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Rainy Day

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything Digimon. It all belongs to Toei Animation. Celeste and the plot belong to me. Author’s Note: Everything in the first person is from Mimi’s point of view. Chapter 1 I quietly closed the door to my room and turned the lock with a soft click. I looked around my room quickly before walking over to a large window on the wall opposite me. Once there, I pushed aside my venitian blind to reveal the window behind it. There were thousands of tiny water droplets covering the smooth glass surface of the window and thousands more fell from the sky through the air. The room was silent except for the pitter-patter of rain on my window. It was raining, and the sky was filled with dark rainclouds. There was no sign of the sun, but still, I knew that it was there, hidden behind the clouds. I moved over and sat on my large, majestic bed that occupied only a small part of my doubly large room, the soft, pink linen crumpling under me. My heart clenched. Here I was, an international singing sensation, multi-millionaire; I had everything anyone could want, yet I was missing the most important thing in the world. I had people waiting on me hand and foot, obeying my every command, just like the Gekomon in that castle, yet I would give it all up for one thing. When I was younger, this was my life’s dream, to be in charge, and I have achieved it, but there is still one thing I am missing. I never would have dreamt that to achieve my dream, I would have to make the ultimate sacrifice. I stared sadly out the window, the tears falling down my cheeks like the raindrops on the glass. I hated rainy days, for it was on a dark, rainy day like this, that my true love left me forever. I has been five, long, lonely years since I last saw him, and ten years since we returned from the Digiworld. Each and everyone of my friends have told me to move on with my life, to forget him, but I can’t. There are thousands of people who would die for my love, but I don’t care I still love him even though he doesn’t love me anymore. My heart belongs to him, now and forever. There is absolutely no way that I can ever forget him, not after what we’ve been through… together. There is just no way. I will always remember him for I feel like I’ve always known him. I feel like I’ve known him from my birth, and I’ll know him till my death. I still can’t belive he left me. We were so happy. I guess that in the long run, it was my fault. I resisted him. He loved me, but I was afraid to love him back. Then, on that fateful day, the day he left me, we were going to a movie together. I’ll never forget that day, no matter how hard I try. It was April 5, 1995. It was on that day, five years ago, that my life was changed forever. *** Flashback… I stepped out from the quiet of my house right into the hustle and the bustle of the city. I stepped onto the first of the first step of the four small stone steps that led up to my door, and stared into my love’s waiting face. It was raining cats and dogs, but I didn’t notice that. I was too busy taking in my love’s appearance, memorizing it in my heart so that no matter how hard I tried, I could never forget him. He was carrying a large black umbrella to shelter him, and me, from the on going downpour. He was wearing a plain red shirt, long black jeans, and black shoes. Ontop of it all, he was wearing a long, black trenchcoat. His blond hair, right now, looked as it always had, like a bird’s nest; his large blue eyes shone with adoration. My appearance, like his, hadn’t changed much over the years. I had grown about a foot in height, though that was about all that was different, at that time. My long chestnut hair was hanging loosely over my shoulders, my large brown eyes filled with love for him. I was wearing a pink shirt with a pink jacket over it; I also wore a short pink skirt. Pink was my favorite color always had been, always will be, no matter what. That’s one of the few things in my life that hadn’t changed when he left. When he saw that I was ready to go, he ran up the stairs to talk to me, and when he got there, he handed me a boquet of pink roses. " Are you ready to go, Mimi-chan?" he asked as he moved the umbrella so that it was now covering both our heads. " I’m ready to go, Yama-chan." I said. " All right then," he said as he helped me down the steep stone steps, "let’s get going." *** In spite of the rain, we walked to the theater, drawing strange looks from all of the few passerbys we encountered. I felt like I was walking in one of those old impressionistic paintings, very romantic. The city, right now , was covered in a blanket of rain. There was steam rising from the gutters, reasons unknown, but that didn’t bother me, it just added to the feeling. The street would have been completely dark if not for the many streetlights that lined the street. It was romantic. I closed my eyes and absorbed everything about this walk. I could hear people talking, and an occasional yell rang out. The air was warm and humid, but not unpleasant. I listened to my love’s steady breathing, and everynow and again, I thought I could hear his heart beat. When I opened my eyes again, I found that he had put his arm around my waist, to guide me and to keep me from bumping into anyone. I also found that I had at some point, drawn nearer to him, my head resting on his shoulder. I felt ashamed for a minute, but that feeling soon melted into a feeling of contentment, and we kept walking. *** About two hours later, we had arrived at the movie theater, gone in, seen the movie and come back out. The rain had stopped and we were on our way back to my house. This, is when all the trouble began. We had just left the immediate vicinity of the movie theater, and that was the beginning. On our way back, we passed a tall blond woman with sly blue eyes. She was wearing full body black leather that was a little too tight if you ask me. She had a certain look about her, one that I didn’t like. When she passed, it felt something snap inside of me. It left me with a bad feeling. She walked past us, I noticed that she drew Matt’s attention, but only for a little while, so I didn’t worry too much. Little did I know that a storm was about to hit, a storm that would tear through my life taking away the one I loved the most. *** About fifteen minutes later, we were back at my house, infront of my front door. " Thanks for everything, Yama-chan," I said to him. " You’re welcome," he said, " it was my pleasure." We both stood there for a moment, neither one of us sure what to do. Suddenly, he leaned over to give me a kiss, but he stopped when I gently pushed him away. " What’s wrong?" he asked quietly. " Nothing," I said, " it’s just…please don’t." I felt like that one kiss was going to commit me to something that I wasn’t ready to handle. He’d known that the entire five years we’d been going out. " I see," he said as he turned and walked away. He was at the bottom of the steps when he called of his shoulder," Goodnight, Mimi." As I watched him walk away into the darkness, I wanted with all my heart to call out, but I didn’t. When he was out of sight, I opened the door to my house, and walked in slowly and sadly. *** I don’t know how long after that incident that It happened. All I know is that it was once again raining cats and dogs on that day. I assume it was about a week later though. When Matt knocked on my door that fateful day, I assumed that he was there to say, Hi, but little did I know that he came bearing a somber message. " Can I come in?" he asked quietly as he stared at the floor, rubbing his foot on the carpet. " Sure," I said as I moved aside to let him in. After he walked in and dropped his umbrella by the door, I closed the door and followed him. I found him in the living room; he was looking at one of the many framed photos of us that I had in that room. When he saw that I was there, he quickly put it down and said to me, " We have to talk." " Sure thing, Yama-chan," I said as I sat on a nearby chair. " Please," he said as he waved his hand at me, " don’t call me that anymore." " Why not?" I asked. " Because," he said. He paused for a long moment. I had a nasty feeling that I wasn’t going to like what he was going to tell me. " Why?" I asked again. " Because…I’m… it’s…it’s over, Mimi." " What!?" I asked as I bolted up from my chair. " What do you mean it’s over?" " Just what I said, It’s over." I was shocked. " Why?" I asked. " Because… I love you, but I’m not sure if you love me. In the five years that we’ve been going out, you haven’t proved to me that you love me. I always belived you did, but now I’m not so sure." " You know I do, Yama-chan. You know I love you, I always have and I always will." " Don’t call me that!" he yelled at me. He quieted down after a little bit. " Now listen, it’s over, and that’s it. No questions." He began to walk out of the room, but I grabbed onto his arm. " Wait," I said, " there is someone else you can go to right?" " Why would you care?" he asked. I was shocked by this remark, but I managed to speak. " I just want to make sure that someone will love you if I can’t. I just want to know that you’ll be happy." " Trust me," he said, " I will be." He then pulled his hand free of my grip and walked back to the front door, only pausing to pick up his umbrella, and to say, " See you around, Mimi." He then walked outside into the downpour, and I followed him outside, not caring whether or not I got wet. He walked away, never looking back, just walking away from me. Just before he was out of sight, I whispered to myself, " Goodbye, Matt." I stood out there for quite a while, just staring in the direction in which he had walked. My long chestnut hair got soaked as did my pink dress. My vision was clouded with tears. I drew many a strange look from the passerbys, but I didn’t care. All I knew, all I felt was the pain. That was the only thing I knew. My world was narrowed to that pain. It took a few minutes for it to sink in. * He’s gone. I don’t believe it. He was gone.* When that sunk in, my heart shattered into a million pieces. I quickly ran back inside and grabbed my keys and my pink jacket. I locked the door, and just ran. I really didn’t care where I ended up. I just wanted to get as far away from everything that I’d ever known. *** I ran for what seemed to be an hour before I finally stopped to rest. When I looked around through the downpour, I found myself in front of a night club. Having finally decided to seek shelter from the rain, I opened the door and stepped inside. The inside of the club was dark and smelled of smoke and alcohol. There were a few people playing pool at one of the nearby tables and there was a young, handsome, well dressed man having a conversation with the bartender. I found a table by the door just in case it was necessary to make a hasty exit. I really didn’t want to be noticed in my present state, but, I didn’t want to trap myself in a corner either. It wasn’t that I cared what happened to me right now, but I just didn’t want to be caught in the middle of anything. I hated places like this, but I felt a need to come here, like something had drawn me to this run down night club. From where I was sitting, I could hear the man’s conversation with the bartender. " I don’t need a drink," he was saying, " what I need is a singer, and a good one, on the double." " Sorry, bud," said the bar tender, " I can’t help you there." " Yeah," said the man, " well, if I’m going to find a singer, I’d better get going." He got up to leave, but I walked over to him. " I hear you need a singer," I said. " Do you know someone who could help me?" he asked excitedly. " Well," I said, " I can sing. I just don’t know how good a singer you want. I just want to know if I can help." " Of course you can help, you probably just saved my job," he said. " How’s that?" I asked. " Well," he said, " my boss said that I had to have someone to audition by tomorrow, and I’ve been searching the city, and I still haven’t found anyone." He pulled a business card from his pocket. " Meet me at this address tomorrow." " Don’t you want to hear me sing first?" I asked. " You don’t have to. Something tells me that you’ll be the one. Will you come tomorrow?" I nodded. " Good," he said. " See ya there tomorrow." Then, he turned around and took another look at me, and saw that I was soaking wet from head to toe. " Do you need a ride?" he asked. " That would be great," I said as I followed him out to his car. *** True to his word, I told hi where to go, and he dropped me home. I had only met him today, but I already trusted him as much as I had Matt, but I didn’t love him. Anyway, to make a long story short, I auduitioned, and I was a success. That man I had met at the night club, became my manager. Because of that fight, I became an international singing sensation, but as I said before, I never dreamt that I would have to give up Matt. I still think about him, escpecially on rainy days like this one… …End flashback. *** A soft voice brought my wandering mind back to the present. " Mimi," said the small voice, " you’re not still thinking about him are you?" " No Palmon," I said. " Why don’t I believe you?" she asked. " Maybe because I’m lying," I said as I smiled my first true smile since Matt left me. " Mimi," said Palmon, " you’ve got to forget about him. If not for your own good, do it for me. I hate to see you so sad." " How can I ever forget him after what he did for me? From what Palmon told me,he saved my life." *** Flashback… A ragged group consisting of three people walked along a steep mountain ridge in the DigiWorld, hardly ever stopping to rest. In the lead was Matt, a tall blond boy with blue eyes. He was wearing a green shirt and blue jeans, next to him, Gabumon, a small dog-like digimon with a large horn on its head. Next in line was T.K., a short blond boy with blue eyes. He was wearing a green shirt and brown pants, he also had a green hat. Next to him was Patamon, a small brown creature with brown bat wings for ears. I was last in line. At this time, I was wearing my trademark pink dress and pink cowgirl hat. Next to me was Palmon, a short plant-like digimon with a pink flower on her head. *** ( Author’s note: For this flashback only, everything from Mimi’s P.O.V will be written in the third person. Example, instead of saying, I said, it will now say, Mimi said. Note! This is for this flashback only!) *** " Matt, how much longer do we have to walk?" Mimi whined. " My feet are killing me!" " Yeah ,Matt," said Palmon, " we’re tired. We all need a break. Right T.K.?" T.K. sank to the ground. " Yeah, Matt. We need a break. I’m so tired, I think I need a nap. Good night," he said as he fell asleep. Matt leaned against a nearby rock and stuck his hands in his pockets. " It looks like we’re taking a break," he said. They rested for about ten minutes before setting off again. Then, about fifteen minutes later… *** " Owww!" Matt, T.K., Gabumon, Patamon, and Palmon turned around to see what had happened. It was Mimi. She had tripped over an upraised piece of rock and had falled flat on her face. " Mimi! Mimi!" Palmon cried as she ran over, " are you okay?!" " Not really," Mimi said still face first in the dirt. " Oh here," said Palmon, " let me help you up." Palmon tried to help Mimi up, but she wasn’t strong enough. " Hey you guys!" Palmon called to Matt and Gabumon, " I need some help here!" T.K. and Patamon both just stayed put because they both knew that they weren’t strong enough. That left Matt and Gabumon. Since Matt just stood there glaring angrily, Gabumon went over to help Mimi up. Once Mimi was back on her feet, she tried to walk, but she fell again. She gingerly rubbed her ankle. " What’s wrong, Mimi?" Palmon asked. " My ankle…" she sobbed, " I think I sprained it. I don’t think I can walk. I need to sit and rest." She closed her eyes and leaned against a nearby rock. Suddenly, her eyes snapped open. She was being hauled up roughly by none other than Matt. " We don’t have time to rest again!" he said angrily, " we’ve got to keep moving. If Myotismon catches us, then we’ll all suffer." T.K. and the digimon looked on at this scene suprisedly. " But, I can’t walk," she said. " I know you can," he said as he exteneded his hand to help her up. She took it, and he helped her up, but once she was standing, he shoved her down the slope. " Keep walking!" he yelled. Mimi did so, as the tears began to form in her eyes. " Now don’t give me that look, just keep walking." Mimi complied as best as she could, but she had to limp because of her ankle. Even though she was doing the best she could, without any help, I might add, Matt still glared at her ocassionally. *Why me?* she asked herself silently. * Why does all this bad stuff have to happen to me?* They walked for several hours straight, never stopping to rest. Finally, Matt agreed that they should rest because even he was collapsing from sheer exhaustion. They set up as small camp near a lake, and everyone except T.K. and Patamon took turns standing watch. About 2 A.M…. *** Matt, T.K., Gabumon and Patamon were sleeping soundly while Mimi and Palmon stood watch, by the light of the small campfire that Gabumon had made. The night was silent, there were no birds, or anything else for that matter to make amy noise, so right now, all Palmon heard was the soft crackling of the campfire. Mimi, on the other hand, heard anything but silence. She replayed the day’s events in her head, over and over again. No matter how hard she tried to, she couldn’t stop the replay. It felt like she had no control over her mind. She could see everything. She saw when she sprained her ankle, she saw when Matt had yelled at her, she felt, the sheer exhaustion that came from having walked all day. Suddenly, something happened. Images that made no sense came flooding into her mind. She saw herself alone in a large forest, similar to the one they were near right now. She saw a huge plant-like creature that she assumed was a digimon, but it wasn’t one she was familiar with. It was tall, and covered in spikes, but it wasn’t Togemon. This creature looked like it was made out of wood, and it was covered in large poisoned spikes, like mentioned before. It didn’t have any hands, but in place of hands, it had two long vines. *What is this?* Mimi asked herself. * Is this a digimon?* The images continued coming to her. She saw that the creature had something caught in one of its vines, but she couldn’t make out what it was. Then, from out of nowhere, a voice whispered to her, " Camamon…" *Camamon, is that its name?* She didn’t need an answer, because an unknown knowledge came flowing into her. It answered everyone of her questions before she could even ask them. Then, the picture changed. It showed Matt glaring angrily at something, or someone, but she couldn’t see who or what. That’s when the pain started. This was no ordinary pain, but rather a crushing one. She felt as though she was trapped in one of Camamon’s vines, but she knew she wasn’t. The pain lasted for a minute, but that minute was unbearable for Mimi. She opened her mouth to cry out, but she heard nothing. She tried screaming again, but the results were the same. Just before she was ready to give up, the images grew blurry. The picture with Matt glaring angrily, moved to show what he was giving the death look, but she couldn’t see what it was. The image had grown too blurry She felt her mind collapse into a dark void from which no light escaped. She felt like she was dying. She fell down into the pit. Every second she fell, the pit grew darker. There seemed to be no end to this pit. She felt her mind start to slip away from her, and her breath started to leave her. Her mind had almost completely slipped away, when… *** Mimi bolted upright so fast that she almost fell face first into the fire, but Palmon managed to catch her. Mimi looked around quickly, trying to get her bearings. When she was sure that she was safe back at the small campsite, she leaned back against a rock that she had been sleeping on. " Mimi, are you all right?" asked Palmon. " You were screaming in your sleep." Mimi considered her answer carefully before saying, " Yeah, I was just having a nightmare, that’s all. Why’d you let me sleep?" " You looked exhausted, so I thought I’d let you get some sleep while I stood watch. Besides, there’s nothing to watch out here besides a bunch of trees." " Thanks Palmon," said Mimi as she gave Palmon a quick hug, " you’re the greatest." Mimi considered her dream for a while. * Funny,* she thought, * that crushing pain I felt was nothing compared to the pain of having Matt angry at me. I just wish that I could have seen what he was glaring at. Oh well. No use complaining now.* "You want to know something, Palmon?" Mimi asked. " What?" was the reply. " I really think that Matt hates me. I’m really starting to think that he doesn’t want as part of the group. He hates me, I just know it." " Mimi!" Palmon scolded, " you know that that’s not true. Matt does not hate you. He’s just under a lot of stress right now. When the group split up, and Tai and the others left, Matt was charged with the safety of you and T.K.. If anything ever happened to either of you, he’d never forgive himself." " No!" Mimi screamed, " you’re wrong Palmon! I know he hates me!" She then broke down and sobbed uncontrollably. " Shh, Mimi," said Palmon soothingly, " it’ll be okay." Mimi eventually quieted down, and they sat in silence for the rest of their watch. *** Unbeknownst to anyone, Matt ahd awoken at about 1 A.M. and had been walking around aimlessly for that past hour. *Gee,* he thought, * I feel really bad about they way I treated Mimi today. I don’t what came over me. It was like I wasn’t myself. She probably hates me now.* His heart sank. * Wait!* His heart jumped back up. * I know, I’ll apologize in the morning. I’ll say that I’m really really sorry and that I’ll never do anything like that again. Oh! She’s on guard duty now! I’ll go and apologize right now!* He immediately turned and ran back to the campsite. *** He was almost back at the campsite, when he heard Mimi scream twice. Thoughts flew through his mind. *They’re probably being attacked by some evil digimon. I’d better get back there on the double!* He quickened his pace back to the campsite, but he was careful not to make any noise. He would need every edge. When he finally arrived back at the campsite, he was shocked. There was no evil digimon attacking Mimi and Palmon. Right now, they were talking. He hid behind a tree that was close enough so that he could hear what they saying, but no so close that they could possibly see him. He listened to the whole exchange. Once Mimi had quieted down, he became lost in his own thoughts. * She thinks I hate her,* he thought, * if only she knew…* Now he felt doubly guilty. He wanted to go out there and apologize to her right away, but he didn’t feel ready to, so he stayed there, until he had gathered his thoughts. Once he did, he tiptoed back around to the place where he was supposed to have been sleeping, then, he came out and walked up to Mimi and Palmon, trying hard to pretend that he hadn’t heard anything. He wouldn’t have had to have heard anthing to know that something was wrong though. Her eyes were all red and puffy and her face was still wet with tears, but he pretended not to notice anything. " I’ll take over from here," he said as he sat by the campfire. " You two go and get some sleep." Mimi got up and Palmon helped her find a place to sleep. When they were gone, Matt leaned against the rock that Mimi and Palmon had been leaning on only moments before and stared up into the starless sky. Something told him that it was going to be a long night. About an hour later… *** Images came flooding into Matt’s head. Images of a huge plant-like digimon with two long vines for hands, and with that image came a name, Camamon. From where Matt was standing in his dream, he could see Camamon clearly. He could also see that it had something in one of its vines, but the was near the top of his vision where it was blurry. He moved a step back to see what it was, but no matter where he moved or what he did, he still could see what Camamon had in its vines. Then, the image switched. It switched to show Mimi glaring defiantly at something, or someone, but he couldn’t see who or what it was. Sudenly, he was overwhelmed by an intense feeling of grief and loss. He felt as though he had lost the most important thing in the world. His mind raced. * T.K.* he thought, * it’s got to be T.K. Something probably happens to him. I’ve got to protect him!* The sense of grief continued to overwhelm him, until he felt as though it would smother him. He felt like he was dying, but he wasn’t. *Nooooo!* his mind screamed. The images faded from his mind, and he awoke with a start, only to find himself back at the campsite. He looked around quickly before wiping the beads of sweat from his forehead. " That was some dream," he whispered to himself, before going back on watch. Back at the campsite where Mimi, T.K., Gabumon, Palmon, and Patamon are… *** T.K. had no idea what was going on. One minute he was dreaming that he was in a land where everything was made out of cotton candy, and the next, he was facing a huge digimon that for some unknown reason, he knew was called Camamon . From where he was standing, he could see Camamon clearly, except for one of its vines. T.K. knew that something was caught in it, but he couldn’t tell what it was. Then, the scene switched to show his brother’s face. Matt’s eyes were red from crying his eyes out.His face was comtorted with grief. T.K. didn’t know what was going on, but he wanted to help his brother in anyway he could. Then, came the voice. Celeste… it said. T.K. didn’t know what it meant, but he guessed that it was important, so he made a point of remembering it. Once he had meorized it, he found himself back in cotton candy land. *** Mimi watched T.K. sleep, and listened to Palmon’s rythmical breathing. She had nothing else to do. She had no idea how Palmon could fall asleep so easily, but she wished that she did. The images that she had seen earlier swirled around in her head. There was no way that she was going back to sleep tonight. *Well,* she thought, * since there’s no way that I’m getting any sleep tonight, I guess I’ll go for a long walk. One so long that I’ll never come back. Palmon’s wrong. Matt does hate me, and with him as the leader of the group, I’d probably be better off on my own. Oh, I’d better get going before anyone wakes up.* With that, she quietly tiptoed out into the forest. * Goodbye…* she thought as she vanished into the darkness. Chapter 2 *** The next morning… *** Matt awoke to find T.K., Patamon, Gabumon, and Palmon staring into his face worriedly. *I must have fallen asleep on watch* he thought. He looked around. It was morning. He gave himself a minute to let the fog clear from his head. " How’d everyone sleep?" he asked with a yawn. " We slept pretty well," said Palmon, " but we have a bigger problem. We can’t find Mimi anywhere!" Matt bolted upright as thoughts of how he had acted yesterday flew through his head at 100 miles per hour. " What!" he exclaimed. " Mimi’s missing?!" " That’s right," said Palmon. " She was with me when we went to sleep last night, but when I woke up this morning, she was nowhere to be seen." " Matt stood up. That dream he had had last night swirled around in his head. " We had better go and find her now!" he said. " There’s just no telling what kind of trouble she might get into. Let’s go!" he said. Then they headed off into the forest. *** 15 minutes later *** " Mimi!" yelled Palmon, " where are you?" " Mimi! Where are you?" yelled Matt a " Mimi!" yelled Gabumon. More cries of her name echoed throughout the forest, but no response was heard. *** Mimi had been walking for hours through the forest. She didn’t want to admit it, but she was lost. " I wish Palmon was here," she said to herself. Suddenly, she had a feeling of déjà vu. She felt like she had been through this already, but she didn’t know when. She heard Palmon yelling her name, but she decided not to answer. She was trying to figure out where she remembered this from, when a tall wood-like digimon covered in poison spikes with two vines for hands. " Oh no," she whispered to herself as memories of last night’s dream came flooding back to her. " Camamon!" *** 15 minutes later… *** " Helllp!" "Where’d that come from?" asked Matt. " I don’t know," was Gabumon’s reply. " Oh," said Patamon as his ears perked up. " What’s that?" " What’s wrong, Patamon?" asked T.K. " I think I heard something over there," said Patamon as he turned to his left. Then, from the very direction that Patamon had indicated, came another scream. " Help me! Someone!" " It’s Mimi!" Matt exclaimed as he ran off in the direction from which the scream had come. " Wait up Matt!" yelled T.K. as he and the digimon ran after Matt. *** 5 minutes later… ***

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Celestina Angel