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Pink and Green:Page Two

Later that night, Matt decided to head home right away after school. He had a lot to do. He had to look good for this date. He had to look better than Tai. He had to. Matt went straight to the bathroom right when he got home. He studied himself in front of the mirror. "Man, my hair is still the same," Matt observed. "What should I use? Gel or mousse? Which is better?" After five long minutes of deciding, Matt settled on with a bottle of mousse. It took him about an hour to finally finish fixing his hair. He just wanted his spikes to look perfect for the date. Matt smiled in satisfaction when he saw his hair. "Great! I’m back again... I AM the man!" He chuckled softly, admiring his hair in front of the mirror. Wait ‘till Mimi sees me... "Matt! Are you in there?" he heard his mom knocking on the door. "Yeah, Mom! I’m almost done!" Matt called out. "Mimi is on the phone, Dear!" his mother called back. Matt almost dropped his bottle of mousse. "Oh yeah, Mom! I’m coming! Tell her to hold on! I’m almost finished here!" Great... this is great... Matt quickly hurried out of the bathroom. "Mom! I’ll use the phone in my room!" he called out to his mom. He quickly ran to his room and grabbed the phone as fast as he could. "Hello? Mimi?" "Matt?" Mimi’s voice replied. "Uh, hi, what’s up?" he answered. "Look, um... I was just wondering i-if we could just meet somewhere else," Mimi told him. "What? Why?" Matt asked. Wouldn’t she want him to pick her up at her house? "It’s not because I don’t want you coming here... it’s just that..." Mimi thought about Erica again. "Um, well... how about we meet at the mall or something?" "But Mimi, I offered to pick you up. I don’t mind going all the way to your house, really..." Matt assured her. "Um... well, I..." she sounded hesitant. "Don’t worry! I’ll be at your house an hour early, okay?" "Um..." "Great! I’ll be there at five!" Matt concluded. "So... I’ll see you there, okay?" "S-sure..." Mimi replied. "W-whatever..." "See you later, Mimi," Matt said before he hung up. About three hours later, Tai and Sora were sitting across from each other at the food court area of the mall. "Tai, you don’t think Matt is gonna stand you up, are you?" Sora asked him. "Nobody stands me up, Sora! If he does, I’ll show him!" Tai replied. Then he smiled at her as he put his arms around Sora. "He probably couldn’t get a date after all!" Tai burst out laughing just thinking about it. "You better hold that laugh, Tai, ‘cause here comes Matt..." Sora warned him. Tai immediately stopped from laughing when he saw Matt and his date. "Sora... s-she IS pretty..." Sora raised an eyebrow. "Take a closer look, Tai." Tai playfully took out his mini telescope and looked closely at Matt. "Wha... It’s Mimi!" he exclaimed in surprised. Matt and Mimi were walking toward their direction. Both of them wore some rather awkward faces together. Matt was wearing a green sweater and a pair of black pants. Mimi was wearing a pink sundress, and light pink high-heeled sandals. She looked really good. Tai had never thought that pink and green would look good together. "Hey, we’ve been waiting here for quite a while now. What took you guys so long?" Sora asked as she approached them. "We would’ve been here sooner, but Mimi just had to put her make-up on!" Matt replied, giving Mimi a look. "Oh come on, chill out, Matt!" Mimi said. "You’re the one who told me you’re gonna pick me up at six, and you come knocking at my door an hour early!" Tai realized that they weren’t getting anywhere by their argument. "Okay, come on, you guys! We’re supposed to be on a date here, remember?" Matt gave him a look. Tai scratched his head. "Come on! Our movie is starting in five minutes. You guys don’t wanna miss this movie, do you?" "Let’s get going," Sora said. Tai took Sora’s hand and the two walked in front of Matt and Mimi. Oh yeah, Tai? You’re not the only one who gets to hold some girl’s hand! Matt nervously glanced at Mimi who wasn’t paying any attention at all. "Mimi..." Matt whispered. She didn’t move for she didn’t hear Matt at all. Matt noticed that they were walking too far away from each other. Matt slowly moved closer to Mimi, their shoulders touching. Mimi could feel herself blushing as she looked at him. "Mimi, just..." Matt stammered. "J-just..." he gently took Mimi’s hand onto his own. "...hold on to my hand..." "O-okay..." Mimi replied nervously. The two held onto each other’s hand like they were real couples, but their faces didn’t prove it. It seemed like they’ve been walking for an eternity when they finally reached the theater. Matt witnessed his heart beating so fast. Why am I so nervous about this? He asked himself. The two couples then settled down on their seats and waited for the movie to start. "Hey, Sora, do you want something to eat?" Matt heard Tai asking Sora. "I’ll get you your favorite!" "Oh, thanks Tai!" Sora answered as Tai disappeared out of the theater. Is he just trying to show off? Matt thought. He then turned to look at Mimi who was busy singing along with the song that they were playing on the previews. "Mimi," Matt said. "Yes, Matt?" she asked. "Do you want anything? Like, food? Popcorn? What?" he offered. Mimi smiled and looked at him. "Oh Matt! Popcorn would be great!" "Okay, wait here, I’ll be back..." Matt approached Tai after Tai finished paying for his food. "So, Tai... I guess I won after all, right?" Matt told him with a smile. Tai chuckled. "I didn’t know you liked Mimi!" Matt lost his confidence and turned scarlet red. Suddenly realizing what happened, he turned to Tai angrily. "Just who do you think you are teasing me like that?! Who cares if I like Mimi or not! It’s none of your business!" Tai frowned. "Hey, cool it, man! You’re getting mad for no reason. Hey, I admit it, okay? You won the bet... but you get your money later. I have to see if your date with Mimi goes well before I give up my ten bucks." Matt smiled and crossed his arms over his chest. "You’re not confident enough, eh?" Tai laughed. "Call it whatever you want... but if you are confident enough to make out with Mimi, then I’ll double the bet. How’s that?" This time Matt didn’t turn red, but he turned purple instead. "What did you say?! I can’t kiss Mimi! No way!" "Are you scared?" Tai challenged. "Of course not!" he answered quickly. "I don’t kiss anyone on a first date! She might freak out on me!" "Oh you’re scared that Mimi might slapped you in the face when you try to make a move on her?" Tai asked. Matt shook his head. "No that’s not it, Tai..." He just doesn’t know that Mimi and I DO NOT like each other. What’s his problem? "I don’t know, Tai... I don’t think she wants me to kiss her." "Hmm... and why not? She seemed to really like you," Tai assured his friend. "What? Really?" he asked. He couldn’t believe it. Was it possible? Could Mimi really like him? Tai chuckled. "Well, do whatever you want..." "I just don’t wanna go too fast on her..." Matt told him. "But... of course if..." If she really likes me, then it should be okay to kiss her, right? "Okay! You’re on, Tai! I’m gonna make out with Mimi for twenty bucks this time!" "Okay," Tai agreed. "But are you sure?" "Of course I’m sure!" Matt replied. "Boy... you are going too fast on your girlfriend..." Tai said quietly as he walked back to the theater. "Girlfriend?" Matt echoed as he looked at Tai in confusion. So he really thinks that Mimi and I are really going out? Whatever... "Oh Matt, what took you so long?" Mimi as asked as she took the popcorn from Matt. "Uh, sorry Mimi..." he glanced at Tai who was already busy watching the first part of the movie. "Uh... I ran into a friend of mine in school..." "Aah!" Mimi suddenly screamed. She quickly threw her arms around Matt for comfort. "Oh Matt! What was that?" She hid her face on his chest. Matt put his arms around her and tried to comfort her. "It’s okay, Mimi... the guy just saw a spider," Matt told her. "Oh, okay..." she slowly pulled away from his grasps. Matt observed her. She really wasn’t faking it. She was really scared. Oh Mimi, Mimi, Mimi... same old Mimi... he thought. He took another quick glance at Tai. He noticed that he was still holding onto Sora’s hand. Hmph... he sure looks comfortable. "Matt!" Mimi screamed again. Once again, she threw her arms around Matt. "Mimi!" Matt exclaimed in surprised. Obviously, he wasn’t paying attention at the movie so he did not expect Mimi at all to be scared. "Oh my gosh! That monster is huge!" Mimi said as she tightly held onto Matt. Matt embraced her back. Somehow he felt rather comforting to hold onto Mimi so close like this. He had never felt like this before. He liked holding Mimi like this. "Mimi, you’re supposed to be used to seeing monsters," Sora reminded her. "We used to have monster friends, remember?" "Oh... right..." Mimi moved away from Matt, blushing. Thanks a lot, Sora! Matt thought inside his head. Another monster scene came on but this time, Mimi did not embrace Matt. Instead, she tightly held his own hand onto her own nervously. Poor Mimi... she really IS scared. Maybe she’s just not used to seeing monsters anymore... A while later, another gore scene came on, and this time, Mimi screamed in fear and threw herself onto Matt’s arms again. "Matt!" Mimi screamed. "Oh Mimi... a-are you okay?" Matt asked, as he looked down to her. He tightly held her in his arms as if he didn’t want to let her go. "Matt, I’m sorry, but I’m scared...." Mimi said softly. "Hey it’s okay, girl. It’s just a movie..." Matt assured her. Mimi then started to crack a little laugh. "Oh stupid me! It IS only a movie... I can’t believe I’m such a chicken acting like this..." she looked up at Matt. Matt only blinked and stared back at her questioningly. Mimi pulled away and looked away from Matt’s gaze. Matt seemed rather confused at her. Now what... doesn’t she like the movie? "I-I’m so sorry..." he heard Mimi whispering softly. "Huh?" Matt looked confused. He then touched Mimi’s shoulders and turned her around so that they were facing each other. "Mimi..." "You’re annoyed at me, are you?" Mimi asked. "I’m sorry, Matt. I just ruined this date for you." Matt felt sorry for her. "Mimi, of course you didn’t... I..." "Mimi!" Tai interrupted. Matt scowled at Tai but Tai was busy looking at Mimi. "Grow up, okay? This is only a movie! Look if you didn’t wanna watch a sci-fi movie, you never should’ve came with Matt!" Tai scolded at the upset Mimi. "You’re bothering other people who’s watching!" Matt then stood up and faced Tai. There was an angry look forming on his face. "That’s enough, Tai! Leave her alone! Don’t you understand? She has her own feelings too!" Tai took a step back from Matt. "Matt... I..." "Quiet! Don’t you see that she’s really scared of the movie? This isn’t the time to start yelling at her!" Matt shot back. "How can you be so insensitive!" "Matt! Cool it!" Sora exclaimed as she stood up from her seat as well. But Matt just ignored Tai and Sora. He turned to Mimi and offered his hand. "Come on, Mimi. Come with me..." Mimi seemed hesitant to take Matt’s hand. "M-Matt... but..." "Let’s go," Matt said firmly. "O-okay..." Mimi reluctantly replied. She took Matt’s hand and the two walked out of the theater. After that, Tai and Sora settled back to their seats. The two was silent until Sora interrupted the silence. "This was all your fault, Tai!" Sora exclaimed, standing up from her seat. Tai followed her example. "What are you doing?" he asked as he noticed Sora walking for the exit door. "Isn’t it obvious? I’m gonna go find Matt and Mimi to apologize. They don’t deserve to be treated like this on their first date!" Sora answered and went off. PART 2 Tai and Sora walked around the mall, trying to find Matt and Mimi. They’ve been walking for ten minutes and there were still no sign of them. "I don’t why we’re wasting our time finding that jerk..." Tai muttered under his breath. "Maybe you WERE a little rough on Mimi," Sora said to him. "You see, sometimes you do have to understand their feelings too." Tai stopped walking. "Yeah... you’re right. I should’ve given them a little more space. I mean after all, this IS their first date. Right?" "Yeah," she replied. "Don’t worry, Tai. Just make sure you apologize when we find them." Tai suddenly looked up at a couple approaching them slowly wearing pink and green. "Hey, there they are!" Tai and Sora quickly ran up to the couple. "Yo! Matt! Over here!" Tai called out. Matt turned to look at Tai with a scowl. "What do you want, Tai?" he asked. "Look Matt..." Sora began. "We’re really sorry about what happened." "Sora, you don’t need to apologize." Matt told her. Tai stepped toward Mimi. "Mimi..." Mimi reluctantly looked up at him. "I-I’m sorry I yelled at you earlier..." he apologized rather pathetically, scratching his head with his hands. "Well, whatever... I’m just sorry..." However, Matt studied Tai’s expressions carefully; he did look sincere enough. Before Mimi could answer, Matt placed a hand on Tai’s shoulder. "Come over here, Tai." Matt led Tai on the other side where Sora and Mimi couldn’t hear them. "What?" Tai questioned. Matt looked away from Tai. "Okay... maybe I WAS a little too harsh on you back there." He then looked straight at Tai. "But you shouldn’t have yelled at Mimi like that..." Tai shrugged. "Yeah, that’s why I APOLOGIZED to her... Just what is your problem anyway? You don’t think my apology was good enough?" Matt turned to Mimi who was already laughing at something that Sora had said. He then looked back at Tai. "Whatever... she’s seemed alright, so I suppose..." "Great! So everything’s all settled then, right?" Matt didn’t bother to answer, but walked back to where Sora and Mimi was. Tai followed behind him. "So? What’s next?" Sora asked as Tai and Matt approached them. It seemed obvious that everything was going to be okay. Tai looked at his digivice. It was already eight-thirty. "Hmm... I don’t know. Where do you guys wanna go next?" "Hey why don’t we let Mimi decide?" Sora suggested. They all turned to Mimi. Mimi looked at them. "Huh?! But why me?" "Go on, Mimi," Tai said. "It’s your decision..." Whoa! This restaurant is too fancy for me! Ugh! Matt thought as he looked around. After browsing around six stores just to find proper wardrobes, they all had finally settled on an expensive restaurant. As usual, Mimi had picked out a pink-colored, yet sexy dress, which showed off her slender figure. Mimi was also the one that picked out Matt’s dark ‘green-colored’ suit. I should’ve known Mimi would pick a place like this. No wonder she volunteered to buy us this wardrobe. He looked at Mimi, who was only excited as she walked beside Matt. His face turned a shade of red at the sight of her. She really did look beautiful with that dress. She was like a real princess. He then thought about if he and Mimi were really going out. It would be hard for him though. What am I ever gonna do if she becomes my real girlfriend? Man... it would be pricey... I can’t imagine. She’s too scary... she’s too expensive for me... Why did I ever suggest Mimi to decide where to go next? Sora asked herself silently. Food! Food! Awesome! I’m glad Mimi picked this placed! I’m all starved! Tai thought to himself silently as he examined the formal restaurant. A waiter wearing a tuxedo came up to the four of them. "Good evening, children," the guy bowed his head politely. "Hi!" Mimi greeted in a high voice. "May we get a table for four please?" "Right this way please," the waiter led them to the inner part of the restaurant. Finally, they settled down on a comfy-looking table for four. Matt sighed. He knew he had to pay for Mimi’s dinner as well. He silently watched as the waiter passed them the menu books. Man, this is giving me a headache... I’m gonna be broke by the time I get out of this date. He glanced at Mimi who was sitting beside him. She looked pretty happy, for there was a smile on her face. He looked away and read the menu in silence. Well, I’m glad she’s so excited... at least, I know she’s having fun on our so-called first date... He sighed and just stared at the menu. "Hey, Matt, did you think of what you’re gonna get yet?" Tai asked. Matt didn’t say a word. He placed the menu book down on the table and sighed. My head hurts! Please someone get me out of this date! He thought lamely to himself. He didn’t realize that Tai was looking straight at him, waiting for an answer. "Matt!" Tai almost yelled. Matt quickly looked at Tai, obviously startled. "What?!" he replied immediately. Tai eyed him suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. "Are you feeling okay?" Matt blinked and thought for a moment. It took him a while to answer. Then he decided to laugh it all off. "Yeah, I’m fine!" he assured. He turned to face his date. "Mimi, have you decided what you want yet?" Mimi smiled at him. "Actually, not yet... can we order later?" Ugh... can’t she order now? I want to get this whole thing over with... my head is aching. I can’t stand being here anymore, Matt thought silently. He was already getting annoyed. Mimi, sensing, his mood then opened up her menu book. "Uh... I guess I’ll just get something to drink..." she said reluctantly. Matt suddenly had a brilliant idea. He moved closer beside Mimi and took her hand, and laid it down on the table for Tai to see. "Fine, whatever... let’s just order, okay? Besides, we still have to go somewhere else..." Matt whispered into Mimi’s ear. Mimi shivered. Her heart began to pound nervously. She frowned and looked at Matt, giving him a what’s-up-with-you kind of look. Tai examined the two silently. But he was taking a close watch on Matt as if examining his every move. He didn’t trust Matt with Mimi, it seemed like it. He felt as if Matt was just using Mimi. And there was no way he was gonna let Mimi get hurt by Matt. Matt should’ve picked someone else to go out with him, rather than someone they knew very well. Matt’s eyes fell upon Tai’s and smiled at him. "Would you two excuse us?" Tai asked Sora and Mimi, yet his eyes remained on Matt’s. "Sure, whatever..." Sora answered, eyeing them both questioningly. "You can order while we’re gone," Matt added, looking at the waiter as he nodded his head. Matt and Tai then headed away from them. When they were out of earshot, Sora and Mimi made their orders. As the waiter left, Sora looked at Mimi and smiled. "So... how long have you guys been... you know..." Sora asked. Instead of Mimi being embarrassed about Sora’s question, Sora was the one who had turned bright red in embarrassment. Mimi pretended to look confused. "Been... what?" she shyly asked. "You know! How long have you and Matt been dating?" Sora repeated. Dating?! Mimi thought in confusion. Date? DATE?D-A-T-E? Date? Date? Date? Me? And Matt? So... she really thinks I’m Matt’s girlfriend? Me? Mimi Tachikawa? Me go out with Yamato? Yeah right! In my dreams! "Oh Mimi... I’m asking you something!" Sora reminded her, breaking her from her thoughts. Mimi blinked in surprised. "Oh r-right! Right! I’m sorry, Sora... I was just thinking what kind of shade of lipstick I should get next... HA! HA!" she added rather pathetically. "Oh... okay..." Sora replied. It seemed obvious that Sora didn’t buy it, so Mimi cleared her throat and got her purse ready. Mimi giggled. "R-right! I was thinking of changing my usual color... I’ve had lots of pink lipsticks already! I got the magenta one and the fuchsia one, and the deep rose one! I got all pink! I’m tired of pink!" she opened up her purse and took out a fuchsia shaded lipstick. "Here look! Doesn’t this shade of lipstick make you puke? Eeww! It’s so nasty! I can’t even believe I bought it in the first place! Yech!" Sora looked at Mimi in a funny way. "Are you feeling okay, Mimi? I mean, I can’t believe I’m hearing this. I’d never thought you’d give up your most favorite color..." Mimi scratched her head, trying to think of a good answer. "Heh... heh... Sorry! I’ll keep quiet now..." she told her. "Okay... so back to my question..." Sora said. She wasn’t letting Mimi get off that easily. "Just when did Matt ask you out anyway?" Mimi busied herself as she powdered her cheeks. "Oh Matt? Umm... he asked me out... uh? When? Umm... well... er, uh, we’ve been dating since yesterday. Yes, that’s right! Since yesterday!" "Just yesterday, huh?" Sora echoed. "You know what I noticed? Matt can’t stop looking at you tonight! He seems to really like you, Mimi. I’m happy for you." Mimi suddenly stopped doing her make-up and looked at Sora. "R-really?! You mean that?! Matt... he kept looking at me?" She nodded. "Yes! And it’s normal, right? That’s what couples do." "Oh my... how I’m flattered..." Mimi whispered. "Matt... but no way!" "What do you mean ‘no way’?" Sora replied. "Matt is your boyfriend, right?" It was obvious that Sora was beginning to look rather suspicious. Mimi eyed her nervously. "Oh, that’s right! I forgot! Yeah! Matt is my boyfriend... ha... ha... ha..." "You forgot?" Sora echoed, but Mimi was too busy laughing to hear Sora. That’s weird... why would Mimi just forget that Matt is her boyfriend? She examined the laughing Mimi and smiled. Nah... that’s just Mimi. She just doesn’t want to admit her relationship with Matt. She’s probably just embarrassed... "Sora... what do you think of Matt?" Mimi suddenly asked after she stopped laughing. "He’s a nice guy," Sora answered sincerely. "He’s cool and—" "—good-looking!" Mimi finished for her. Sora rested her arms on the table in a deep thought. "You know, I sorta missed the digi-world. I wonder how everyone’s doing... I kind

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