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Rainy Day: Page 4

sadly, " I just wish that this didn’t have to happen." I bowed my head and stared at my feet as I walked. Suddenly, I felt an arm around my shoulder, and that arm pulled me to one side. I looked up to see that my new friend, had just saved me from walking straight into a lightpole, which I hadn’t seen. I looked up at him, " Thank you," I said. " You’re welcome…uhh. I just realized that I don’t know your name," he said. " My name is Mimi," I said. " Mimi Tachikawa." " That’s a beautiful name," he said thoughtfully. " My name is Michael. Michael Myon." " That’s a nice name," I said as we continued walking through the rain. *** ( All right, the P.O.V. has changed again, but Mimi’s not there to see what’s going on.) *** Somewhere in the district of Obaida, a lone figure walked down a deserted street. It was raining, and the person liked and hated this kind of weather. It was relaxing, but at the same time, discomforting. The person was a man about 25 years old. He was walking down the street, thinking. He couldn’t believe it. He had gotten up and walked out of his apartment, and as soon as he got out the door, his wallet had been stolen! He had been angry about that, but he had decided that what had passed had passed, so he wasn’t angry anymore. He was glad that he was out here alone. All he wanted to do was think. The rain pounded on the umbrella above his head, in a steady rhythm. It was calming. For a long while, that was the only sound he was aware of. He had been walking for quite awile, and he hadn’t run into anyone else since he ran into that person who stole his wallet, but he was happy that he was alone. This is what he deserved after what he did to one of his closest friends. He was happy in misery. All was silent except for the pitter-patter of the raindrops on his umbrella. Then, a stray sound caught his attention. From somewhere, he heard the sound of music, of some woman singing. He stopped to listen to it. This is what he heard… Pitter-patter on the glass My tears are falling like rain Oh how I wish this storm would pass My heart I cannot tame… I wish that you were still here But now that isn’t so, I wish that you you were still near, Why did you have to go? For every single raindrop that falls, I cry a single tear, I wish that I could forget it all, But my heart still holds you dear. This is too much for me to bear, Why’d you do this to me? I look outside and the rain I hear, But there’s something else I see… Our two Rainy Day Hearts, Have been driven far apart, I really wish that we could go, Back to the very start With our two Rainy Day Hearts. Raindrops Heartache Teardrops Heartbreak Our two hearts, Have been driven far apart, I really wish that we could go Back to the very start With our two Rainy Day Hearts. Every time it rains, I look outside and hope That some day, You’ll come back to me Our two hearts Have been driven far apart, But I hope, That that won’t be so anymore, And I wish for that, From the bottom of my Rainy Day Heart. *** Then, the song stopped and the announcer came on. " And that," he said, " was Rainy Day Hearts written, composed and sung by the one and only Mimi Tachikawa. She once said in an interview, that that song was dedicated to the man she loved, whom she refused to name. She said that the reason she wrote that song, was because the one she loved, left her on a rainy day." The man stiffened when he heard that. "It’s a beautiful song folks, and we can only hope that her wish will come true. Now, for the traffic report…" The man was aware that the announcer was still talking, but he paid no heed to what he said. Instead, the man took off running down the street. There was a dream he had to fulfill. *** It didn’t take him long to get into the busier part of town. Now, he was no longer alone on the street, but rather, he was surrounded by more than a few people, each one running to get to where they were going as opposed to he, who was walking slowly, and unprotected in the rain. The people he passed stared at him with the, you must be crazy, look on quite a few of their faces, but he didn’t care. He was too busy to worry about getting wet. He was searching, searching for the one, he knew he loved. That was all he cared about now, finding her was the most important thing in the world to him. It seemed to be next to impossible to find her though, that was, if she was even in this city. In reality, he had absolutely no idea where she was, but a part of him knew that she was in this city. At this point, he was relying fully on intuition. He was following his heart to find his true love; it was the only available option. So, he continued walking and searching. *** He didn’t know how long he had walked for, but it seemed to be long enough to him. He guessed that he had been walking for about only an hour, but it felt like he had been walking for three. His feet ached, and he felt like he was going to come down with a serious case of the chills. He felt even more miserable than he had an hour before. No matter how determined he had been before, right now, he was all but ready to give up hope completely. The rain had died down to a light drizzle, so he decided that it was time for a rest. In an hour, he had covered most, but still not all, of the city, and there was still not even the slightest indication of the one he loved. Still, he knew, well, he thinks that she is here in Odaiba. He found an unnoccupied bench that sat on the curb of the street that he was walking down. He fell back onto it with a long sigh. This was what he needed right now. He leaned back and put his arms behind his head so that he could use them as a temporary pillow. He sat there for a couple of minutes, taking in the sounds around him. Now that the rain had died down, there was only the occasional sound of a drop making contact with something. The more common sounds now, were those of people talking and those of car engines. During the time that he sat there, a passenger bus stopped right in front of him. He knew that he wasn’t sitting at a bus stop, so why did the bus stop right where he was. He loked up and saw that there was a traffic light at a nearby intesection. That’s when he saw her walking on the other side of the street. It had been about five years since he last saw her, but he would have recognized her face anywhere. She had long chestnut hair, most of which was restrained in a ponytail, except for two long strands which framed her face. She was wearing, what he knew was her favorite color, pink. She was about his age and height. She was walking along the street, and it looked like she was walking with someone, but he couldn’t see who. The bus was blocking the rest of his view. Then, the light changed, and the bus moved out of his way. He gasped with shock. He realized that it was definitely Mimi, but that wasn’t what made him gasp. He was that she was walking with another man, and that man had his arm around her shoulders. He couldn’t believe it. There she was, the one he loved, but with another. He knew that he had brought this upon himself. He knew that he had brought this loss upon himself. He had lost her once, and he had lost her again. Both times, the loss was caused by him and his ignorance and stubborness. Still, he wasn’t going to give up. He got up immediately and started walking in the same direction they were going, but he stayed on the side he was on. He followed them for a couple of blocks, trying very hard to keep an eye on them, while at the same time, trying to blend in with the crowd. The rain had stopped, and for that he was grateful. There went one more distraction. He kept following them. Then, they stopped walking, and the man whispered something to Mimi. They then proceeded to turn into an alley. The man wanted to dash across the street,but he couldn’t do so without getting run over, but if he waited, he would risk losing sight of them. Luckily, the decision was made for him. The light changed allowing him and several others to cross over to the opposite side of the street. Once there, he proceeded to walk down the same alley that they had turned into only moments before. Little did he know what that alley would lead to. *** ( Okay, this is just a note. No, the P.O.V.’s haven’t changed. I just have to say that now, what’s taking place, only Biyomon, Palmon, Celemon, and Patamon are able to see what’s going on. This is until further notice.) Biyomon flew high above the district of Odaiba. The rain had soaked her pink and blue feathers completely, and that was making it difficult to fly, but she couldn’t give up. She was extrememly tired. Her pink wings were beginning to ache and her large blue eyes wanted so badly to close, but she knew that she couln’t let herself fall asleep. The recon mission she was on was too important. She had to find Mimi. No one had any idea where she could be. Everyone of the DigiDestined, not including Celeste, had done what Izzy had suggested and had split up in a standard search pattern, and were, at this time, covering the city. Meanwhile, Biyomon, Patamon, Celelmon and Palmon, who was being carried by Celemon, were searching the city by air, in hopes of speeding up the search. So far, their efforts had been useless. They hadn’t found a trace of Mimi, let alone Mimi herself. It seemed that she was hiding from them, trying to evade them, but that seemed to be impossible. Mimi probably didn’t even know that they were looking for her. She probably thought that they didn’t even know that she was missing, but that was only a possibility. She took a quick look back at the others, and saw that they were in as bad a shape as she was. They were all completely soaked from head to toe, and they were all tired, but Biyomon felt especially sorry for Celemon. Poor Celemon, though she was the strongest of the three, between carrying Palmon and having flown for hours, even she looked tired. Wheras, Palmon wasn’t tired at all. Rather, she was worried sick. She was constantly on alert. Many times, she thought that she might have spotted Mimi, but so far, it always turned out to be someone completely different. Next, Biyomon turned her attention to Patamon. Patamon too, was soaked, and he was probably the weakest of the three rookies. ( Celemon isn’t a rookie. She’s a Champion Digimon.) Albiet, he wasn’t weak in his champion stage, but his rookie stage wasn’t usually his first choice. Biyomon knew that Patamon wished that he could digivolve into Angemon, and search in that form, but she also knew that none of them, except Palmon, had any strength left to digivolve. Biyomon knew that if Palmon digivolved all the way up to Lillymon, that that would make things easier on Celemon, but they might need Lillymon for later. Palmon had wanted to digivolve, but she couldn’t. The main reason was that she was too far away from Mimi to digivolve. Then Biyomon realized that she wasn’t concentrating on searching anymore. She broke the train of thought that she had been on, and turned her attention back to searching. *I can’t let my thoughts wander!* Biyomon screamed at herself. *I’ve got to concentrate in finding Mimi!* They had to find her as soon as possible. Izzy mentioned, that because of her high status, she might become the target of evil intentions. That was just one of the many reasons that they had to find her, A..S.A.P. After about two hours of searching, there was still no sign of her anywhere. Biyomon didn’t know what to do, except to keep searching. *** ( All right, the P.O.V.’s finally back to Mimi’s. About time too.^_^! Hey, have you figured out who , "The Man," is yet?) *** Michael and I kept walking, even though there was no need for us to. We were both contented and the weather was almost perfect for a walk. The rain had all but died down, and we could have gone our separate ways. Neither of us had any idea where we were going, but we kept walking anyway. Then, when I finally became worried about where I was and how long it would take me to get back home, I found myself in a very uncomfortable spot. I looked up, and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw where I was. I found that somehow, Michael and I had ended up at the intersection of Ryu Boulevard and Shinju Street. Once again, my heart clenched. The intersection had been all but blocked off by police cars, and a small section was surrounded by the unmistakable yellow police tape. Somehow, my curiosity got the best of me, and I managed to peer into the center of the area that was surrounded by the yellow tape. In the center, I saw the white, chalk outline of a body. *No,* I thought, *please not here. Please, no.* I guess that what upsetted me the most, was the fact that here was the actual proof that Matt was dead. I couldn’t believe it. I guess that some part of me still clung to the hope that there might have been some kind of terrible mistake, or that this was some kind of practical joke, but here was the proof. If I hadn’t stopped walking, undoubtedly, Michael would have kept walking. Instead, he stopped, and turned to face me. " What’s wrong?" he asked. "Th..this," I stammered. " This is what?" he asked. I gulped and tried to not start crying. "Th..this…is…wh…where…where it happened." I said, my voice shaking and body trembling with each word I spoke. " What happened?" Michael asked, still puzzled. I stood there for a second, and tried to regain some composure before I spoke. " This is where the accident happened. This…this is where…where Matt died!" With those last few words, I broke down and once again, began crying hysterically. " Shh," he said soothingly to me. " It’ll be alright. Don’t worry." " No!" I screamed. " It’ll never be alright! Don’t ever say that! Matt’s dead and it’s all my fault!" He looked at me with this, I’m hurt, look on his face. That look melted through my anger, my guilt, and dampened my sadness slightly. " I’m sorry," I said softly as I stared at my feet. Then, I felt a hand gently lift my chin. I found myself staring directly into Michael’s unusual blue eyes. " No," he said softly, " there’s no need to apologize. I know that you’re still upset over the death of your friend, but you must realize. It’s not your fault. There is no one to blame in this tragic accident. So, don’t go blaming yourself. Please." " Okay," I said. " I won’t. But, can we just get off this street. Please, I really don’t want to be here." " All right, we’ll take another street. Follow me," he said as he indicated to a dark alley. " This is a shortcut that I know. It’ll take us around this intersection." " All right," I said somberly as I moved to follow him. " Let’s go then," I said as we walked into the dark alleyway. *** "It’s dark in here," I said to Michael as we walked down the alley. " Are you sure you’re going the right way?" " Yes," he said, " I know that this is the right way. Just keep walking." I don’t know what it was, but something in his voice, activated this part of my brain, that told me to, be afraid, to be very afraid. I looked up at the two tall buildings that were on either side of the alleyway. They completely lined the alley, and there was no door that could be seen. Then, it occurred to me, that there was only two ways out of this alley, if anything attacked. That, scared me. " Maybe we should go back, Michael," I said, my voice belaying a hint of fright. " No," he said sharply, " we’re almost there. Only a couple more minutes and we’ll be outta here." I considered that statement for a moment then said, " All right. Let’s keep going." We kept walking, and sure enough, a couple more minutes of walking, brought us to the end of the alley, but, it wasn’t the end that I was expecting. Instead of coming to the exit to another street, but rather, it brought us to a dead end. Then, from out of nowhere, three ghostly figures with beady black eyes, and large, scary teeth, emerged from the three walls that surrounded us. I would have known those creatures anywhere. " Oh no!" I said. " Bakemon! Michael, we have to get out of here now!" Michael turned to me. " What makes you think that you’re going anywhere?" He asked coldly. I stifled a gasp as the realization of what had been happening, came to me. " you’re not human are you?" I asked Michael. " You’re…you’re…a digimon, aren’t you?" " So glad you finally figured it out!" he said. " I was sick of all your human weaknesses, and emotions!" " That voice…" I began. " Love, kindess, compassion…" " An ememy…" " …who needs them? Soon, I will have all I ever needed or will need, once I have your Crest of Sincerity. Prepare to face my wrath!" Michael was surrounded by a cloud of tiny bats whose mouths were laced shut. The cloud grew to 1 and a half times Michael’s size, then dissappeared to reveal a tall, blond vampire who was wearing a red mask over his face, and was clad in blue. "…Myotismon!" My heart and gut clenched, yet again, but this time from fear rather than from sadness, but still, my curiosity came to the fore. " How…how can this be?" I asked him. " We destroyed you twice! How can it be you!?" He laughed then answered. " It’s because you never destroyed me!" I gasped. " Why so shocked, missy? You actually thought that you and your weakling digimon actually stood a chance against me? How wrong you were! You see, there is only one way to truly destroy me, and that’s by using your crests! So, to prevent that from ever happening, I plan to steal your crests . Do you plan to give up your crest quietly, or will I have to use force?" he asked as he signaled the three Bakemon. " I’ll never give up my crest!" I shouted at him. " You should know that! I’d die first!" " Well," he said, " since we can’t do this the civilized way, I guess we’ll have to do this my way!" He turned to the Bakemon. " She’s all yours. You can do what ever you want with her. Just make sure you get me the crest." " Sure thing boss," said Bakemon number one. " you can count on us." " Let’s hope so, for your sake," said Myotismon as he turned to walk away. " Hold it right there, mister!" shouted a voice that stopped Myotismon in his tracks. " Who says you’re going anywhere?" said another. " Yeah," said two more voices in unision. " Who’s there?" Myotismon asked. I gasped with relief as Biyomon, Celemon, Patamon and Palmon emerged from the shadows of the alley. " Oh," said Myotismon nonchalantly. " It’s just the weaklings." " Oh yeah," said Biyomon. " We’ll show you just how weak we are! Spiral Twister!" She shouted as she shot a green spiral of fire at Myotismon. Myotismon simply dodged it and watched as it hit the Bakemon that had been floating to my left. The Bakemon dissolved into DigiDust. " Is that the best you’ve got?" challeneged Myotismon. " No!" said Celemon. " Pure Hearts Attack!" She yelled as she shot a heart-shaped ball of energy at Myotismon. Once again, he simply dodged it, and everyone, including myself, watched as it hit one of the two Bakemon to my right. He too dissolved into DigiDust. " Now it’s my turn!" said Patamon. " Boom Bubble!" he screamed as he shot a bubble at the last Bakemon. The bubble hit, and sent that Bakemon flying into a nearby wall. The Bakemon hit so hard that it caused a pile of crates to fall ontop of him. The last that was seen of the Bakemon, was a cloud of DigiDust being blown away in the wind. " All right," said Palmon. " Now it’s my turn. You’re gonna pay for threatening Mimi!" She then shouted, " Palmon digivolve to…Togemon!" Palmon was replaced by a larger cactus creature. Togemon stood there for a few seconds, then shouted, Togemon…digivolve to….Lillymon!" Togemon was replaced by a smaller creature dressed in pink lily flowers. " Ha, you think you stand even the slightest chance against me, flower girl?" he sneered. " You’re an easy target!" " Not anymore!" she yelled as she yelled, " Flower Cannon!" She shot a green ball of energy at Myotismon, and that ball exploded into thousands of tiny flower petals when it hit. Those thousands of tiny petals, created a cloud. "Okay, that’s done," said Lillymon as she landed gracefully on the ground. She had stood there no more that a couple seconds, when she suddenly flew backwards. " Oh no," said Patamon as Myotismon stepped from inside the cloud. Everyone except Lillymon stood gaping. " Uh, you guys," she said, " why don’t you, digivolve and HELP ME!?" " We can’t," said Biyomon, " we’re all too tired, and besides, everyone of us, except for you, is separated from our friend." " You’re right," said Lillymon thoughtfully. "I guess that it’s up to me then." " You don’t stand a chance!" declared Myotismon. " I know I don’t," said Lillymon, " but I’ll do whatever I can to protect Mimi!" " Ha!" said Myotismon, " a noble effort, but that will not save you!" He prepared to unleash his attack. " Grisly…" From out of the corner of my eye, I saw the glow of a blue crest, and seemingly, from out of nowhere, WereGarurumon appeared and used his powerful, Garurukick, to send Myotismon flying back into a nearby brick wall. For a second, everyone including Lillymon, sat and stared, until WereGarurumon said, " Well, are you all just going to sit there, or are you going to fight?!" "We’re going to fight!" said Lillymon as she stood up. " Come on everyone, give us a hand!" " Sure thing!" said Biyomon. " Spiral Twister!" " Pure Hearts Attack!" yelled Celemon. " Boom Bubble!" yelled Patamon. " Wolf Claw!" yelled Were-Garurumon. " Flower Cannon!" yelled Lillymon. They all launched their attacks at the now still Myotismon, and all the attacks hit, but it wasn’t enough. Albeit, it weakened him greatly, but it failed to destroy him. (Author’s note: If you’re wondering why they’re beating Myotismon so easily now, there’s two reasons. 1: They’re Digimon are a lot stronger now than they were when they first fought Myotismon. 2: When he was "destroyed" the first time, it sent him all the way back to his in-training stage. He has just recently digivolved back to his ultimate stage, Myotismon. That’s why he’s weak now.) " It didn’t work!" I yelled. " We can see that," Lillymon said back to me. " What should we do, Mimi?" " I don’t know." I said. " I really don’t know." I stood there and I had to think for a couple minutes before the answer came to me. When I figured out what to do, I yelled, " Hey! I’ve got it!" " Got what?" asked Patamon. " I’ve figured out how to destroy Myotismon!" " How?" asked Lillymon. " It’s something that he had said earlier. He had said that probably the only way for us to destroy him once and for all was to use our crests. So, I’m going to try that." " He could be lying Mimi," said Celemon. " I know," I said, " but do any of you have a better idea?" They all shook their heads. " Then, fine then. Here goes!" I held my hands out in front of me, and my Crest of Sincerity began to glow green, a bright spot of illumination in the darkness of the alley. Then, the crest rose until it was positioned directly inbetween my two outreached hands. Then, I shouted, " Crest of Sincerity, destroy!" My crest began to glow even brighter when I had said that. It glowed so brightly, that it illuminated the entire alley. Once it had reached its peak brightness, it shot a glowing green beam out at Myotismon, who awoke just in time to see the beam racing his way. " Nooooo!" he screamed as he desperately tried to think of some way to get out of this mess, but he knew that this time, there was no escaping his fate. The beam hit, and with a tremendous explosion of light, destroyed Myotismon. Well, it destroyed him rather slowly. He stood in front of Mimi; he was disintergrating slowly, just like Devimon so many years ago. " Ha," he said. " You may have destroyed me, but in the long run, I still won." " Ha yourself," said Lillymon. " Anyway, you’re the one being destroyed, so how can you even say you won?" " I can say that," he said, " because I caused her a wound that will never heal! I took away the one that she loves…well, I should say loved, the most! I killed Yamato Ishida! The so called bearer of the Crest of Friendship! He didn’t die in a car accident! I killed him with my own two hands! I put the spell of Eternal Sleep on him, and there is no way, absolutely no way, that you can ever hope to bring him back! The spell I cast on him, not even Celeste can break! I was always the better of the two DigiMasters! I should have reigned supreme, but no, little miss angel-face, had to steal my rule from me! Well, now, she’s lost! I’m the only one who can break that spell! In destroying me, you’ve lost your only hope of reviving your friend! Haaaa!" When he finished saying that, he was gone, having disintergrated into a pile of DigiDust that was carried away in a slight wind. Everyone stood in silence for a moment, taking in what Myotismon had just said. Then, it hit us all. I was probably the hardest hit by it. I fell limply to my knees, buried my face in my hands, and started crying hysterically once again. " No!" I screamed, " no! It can’t be! It can’t!" All the hope that I had held before, no matter how large or small, all the hopes that Matt was still alive, were dashed into millions of pieces, as was my heart. The rain had stopped comepletely, but my many tears and the tears of my friends took the rain’s place. I don’t know why, but for some reason, I could partially accept the fact that he had died in a car accident, but I couldn’t handle the fact that Myotismon had killed him. I just couldn’t understand it! How could Myotismon have been able to put that spell on him? Wouldn’t Matt have fought back? Where was Gabumon during all this? Surely Gabumon wouldn’t have let Myotismon hurt Matt. Suddenly, a thought occurred to me. Were-Garurumon had come and had helped us during the battle . Also, I remebered that I had caught a glimpse of the glow of a blue crest. My spirits lifted. Could that mean that Matt was still alive? I sat in the dark alley and pondered that question for a while. Then a thought crossed my mind. * Seeing Were-Garurumon, and seeing the glow of a blue crest, could mean that Matt’s still alive, but then again it could also mean, that Celeste or one of her allies had taken that form to help us.* That thought depressed me. Then, to keep myself from crying again, I thought, *No! I’ve got to remain positive! It’s a long shot, but it just might be, it just could be, that Matt was still alive!* I sat there and smiled a small smile to myself. I decided not to tell anyone what I thought because they’d probably tell me that I was supporting a lost cause in believing that he was still alive. So, I dried my eyes, and regained some of my composure, before walking over to the others. " Maybe we should get out of here," I said sadly. " Yeah," said Lillymon who too had been crying. " Sure," sobbed Biyomon. " Okay," sniffed Patamon. " Why not," cried Celemon. For some reason, I thought that I should expect another voice, but I didn’t know whose voice to expect. That’s when yet another thought occurred to me. Where was Were-Garurumon? Had he dissappeared before the fight was over, or had he even been here to begin with? I decided to scratch the part about him not being here in the first place because all the others, and myself, had seen him. That gave me one more reason to hope that Matt was still alive. " Come on," said Celemon as she choked back a sob, " I’ll teleport everyone back to the mansion." We all nodded sadly and gathered around Celemon in a circle. " Here goes," she said, " Teleport!" We all blacked out. *** The next thing I was aware of, was the soft and freshly mowed grass of my lawn. I would have recognized that scent anywhere. It was an odor that was completely unique to my lawn. It had this sweetish smell, but at the same time it was spicy, and smelled like woodchips. " Oh," I said softly as I sat up. " I’m home." " Yes," said Celemon solemnly. " Let’s go inside. The others are waiting for us." We each nodded sadly before we walked up the remainder of the long path that led up to my front door. Once there, we stepped onto the porch, I unlocked the door, and we walked inside slowly and solemnly. Inside the living area, we found that the others had returned from there searches, and were now sitting down, and pondering what they were going to do, when we walked in. Everyone sat and stared at us blankly for a moment. Sora was the first to actually react. " Oh it’s you Mimi!" she yelled with delight as she got up to give me a hug. " Oh you’re safe! We were so worried!" " Yeah," I said softly, " I’m fine." Sora must have picked up something in my voice because she immediately said, " Well, you don’t sound all right. Why don’t you tell us what happened?" " Okay," I said as I sat down on a nearby chair and began to tell them what had happened to me. *** About Half an Hour Later… In half an hour, even having broken down and cried through most of the story, I somehow managed to get the whole story out. Once I was finished with my somber story, everyone, even the usually happy no matter what the circumstances, T.K. was sitting there, staring at me with the, I can’t believe that that just happened, look on his face. Everyone who wasn’t

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