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Pink and Green:Page 6

"Well, it’s almost over..." Mimi wiped her tears away. "I’m sorry, Sassy. Don’t worry about me... I’m such a baby crying like this." "You’re up, Mimi!" one of the assistants called out. "Goodluck, Mimi!" Sassy called out. Mimi then entered the stage as Cinderella. Ken who was standing on the other side of the stage quickly turned to Cinderella. "Oh there’s my Cinderella!" he exclaimed, pointing quickly at Mimi. The audience looked confused. "What? How did the prince know her name?" one person wondered. "I think he needs more practice with his lines," the other commented. Mimi, as Cinderella, looked at the stupid prince in disgust. This is NOT happening to me! She thought angrily as she watched Ken walking to her direction. He was only about a meter close to her when somebody threw an orange peel on the stage. It landed just on top of Ken’s head. Mimi tried not to laugh, but it was hard because the whole audience was already laughing. "Get out of there!" one of the people shouted. "You’re the worst prince ever!" Mimi couldn’t hold her laugh any longer that she started to laugh as well. Ken eyed the audience and gave them a long glare. He quickly took off the orange peel that had been sitting on his head. "What a loser!" somebody shouted, and at the same time throwing another orange peel on the stage. "Get out of there you dork!" another one added. Tai, who was part of the audience, stood up and raised up his arms. "We don’t want you there, Ken! We want the real prince! We want Matt!" Sora and Kari looked at each other, both embarrassed by his action. Sora scratched her head. "Just pretend we don’t know him, okay?" she suggested to his sister. "Oh man, my whole show is ruined!" Mr. Yoshizuki exclaimed in disappointment as he watched the scene going ballistic. He was just sitting with the other participants of the play, waiting for the whole scene to end. Erica walked behind the teacher. "I’m really sorry about this play, Mr. Yoshizuki..." she whispered in silence. "I’m sorry it didn’t turn out the way you want it." Mr. Yoshizuki looked at his student and smiled. "Don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault..." "I-I know... but..." she stuttered. She had been thinking a lot about her friendship with Mimi and about what she just did that morning at the cafeteria. That was actually a fake apology. She wanted to come here and say her sincere apology. Mr. Yoshizuki rose to his feet. "This scene should’ve been over five minutes ago." "Look!" Erica pointed at Ken. The poor prince was covered with banana peels. Mr. Yoshizuki almost fell on his bum laughing. Erica shook her head. "Poor guy... he looks rather... demented?" Erica implied. Intermission... When Ken’s scene was finally over, the rest of the scene turned out very well without him. Now there was a ten-minute intermission break for everyone. The only scene left was the wedding scene of Cinderella and the prince. Mimi took a long sip from her water bottle. She was tired. Even though the other scenes without Ken turned out quite well, she was really not looking forward to do the next scene—the wedding scene. The last scene was actually the easiest scene of all... except the kissing part. She was definitely NOT looking forward to do a kissing scene with Ken! Sighing, she threw her water bottle at the other end of the room. Mimi hated this play now. She looked at Erica who was sitting quietly on the other side, behaving herself. Mimi didn’t go up there to talk to her. She didn’t feel like talking to anyone anymore. She didn’t want to. She didn’t have to. But Erica was looking at her as if she wanted to just go over to her and talk to her. But she didn’t dare. Mimi looked at the clock. They only had five more minutes before they start the next part. She turned to Ken, who was so not feeling that good. Mimi quickly walked up to him and scowled at him. "Hi... Mimi!" Ken tried his best to sound cheerful. Mimi didn’t answer. In her mind, she just wanted to slap Ken right there. But she didn’t. Mr. Yoshizuki was sort of watching them. Ken didn’t look that good. He still had some banana peels sticking out from the bottom of his shoe. He looked very... dirty? This really really sucks! I can’t believe that Matt didn’t even show up at all! This is the worst! Mimi thought silently. She was about to say something when she heard somebody calling her name. Turning to look, she saw him. He was struggling to catch his own breath. It was obvious that he had been running. He ran a hand through his spiky blonde hair and looked straight at Mimi. Mimi looked like she was about to cry in joy. Finally, he was back. It was about time! And he still had time to complete the last scene. Mimi couldn’t even believe it. She couldn’t believe that he was here. But that wasn’t important now. He was here and that’s what matters. Her heart pounded and she quickly ran up to Matt and threw herself in his arms. "Oh Matt! You came after all!" Mimi exclaimed, holding him tightly. As she let go of him, she looked at him with tears in her eyes. "I... I really thought that you weren’t gonna come... I was so worried..." Matt gave her a long look before he said in a hush tone, "I don’t wanna let my princess down tonight..." he told her in a silent voice. Mimi could feel her face turning bright red. She didn’t know how to respond to that. "Oh... Matt... I..." she stuttered. "Look Mimi, I’m really sorry about everything," Matt cut her off. "I’m sorry about the bet. Sorry about the way I had yelled at you earlier... But just to let you know... I don’t regret the fact when I kissed you on that night..." "Huh?" Mimi looked rather stunned at what he was saying. "I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I think I know what I really think of you," Matt implied. Mimi lowered her gaze. Before she could say something, however, she heard some footsteps coming behind them. "Matt! Thank goodness you showed up, Man!" it was Ken. "Had enough fun?" Matt asked, placing a hand on his hip. "It was horrible!" Ken answered. Erica then walked up to Ken, Matt, and Mimi. "Glad you made it, Matt..." she looked at Ken. "Let me take care of this guy, okay?" Mimi and Erica looked at each other for a while. For a moment there, Mimi had forgotten everything that Erica had done to her. Mimi smiled at Erica and gave her a hug. "Thank you, Erica," Mimi whispered. They let go of each other and Erica smiled at Mimi. "You’re a great Cinderella, Mimi. You did a wonderful job." The Wedding Scene... Mimi admired her costume. It was a very beautiful glowing white, almost silver, wedding dress. The dress was an exact replica of Cinderella’s. Arm and arm, she glanced shyly at her prince. Matt looked good in his suit. Mimi looked at everyone else around her. She and Matt were on the top of a staircase. Below them, were the rest of the people, who were cheering on them. The newly wed couple slowly made their way down the red-carpeted staircase. Mimi Cinderella felt her shoe coming off her foot. She stopped and picked it up and put it back on. The couple continued down the stairs until they reached their horse-drawn carriage. Everyone cheered on them, even the audience. They could still see Matt and Mimi from the outside of the carriage. Through the window, they shared a kiss. "I love you.... Cinde.... I love you, Mimi," Matt whispered to her. Mimi looked up in shock. She was looking at Matt, staring at him just to see if she heard right. Studying his expression, she realized that he wasn’t acting, and that he was actually serious. "I feel the same way, Matt." Mimi said to him. And their lips met, but this time it was for real... "Yeah!" Tai cheered on top of his lungs. He rose to his feet to give them a standing ovation. Sora smiled as well, clapping as well, and standing up. The rest of the audience then followed their example. The whole audience now gave them a standing ovation. "Mimi, you’re the greatest!" TK called out, holding the bouquet of flowers in his hand. Behind TK was Izzy. "Very prodigious indeed!" he added as he was clapping his hands. Tai stopped clapping and just watched as the curtain closed. He then felt Sora holding onto his arm. He turned to look and scratched his head. "They did a good job, don’t you think?" Sora nodded. "Yeah... I know you want me to apologize officially right?" Tai asked her. She didn’t answer so Tai looked up the ceiling. "Yeah, well, I’m happy for them, because Matt looks like he really likes Mimi. I know he does, and I believe him for that." "Will you be quiet already?" Sora suddenly said to him. Tai frowned and looked at her. "Why? Is something—" Before he could even finish, Sora leaned to him and gave him a quick kiss. She quickly pulled away, blushing. "Wow, that was for me?" Tai blinked in surprised. "Whatever! Come on! Let’s just go backstage and meet up with them!" Sora quickly answered, running toward the front. Backstage... "Hi Mimi!" TK greeted. "You’re the best, Mimi! And I love your dress!" Mimi smiled at Matt’s little brother and quickly gave him a small hug. "Thank you for watching me tonight, TK." TK looked behind Mimi and noticed Matt walking to their direction. Looking back at Mimi, he quickly handed her the flowers. "Here sweet Mimi, these are for you, from me." Mimi gasped, her eyes shining with excitement. "Oh wow! These are jasmines! I love jasmines! Thank you, TK!" She then buried her nose into the bouquet. It was obvious that she was really excited. "You were a very good prince, Matt," TK told his brother. "Big bro, you’re the best." Matt blushed but tried not to appear embarrassed as he looked away from his brother. "Of course I’m the best!" he said, his hands on his hips. "Oh look, there’s Tai, Kari, and Sora!" Mimi pointed to the trio. "Hey guys," Tai greeted as he approached them. "We really thought that the whole play wouldn’t turn out," Sora said. "I’m just glad you made it, Matt. That Ken guy sure knows how to mess up.... the whole audience had gone insane when he was around." "But you guys were great! You two are so cute together," Kari added. Tai scratched his head and revealed a purse to Mimi. "Here Mimi... I think this is yours. I found it when I was in Chem class. Ken had it." He hesitated, and said in a low tone, "Look... uh, I’m really sorry about... you know, the bet and everything... and Matt..." he looked at Matt and at the ground again. "...sorry about everything I said... and well, the bet too, I guess." Mimi eyed Tai for a while and then smiled. "Don’t worry, Tai. I’m glad you and Matt made that bet..." Tai looked puzzled at first and then for a moment he knew what she meant. Mimi then took the purse from Tai and gave him a puzzled look. "I’ve been looking for this. What do you mean Ken had it?" "It seemed that he found a way to snatch it somewhere," Sora replied. "I don’t know how though." "Mimi left it in the cafeteria," a voice behind them said. They all turned to look and found Joe and Izzy. "Joe! Izzy!" Mimi exclaimed with a smile. She felt very glad that her friends were watching the play. Joe and Izzy then came up to them. "Ken had probably found Mimi’s purse from the cafeteria. I’m sorry, Mimi. I forgot that you left your bag there. I could’ve just told you earlier... I guess I forgot..." They all laughed at what he said. "Oh yeah," Sora suddenly said. She then buried her hand in her pocket and took out a shiny silver harmonica. She walked up to Matt and handed it to him. "I think you’re looking for this." Matt looked at his harmonica. Finally. "Thank you, Sora." "I don’t know how, but it was in Mimi’s purse too," Sora told him. "Of course, Ken must’ve put it in Mimi’s purse," Tai said. "Stupendous! I’m glad the whole play was a success." Izzy implied. He indicated for the door and they all saw a huge mob of people trying to get in. It was a big lineup. "I really think that the audience wants your guys’s autographs." Tai turned to Matt. "The girls just WANT Matt’s autograph." He corrected. Matt smiled and put an arm around Mimi. He already got a girl with him so what’s up with the fans? "Sorry girls... No autographs, please..." Meanwhile... "I hate that Ishida!" Ken yelled. "Man, you look pretty cute when you’re mad," Erica giggled. "R-really? Do I?" Ken asked, his anger dissipating. He and Erica were just outside at the front of the school. They’ve been there ever since Matt came back. "Sure, I didn’t really know that you look a lot like Matt. But I really do think you’re way cuter than him." Erica said to him. "Wow, you really mean that?" Ken replied, grabbing Erica’s hands, and kneeling down in front of her. "Do YOU really mean that, sweet Erica?" Erica slowly nodded. "Uh, sure..." she then pulled away from his grasps. "Just please act like a prince for one second, okay?" "Man, I just wish that I could be someone’s prince," Ken told her. "It’s not fair. I should’ve been the prince." "Well, you could pretend to be one," Erica suggested. "You weren’t meant to be Mimi’s prince, I guess. Perhaps there is another girl who needs a prince too." "Yeah, but who?" Ken asked. Erica just shrugged and didn’t answer. There was a moment of silence. Then Ken suddenly glanced over at Erica. He blushed when he found that she was also looking at him. "Oh Erica, please! Won’t you let me be your prince too?" Ken pleaded. Erica smiled at him. He did seem kind of cute too. "Sure... my handsome prince..." AUTHOR’S NOTE: Whew! Finally done! Again, thanks to Orange Flower Faerie for helping me out. And I would like to dedicate that tiny Taiora part to Funkiechick, who’s probably the number one Tai/Sora fan. I don’t know if the ending is THAT good. And I’m still debating whether to write a sequel for this or not. It depends how it goes. Thank you for reading this far! Thank you for reading this fanfic. Hope you liked my first Digimon fan-fic. It was pretty fun writing this fic. Oh and I hope that I didn’t confuse any of you guys. THE END