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Rainy Day: page 2

5 minutes later… *** "Oh no!" said Matt. " It can’t be! It can’t!" Matt was overwhelmed by a feeling of déjà vu. He was standing in front of Camamon, just like in his dream, except this time, he could see what Camamon had in its vine. It had Mimi. It was obvious that Camamon was trying to crush her to death. She had her eyes closed and her teeth gritted against the pain. When she opened her eyes, she saw Matt, T.K. and the digimon standing there. She now fully remembered the dream that she had had, and she knew that no matter what happened, she was going to die, and this time, there was no waking up. Nonetheless, she struggled desperately. "Matt!" she cried, " please help me!" Camamon then squeezed her even tighter, but it stopped when a rock made contact with its head. It looked down and saw Matt tossing and catching another rock, which he then tossed at its head. Camamon howled and squeezed Mimi even tighter. Matt turned to Gabumon and said, " Gabumon, digivolve!" Gabumon nodded and yelled, " Gabumon digivolve to…Garurumon!" Gabumon was replaced by a much larger wolf-like creature. Garurumon imediately attacked Camamon. Camamon howled madly with pain each time Garurumon attacked. " I think I’ll join in on the battle," said Palmon. Then she shouted, "Palmon digivolve to Togemon!" Palmon was replaced by a larger cactus with boxing gloves. Togemon helped Garurumon attack Camamon. " All right!" yelled Camamon, " if you want her so bad, you can have her!" He raised the vine with Mimi in it and threw her towards the ground. Matt, in turn, tried to catch her, but in doing so, he fell backwards. In the few seconds that Matt was down, Camamon grabbed both Mimi and T.K. When Matt got up and saw what was happening he couldn’t believe it. " No!" he cried, " I’ve lost them both! I can’t win this without them!" Suddenly, his crest of friendship began to glow and Garurmon digivolved to WereGarurumon, a bigger form of Garurumon that looked a lot like a werewolf. WereGarurumon attacked Camamon, and made him drop T.K., whom Matt, caught, but Camamon still had Mimi. "Break away, Mimi!" Matt yelled. " No!" she yelled back through clenched teeth. " You guys get away! I’ll stop him from following you! " " I can’t let you die!" he yelled back. " I can’t let you die either! I won’t let you die!" she screamed. That’s when her crest of sincerity began to glow. Togemon shouted, " Togemon digivolve to…Lillymon!" Togemon was replaced by a fairy-like creature that was dressed in pink flowers, and she had a pink flower on her head. " Whoa!" said Matt, " what is that?" " That is Lillymon," said Patamon, " she is Togemon’s digivolved form. Her attack is Flower Cannon." Lillymon’s hands then became one giant orange flower which opened to reveal a cannon. She backed away from Camamon and yelled "Flower Cannon." She then shot some green disks at Camamon. The disks exploded into minature petals when it hit. The result of the attack was that Camamon dropped Mimi, who Matt caught, and Camamon was shot far away, thanks to WereGarurumon. *** " I’m so glad that that’s finally over," said Matt as he breathed a sigh of relief. Now it was time to take care of Mimi and T.K. T.K. was okay, but Mimi wasn’t. She had been almost completely crushed by Camamon. From what Matt could tell, most of her bones were broken. He guessed that several of her internal organs were ruptured, and there was probably a lot of internal bleeding. There was just no way that she would make it, even with immediate medical attention. He gathered her limp form up in his arms and cradled her to his chest. Once again, he was filled with that incomparable feeling of loss. He would have rather lost his life, than to have her die. He loved her more than life itself. Sudennly, she stirred in his arms. She was concious, but even that news didn’t cheer him up. He knew that she was going to die. " Is she going to die, Matt?" asked T.K. quietly. Matt thought carefully before giving his solemn answer. "Yes," he said. T.K. , Patamon, and Tsunomon were so shocked that they couldn’t even react, whereas, Tanemon was crying her heart out, and Matt wept bitterly. " Matt, what’s wrong?" Mimi asked quietly, all the while coughing. Each cough shook her frail body violently. * What should I do?* he asked himself. * I shouldn’t tell her that she’s dying. It will scare her. What should I do?* He was busy trying to come up with something to tell her, when she spoke. " I’m going to die. Am I right?" she asked quietly. He was shocked, but he answered with a nod, then asked equally quietly, " How do you know? Did you have a dream?" " Yes," she said weakly. She then grew paler, and her breathing got softer and slower. " Matt," she said, " I have to tell you something really important." " What?" he asked as tears began to form in his eyes. " I…I…I love you." She then breathed her last, and her brown eyes closed forever. He was shocked by her confession, but that only added to his indescribable grief. " Mimi," he cried, " wake up, please wake up!" There was no response from her still form. He drew her even closer to him. The tears began to flow down his cheeks like a small river. He raised his head and shouted at the top of his lungs, " Mimi! Don’t die! Please don’t die! I…I love you! I love you so much! Please don’t die!" After yelling that, he hung his head, and wept so much that he felt like his eyes were on fire, but that didn’t even lessen the pain at all. It was as though his heart had been wrenched out from his body while he was still alive. That was only a small portion of the pain that he felt. He kept crying until, it eventually died down to a series of soft sobs. T.K. could only watch as his brother and Tanemon cried their hearts out. He felt so useless. He wished there was something he could do, but what? What could bring Mimi back? Nothing he knew. Nothing could bring Mimi back. Nothing that he knew of. Suddenly, memories of the dream he had had last night came flooding back to him. The picture before him was exactly as it had been in the dream. There was a voice, he remembered. What had the voice told him? He couldn’t have remembered it if his life depended on it. " Come on, come on!" he whispered to himself. " Think!" In an instant, his mind snagged a wisp of memory. The voice had said Cel something. *All right, that’s a start.* he thought, * Cel..Cell? No. Cellar? No. Cellene? No. Celeste? Yes! That was it! The voice had said Celeste. Now, what am I supposed to do with it?* he asked himself. That’s when the voice touched his mind again. Call out my name… said the voice. " All right," T.K. said to himself. " Here goes." T.K. yelled at the top of his lungs, " Celeste!" *** Somewhere, no one knew where, a being of purity stirred. She was being called forth. It seemed that her dream inducement had worked. The bearer of Hope was calling her forth. She rose majestically, a large pair of white, feathery wings unfolding behind her. It was time to get to work. Sshe gracefully raised her right hand, and she vanished, leaving behind a single white feather. *** T.K.’s yell had startled the greiving Matt, and Tanemon, and it had gotten Tsunomon’s and Patamon’s attention. " What are you doing T.K.?" asked Gabumon. " Following my instructions," replied T.K. Matt was going to turn back to grieving, when he was interrupted by a blinding glow that was like the light of a thousand suns.. He shielded his eyes, and when the glow faded, he found an angel-like woman standing in front of him. " Who are you?" he asked. " The one who can help you," she replied. " Can you bring Mimi back?" he asked. " I can if you tell me two things," she said. " I’ll tell you anything, just bring her back, please!" " First, do you really love her?" " Yes, with all my heart." " Secondly, do you realize that you brought this upon her, that you are responsible for her being dead?" Matt hung his head before he replied. " Yes," he said solemnly. " Then I can save her," she said. She raised her hands above her head, and yelled, " Crest of Sincerity, Crest of Friendship, unite!" The symbols from Mimi’s and Matt’s crest shot out and floated in midair, then merged to form one symbol, the Crest of Sincere Friendship. Matt could feel some of his strength being drained away,a nd instcintively knew that Mimi was getting stronger.. The symbols then separated and returned to their respective crests. The angel-like being then vanished in a flash of light. Matt was blinded for a little while, but when he could see again, he found himself, and the others, back at the campsite, He saw T.K., Patamon, Tanemon, and Tsunomon sleeping by the campfire, which for some unknown reason, was still burning. He got up and walked over to her still form, wondering if the transfer worked. She was alive, and for that, he was extremely grateful. That’s when he began to sob. The words of the angel-being were fresh in his mind. You brought this upon her. You are responsible for her being dead. That’s when the angel-being’s voice touched his mind again, this time with a different message. You must tell her the truth. Tell her what you told me… After hearing that voice released his mind. That’s when he noticed that Mimi had awakened and was staring up at him. She noticed that he had been crying. " What’s wrong, Matt?" she asked. He stared at her as though he couldn’t believe her. He then pulled her up and wrapped her in a tight hug. " You’re alive!" he said as he began to cry tears of joy. She surprised at the statement and the hug, that she didn’t know what to do. Then her mind was touched by a voice. Tell him, said the voice as it faded away. " Yes, I’m alive," she said. " You saved me." " No, Mimi," he said as he gently pushed her away. " I, in a sense actually brought your death upon you." " I remember what happened, and I don’t blame you. I choose to thank you for giving me back my life." He was surprised at this, but he was happy. " Listen, Mimi, I’ve got something to tell you." " Yeah," she said, " I’ve got something to tell you too." " Shh," he said as he gently placed a finger over her lips. " Me first." *This is it* he thought. * It’s now or never.* " I love you Mimi. I always have and I always will. There is no way that I’d ever hurt you . The only reason that I snapped at you earlier, was that I was concerned about everyone’s safety. I didn’t want anything to happen to any of you. I love you." Mimi was understandably shocked at that revelation, but she accepted it gratefully. " That was exactly what I was going to tell you. I love you so much that words can’t even say. I couldn’t live with the idea that you hated me. I thought that it was best that I just leave. I’m sorry I worried you so much." " It’s okay. Just promise me one thing." " What?" " That you’ll never do that again. I was worried almost to death." " I’m sorry." " It’s okay," he said as he put his arms on her shoulders, "you don’t need to apologize." " Sorry," she said before catching herself. " Shh," he said as he drew her close to him and rested her head on his shoulder. " I’ll love you now and for always…" End Flashback… ( Author’s note: Now everything from Mimi’s P.O.V. is now in the 1st person. Example: instead of saying Mimi said, it’ll now say I said.) *He had said that he would love me always. Then how come he ran off with that girl we passed on the way to the movies? I don’t know why he did, but I still love him. I always will.* " Oh look, Mimi," said Palmon, " it’s stopped raining. Let’s go to the garden." " Oh, sure," I said as I snapped out of my thoughts. *** A few minutes later, Palmon and I were walking through a small garden that was located on the grounds of the large mansion that I lived in…alone. There were rows upon rows of flowers of all varieties and colors. There was a row of bright red crysanthemums to my right and there was a row of purple orchids to my left. There was even a small pond, filled with goldfish located in the center of the garden. It was so peaceful here. It was a place for me to get away from my life. It was one of the only places that the media didn’t know about. I loved it here, and so did Palmon. It seemed that we both had a certain affinity for plants and flowers. I guess that’s what drove me to design this huge garden. Both of us kept walking, until we came to the part of the garden that was dedicated solely to roses.There was dozens of yellow, red, and white roses to behold, but I paid little attention to those. What I paid attention to was a huge bush of pink roses. I walked over to the bush and fingered one of the roses gently. These were exactly the same as the ones that Matt had given to me on our last date. As I fingered the rose, a single tear slipped down my cheek. I still wished that he hadn’t left. I still loved him with all my heart. Palmon noticed what was happening and gently took hold of my arm. " Come on, Mimi," she said. " Why don’t you go and do some shopping?" " Oh, okay," I said as I brightened somewhat. I still loved shopping. That was another one of the few things that hadn’t changed when he left. I turned to walk back into the mansion, but before I did, I turned and stared back wistfully at the bush of roses. Once again, Palmon, noticed what was happening, and she firmly, but gently pushed me back towards the mansion. *** Once I was back inside, I walked over to a tall, spiral stair case and made my way up it. I walked slowly, and I considered what I was going to wear and where I was going to go. I decided to keep the disguise as simple as possible. That greatly narrowed the field. About a minute later, I was once again upstairs in my room. This time, instead of walking over to the large window, I walked over to a small, mirrored door that was nearby. The door was small, but I knew that here, looks were deceiving. I gently opened the door to reveal a closet that was almost as large as my bedroom. Despite its size, it was incredilbly neat. Having decided to wear a simple disguise, I walked down to the very end of the closet and pulled out a short blue dress. I also pulled out a blond wig and a hat from the shelf above me. *This will do* I thought to myself. Not too complicated, but not too simple. It was perfect. I dressed quickly, did my makeup, and grabbed my purse and a pair of shoes from the closet before heading out the door. I got into one of my cars and drove to the nearest mall. I could have gone to my own mall, but I wanted to be as normal as possible. I was enjoying the peace and quiet of the ride, when something struck me. I had neglected to invite Palmon to come with me. She loved shopping as much as I did. Maybe I should go back and get her. Then I thought, * I really want to go on my own. So, I guess that I won’t go back and get her. I’ll bring her along next time. Oh well…* *** It took me only a little while to get to the mall, and when I did, I got out of the car, and gently closed the door. I glanced in one of the car’s mirrors to make sure that my makeup, my hat and my wig were okay, and I headed towards the mall’s entrance. Then, it happened. Once again, just like that fateful night in the DigiWorld, images that made no sense came flooding into my head. This time, there wasn’t just images, but instead there were feelings and sounds and a mind splitting migraine. I collapsed to the hot asphalt of the parking lot, and clutched at my head trying desperately to think of someway to stop this headache. Instead of different images flowing into my mind, I saw the same images and felt the same feelings over and over again. I saw an alley dead end into a brick wall, and I felt an intense fear which grew and grew until it grew into complete and utter terror. Then, all that subsided into a slight fear, and then completely dissappeared into relief. This cycle reapeated several times, over and over again. Finally, the images stopped, and I guess that I passed out. *** Meanwhile… Not very far away from where I was, a very familiar person tossed and turned in his sleep. He was going through the exact same thing that I had gone through just moments before. He awoke with a start, blue eyes snapping open quickly, dressed quickly, and walked out the door. *** I awoke with a start and bolted up so fast that I startled the person who had been leaning over me, so badly that he fell back, knocking his head hard on the concrete. I looked around to see where I was and I checked for any restraints. It turned out that I was laying on a park bench. Once I was sure that I was okay and that I wasn’t being held captive, I turned to look and see who had been leaning over me. He was about my age, brown hair that was semi-messy, well dressed, and rather handsome. He had brown eyes that were now staring at me intently. His face looked somewhat familiar. There was a shuffle of cloth from somewhere, and a slam of a car door, then a woman’s voice that also seemed familiar. " Is she awake yet, dear?" asked the woman. " Yes," said the man as he gingerly rubbed his head where he had hit it. A woman, also about my age, appeared from somewhere to my left. She had long red hair that was now tied in a loose ponytail. Her large brown eyes were staring at me intently. Then, she turned her attention to the man whom she had called dear. I presumed that he was her husband. " What happened to you?" she asked. " Oh, nothing," replied the man, who was still sitting on the concrete in front of us. The woman sat down next to me to make sure that I was okay. She was carrying a cup of water, which she handed to me. I drank the water and thanked her. " You’re welcome," she said. The, a slight gust of wind came up and blew my hat off of my head. It landed at my feet. I bent over to get it, but the woman stopped me. " I’ll get it," she said. She then bent over and grabbed the hat, but as she did so, her necklace slipped out from inside her shirt. I gasped when I saw it. It was a big brownish pendant that had a piece of red stone with something engraved on it in the middle. She handed me the hat, but I sat there staring at the pendant. She followed my gaze to see what I was staring at. When she saw that her pendant had slipped out, she moved to quickly stuff it back inside her shirt, but I said, " Please wait. May I see that?" " What? This old thing?" she asked. I nodded. " Well, there’s nothing special about it," she said, " but you can see it." She handed it to me, somewhat apprehensively as though she was committing a cardinal sin. I took it out of her hand, and when I did, she stared down at her lap. I held the pendant in my hand, and stared at it as though to make sure that it was real. The pendant I found myself staring at, had a heart with 2 circles in the upper right hand corner, engraved on it. " I don’t believe it." I whispered. " It’s the Crest of Love!" When the woman and the man heard that, they jerked her head up with disbelief. I guess that they were surprised that I knew what it was and what it meant. " How do you know that?" the woman asked. I didn’t answer her question, but rather, I continued on with my own train of thought. I said to myself, " The only person who I’ve seen with the Crest of Love, was…" I looked directly at her. " Sora? Is that you Sora?" I asked, my voice belaying my shock and surprise. She too was shocked. " Yes," she answered quietly. " My name is Sora. How do you know that?" " Don’t you recognize me Sora?" I asked. I mean, here I was, Mimi Tachikawa, powder puff girl. The bearer of the Crest of Sincerity. *How come they don’t recognize me?* I asked myself. * I haven’t changed that much. My eyes are still brown, my hair is still the same…* That’s when it struck me. I was wearing a wig! I reached up and gently pulled the wig off my head and placed it in my lap along with the hat. Then, I let down my real hair. I also pulled my Crest of Sincerity out from inside my dress and handed it to her. Suddenly, Sora’s face lit up with understanding. " Mimi!" she cried, " it’s you! I can’t believe it!" She turned to the man who was still sitting on the ground. " Did you hear that dear?" she asked. " It’s Mimi!" " Mimi!" he exclaimed as he got up. " Yes, dear," said Sora. " It’s Mimi!" She turned back to me. " I believe you know my husband too. If you know me, then you should know him." I took another look at the man. He looked somewhat familiar, but I couldn’t match the face to a name. He had an, I don’t belive you don’t recognize me yet, look on his face. Then, he had an inspiration. He reached inside his shirt and pulled out a tag and crest. His crest was orange and it had a picture of the sun engraved on it. I stared at it for a minute before the realization dawned on me. The crest was the Crest of Courage! " I don’t believe it!" I exclaimed. " Tai Kamiya?!" In response to that, the man nodded. " That’s me!" he said happily. " The one and only Tai Kamiya!" I was filled with a joy greater than any that I had felt since Matt had left. I still couldn’t believe it! Three of the DigiDestined were reunited. *If only the others and Matt were here. Then, it would be perfect.* We sat down and began to talk about our lives. *** I really don’t know how long we had sat there, but I guess that it was about an hour. We had talked about what we had done since we had returned from the Digiworld. Tai, true to his word, wrote a book about the group’s adventures in Digiworld. That book had become a bestseller. Also, he had played soccer professionally for a while, but gave it up so that he could write his book. Then, it was Sora’s turn. As soon as she had gotten back from the Digiworld, she began to study medicine. She had felt that it was her duty, as the bearer of the Crest of Love, to take care of others. Thanks to that sense of duty, she became one of the top doctors in the hospital she worked at. She also worked part time for a missing persons agency. Due to her compassion for others and the power of her crest, she reciveed visions that helped the police locate missing people. Eventually, we got around to talking about my life. I told as much as I could, and I left Matt out of most of it. I hated not mentioning him, but I felt as if I mentioned his name, I would break down crying. I talked about my singing career and both Tai and Sora knew about me, and they had tried to get in contact, but they were always told, that I was busy. Eventually, they gave up though. They had attended several of my concerts, and had tried to talk to me afterwards, but the mob of fans was too great for them to fight. We talked about a lot of stuff. For example, we talked about Tai and Sora’s wedding, and they talked about the other DigiDestined. Izzy had opened a large computer company, and Joe, worked as a lawyer. Kari was just about ready for her graduation from college, and T.K. wasn’t far behind. They both were majoring in Psychology. Eventually, we got around to talking about Matt. Tai said that he and Sora had kept in contact with Matt for a little while, mainly because of T.K. and Kari, but, about 10 years after we returned from DigiWorld, he dropped out of sight and they hadn’t seen him since. They had asked me if I knew anything about him. I fought an internal struggle for a while before answering. " No," I had said. " I haven’t seen him since we had left the Digiworld." When I had said that, Sora had looked at me with the, I know you’re lying,so don’t try to trick me, look. For a second, I had feared that she was going to say something, but that did not happen, thankfully. Shortly after, we parted ways. Right now, I was driving back home. * Wow!* I thought excitedly, * Wait ‘till Palmon hears this! Now I’m really sorry that I didn’t bring her along. Oh well…* I turned my thoughts back to driving and what I was going to do this afternoon. That’s when I realized that I had nothing special planned. * Well,* I thought, * I guess I’ll relax for a change. It will be nice to have some peace and quiet.* I then turned my thoughts completely to driving. *** It took me only a short while to get home, and I was so relieved when I did. I decided that I was going to go and relax in the jacuzzi for about an hour. I slowly walked up the winding path to my front door, taking in the beautiful landscaping. I saw a bush of red roses near my front door, and I decided to pick one. I searched for a pretty one with relatively few thorns. As I did so, I suddenly had the nagging feeling that I was being watched. I quickly stood upright. In one of the nearby windows, I saw someone peek through the curtains, then dissappear as soon as I saw them. * Who would be in there?* I asked myself. * Burglars? Could be.* Now that made me angry. * How dare they?! How dare they intrude onto my property? Well, if they think they can do that and get away without being hurt, they’ve got another thing coming to them!* I pulled my Crest of Sincerity out from inside my dress, and I grabbed my long disused digivice from my purse. I might need Palmon’s help for this one. I quietly crept up to the front door and prepared myself for a fight. I quietly put my key in the lock and turned it. The door unlocked with a soft click. I gently placed a shaking hand on the doorknob, turned it, swung the door open and… I nearly jumped out of my skin when a large group of people jumped out from various places and unanimously yelled, " Surprise!" I was so shocked that I nearly collapsed, but I recovered before that could happen. I took a quick look around to see who was there. I started from my right and went to my left. On my right, closest to me was Tai and Augumon. Next to him was Sora and Biyomon. Next to Sora was a tall man with dark red hair. He was dressed in a business suit. At first I didn’t recognize him, but then I spotted a small red bettle standing next to him. * Oh my gosh!* I thought, * that’s Izzy and Tentomon! Wow! He’s grown!* Next to Izzy was a tall man with blue hair and glasses. He too was wearing a suit. I didn’t recognize him either, but then I saw a small seal-like creature standing next to him. * Oh! That’s Joe and Gomamon!* Next to Joe, was a man of about 20. He had blond hair and blue eyes, just like Matt’s but it wasn’t him. I then spotted a small brown digimon next to him. * Hey! That’s T.K. and Patamon!* Then, standing next to T.K. was a woman a little taller than T.K. She looked to be about 22. Next to her was a small white cat creature. It was Kari and Gatomon! Then, standing next to Kari, was Palmon, who was smiling mischieveously. And last, but not least, there was another woman there. She looked to be about my age. She had long blond hair, and deep blue eyes. She was dressed in a casual dress. Next to her, was a small digimon with 2 long, pure white feathers for wings. * Hey! It’s Celeste and Celemon! Man, I haven’t seen them in a long time!* When I finally recovered from my shock, I walked over to Plamon and said sweetly, " Palmon, what’s going on here? Hmmm?" " Well," said Sora, " I can explain. Despite what I said earlier, I did keep in touch with you, in a way. I kept in touch with Palmon. She told me everything that happened. She toldme what large effects the break up with Matt was having on you, so I decided to throw a DigiDestined Reunion." " Thank you so much," I said to her, " it’s perfect except for the fact that you’re missing a DigiDestined." " I know," said Sora, " I wasn’t lying when I said that we had lost contact with Matt. We really did. Even T.K. That’s when Celeste came and told me that you were going to the mall near here. She touched your mind with those visions giving Tai and I some time to catch up with you. Albiet, she khad to knock you unconcious, but she came and stood guard until we got there." " So," I said, " those visions I had, were fake. They’re not like the ones that I had back in the Digiworld?" " Oh they’re real," said Celeste. " I just used them because, I needed something to touch your mind with. Do not dismiss those visions though. They are just as real as I am." " Okay," said Tai. " Enough talking. Let’s get this party started!" *** About 3 hours later… Brrring! Brrring! One of the many phones I had in the house was ringing off the hook, more so than normal. I left the noise and raucus of the party and found the nearest phone, picked it up and puched in a number. That took me to an automated menu which told me which phone was ringing. I then punched in that phone’s number and I answered it. "Hello," I said. I turned around and saw that Palmon had followed me. " Yes," said the voice on the other end. " Could I please speak to Mimi Tachikawa?" " This is she," I answered. " Okay," said the man somewhat nervously. He cleared his throat before beginning. " Ms. Tachikawa," he said, " I am Dectective Morrison from the Tokyo Police. I must ask you, are you sitting down?" " I am now," I replied as I pulled out a nearby chair and sat on it. " Ms. Tachikawa," Dectective Moyori began. " I have called to inform you…do you know a Yamato Ishida?" " Yes," I said somewhat impatiently. * This guy is really staring to bug me!* I thought. " Ms. Tachikawa, I have called to inform you that, Yamato Ishida… I’m afraid he’s dead." Chapter 3 - The End Author’s Note: Everythi

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