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"Two tickets to The Silent Stalker please." asked Matt. The lady at the ticket booth, smiled at him, and handed him his tickets. He looked at Mimi who was clutching at his arm. "Are you sure you want to see this movie? I heard it was scary!" "Honestly Matt, you think I can't handle a scary movie? Our whole childhood was worse than a horror movie!"she exclaimed Mimi frustrated. "Okay. Whatever you say. Besides, if I get my way, we won't be watching the movie at all!" he said mischievously. "Is that all you think about Yamato Ishisa!" she laughed. "You insult me!" they turned the corner, and entered the movie theater. He took a seat in the middle of the row. Mimi sat right next to him. "An incredibly large part of my brain, figures out how to get you to kiss me." Mimi, playfully, pushed his shoulder. "You are unbelievable! You know that!" she giggled. "I prefer the term, amazing, one of a kind, dazzling..." he was cut off, because Mimi kissed him passionately. He wrapped his hands around her slim waist. 'I can't believe how much he's changed!' thought Mimi. 'He used to be so distant and cold. Now, he open and warm. I'm probably the luckiest girl in the world!' 'She's perfect!' Matt decided. 'Perfect hair. Perfect kisser. Perfect body. And sh's all mine. Someone up there likes me!' Mimi casually slipped out of her seat, and found her way to Matt's lap. The lights in the theater dimmed, and the movie started to run. Matt did end up getting his way. For the whole duration of the movie, he was engulfed in Mimi's lips. After what seemed like hours, Matt's watch beeped. He jumped up suddenly, still holding Mimi. The movie was long over, and the only people in the theater, were them. "We gotta get out of here, or I'll miss my gig." whispered Matt. "Okay. Let's get going." replied Mimi. He grasped at his hand, as he gently pulled her from the theater. The manager winked at him on the way out. Matt felt his cheeks redden as he walked out of the door. Ten minutes later, they were on the metro, and were on their way to Matt's apartment. "What time are you guys playing at?" asked Mimi, as she adjusted her blouse. "8:00. Tonight's pretty important." answered Matt. "The bosses son is in the crowd. Music ex." "So your fifteen minutes in the limelight. I'm sure, that after he hears you playing, he'll sign you up, faster than a speeding bullet." she smiled wide. Her whole face lit up. Her eyes began to sparkle. "Can you imagine, little old me, dating a soon to be famous blues musician!" "I'd hardly call us a blues group." he said. "All I know is, I'M dating the most beautiful, and caring girl, in the whole galaxy!" he leaned in and kissed her neck. He moved up to her cheek, then her lips. He quickly broke away, because he knew once he started to kiss her, he might never stop. Any ways, it was their stop. He wrapped his arm around her waist, and she hugged his chest. It only took them a few minutes to reach Matt's place. To his surprise, his dad was there, talking to his roommate. "Hey dad!" replied Matt happily. He was shocked, but he enjoyed it when his dad stopped by. "Oh... hi son." he seemed started. "How was the movie?" "How'd you know?" he asked. His dad pointed at the teenage boy next to him. "Sorry dude." he replied casually. "Uh... it was... really good." Matt stammered. "Really. So Matt, what happened?" he crossed his arms, and smiled smugly. Matt thought really hard. 'What the hell did the movie review say!!??' "Well, criminal psychologist, Kara Genriu was being stalked by a former criminal she brought to justice." he smiled proudly to himself. He also added she shouldn't drink that much, unless she want's to say sane. (In between breathers with Mimi, he casually glanced up at the screen.) "Very good Matt. You forgot the part about not suitable for people under 18, and children without adult supervision. Rated R. I read the review. And I'm going to guess the part about the drinking, was in between breather, right?" he smirked, as both Matt and Mimi turned scarlet. Matt grabbed his harmonica, and dashed out of the house. Mimi quickly followed. They left hearing loud laughter from Matt's father and his roommate. "It's creepy how psychic parents can be. It was like he was reading my mind! Definitely the last time I tell Chris where I'm going!" exclaimed Matt. "I still can't believe you quoted the review! I thought I was finally dating someone smart!" she tisked. "I guess I'm a sucker for a cute guys, with spiky blond hair!" she hugged his shoulders. Soon they were at the jazz bar. Matt was greeted with hellos from his fellow group members. Mimi was greeted with wolf calls. "Mimi. Babe. Why don't you drop the dead weight, and start dating a real man!" said Ken, Matt's best friend and lead saxophone. "Sorry, I only date harmonica players." she said grinning. "I'll learn." he replied. "I only date harmonica players, with blond hair." "I can dye it!" "I only date harmonica players, with blond hair, and who's name is Matt Ishida." "I'll hire somebody to kill him, then have the courts legally call me Matt Ishida." he brushed his hand across her cheek. "Don't start getting fresh with my girlfriend!" warned Matt laughing. "Or else pow!" he made a punching motion in the air. "You'll have to fight me for her honor!" said Ken in a funny french accent. He took a spoon from the nearby table and held it out in the air. "En guard!" "A duel, how appropriate!" replied Matt, in the same accent. He picked up a fork. They started to swing their 'swords' around in the air. Matt made a fake stab at Ken's chest, and Ken playfully fell to the ground defeated. "I have won the fair Mimi's hand!" said Matt triumphantly. He kissed her on the cheek. Mimi couldn't stop giggling. "Some times I think Tk's more mature then you two." she placed her hand across her mouth, so she wouldn't laugh aloud. "No, you're right to think that. He is." said David. (The pianist.) "We resent that!" said Matt and Ken at the same time. The manager came running up to them. "Quick! Get ready! You're on in five! Oh, hello Mimi." he said smiling at her. "Hi Mr. Hentouri." "Looking radiant as usual!" he winked at her and walked away. "Why is everyone hitting on you today?" asked Matt. "Dude look at her! She's a goddess! Cheerleader. Popular. Sexy as hell." said Ken. Mimi blushed. "I better get going. There's probably no room for me to sit!" she quickly kissed Matt, and ran off to find a seat. "Do you have any idea how lucky you are man?" said David. "Every guy in school, would give up their right and left arm, for Mimi to talk to them! You get to date her! That's like, one step below winning a billion dollars!" "I do know how lucky I am. I don't deserve her, but I still got her any ways!" he smiled. He then focused on the audience. Ken slowly played a catchy melody on his sax, while David, Matt and Cody harmonized with a harmonica, synthesizer, and drums. Mimi began to hum the lyrics to the song. Bryan, the singer, came down with a horrible case of laryngitis, and he couldn't speak at all. 'Such a shame. It's a beautiful song.' she thought. Matt had written it for her, on their first anniversary. She would always remember that night. Matt had taken her to a fancy french restaurant. He reserved a whole section, and had it filled to the brim, with white roses (the flower he gave her on their first date.) And he had hundreds of candles burning. Mimi was thrown back to reality, when someone touched her shoulder. "I'm sorry, to disturb your thoughts, but I saw you sitting all alone. I think it's a shame a beautiful woman like you, is here all by herself." he smiled, and moved into the light. He had jet black hair, which was spiked up in the front, and almost shaved in the back. He had emerald green eyes, and high cheek bones. Mimi smiled at him. "Sorry. My boyfriends on stage. The one with the harmonica." she said pointing. 'He's cute. If I wasn't dating Matt, I'd go for him.' noted Mimi. "Why am I not surprised?!" he said smiling. "My lame pick up line aside, I'm Cole." "Nice to meet you Cole. I'm Mimi." she said. "A beautiful name for a beautiful woman." said Cole. He took her hand and kissed it lightly. "Thank you. Cole's a really cool name too." she said. "Why don't you sit down?" she offered him a seat. He sat down. "Great group! Which one's your guy again?" "The one playing the harmonica." "Ah, privileged guy! I've traveled all over the world, and so far, you're the most attractive person, I've ever met!" Mimi flushed again. "You're just saying that. Bet you say it to every pretty girl you meet." she leaned in closer. They were several centimeters away from each other. "Haven't used it at all." he said looking at her lips. They seemed to glisten in the spotlight. The forbidden fruit. He wanted to reach out, and stroke her cheek. Pass his fingers over her lips, then lose himself, in her eyes. The realization, that he couldn't have her hit him. 'What are you doing Cole!' he yelled to himself. 'She has a boyfriend!' he managed to draw himself away from her. The music stopped, and the crowd cheered. The lights went on, and the everyone stood up. A standing ovation. Matt hopped of the stage, and wove through the crowd to find Mimi. He strode over to her and kissed her. "That was amazing Matt!" said Mimi. Pride was filling her eyes. "Our song." he said pulling her closer. He then caught a glimpse of the man sitting next to her. "Hello." he said nervously. "Quite a girl, you got there!" he chirped. "Name's Cole. Cole Hentouri." he held out his hand. "Hentouri! Ah so you're the music executive. Your dad's been talking about you nonstop for months! Says you have everything a man could want!" echoed Matt beaming. "Not everything." he said somberly, looking at Mimi. She got a sudden chill up her back. "Hey Mimi," asked Matt, "could you come sing the next song. It's Starlit." "I'd love too!" squealed Mimi. Matt took her hand, and guided her to the stage. Matt looked up, and nodded at Ken. He smiled and took the microphone. "You're in for a real treat ladies, and gents." he started. "Tonight, singing Starlit, is the most gorgeous gal we know! Put your hands together for our very own Mimi Tacikawa!" the crowd irrupted into a loud cheering. Matt helped her up on stage. The lights dimmed, and they began to play. Cole was still sitting down. He was amazed. 'Drop dead gorgeous, and she can sing!' he thought. The music took control of his body. He was lost in the melody. When the music went low, he felt sad. When the music when higher, he was happy again. But, Cole was mesmerized by another thing. Mimi. The way she moved, the way she sang, it was hypnotizing. Her hair moved with her, and framed her face, like an angel. Her dress hugged to her ever curve, outlining her body. He knew that all the men in the room were looking at her. He laughed to himself, when he saw a few angry girlfriends slap their boyfriends, and leave. The boyfriends didn't even seem to notice. The music stopped, and the audience was silent. Cole began to clap. He was still dazed. Then, the whole room exploded into wolf calls, and loud cheering. Some were screaming "Encore!" the band bowed, and walked off the stage. Cole was fast to act. He jumped out of the chair, and ran over to them. "So, how were we?" asked David. His usual confident voice, was reduced to a whisper. "You guys were electric! I'd be stupid not to sign you up!" Cole was thrilled. Not only would he get a huge raise, for signing the next great jazz band, but he would also get to be near Mimi, 24/7. The next few months went by hastily. Cole ended up asking for a tape of Matt's band, for a demo. Everyone was really excited, so they spent all their free time either practicing, or recording at Cole's studio. Mimi went with them everyday. She was fascinated by it all. Matt would gaze at her through the sound proof glass, while preforming. She was honored when the whole group asked her to sing Starlit for the demo. "You've got to do it Mimi!" wailed Ken. "You have a cool voice, and the song sounds ten times better with someone singing it! Please!" he begged. "I'll do it!" she exclaimed. "I love singing that song." "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" said Ken. He hugged her tightly. "You're the best!" Cole was even more thrilled at this than Mimi. He was watching a recording session. Mimi was in a separate booth than the others. 'Perfect! Now she'll be here all the time! My life is the bomb! I swear, I'll get her to care about me. One way or another.' he was so deep in his thoughts, he didn't notice the music stopped, and they were all staring at him. "Uh, Cole, are you gonna let us out of these booths? We're finished!" said Matt. He was worried about Mimi. He had this funny feeling in his stomach. Like someone was going to hurt her. He couldn't shake it. Even when he saw he, it wouldn't go away. That night, Matt took Mimi out for dinner. "So. What's the special occasion?" asked Mimi. She placed her hands on her hips, and smiled quizzically. "No occasion! Can't a guy take his girl to a restaurant, without an excuse?" "No! Not in your case. I've known you way too long." "Okay fine." he inhaled deeply. "Cole want's us to record all of next wee..." "But Matt! It's Valentines Day next week!" a touch of sorrow was in her voice. "I know! That's why I'm hoping that tonight, can be our Valentines Day. You know I'd rather be with you, but I can't let down the guys. It's their dream to get a recording label! Please understand!" he said slowly. Mimi could tell he didn't want to do it, but she knew he had too. "Of course I understand! You go record with them." she encircled her arms around his neck. "Just don't let me catch you with another girl!" she declared jokingly. "Why would I want another girl went I have you?" he mumbled. He leaned in, and kissed her lightly. They spent the evening dancing, cuddling and kissing. Before they knew it, the restaurant closed for the night. They walked out hugging, remembering their first Non-Valentines Day together. ************************************************************************ One of the several homeless people in the neighborhood was rummaging through the garbage. He looked up to see Mimi and Matt walk down the street. He smiled to himself. Finally. What he had been waiting for. He hobbled over to his over sized cardboard box, and took a seat in it. He cautiously took out a camera, and began snapping photos of the happy couple. He would scowl every time Matt kissed her. When they were out of sight, the man quickly got up, and ran over to his car. He opened the door, and got in. The engine roared to life, and he took off. ************************************************************************ Matt walked Mimi to her house. They were laughing and smiling. "Don't I get a goodnight kiss?" asked Mat. "Goodnight kiss! That's so 4th grade!" she said. "Please." he said. His eyes were sparkling, and he pouted. "Why did you have to do that? You know I can't say no to you when you pout." she giggled, as she kissed his warm lips. Matt cupped his hand over her cheek. It was like silk. He slowly passed his hand down her side, and let it rest on her hip. She coyly wrapped one of her legs around his, pulling him closer to her. Matt enjoyed every minute of this. He passed his hands up and down her back. He dreamy slid his tongue in her mouth. She responded by massaging his pallet, with hers. Matt could have sworn, that if he wasn't leaning against a wall, he would have fallen over. For some reason, every time he and Mimi frenched, his legs turned to jelly. Mimi pulled away. "I think you got a little more than a goodnight kiss." she said evilly. "It's all the same to me." he said, leaning in again. Mimi placed a finger on his lips. "I gotta go. I have classes early tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow." she promptly kissed him, and opened the door to her apartment. Matt smiled to himself, and walked off. He had classes early tomorrow as well. ************************************************************************ "Almost finished!" a male voice stated. He was standing in a damp and dreary basement, surrounded with photography equipment. He had a clothes line streamed left and right, full of photos. He slowly took thongs, and lifted a print out of a vat of photography chemicals. He admired it though a small red light. "You look so beautiful. Soon you will be mine, my love." He took a clothes peg, and pinned it on one of the many lines above his head. He then slid over to his small desk, that was squished in the corner of the room. There was a huge pair of scissors, and many cut up pictures. He sat down, and resumed cutting. Carefully, not to accidentally cut out a face, or disturb the position of the hair. After a while, he separated all the figures. The girl in one pile and the boy in the other. He then took the pile with the girl, and moved over to the wall on the left. He cautiously pinned them, into a sort of collage. He had more than half the wall decorated. Finally, he walked up to the pile with the boy. He grimaced, and then lit a match. He pulled a small piece of pointed metal out of his pocket, and began to heat it. Once he saw it turn a bright shade of red, he passed it over the face, causing the eyes to burn away. He reached on his desk, and fumbled around for a large marker. He began to draw over his eyeless face, repeating the phrase, "I hate you." After he was satisfied with his handy work, he began to pin the pictures on the wall opposite to that of the girl. However, he pined it on so he had little wholes on the face, and body. "Get your pathetic excuse for a body up here boy!" screamed a deep masculine voice. "Yes father, I'm coming." he said weakly. He clutched at the metal tightly in his palm. He heat began to sear through his skin. He forcefully threw it at the wall with the photos of the boy. "Burn for all I care. I hate you, just as much as I hate him." he whispered. "I hate you Matt." he then looked over at the wall with the girl. "I love you Mimi." ************************************************************************ The next morning, Mimi walked into school, with a huge frown on her face. "What's wrong?" asked Matt. He usually never saw a frown on his girlfriends face. She walked over to where he was standing, with Ken, David and Bryan. "Pinky died last night." she said solemnly. "I buried him in the plant, outside the complex." "Sorry Mimi. I know how much you loved that hamster." said David. Bryan frantically searched threw his school bag. He emerged with a note pad, and pen. He quickly scribbled, and handed it to Mimi. She read it aloud. "I'm sorry too. Maybe we could all go over to the pet shop, and get you another one." she smiled at him. "That's a great idea Bryan! How's you throat? Is it still sore?" Once again, he scribbled a little note, on the next sheet on the pad. Ken grabbed it and read "It's getting better. It's still a pain in the butt, though. Thanks for caring." "You're too sweet!" exclaimed Mimi, as she went over and hugged him. Bryan made a fake fainting gesture, and everyone laughed. That night, when Mimi was walking back to her apartment, she had the strangest feeling. It's the feeling you get, when you can tell someone is watching you, but no one is around. She quickened her pace, and in no time at all, she was home. She got into the small elevator, and waited impatiently to get to her apartment. Mimi stepped out of the elevator, and turned the corner to her door. She was greeted with a large parcel. She smiled to herself. It was covered in pale pink wrapping paper, and had an elegant pink and gold bow, tying it together. She picked it up, and opened her door. As she entered, she placed the box on her coffee table and read the card. It was written in red ink, and smothered in CK1. She read the card aloud. "To my love, I hope this makes you feel better." she smiled again. "Oh Matt, you're so romantic!" she quickly pulled of the large bow, and lifted the lid. To her surprise, she found a picture of herself, blown up, on the inside of the cover. She carelessly flung the cover in a corner, and began to pull away the pink tissue paper. A bizarre odor was emanating from the parcel. She stopped, and looked at the card again. No name. "It has to be from Matt." she reminded herself. What she saw next made her stomach twist. She screamed and pushed the box away. It hit the wall, and fell to the floor. A clumps of dirt scattered the hardwood floor. The remains of a small decaying hamster were partially covered by a blanket of pink paper. "BRING, BRING!" Matt came rushing up the many stairs to Mimi's apartment. She had phoned him minutes earlier, sounding scared. He sharply cut the corner to her place and dashed into her place. Panting, he looked for Mimi. She was huddled by the phone, crying. "Mimi, what's wrong?" he asked, running over to her. She pointed to the big box. Matt calmly walked over, and picked it up. He dropped it almost as fast, as he had picked it up. "Oh God..." he backed away slowly. "Mimi, this is just some sick, twisted joke. I..." he didn't know what to say. He just walked over to her and gave her a big bear hug. "That's not why I'm scared." she whispered. "Then why are you scared?" Matt asked, unsure if he wanted to know. "The phone rang after I got the box." she started to shiver. Matt hugged her tighter. "What did the person say?" "He told me, I should really sweep up the mess, before I get bugs. He told me I looked really beautiful when I'm excited, that my eyes sparkle when I'm happy. He was looking at me Matt! He was spying on me!" she sobbed out loud. "Oh Mimi, I don't know what to say..." "He was looking at me!" she sobbed again. "You can't stay here. It's not safe. He could be here for all we know. You're staying at my place tonight. I have some of your clothes at my place." ************************************************************************ "DAMN! Now I have to go to his house. No matter. He'll be out of the picture soon enough." He quickly placed his camera in his over sized hockey bag, and took out a pair of binoculars. Placing them around his neck, he slowly began to walk to Matt's apartment. As he climbed the emergency fire escape stairs, a man stopped him. "Hey kid, you're not allowed up there. It's the roof of the building, if you fall, you'll die!" "Don't worry sir, I'm looking for Kirilangs Comet. It's due out tonight, and I don't want to miss it." "Oh, are you part of the Star Watchers club?" the man asked. "Why, yes I am." said the boy, showing him a membership card. "Yeah, you guys rented this roof. Sorry!" said the man as he walked off. "Quite all right." snickered the boy. Now, he was set. He had the perfect motive, and the perfect view of Matt's apartment. "Soon Mimi. Soon..." ************************************************************************ Matt grabbed Mimi's hand, and lead her to his car. She was still sobbing uncontrollably. They pulled into his parking spot, and dashed up the stairs. Matt found a note on his door. It was from is roommate Chris, saying he went home, because his mother was really sick. "You get my bed, and I'll take Chris's okay?" said Matt. Mimi nodded in agreement. She went and lied down on Matt's soft pillow. She shut her eyes, wanting to forget the whole nightmare, but she found it impossible. Someone out there, was watching her. Watching every movement she made, followed every word she said. 'Why me?' she thought. "And tomorrow had to be Valentines Day." Matt passed by his room, some hours later. Mimi was resting peacefully. He walked in and sat near her sleeping form. "Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you. I love you Mimi." he silently laughed. "Go figure. I can tell you when you're asleep, but not when you're awake." he softly brushed his lips across her forehead and left the room. The next morning, Mimi felt way better. Matt did have some of her clothes, but nothing matched, so she opted to wear his burgundy dress shirt. She pulled on her floor length, grey skirt, and Matt's shirt. It was several sizes too big, but she made it work by rolling the sleeves and only doing the middle 4 buttons. She quickly pulled her hair into a French twist and walked out of the room. Matt was huddled over the stove, flipping pancakes. He had strawberries and whipped cream in a little dish and a tall glass of fruit punch, waiting for her. "Happy Valentines Day!" he said as he placed a plate of lopsided heart shaped pancakes, in front of her. "Oh Matt! This is beautiful!" she cried. He looked at her. "You're worth it." he stared at her again. "And I thought I was the only one that could pull of that shirt!" Mimi giggled. "You're the best!" she kissed his cheek. That day, everything went by in a blur. Classes seemed to be over, just as quickly as they started and everyone was caught up in the romantic hussle and bussle of Valentines Day. Students were throwing cards left and right, while others handed out small boxes of chocolate. The more popular kids also received flowers from admirers. Mimi, on the other hand, received it all! Everyone handed her a card, and at the end of the day, she was overpowered by the smell of roses. Like every year, she got a friend to help carry all her presents to her car. And like every year, she drove over to the hospital, and gave all the flowers and chocolate to the children's wing. She loved watching the faces of the small children light up, as they received their very own box of Valentines chocolate. The flowers always seemed to brightened the room. After she waved goodbye to the kids, she went over to the mall. "Might as well do a little shopping." she convinced herself. Three and a half hours later, she was pulling into her place, shopping bags overflowing in the backseat. "Damn Gucci! Why'd you have to have a sale today?" With tremendous struggle, she managed to get the items out of the car. "Now the hard part." she said flustered. Usually, she had Matt to help carry the bags. Today she was all alone. She managed to walk three steps, then she dropped the bags. "Allow me!" said a familiar voice. "Cole! I haven't seen you in awhile!" said Mimi, as she hugged him. "Need some assistance?" "Is the sky blue?" quipped Mimi. Some minutes later, all the bags wee securely in her home. "Thank you. It would have taken me forever!" "Maybe not forever, more like a lifetime." joked Cole. "Hey, you want to get an cappuccino with me? I was on my way to get coffee anyway." "I'd love to!" she smiled. Mimi found herself staring at an apartment complex. "This doesn't look like a coffee shop. Where are we?" she asked. "My place. I have a state of the art coffee maker. Besides, I have to get the contracts from my room." he lead her up to his place, and let her in. She glanced around, admiring his nicely furnished place. "Nice place you got here." she said looking around. "Thanks. Did everything myself." he tapped his chest proudly. "Coffee's almost done!" She smiled and walked over to a picture hanging on the wall. Cole was fighting off the temptation to grab and kiss her. Everything she did astonished him. To the average person, Mimi was a beautiful, talented woman. To Cole, she was a lost goddess. He found his feet walking over to her, with a cup off coffee in hand. He reached out to touch her shoulder. She turned around. Her hair swirling with her every movement. "Here..." he croaked. "Thank you." she took a sip. "This is amazing!" "Thanks..." he croaked again. "Are you alright? You sound a little hoarse." "Fine..." he croaked yet again. He quickly took a sip of his coffee. 'She's so close, I can feel her breath.' he thought. He was getting really hot, so he backed away casually. He quickly filled 3 cups, and motioned for her to go. They walked out to the car, only to be greeted by Matt, Ken and David. "So that's why it took you so long." smirked Ken. "Oh seriously Ken, get a life." said Mimi, as she walked over, and hugged Matt's waist. "I have one, and I like it; thank you very much!" she replied. "Do you at least have the coffee?" asked David. "Yeah, here." said Cole handing his a mug. "So, what were you doing at Cole's?" asked Matt. "Is that jealousy I hear?" leered Mimi. "No! Just, curious. That's all." "Making wild passionate love." said Mimi. "What!"exploded Matt. He was calmed down by Mimi's laughter. "You boys are so gullible!" she laughed even harder. "Yeah, well I wouldn't put it past Cole. I think he's into you." "Don't worry, you're the only guy for me." she said, kissing his cheek. They walked up to Mimi's apartment, holding hands. They stumbled through the door, and fumbled around for the light switch. Matt kept kissing Mimi's neck, and Mimi kept playfully pushing him off. "You know Matt, turning on the lights, used to be the easiest thing in the world. With you, it's a strategically timed movement." "Keep them off." he whispered in her ear. He grabbed her hands, and placed them around his

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Digitally Obsessed (aka Kate)