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Pink and Green:Page 3

wished that we could’ve brought them here in the real world with us..." Mimi placed her make-up back in her purse. "I don’t miss the digi-world. I was glad that whole thing was over! I hated it..." Sora giggled. "Oh Mimi!" Mimi then lowered her gaze and stared at her lap. "Well, okay, I admit it... I missed them all. I missed Palmon and all of them." She then looked closely at Sora. "But I don’t miss the fighting at all. Every time we fought, we lost a friend..." "Don’t remind me. I know how it feels," Sora replied in a low voice, recalling the events. "But hey, we’ve managed to beat all the bad digimon, right? You should be happy..." "Thank you, Sora," she answered. Sora’s right... I should BE happy. In fact, I AM excited... about Matt. Wait a minute. Me? Excited? What am I talking about? I shouldn’t be excited! Mimi tried to ignore her feeling, it was a feeling of excitement, like lightning running through her veins. Matt is just trying to be nice, that’s all. He knew better than to go out with me. Then the order came and the two sat in silence, waiting for Tai and Matt. Tai led Matt out of the restaurant quietly. He had other things he had in mind. Somehow Matt and Mimi didn’t seem right for each other. Well of course he could just tell that they really liked each other, but something wasn’t right. Sure he was sure that Mimi really liked Matt... but what about Matt? He did seem to like Mimi too, but not in that way, and something wasn’t right. He felt that Matt was hiding something. He knew it wasn’t his business to get in the way, but he’d do this because he cared about them. Tai then stopped and turned to face Matt. "So? What do you want?" Matt asked Tai coldly as they arrived just outside the restaurant. "Let me get something straight here, Matt," Tai began as he turned to look at Matt. "Are you playing Mimi?" "What?!" Matt said, looking stunned. But there was a guilty feeling inside. Was he just using Mimi? "I don’t play on anyone! I know better than that!" Tai shook his head. Matt IS taking the bait. "I’m sorry, man, but I think you’re just using Mimi!" Matt turned bright red at Tai’s remark. "Believe whatever you want, Tai! Because I do LIKE Mimi!" Huh? What on Earth am I saying? Matt asked himself. Oh well, just anything to win this bet. Ugh... okay, whatever... I’ll just go back inside. "Can’t you leave us alone, Tai?" Matt told him, getting ready to leave. "I’m going. I have other things to do." Tai was about to say something when they both stopped when they heard a scream from the inside of the restaurant. Tai and Matt looked at each other and nodded. Without a word, the two ran back inside the fancy restaurant. They passed many people, which they had to push because they were blocking the way. "Sora! I’m coming!" Tai yelled. Acting like the hero, as usual, Matt thought. "Mimi!" he then called out. He pushed a man that was standing on his way. "Mimi!" As they were running, they found Sora running towards them. "Sora! What’s going on? I thought I heard Mimi screaming. What’s happened to her?" Tai asked quickly. She turned to Tai. "Tai! Mimi is... well... you know..." her voice trailed off as she looked at Mimi. They found Mimi screaming. Matt’s eyes widened. She stood there with her pink dress all drenched with wine. He could see her eyes watering as if she just lost a friend. Matt noticed that beside the frustrated Mimi, the waiter was standing next to her holding an empty tray. Looking at the floor, he found pieces of glass lying around. And as well... the floor was wet. Mimi screamed. "This is INSANE! How dare you!" she yelled at the waiter. "My new dress is gone!" she then started to weep. Tai raised an eyebrow. "Is that all what this is about?" he asked, looking annoyed. He quickly ran toward Mimi. "Mimi, it’s okay. It’s just a dress." Mimi continued sobbing and glared at Tai. "Oh yeah?! It’s just a dress huh?! What would you know?! You don’t understand, Tai! Don’t you know that this IS a brand new dress?!" "Come on, Mimi. You’re crying over a dress. Enough weeping!" Tai yelled. Mimi ignored Tai and turned angrily at the waiter. "I AM NOT paying for this! Just what kind of waiter are you anyway?!" she looked at their table and grabbed a plate of food and threw it at the waiter. "Take that you insect! No one insults a Tachikawa in public! Wait ‘till my dad hears about this! You’re gonna pay!" The waiter quickly nodded his head many times as if he was unsure what to say. "T-Tachikawa.... I’m so sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t know your father was Tachikawa! I’m really sorry, Ma’am! F-forgive me for this please!" "Just get out of my face!" Mimi yelled at him. "R-right!" the waiter quickly said and ran from them. Mimi still didn’t look that satisfied, however, she looked at her drenching pink dress and started sobbing. She kneeled down on the floor, feeling sorry for herself. "Aaghh! I can’t stand this! This is humiliating!" she cried helplessly. "My dress is gone! Gone! I hate it! I hate this!" Sora bent down and looked at Mimi. "It’s okay, Mimi. You can always get a new one... and besides," she gave Matt a quick glance as if asking for help and then turned back to Mimi. "...and besides, you still got your pink sundress with you, right?" She held onto Mimi’s shoulders and helped her up. "Come on, I’ll come with you to the washroom and change." "Yeah let’s go change..." Mimi whispered softly. Mimi silently walked beside Matt. She glanced over at Tai and Sora who was walking along beside them. They were now walking around the mall. The mall was about to close now, so they only had about ten minutes before they leave. Mimi couldn’t believe how much she had cried earlier. After all, it was just a dress. But she was still upset over her new pink dress. It was new! And she had really loved that dress. She was glad that Sora was there, though. She was happy that at least there was a girl by her side. She looked at her not-so-formal sundress, which she had worn in the first place. Not that her pink sundress didn’t satisfy her... but Matt had never said a word to her after that incident that had happened at the restaurant. Matt really hates me... I know he does. Why isn’t he saying anything? Mimi asked herself. She turned to look at Matt, but he was busy looking ahead as he walked. She lowered her gaze on the ground. Matt wasn’t holding her hand. And I thought we were supposed to be a couple... why doesn’t he hold my hand now? Maybe he was turned off at what happened earlier. Ugh. I don’t even want to think about it... he didn’t even help me... She suddenly stopped walking. Tai, Sora, and Matt noticed this, and they quickly looked at her. "Mimi? What’s wrong?" Sora asked. "You’re still not thinking about that dress, are you?" Tai asked. He sounded as if he was trying to tease her. Sora gave him a look and Tai just shrugged. "No... let’s just go home. I’m tired," Mimi replied softly. Sora looked at her in concern. "Mimi, are you sure that nothing’s bothering you?" she asked. "Yeah..." she answered as she started to walk. "It’s getting late. Let’s head back..." They followed Mimi quietly. Nobody dared to speak. Mimi really did look sad. "Mimi..." Matt suddenly said as he broke the silence. Matt and Mimi both stopped. Both looked unsure of what to say. Tai and Sora stopped as well. The two looked at them for a moment and then decided to leave them alone. "I’m happy about Matt and Mimi. They look so cute together," Sora commented as she and Tai walked by the sidewalk. "I just hope that Matt is not using Mimi or anything..." Tai told her. "I mean, I could tell that Mimi really likes Matt. But I just don’t think that Matt likes her back the same way." "So what are you saying? You don’t like the idea of Mimi going out with Matt?" Sora questioned, her hands on her hips. Tai chuckled. "Are you jealous?!" Sora frowned. "Oh please!" she exclaimed, blushing. "I never get jealous!" Matt sat across from Mimi, trying hard to avoid her gaze. They were seated at the courtyard just outside the mall. Hmm... funny, how come I don’t want to end this date now? Just a while ago, I was complaining, but now... This is weird. Oh well... at least I got out of that restaurant without paying, thanks to that waiter! Matt looked at Mimi who had been watching him. He then looked away quickly, blushing. Why does she keep on staring? I hope she’s... fine. "Mimi..." Matt began. Come on, Matt! Be a man and get your kiss from Mimi! He told himself. I just gotta have that kiss! I have to win! "What is it, Matt?" came a soft reply from Mimi. Matt slowly leaned forward. He was about to close his eyes to enjoy the big moment when he suddenly pulled away from her. I-I can’t do this! This isn’t right... What if Tai is right? What if... what if I really AM just using Mimi? This is wrong. I can’t just use Mimi because of Tai’s stupid bet. I don’t have the right to kiss Mimi so that I could get my twenty bucks. Besides... she doesn’t even like me. What would she think if I kiss her? I’d probably get slapped... "Matt, I’m waiting!" Mimi told him. Matt quickly looked at her in surprised. He had totally forgotten that Mimi had been waiting for him to answer. He looked down in embarrassment. "I-I’m sorry, Mimi..." Matt whispered to her softly. "For what? You didn’t do anything," she answered. Yes I did! I can’t even believe that I’ve attempted to kiss you, Mimi! It’s not right. You don’t want me to. You don’t want to because you don’t like me... And... it’s not fair that I’m just using you just to compete with Tai. You’ve always been a sincere friend, but just look at what I’m doing now... Why are we here? Why? We’re still here because of my stupid plan... Oh Mimi. I’m so sorry! Matt wished that he could say that to her, but unfortunately he did not have enough courage to do that. Matt stood up and looked over at Mimi. "Uh... it’s getting late... I should take you home." Mimi looked at him in disappointment. "S-sure..." she replied reluctantly. She seemed to be expecting Matt to offer her his hand, but he didn’t. Matt started to walk ahead of her, and Mimi reluctantly followed. Matt... I was sure you were going to say something... I hope you’d just say what you had in mind. That’s it! Matt hates me! He’s not even speaking to me like he used to! Mimi thought to herself silently as she followed Matt. You know Matt, if you really hate me, don’t hide it! At least just spill it out, so you don’t leave me wondering what you’re thinking... Great... I knew I should’ve cheered for the football team tonight. This is probably my worst date with a guy... Matt tried to slow down as he noticed that Mimi still wasn’t catching up to him. Mimi... I’m sorry. I know I still want to stay here tonight, and be with you, but I can’t... I know you think that I’m just using you. Huh?! What did I just say?! Did I say that I wanted to be with Mimi?! He stopped to wait for Mimi and thought for a moment. What’s wrong with me? I’ve never thought of Mimi THAT way before... what am I thinking? "Why’d you stop, Matt?" Mimi asked him. "Umm... can you hurry?" Matt replied rather sharply without looking at her. "It’s almost eleven. Your parents are expecting you to be home by then." "Y-yeah..." she answered, avoiding his gaze. Oh, I’m so right! Matt really hates me... He does. I know he does. He just proved it, she thought sadly to herself. Now what? Did I say something wrong? He asked himself. Matt studied Mimi for a while. She stood there looking on the ground quietly. Matt looked at her lips. It seemed like the perfect time to make the move. To reach those pink lips of Mimi’s... but somehow something was stopping him. He just couldn’t do it. Tai’s right. Maybe I AM just using Mimi. No matter how badly I want to kiss Mimi, it’s still wrong. It’s wrong because I’d only kiss her just to win the bet, right? O-or... is it because... because I actually... like her? "M-Matt do you..." Mimi’s voice suddenly trailed off when she noticed Matt slowly coming closer to her. "M-Matt...?" she said nervously. Matt just couldn’t resist it. He kissed her. Behind the bushes, Erica watched the two. She once again had another rumor to spread at school on Monday. PART THREE Matt suddenly pulled away from Mimi in shock. Mimi looked even shocker and turned to him in confusion. Matt, blushing, slowly took a step back from her. "I-I’m sorry..." he whispered, avoiding her gaze. Mimi didn’t say anything. Her heart wanted to stop. She felt very awkward now that Matt had kissed her like that. She reallysn’t expecting that to happen. It was too hard to believe that he’d actually do that. "Perhaps I should take you home," Matt told her in a polite manner. She nodded reluctantly. Mimi and Matt then both turned around and gasped at the same time in surprised. Tai and Sora stood there both wearing huge smiles on their faces. Matt wished the ground would swallow him up. Did they see what happened? Tai quickly punched Matt playfully. "Yo Matt! I didn’t know you had it in ya!" he exclaimed. "Had... w-what, Tai?" he stammered in nervousness. Tai threw him a twenty-dollar bill, which Matt had caught easily. "There’s my pay!" Matt looked at the money in his hand and then to Tai and then to Mimi, then back to Tai again. "T-Tai... w-what’s this for?" he ed, pretending he didn’t know. "Hey! Don’t you remember? I dared you to make out with Mimi, right? And looks like you won! Congratulations, Matt! You’re the man!" Tai reminded him. "W-what bet?!" Matt pretended he didn’t know. He quickly eyed Mimi. But unfortunately, Mimi had already gone off. "Mimi?!" Matt called out in the darkness. "Where did she run off to?" Sora wondered. Tai sighed. "It’s about her dress again, I bet..." "I don’t think so, Tai..." Sora said. "Something’s wrong with Mimi..." Tai eyed Matt. "Hey Matt, what’s wrong with your girlfriend?" Matt bit his lower lip, trying hard to hide his anger. "Yo Matt!" Tai pushed. Suddenly Matt turned to Tai in anger. "This is ALL YOUR fault, Tai!" he yelled, pointing at him accusingly. "Whoa! What are you talking about?!" Tai blinked at Matt. Matt then threw the twenty-dollar bill back to Tai. "There’s your money! I don’t need it!" "But hey, this was part of the deal!" Tai shot back. "The deal’s out, Tai!" Matt yelled as he stormed away from them. Tai watched him disappeared into the darkness, wondering what made him change his mind. "Geez... what IS the real deal with him!" Tai asked to himself. "I’m worried more about Mimi..." Sora added silently. "Oh Mimi’s still at cheerleading practice?" Matt said over the receiver. "Thanks, Mrs. Tachikawa, I’ll try again later..." Matt hung up the phone. So Mimi was STILL at cheerleading practice? At Odaiba High School? On a Sunday? That was a white lie. Mimi usually had her cheerleading practice on weekdays, and her singing lessons on Saturdays. Darn! This was all my fault... I never should’ve kissed her. He lied down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. She probably ates me now... He sat up on the bed and thought about what had happened on Friday. Her kiss... I-I just can’t forget that feeling. She actually kissed me back... did that mean anything? No way... she probably just got carried away... Matt walked towards the window and looked outside. He just couldn’t stop thinking about Mimi and what happened between them. It was so weird. All he could think of since Friday was Mimi. Mimi and Mimi. Why did Tai have to ruin everything? Why did he have to come in and ruin their precious moment? Their first kiss? Why? So Mimi’s at cheerleading practice, huh? Oh I don’t believe that! That’s it! I’m going to her house and confront her! Matt decided. He quickly grabbed his coat and put his shoes on and marched down outside. I’m talking to you, Mimi, whether you like it or not! Matt muttered under his breath. He jumped down the stairs, not thinking of anything else besides his destination to Mimi’s house. Matt remembered Mimi’s kiss again. It was such a perfect and romantic moment. He continued walking down the sidewalk. He had to forget what happened. He had to go and confront her right now! He then began pacing himself when he suddenly bumped into someone, hard. "Ow!" the girl screamed in surprised. Great... Matt muttered as he helped the girl with long black hair up. She somehow looked familiar. "Sorry, are you okay?" Matt asked the black-haired girl. The girl looked up at him and smiled. "Don’t worry about it, Matt. I wasn’t watching where I was going..." He looked at the girl closely with a puzzled look. "Do I know you?" he asked her. "My name is Erica," Erica extended her hand. Matt took her hand and shook it. "I’m so honored to finally meet you, Yamato Ishida. I’m in your Music class second block with Mr. Yoshizuki." Matt looked at her in surprise. "W-wha...? And I didn’t even know that?" he looked at Erica guiltily. "I’m sorry, Erica." Erica giggled. "No biggie! I’m actually a big fan of you! Mr. Yoshizuki really likes the way you play your harmonica." Matt turned red in embarrassment. "Oh... that..." She nodded. "Yep! I play my own harmonica too! I wish I could play as good as you do, Yamato! I’ll always be your number one fan!" "Uh... that’s great. I’m flattered..." Matt replied pathetically. He wasn’t used to being the center of attention. "By the way, the year play for this year is Cinderella. Everyone is talking about it! You should audition to be the prince too! I think I’m gonna try out Cinderella myself..." Erica blabbed. "You should consider acting for the play. It’s a musical play, actually, so they have to find a Cinderella that could really sing." She talks too much... kinda like Mimi... wait... Mimi? He suddenly remembered where he was going. "Um, it’s nice meeting you too, Erica, but I really don’t have time to stop and talk..." "Where are you going, by the way?" Erica asked. "I’m going over to my friend’s house," he answered, turning away. "Who’s friend?" she continued to ask. Matt started to walk away. "Just a girl!" he called back. Erica watched Matt in disappointment. She knew exactly where he was heading off. She lowered her gaze and sighed sadly. Hedoesn’t even know that I’m Mimi’s friend... that means... he didn’t even notice me, not to mention remembered me! She thought angrily. Mimi was sitting at a bench just outside her house. She had just finished picking flowers to decorate her bedroom. The garden was wide and airy. Many flowers, especially pink flowers, bloomed along the sidewalks, and healthy vines rolled themselves along the gate. She held the pink carnations in her hands now, sniffing on it, and at the same time thinking about him. She couldn’t stop thinking about Matt ever since Friday night. Mimi recalled the moment when Matt had suddenly stopped kissing her and had pulled away from her. It had startled her and scared her. Maybe I should tell Matt that we shouldn’t see each other anymore. I feel... totally weird about this whole thing. I mean I have never ever thought about Matt THAT way before. Yes, I know he’s hot and everything, but he’s on y a friend. A friend. Friend. Just a friend... she sighed and suddenly remembered his kiss. But what if I want more than that... She then thought about the time when Tai and Sora showed up and saw them. I can’t believe he only kissed me just to get twenty-bucks! I’m worth more than that! What a jerk! I... it’s not fair! He had no right to kiss someone just to get something. I felt as if I’ve been betrayed by a friend... it wasn’t just him; it was Tai as well! Her eyes almost watered. She quickly wiped them off and thought about Matt again. "Mimi?" She slowly looked up and almost jumped. "Matt!" A hot blonde guy’s blue eyes stared back at her. "Mimi... h-hi..." he greeted silently. "What are you doing here?" Mimi asked. "I’m sorry, but your gate was open, so I let myself in," he replied. "You could’ve just shouted my name first!" Mimi told him sharply, her arms crossed, and quickly turning away from him. "Come on, Mimi. It’s just me! And besides we need to talk!" Matt said. "There’s no need for us to talk, Matt!" Mimi argued. "Please Mimi, I have to explain—" "EXPLAIN what?!" Mimi cried. "I understood what happened! I’m not stupid! You and Tai made a bet! He’d dared you to make out with me for money! And you actually did it! Just what do you think I am?! A prize to be won?! I’m sorry, Ishida, but I’m worth more than that!" Matt lowered his gaze on the ground, with a guilty feeling. "I-I’m sorry you think that way... but it’s not what it seems..." "And I don’t want anything from you, Matt! I want NOTHING to do with you!" she exclaimed in anger. Matt didn’t say anything for a moment, thinking of something clever to say. "Mimi, if you didn’t know yet, I STILL happen to be your boyfriend," Matt said firmly. He knew what he was saying was risky, but he thought it was worth a shot. Mimi suddenly stared at him. She considered for a while. Yes... they were partly going out, right? He was the one who had asked her out on a date. So that means that they’re a couple? But... she then remembered about the bet and her fury only rose. "Won’t you listen to me?" he pleaded. "Save your breath, because I won’t! Period!" Mimi then stormed away from him and ran back inside her house. Matt silently walked to his locker on Monday morning, looking glum. He was still upset about his argument with Mimi last night. It had been a bad conversation, and he wished that it had never happened. Now he knew that Mimi didn’t like him at all. He wished that he hadn’t bothered going over to her house. He should’ve known that Mimi wouldn’t have given him a chance to explain. She had always been that type of girl. "Hey Matt," someone tapped him on his shoulder. He turned to look and saw another mirror image of him. His name was Kenji, but everyone calls him Ken. He was on the school’s football team. He had the same blue eyes and blonde hair as him, and they almost looked alike. Ken could be a nice guy, easy to talk to, but he could also be very demanding and sometimes a show off, who hungered for being the center of attention. "Ken, what are you doing?" Matt asked in a grumpy voice. Ken chuckled. "I heard what happened between you and Tachikawa... I’m really sorry, man. I hope you’re okay that Mimi broke up with you... You see, at first I didn’t

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