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Pink and Green:Page 4

know that you and Mimi were actually... uh, you know..." Matt suddenly slammed his locker closed. "What did you say?!" he asked. Ken took a step back in surprised. He wasn’t expecting Matt to react like this. "Uh, I’m sorry she dumped you! I mean... uh..." "She DUMPED me?!" Matt echoed in disbelief. "Look Ken, how can she dump me when we didn’t even go out yet?" Ken only blinked in confusion. "B-but that’s what I heard—" "It doesn’t matter what you heard! You heard wrong!" Matt answered. This rumor had to stop. "Mimi and I are just childhood friends. It was nothing more than that. And even if we did go out, it’s STILL none of your business!" "I’m sorry, Matt..." "Leave us alone, Ken! You know those rumors aren’t true!" Matt yelled as Ken quickly nodded his head and went off. What the heck is going on? Obviously somebody had planted this STUPID rumor around. Who else? Tai did it! How dare he? "Hi Matt!" Erica greeted with a smile. She was obviously in a good mood. "What?" Matt asked. He was not in the mood for another chat. "Hey cheer up," Erica told him. Matt glared at her. "There is NOTHING to be cheerful about!" he yelled. Erica looked stunned at his reaction that she took a step back. Matt’s face slowly turned serious and eyed her apologetically. "Sorry, Erica," Matt said as he lowered his gaze. "I didn’t mean to yell at you." "That’s okay," she whispered. "Anyway, do you wanna walk with me to Music class?" Matt offered. Erica looked at him in excitement. She couldn’t believe that Matt had actually offered her to walk with him. "Uh, sure... I guess..." "Cool. Let’s go then," Matt led the way down the hallway. The two walked in silence together. Erica still couldn’t believe that she was actually walking WITH Matt Ishida! She had this major crush on him ever since she saw him on the bus. But on that same day, she saw him with her own best friend as well. She didn’t know that Mimi knew him, but who cares? Matt probably didn’t like Mimi at all. After all, he was just forced to go out with Mimi in the first place, right? Besides, Erica knew that she liked Matt before Mimi did. But did Matt like Erica? I’ll make him! Erica thought to herself. She turned to look at Matt who had been walking quietly beside him. Of course, she did a pretty good job when she had planted that rumor about him and Mimi. She was very proud of her dirty work. It was another job well done by Erica. "Um, Matt, remember that Cinderella play I told you about last night?" she asked. "Yeah, what about it?" Matt asked without interest. "I was just wondering if you want to audition with me after school," Erica offered. "Why would I wanna be part of that dumb play?" Matt replied, trying hard to get out of the subject. It’s not a dumb play! Erica thought angrily, but she only giggled and pretended that she took it as a joke. "Hey, it’s not dumb! At least it’s not as corny as Romeo and Juliet!" Matt stopped and turned to her. "Yeah, whatever..." he answered lazily. "Come on, Matt! It’ll be fun!" Erica exclaimed. Matt rolled his eyes. Great... this is just great! He said in his mind. Mimi sat down on the couch at the student lounge, reading a book. But she couldn’t even understand what she was reading, because she was still thinking about Matt. She thought about how she had yelled at him last night. Perhaps she had been a little too harsh on him. Now she felt nothing but guilt. How could she have yelled at him like that? And why? Matt was just trying to make up with her. She tried to make herself comfortable. Now all she wanted was to see Matt. She just wanted to see him... again. And this time, she didn’t want to argue with him anymore. "Mimi?" Mimi looked up and found Joe. Finally, she could talk to someone! If there was someone she could rely on, it was definitely Joe. "Hi Joe," she replied with a tiny smile as she put her book down on her lap. Joe took a seat beside her and looked at her seriously. "Tell me something, will ya, Mimi?" he began. Mimi raised an eyebrow. "What is it?" Joe took a deep breath before he began. "Look, you know, actually I’m not sure if you do, but... there’s this big rumor going around the school about you and Matt." Mimi jumped up and turned at him confusedly. "What did you say?!" "Let me explain," Joe said. "Did you and Matt go out on a date on Friday night?" "Y-yes... h-how did you know?" "Did you dump him last night?" he asked. "WHA—" Now Mimi was shocker than ever. Whoever dared start this nasty rumor? "Now calm down," Joe assured her calmly. "I know this is probably not true, because I also heard that Matt only used you for money. Now I believe that Matt wouldn’t do that. If he did, I just would not believe that he’d actually do that to you, Mimi." Mimi made a fist. Now her anger returned once again. She didn’t want to see Matt anymore! What for? "So it’s true then! Matt is nothing but a big time jerk!" Mimi cried. "Mimi! He’s not like that!" Joe tried to calm her down. "And besides, this is only a rumor! You don’t happen to believe this rumor, do you?" "Well, more than half of the rumor is true!" Mimi shot back. "It’s true that I went out with him on Friday. It’s true that he used me for money. Everything is true with the exception of the part that I dumped him!" Mimi began to think for a moment. How could Matt even start this rumor? He wasn’t the type to do that. Would Tai have done that? And Sora? No not Sora, not her for sure. But Tai? Would he? Nah. Then who else? Someone tapping her on the shoulder then interrupted Mimi. "Joe! I’m analyzing!" Mimi exclaimed, copying Izzy as she turned around. "What?" Joe asked looking confused. He was still sitting down on the couch when Mimi had turned to him. "Didn’t you just tap me on my shoulder?" she asked, her hands on her hips. "Look behind you," Joe replied. When she did, she only found Ken, the football player. "Oh, it’s just you," Mimi teased. "It’s just me?! Hey! How can you say that?!" Ken said with a smile. Mimi ignored him and continued to think. "Yo, Mimi! What are you doing?" Ken asked. "Can’t you see? I’m analyzing what is causing this problem. I have to figure out a logical reason for this." Mimi tried imitating Izzy again. "Stop it, Mimi!" Joe said laughing at her. "You’re trying too hard! You don’t even make any sense!" Mimi eyed Joe. "If you could just silent yourself, and stop being noisy, then I could find a solution for this stupid problem, Joe!" "What did you say?! HAHAHAHAHA!" Joe laughed. "Okay, so I don’t talk logically! So what?!" Mimi cried. Joe finally stopped laughing. "At least you didn’t use the word ‘prodigious’." Mimi sighed sadly and looked at the ground. "I can’t stand this anymore! I have to talk to Matt!" Joe’s expression suddenly turned serious. He stood up and eyed Mimi with concern. "Don’t worry, Mimi. I’ll go talk to him." Mimi looked up at him, her eyes shining. "R-really, Joe?! Can you, please?!" He nodded. "Sure, I will. What are friends for?" "Thank you, Joe!" Mimi replied. "I’m on my way then," Joe said as he began walking away, his eyes still on Mimi as he waved at her. "I’ll let you know what happen later!" "Goodluck!" Mimi waved back at him. She then noticed three girls walking to his direction. "Hey Joe! Watch out!" "What?" Joe called back, without eyeing where he was going. But Mimi was too late with her warning. All she could do was watch was Joe stumbled upon the three girls who were all in her cheerleading team. Oopsie, not my fault. He wasn’t watching where he was going, she thought. "Watch where you’re going!" one girl screamed at him. "Sorry! I’m so sorry! I’m REALLY sorry!" Joe apologized quickly. "It’s okay! Just leave us alone!" another girl said. "SORRY! Really, I am!" Joe said, standing up, and running away from the three girls. Mimi and Ken watched as the three girls laughed as they walked away. "Ha, ha, what a dork!" the third girl exclaimed. As they passed by Mimi and Ken, all three girls chanted a cheer for Ken and they giggled as they disappeared down the hallway. "Hey Mimi, you didn’t show up at the game on Friday, did you?" Ken said. "You were supposed to cheer on us, but NO, you decided to go out with Ishida instead!" Mimi gave him a scowl. "So you KNEW about me and Matt, huh? Just who on earth told you that?" "Well... um..." Ken stammered. "Actually... I just heard this from a group of people that I don’t know..." Mimi grabbed his collar and pulled him so close, just inches away, to her face. "You better tell me who told you that at once, Kenji!" "Mimi! Really, I don’t know!" Ken exclaimed, trying hard to get away from her. Suddenly another group of girls walked passed them. "Hey, Mina, did you hear about that Cinderella play?" one girl asked. The girl who claimed to be Mina looked somehow excited. "Yes, I heard about it. It’s going to be a musical play, so they’re looking for a Cinderella who can really sing. It must be hard to get the Cinderella part. I think I might try the fairy godmother. She doesn’t do that much singing. What about you Sassy?" Sassy giggled. "Oh I don’t know yet! I don’t want to be one of the three ugly sisters!" Mina and Sassy both giggled as they disappeared down the hallway. Mimi, who had been listening, suddenly let go of Ken’s collar. Ken landed on the floor like a pancake. "Ow!" Ken exclaimed. Mimi didn’t hear him and stared to where Mina and Sassy had disappeared. "Oh man! A musical play! I can’t wait to be part of this!" "Did you really have to throw me so hard?" Ken complained, as he slowly got up. Mimi turned to him. "Didn’t you just hear what those girls were talking about, Ken?" "You mean about the play?" "Yes! Oh it’ll be so cool to be Cinderella!" "I could be the prince!" Ken suggested. Mimi looked at him disgust. "You? Be my prince? No way!" "Oh, RIGHT. You want Ishida to be your prince, am I right?" Mimi’s face turned bright red, and she looked at him in anger. "So what?! Leave us alone, Ken!" During lunchtime, Joe had been walking around for ten minutes, trying to find Matt. He still couldn’t find him. He checked his locker, but he wasn’t there. He was in the boy’s bathroom, but he wasn’t there, nor in the cafeteria, and the lounge. Where could he possibly be? Joe then decided to check outside the building. He walked along the sidewalk. It seemed as if he had been walking for hours, but he had only been walking for two minutes when he found himself standing in the middle of the soccer field. "What the—" Joe looked around, trying to figure out how he got there. "Look out, Joe!" Tai yelled. "Huh?!" Joe looked at Tai who was running rapidly to his direction. He only smiled at him. "Oh Tai! Hi! Great to see you back on the field again!" Then Sora came running from behind Tai. "Joe! Get out of here!" Before he could answer, he felt something hard that hit his face with a bang. The soccer ball bounced off of Joe's head and landed on the green grass. "Ow!" Joe yelled as he kneeled on his knees, and covered his face with his hands. His glasses had fallen on the ground as well. Tai and Sora with the rest of the soccer team following them, went quickly to the injured Joe. "Hey Joe! Are you okay?" Sora asked. "I told you to watch it!" Tai said. Joe sat down and tapped on the ground as if he was looking for something. "Oh man! Why does this always have to happen to me? My glasses! Where are they?" Sora picked up Joe’s pair of glasses and handed it to him. "Here, Joe. Be careful next time." Joe then put his glasses back on and stood up and faced them. "What are you doing here Joe?" Tai asked. "Oh, sorry to spoil your game!" Joe said sarcastically. "I was just looking for Matt. Have you seen him around?" "No, we don’t even see each other in school," Tai replied. "Is something wrong?" Matt wondered why he was still here. He was sitting with Erica, who had insisted that he should audition for the play. They were now seated in the waiting room of the school's auditorium. Matt sighed. He had never been so bored in his life. Erica who seemed to have sensed his mood turned to him. "Don’t worry, Matt. It wouldn’t be that bad!" Erica said. "We’re in this together!" Just what I need, he sighed. He had this temptation to escape, but somehow his conscience didn’t let him. Two girls, Mina and Sassy, entered the auditorium and sat a row ahead from them. "Hey Mina!" Erica greeted. Mina turned around and smiled a little at Erica. "Hey, Erica, so where’s your cheerleader friend, huh?" she asked. "Mina!" Sassy gave her a look. "I’m sure she’ll be here," Erica replied. "She obviously wouldn’t miss something big like this." Sassy glanced at Matt and whispered to Mina, "Hey Mina, who’s the hottie?" Mina glared at her. "Quiet! He might hear us!" Argh, someone get me out of here, Matt felt as if he was trapped in a cage. He had to get out. He knew that his conscience was telling him the opposite thing, but he just couldn’t stand all this wait anymore. Matt suddenly got up, which made the three girls look up. "Uh, I just forgot to get something from my locker," Matt lied. Erica got up as well. "Oh okay, I’ll come with you!" "No!" he screamed. "Huh? What do you mean?" "Er, I mean, no, I’ll be quick," Matt said as he went off. He was running to the door when he bumped into someone big. Matt looked up and found Mr. Yoshizuki. "Oh hi!" Matt exclaimed nervously. "Matt, are you here to audition for the prince?" Mr. Yoshizuki quickly asked. Matt hesitated and scratched his head. "Well... uh... not really, but I..." "Great! You’re in!" "Wha... already?!" he exclaimed in surprise. The teacher nodded. "You heard me." Yoshizuki pushed his glasses up. He then turned to the door and looked back at him. "I’ll be back. I have to find the right Cinderella for you!" "Mimi! Where are you going?" Ken called. "I'm auditioning, what else?" Mimi answered. She was about to open the door to the auditorium when Mr. Yoshizuki suddenly opened the door. "Oh, hi, good afternoon, Mr. Yoshizuki," Mimi bowed with respect as she greeted the teacher. Mr. Yoshizuki was about in his early thirties. He was about five foot ten inches tall. "Mimi, are you interested to audition for the play?" Mr. Yoshizuki quickly asked her. Mimi looked like she was about to scream. "Oh y-yyyeeess! Of course, Mr. Yoshizuki! I really want to be part of the play!" The teacher chuckled. "You’ve always been a good singer, Mimi. Why don’t you play Cinderella for this year’s year play?" Mimi gasped. Not because she was scared, it was because she was already accepted! Already! Without even auditioning! "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! This is so exciting! Of course, Mr. Yoshizuki, I’ll take the part!" Before Mr. Yoshizuki could answer, Ken cleared his throat. "Oh Kenji, you’re here too?" Ken nodded with confidence. "Yes, and I supposed you’re looking for a prince, right?" "Well actually...." the teacher replied. "You’re looking at the prince of Odaiba High, Mr. Yoshi. I’m here! I’ll take the role!" Ken said. Mr. Yoshizuki only laughed. "Actually, we already have a prince, and besides you have no music background. Sorry!" "Wha--?" Ken looked surprised. "But... the prince only has three or four lines in the play! I can handle it!" Mr. Yoshizuki looked closely at Ken and then to Mimi. "Hmmm... let’s see..." he looked at Ken and then at Mimi and then at Ken and then at Mimi. "No, not a good match. Sorry. You don’t look good with Mimi, Ken, I’m sorry. I’ve already found someone else who looks perfect with Mimi." "What! But that’s not fair! Anyone who can act should be considered to be the prince!" Ken argued. "Save your breath, Kenji, you and Mimi look like the worst couple," Mr. Yoshizuki said. He got that right, Mimi agreed silently. The door to the auditorium suddenly opened. Mr. Yoshizuki, Mimi, and Ken all turned to look. A cool guy with blonde hair stepped by the door. He seemed a bit reluctant to leave when he saw them. "Oh... Matt... hi," Mimi stammered. Matt scratched his head and closed the door. "Hi Mimi," he looked at the teacher. "Hello Mr. Yoshizuki... and..." he turned to the sorry football player. "Ken." "Matt, I want you to meet someone," Mr. Yoshizuki told him. "Great, this is just great! I wanted to be the prince!" Ken stubbornly complained. "Shut up, Ken!" Mimi looked annoyed. Mr. Yoshizuki looked at Mimi. "Mimi, come over here and stand beside Matt." Mimi looked hesitant to go. "W-why?" she asked. "No, I’ll just stand beside her," Matt offered, as he quickly walked towards Mimi and stood beside her. Mr. Yoshizuki eyed them together and he smiled in satisfaction. "This is perfect! You two are a perfect match!" Yoshizuki’s so weird, Mimi thought. Perfect? What’s perfect? Matt asked. Geez, Yoshizuki kinda sounds like me, Ken thought. "What do you mean ‘this is perfect’?" Mimi asked. "Mimi, I would like you meet your prince, Matt Ishida," Mimi gasped in surprised. "M-Matt?" "I’ll leave you two alone now," Mr. Yoshizuki said. He then pulled Ken away with him. When they were both out of earshot, Mimi quickly turned to Matt. She just couldn’t believe that Matt was actually going to be part of the play! Matt lowered his gaze on the ground. "I’m not surprised you got the lead part." "I’m surprised you auditioned for this play," Mimi said. She eyed him carefully. I wanna touch your hair, Matt... I want to be with you, but how can I if you really hate me? Mimi thought silently. Matt shrugged. "It’s not because I want to. Mr. Yoshizuki insisted me I should act for the play..." Mimi could tell that there was a hint of coldness by the tone of his voice. Although there were both talking now, everything was still wasn’t back to normal. She could tell that something wasn’t right. "S-so... that’s why...." Mimi said silently. Matt seemed as if he was really hurt by what she had done to him. "Yeah... I’ve never planned to be part of this," he told her. He then looked at her and smiled for the first time today. Mimi’s heart melted. "Anyway, congratulations you got the lead part. I’m proud of you." Mimi turned bright red. "Oh, thank you..." Matt made a motion to leave. "Well, I have to go." He gazed at her. Mimi felt her heart dropping down to her stomach when he said that. "So, I guess I’ll see you during rehearsals tomorrow, right?" She nodded. "Uh... o-of course..." "See ya," Matt said as he walked away. "Later..." Mimi whispered more to herself. Now Matt is mad at me! I hate myself! Why did this all have to happen to me? He’s obviously trying to avoid the topic about what happened last night.... and the rumor... I don’t know... I’m really sorry, Matt! I’m so sorry! Mimi could feel her eyes watering again as she ran down the empty hallway. She ran and ran. All she knew was that she just had to get away. She knew that running away like this wouldn’t get her anywhere, but she felt like she was finally escaping from her problems and from the pain she felt. She continued to run as quickly as her feet could take her. She felt the need to run away from everyone she knew. Everyone, especially Matt. Yes. Especially Matt Ishida. He didn’t even say a word about the incident last night. He didn’t even say a word about the rumor. He said nothing about what he felt with their kiss... and the play.... the play didn’t even seem like a big deal to him. He had almost implied as if he was just forced to work with her by Yoshizuki. I hate Yoshizuki! I hate him! Why did he have to pick Matt to be my prince? Matt didn’t even seem excited for his role. He should’ve just picked Ken! She then finally stopped running, and leaned on a locker. She had no idea where she was now. Mimi looked up and found that she was back to where she had started again. She found herself once again in front of the auditorium. Mimi banged her fist on the locker. Matt! You don’t know how I feel! I... think I really... l-like... "Mimi!" It was Sora. Sora looked at her friend in concern. "Mimi, what’s wrong?" Mimi looked back her friend, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Oh Sora! I don’t know what to do!" "It’s okay, Mimi," Sora assured her. "What happened?" "Sora... it’s Matt..." she answered in between tears. PART FOUR AUTHOR’S NOTE: Okay, before you start reading this chapter, I’m gonna bug you guys for a little while. You’re probably groaning at this.But if you don’t want to hear me yak, just skip this and go and ahead and start reading. I just want to thank Little Orange Flower Faerie for helping me with this chapter. Thanks for your time! Your suggestion about the banana peel really helped! ^_^ Okay, this chapter may be sorta confusing for some of you. So in order to avoid any further confusion, this chapter is gonna be a little different from the last three chapters or parts rather. I’ve put subtitles just to sort out every event. It’s still a bit confusing, but the subtitles might help. It’s really boring at the beginning, but that boring part has to be there so the story would work out. ^_^ Ugh... this is probably the WORST chapter of the story. Whatever... Just keep on bugging me to make a sequel in case you guys aren’t happy with the ending. This is the last chapter of Pink and Green. Four weeks later... After four long weeks of rehearsals and practice for the play, nothing had changed between Matt and Mimi. Matt had never ever said a word about the rumor, the bet, nor the kiss to Mimi. Sora had been very supportive to Mimi for the past weeks. Tai had tried to talk to Matt but he had seemed to be avoiding him at all times. Izzy had been busy a lot lately with his school work and his time with the computer club. Joe couldn’t even contact Matt. Whenever Joe would approach Matt, it would always be the wrong time. In other words, someone--a black-haired freshman, Erica, always interrupted them. Erica walked silently. She did audition for the play alright, but unfortunately she didn’t even get any part to play at all. Her only option had been to play the mother of the three ugly step-sisters. After rehearsing for just two days, she had already quit. But she actually volunteered for tonight to be one of the assistants for the play. She stopped walking and approached the front door of Odaiba High School. She wouldn’t let Mimi get away with this. Never! She had dreamed of playing Cinderella someday. But Mimi, her own friend, ruined everything. Erica didn’t stop to think as she continued towards the school. She wasn’t about to let Mimi get away with all of this. Not after all that she had been through. Erica also thought about Matt. Ever since he got to play the prince, Matt had been distant lately. He never even talked to her at all in Music. As she kept thinking about the play in her head, the more she wanted to play as Cinderella. She walked

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