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Rainy Day: page 5

there at the battle was shocked. Sora had moved over to Tai,who was offering her a shoulder to lean in. Kari was trying in vain to get some kind of response out of T.K., whereas Joe and Izzy were just to shocked to even react. Besides me, T.K. was probably the hardest hit by this news. I hated to have to tell him something like that, but he said that we had no right to keep any secrets from him, no matter what they were about. So, he was there when I told my story. No one was speaking, and no one was reacting. Everything was silent, deadly silent, except for a slight, pitter-patter sound, which I immediately recognized as rain. It was raining, yet again, and this was a cross between a light spring shower and a typhoon. It was raining hard at times, then died down to a light drizzle, only to spring up again. I sat and watched the rain fall, until Sora finally broke the silence. " So, " she said. " All our suffering, all your suffering was brought on by Myotismon?" I nodded sadly. " Oh!" she screamed angrily, " how I wish I could get my hands on that…that baka! Oh! I’d teach him a thing or two!" " I’d do the same, Dear," said Tai, " but there’s nothing we can do now. Myotismon’s finally been defeated for good, but in the process, we lost Matt and Gabumon. That was too high a price to pay if you ask me." "You’re right, big brother," said Kari. " Yes," said Tai in response as we all sunk back into silence. *** I really don’t know how long we sat there in silence, but it didn’t seem to be a long time to me though, probably because I was wrapped up in my own thoughts. There wasn’t a sound in the room except for the pitter-patter of rain, and the occasional outburst of soft sobs. It was so quiet. I knew, that the minute that another sound came into play, we’d jump out of our skins, and that, was exactly what happened. Out of the blue, the intercom system activated with a loud chime that could be heard throughout the house. Once we all recovered from our intial shock, Sora suggested that I go and answer it. I argued with her for a minute before giving in. " Yes," I said tiredly as I held to talk button down. " Uh, Ms. Tachikawa," said the guard at the gate. " Is that you?" " Yes," I said again. " Well, I have been asked to inform you that there’s a man waiting out here to see you. He claims to know you, but his name’s not listed in the authorized visitor’s book." " Well," I said, " tell me his name, and I’ll see if I know him." " That’s sort of a problem, miss," said the guard. " How so?" I asked. " Well," said the guard, " he says that he wants his identity to be kept a secret until you get out here. He has no I.D. either. Do you want me to send him away?" I thought carefully about that for a moment before answering, " No, don’t send him away. Bring him up to the house. I’ll come out and meet him." " As you wish, ma’am," said the guard as he shut of the intercom. " What was that all about?" asked Sora softly. " There’s someone who claims that he knows me, waiting outside. I asked the guard to escort him up to the house. I said that I’d meet him outside." " Are you sure that’s wise?" asked Kari. " Truly," I said, " I’m too depressed to care. I feel like I could handle anything at this point." I walked over to the nearby fireplace, and occupied myself with observing the many knickknacks that I had lined up there. There were several porcelain flowers of all shapes, colors and sizes. There was an antique clock, and quite a few photo frames, but one in particular caught my eye. It was small, but it was beautiful even thought it was hidden away at the very back, I could tell what it was made of. The frame was made of a rose-quartz like stone, and it had little pink rhinestones scattered over the surface. Curious to see what picture I had in there, I lifted out the frame, and saw the reason for its being hidden at the back. In the frame, was a picture of Matt and me, a couple of days before we split up. It was taken on a sunny day at the nearby park. We had taken Palmon and a camera along with us, just incase we felt like taking pictures, which we did. In the picture, I was sitting on a park bench, smiling , and Matt was leaning over the back of the bench. From what I could tell, it looked like he was trying to get me mad at him, by putting some leaves in my hair, but, Palmon had snapped the picture before he could, and he was caught with a handful of leaves that he had been ready to dump on me. That one photo brought back some of the best meories that we had together, and we did have a lot, but that’s all I had now, memories, and here I was, without a chance to make anymore. I stood there, and was ready to start crying again, when Celeste spoke to me. " Hey, Mimi," she said, her voice belaying more than a hint of shock, " the man and the guard are here, and I think that you’ll want to meet this, unidentified man." " Really?" I asked sadly. " Really," she said. " All right," I said as I walked to the door. I was completely aware that it was still raining, but I didn’t grab an umbrella. I wanted to be miserable. Once I got rid of that persistent pest that the guard had brought in, I planned to just go and barricade myself in my room. I opened the door, and stepped onto my porch, all the while, keeping my eyes on my feet. I then proceeded to walk down the stairs and onto the red brick that made up the path up to my door. I stood there for a while, not speaking, not looking up. I felt the guard’s presence to my right, and I felt the presence of the man standing in front of me. I felt like he was staring at me. It felt like his gaze was boring through my skull. I opened my mouth to yell at him, and to tell him to leave me alone, that this was not the time to talk to me. If he did want to talk, to make an appointment with my agent. I lifted my head and opened my mouth to speak, but when I did, I couldn’t believe who I found myself staring at. It was almost as if I was staring at a figure from one of my dreams. That’s how unreal this felt. My heart knew this person well, as did my head. When I saw him, I felt like my broken and bruised heart had been mended completely. My heart thudded loudly in my ears, then my body tensed completely. I felt better than I had in years when I saw who it was.The person I found myself staring at, was about my age and height. He was dressed completely in black. In his hand, he held a boquet of pink roses. He had deep, caring blue eyes, and the hair…the hair he had, I would have recognized anywhere. Even with it’s being soaking wet, it still looked, like it always had, like a bird’s nest. We stood there, in the downpour, staring at each other, him staring and smiling at me, whereas, I was gaping at him. By this time, both of us where soaking wet, but that didn’t phase us. When I finally recovered from my shock, I managed to whisper, " Matt." " Mimi," he said as he handed me the boquet of roses he had been carrying. I took the roses, and for a second, I stood there and just stared. Then, I cried with utter joy and happiness, " Matt!" I ran up to him, and gave him a long hug, that I wished would never end. In that instant, all the grief and sadness that had been building up inside me for the past five years, turned to pure joy and rapture. I could tell that Matt was shocked at first, but he adjusted quickly, and said to me, " Shh, it’s all right. It’ll be okay," he said as he rubbed my head and back gently. " Yes it is," I said, " now everything will be all right." For a second, I wondered if this was actually real, or if this was another trick, but I soon determinded that this Matt was indeed real. Where Celeste was involved, anything was possible, anything at all. I didn’t care how he got back here. All that mattered to me right now, was that he was here. We both stood like that for a couple of minutes, and during that time, I was aware that all the others were now standing on the porch watching us. We stood there, I crying in his arms, while he stood there, trying to comfort me. " Oh, Matt," I said as I began to cry again. " I never thought I’d see you again. I thought you were dead." He gently pushed me away, but just enough so that he could see my face. " Dead?" he asked. " Where did you hear that?" " It’s a long story," I said, " a really long story. Could we just skip that for now?" " Sure," he said. He paused. " Listen, Mimi," he began, " I’m so, so, sorry for what I…" " Shh," I said, " there’s no reason to apologize. It was my fault too. Please, don’t blame youself. That’ll just make me feel bad." " Sure," he said. " I just want to tell you one thing." " What?" I asked. " I want to tell you, that I’ll love you forever, and this time I really mean it. I’ll do everything in my power to prove it to you." "Matt," I said, " you don’t have to prove your love to me. Your word is good enough. I’ve never stopped loving you. I never have stopped, and I never will. I’ll love you from here till the end of time." He tilted my head up so that once again I could see directly into his eyes and vice-versa. We didn’t speak another word. This time, he moved to kiss me, and this time, I didn’t stop him. We shared our first ever kiss, and I guessed, that that one kiss, would probably be one of the most memorable in my life. There, in the rain, the same rain that had brought me sadness and heartbreak five years ago, and up till today, had brought me back to my love, and had helped me find happiness, of such a kind, I knew, that I would probably never find again. There, on that day, in the middle of a downpour, two wandering hearts found each other again. There, on that day, a new chapter in my life, was begun. The End