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Princess Karaoke:Page 2

"Of course I can" she answered. "Oh Togemon, you’re the best." Mimi walked up and hugged Togemon's hand. "I'm just glade old Mimi's back" she said putting her other hand around Mimi. "really, you mean it" she looked up into Togemon's smiling face, "then let's take care of this out of tune goon!" She turned around and picked up the microphone, "Hey you!" she yelled into it "how 'bout some gratitude! I woke you up from your three hundred year nap you out a tune crooner!" Shogunmon turned a glared at her "All that racked, it was you!" he screamed. "uh oh" Mimi said backing up into the protective arms of Togemon. *change scenes to Matt and Tai on the beach * Matt stared up at the hole in the wall worriedly ~I hope Mimi's alright~ his eyes started to quaver ~I don't know what I'd ever do if I let her get hurt~ his eyebrows came down and his worried look turned into a glare. ~if that Digimon even touches her I'll make him wish he was never born!~ suddenly Matt saw a pale light and noticed that his crest was glowing. "Gabumon digivolve!" Matt shouted, turning to look at his Digimon. "right Matt, Gabumon digivolve to Gururumon!" Matt looked down at his crest, it was glowing brighter than it did at the restaurant "digivolve again!" "Gururumon digivolve to WereGururumon!" he lowered his hand and Matt jumped in it, and then they jumped up into the castle. *back to Mimi and Palmon * Shogunmon took a step towards them and Mimi huddled closer to Togemon, suddenly he was knocked out of the way by WereGururumon who roared and punched him again. "Mimi!" Matt ran up and hugged her, picking her up off the ground he swung her around once and then sat her back down. "You're alright!" she said hugging him back, "excuse me but can you two finish that later!" Togemon said, "Watch out!" she warned and then picked them up and jumped out of the way as Shogunmon went tumbling by and out the hole in the wall. They all watched as Shogunmon fell towards Tai and Greymon, Tai looked up and his crest of courage glowed. Greymon digivolved to MetalGreymon and head butted Shogunmon back up into the room where Togemon was holding Mimi and Matt. WereGururumon and Togemon jumped down and MetalGreymon fired his Gigablasters that brought the whole building down on top of Shogunmon. It was now Morning and they were all standing infront of the ruble, "he deserved to hear that last flat note don't ya think" Mimi said, every one started to laugh. "Well ready to go Mimi?" Tai asked, Matt reached his hand out and clasped Mimi's, she looked sideways at him and he smirked, she smiled and turned to Tai. "Ya, uh do you think I could take some of my Princess cloths with me?" "Mimi!!!" Tai said sternly, looking at her, but he didn't notice that the two were holding hands. "Well it just seems such a waist, the jewels at least?" *change to evil castle a demidevimon * "Didn't you say you knew what would happen if you failed?" the shadow's voice asked. "When I said that I knew, I didn't really mean that I knew, knew you know what I mean. But now that I do know would it be to much trouble to ask for a glass of water!!!!!" demidevimon pleaded as he was hung up side down by a chain and a steel ball over a fire. The End Hey I hope you enjoyed my little fic, comments, flames and death threats are welcomed at Disclaimer: well I don't own Digimon we all know that, wish I did those other people do so don't sue me, you wouldn't get that much anyway so why bother! Well C-ya OUTTY ~*ssj_hotaru*~