my gig." After graduating college, I didn’t know what to do with my life, so I decided to take a job with my dad at the TV station. It wasn’t the greatest job, so I only do that part time. Most of the time I worked at a blues club playing my harmonica for cheap pay and tips. But it’s worth it. We walked to the club and I gave my lady the best spot to sit. The manager called me up to do my number, and I did my harmonica thing. Mimi looked so proud. I love to watch her eyes sparkle with happiness. I walked her home and gave her a good night kiss. She looked at me with her beautiful sparkling eyes filled with love and contentment as I did the same when I looked at her. "Oh Yama…you were wonderful tonight." She hugged me. "I wish you could be with me forever." Then she whispered the three words that I feared she would say. "I love you." My breath caught short. Why did she have to say that? Why? I didn’t know what to say back. I tried to mouth the words, but they wouldn’t come. So I pulled her away from me with my hands on her shoulders. And I looked at her. Her eyes were now expectant, hoping that I would say the same words back. But I couldn’t. "See you around, Mimi. Maybe we should do this next time, okay?" She looked hurt when I said those things to her, but I turned around so I could avoid her eyes, and I walked away. Now I sat here in the doorway of my apartment thinking why I did that. I thought for a moment. Do I feel the same way? Somehow I knew I did. I love her so much it hurts. Then why did I do that? Then I remembered. I remembered how my parents divorced. I remembered the hurt in my mother’s eyes and the pain that my father felt. I didn’t want to see that happen to me. I don’t want Mimi to sit in her room, thinking about the pain. I didn’t want to be hurt. Even as I child I understood the pain that my family was going through. If I said I loved her, then I would be committing myself to something that I probably was not ready to experience again. I turned around and let myself inside my apartment. Sora and Tai were there. "Hey, Matt! What’s up?" Tai said in his usual annoyingly happy-go-lucky voice. "None of your business!" I snapped. I really wasn’t in the mood to deal with Tai’s cheery idiocy. "Is something wrong, Matt?" Sora said in her caring voice. "Did something go on between you and Mimi? Did you have a fight?" "No." I plopped myself on the couch. "But she said something to me that…Never mind. The point is I think I hurt her feelings." Sora looked surprised. "Tai, I’ve got to go. Mimi probably needs to talk to me." Sora got up and went down the hall to her apartment. "What happened man?" Tai said sitting next to me. "I don’t know. She said, ‘I love you’ and I just freaked out," I said. I can’t believe I was talking to Tai about this. Tai! Of all the people in the world! "Well, did you say it back?" How naïve was this guy. "Of course I didn’t! That’s my problem. I couldn’t." "Well, how do you feel about her? Do you really love her?" "Yes, of course I do. I love her with all my heart, but…" I trailed off. "But what?" Tai asked. "But, what if I’m not ready to be committed to this type of relationship? I don’t want to get hurt. I don’t want a relationship like my parents had." "You guys are not like your parents! Just get over it! If you really mean it, and you really feel it, then I say go for it. What have you got to lose? You know she feels the same way." Suddenly, this guy seemed to know what to say. "Tai, you’re a genius! Thanks man!" "No problem. Anytime, man!" "But now what am I going to do? She probably hates me now." "Hey, maybe you should make up at her birthday! Get her a really cool gift, and she’ll have to forgive you." "Great idea Tai, but what should I get her? With my salary I probably won’t get her much but a shoe." We sat in thought. "Wait! I got the perfect idea for a gift!" I stood up with excitement. She’ll love it! Part 2 Mimi’s P. O. V. As I watched him walk down that hallway, my heart began to swell. What did I do wrong? Did I scare him? I always thought in my heart he felt the same way, but why did he react this way? I went inside and began to weep. A few minutes later, Sora came in to comfort me. I held on to her like the sister I never had and bawled like a baby. "Oh, Mimi! What happened?" Sora asked in her understanding, motherly voice. "Sora…I don’t know what happened. One minute we were having fun, and then I expressed my feelings for him." "What did you say?" Sora asked. "I said that I loved him. I thought he felt the same way, but…now I guess not." "Oh, Mimi. You know how guys are. They freak out anytime you say something emotional. It took Tai over a year to express his feelings to me. I’m sure Matt is the same way." "Are you sure Sora?" I asked. "Positive." Today is my birthday. I wasn’t expecting much, especially after what happened between Matt and me, but today I didn’t care. My party is going to be a blast, and I’m going to make that happen. First I went and visited my parents. Mama gave me some cute pink clothes, and Papa gave me some birthday money, and a little extra just in case I needed it in emergencies. Yeah, right. Later Sora and I went to set up our apartment. We (actually, mostly Sora) decorated the place with streamers, and decorations, and prepared the food, the music and all the rest of the stuff. By the time the first guests arrived, the place was beautiful. So was I (wearing my pretty pink and green dress) but somehow I felt something was missing; Matt. Tai and him arrived late for some reason. He whispered something to Sora, like he was hiding something, but said nothing of it to me. He just smiled and said happy birthday. Matt just leaned against the wall. I dismissed this. I’m sure he had something planned. Before I could go up and talk to Matt, Sora announced that it was time to blow out the candles on my cake and open gifts. I wasn’t opposed to this (these were gifts anyway) but I really needed to speak to him. But Sora sat me down, and everyone sang. My cake was pink, with pink flowers and some green. This was great because it reminded me of Palmon, and all of our adventures. But those days are gone now, and I had more things on my mind. Matt. After blowing out the candles, Sora quickly pushed me into the gift piles. "What’s the hurry?" I asked. I really, really wanted to talk to Matt. But for some reason she just kept on pushing me. "Oh, nothing." She smiled. But I could tell something was up. She was never really good at hiding secrets. I smiled coyly but said nothing. Maybe Matt gave me a really special gift. This idea got me real excited. "Let’s see, I wonder who’s this from." I picked up a poorly wrapped gift, bow askew, and lumpy and lopsided. "Gee, Tai. Didn’t bother to get it in a box I see." "Well, I was in a hurry. Besides it’s what’s inside that counts right?" It turned out to be a gift from Sora and Tai. I could tell that Sora picked it out and Tai hid it and wrapped it. "Oh, how sweet you guys." I lifted out a cute pink bear, along with the cutest outfit in the world. "I always wanted this outfit. How did you know?" "Well, you obviously had your eye on it for a while." Sora laughed. I giggled and hugged Sora. "Hey, it’s my gift too you know." Tai said. "Of course!" I smiled and hugged him too. Next, I opened Izzy’s gift. It was a pink and green pineapple mini-computer. "Oh Izzy. It’s so cute. And such a new and expensive model. How’d you get this?" I asked. "I got a great deal on it from work. See, I came up with the model. And now you get easy internet access and its user friendly. I especially designed it for you, see?" He pointed to the inscription of Mimi on the side. "Oh thank you Izzy! Now I can use it for those stupid college courses!" I hugged him and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. He blushed. "Uh, you’re welcome." I opened all the gifts, all very pretty and pink, but still nothing from Matt. "Well, I guess that’s all the presents." Said Sora. "Let’s get this party on!" I was a really disappointed that Matt hadn’t gotten me anything. What was his deal? It wasn’t fair. Did he not even like me enough to say anything like "happy birthday?" apparently not. Fuming, I looked around the room. "Mimi, could I talk to you just for a second?" I turned around. Matt was there looking just as stolid as usual. What could he want to talk about? He and I were obviously over, right? He pulled me outside so we could talk in private. "What do you want Matt? You obviously didn’t want to talk to me, especially after what I said." I glared at him. "Mimi…I…I just wanted to give you this." He handed me a small box. I blushed and opened the box. In it was a plain gold ring. But imprinted on the ring was: "Mimi & Matt. I love you forever." "Oh Matt." I whispered. "I know I can’t give you the world, or anything impressive like a rich guy like Izzy could, but I love you. And love is all that I can offer." "Of course. And that’s all I wanted." We kissed. THE END

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Yurido Tachikawa