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M&M:Results of Love

Hi everybody!, well my history is about Yamato "Matt" Ishida and Mimi Tachikawa, now Mimi Ishida, and they are now married and they are going to start a family, a big, big, big happy family, Mimi is pregnat and well enjoy my fanfiction a hope you like it, and Digimon Digital Monster is not mine, is of Toei animation, is only a fiction. Matt: Darling I am home! (Matt open the door of they apartment, it wasnīt the big apartment, and Mimi really didnīt care, she was a happy for live with the guy she loves even is she doesnīt have any luxury, she was happy ^-^ ). Mimi: Hi honey!, how was your day? (Mimi was doing the dinner) Matt: What can I say?, it was a tired day in the company, but the only thing that in this moment really cares is your healthy, are you okay?, you havenīt fell dizzy?, you need a glass of water?, or something to eat?….. ( Mimi: donīt worry so much, I am okay youīre so sweet, thank you for been so nice. (and she gives him a softly kiss in the cheek). Now Matt bent on his kneews and put his head on Mimiīs stomach, hug her and start to talk. Matt: Hi there little guy!, You know, I hope you look more to your mother, I wish you have brown hair, a small mouth, and big sense of fashion. Mimi: Me too! Matt: Hey!, donīt you wish that he or she looks like me? (Mimi smiles ) Mimi: Of course I wish "they"look like you, with blue eyes, blond hair, handsomes… (Matt eyes open really big and say) Matt: They? Mimi: opps… Matt: What do you mean with they?. Mimi: Nothing…. ahhhh (Mimi was awfully nervous) Matt: Are we having two babies? Mimi: hahahaha, I dunno no Matt: Why you tell Me? (Matt stand up, and start to jump of happines) Matt: Oh my God!, I am going to have twins! Mimi: Well… I am not sure. Matt: I am so happy, we have to buy a house, make a party and… Mimi: Matt, calm down, I told you, that I am not sure, please donīt make any ilusion…. Matt Looks Mimi with a seriou face and then start to laugh. Matt: Of course not, hahaha, honey, we are going to have childrens, maybe they can be digidestined to, is sounds so unbelivle, Twins, oh God, I gotta found a new job… and Mimi, I promese to you, that we are going to live happy ever after! (Well I donīt know what you think, they sure might be a lot words that I canīt speel very well, this history is really weird but I like the idea of Matt and Mimi married, and having a lot of childrens, they would be sincerity friends, and sure cutes, is short but… what the heck, I like my fanfiction. Criticism are welcom, but please donīt be so hard to me. And donīt insult me, Bye.)

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