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Silence: Page 2

She quickly kissed his lips, then saw something glowing in her room. "What the hell is that." she said, breaking away from Matt "What's what?" Matt asked bewildered. Mimi walked over to her room. It had candles lit in every direction, and roses were scattered everywhere. There was a small trail of rose petals, leading to a note. "Oh Matt..." she gasped. She looked at everything. "It's like a fairy tale." "Mimi, I didn't so this." he said baffled. "Well, if you didn't, who did?" she asked. She flipped the switch, and the lights illuminated the room. Mimi screamed at the top of her lungs. All the photos had been taken off one of the walls, and written in blood red paint, was a message for her. A large number 6 was painted on the wall. Matt came running into the room. "What the hell is going on?" a loud crash was heard from Mimi's room. He ran back, to find the window open, and all the candles around it, were blown out. "That's it!" she screamed. "I'm phoning the police." "Ms. Tachikawa, we will bring this stalker into justice. But for tonight, I would suggest that you get a hotel room, or sleep at a friends house." sais the police chief. "I'll watch over her officer." said Matt. "Chris's still at his parent's place." "Okay." said Mimi. She found herself crying once again. Before she knew it, she was at Matt's place yet again. "Why is this happening to me?" she chocked. "What did I do to deserve this? First he digs up my dead hamster, then he sends me threatening phone calls, then he takes photos of me, then he breaks into my place!" she fell into Matt's outstretched arms crying. "I don't know why. I don't know why." he said sadly. His girlfriends life was falling apart in front of her, and he couldn't do anything! "But I do know, if he lays one hand on you, I'll kill him." Mimi kept crying. "I won't let him hurt you." "You promise?" she uttered. "I promise. I love you way too much to let anything to happen to you." realizing what he said, he felt notorious. "You... you l... love me..." Mimi looked into Matt's eyes. "Yes. I do." said Matt. There was no use denying it. Now all he could hope, was she felt the same way. "I love you too." said Mimi. Matt's heart seemed to have exploded. A tingling sensation coursed through his veins. He kissed her. Mimi cried again, this time, tears of joy, not sorrow. Matt lost himself in the kiss. Every emotion he had ever felt for her, was placed in that kiss. He lifted her up, and semiconsciously carried her off to his room. ************************************************************************ "Damn! Now that son of a bitch has to go." he pulled out a long hunting dagger. He admired it for a few moments. Long and jagged. 'Perfect for him. One steady jab. That's all it'll take.' "You don't deserve to die so pleasantly. You should suffer. Like the way you make me suffer. But knowing I'll have Mimi should be punishment enough." he took out a large cloth, and began to polish his prize. ************************************************************************ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~NOTE~~ I'LL GIVE YOU 3 HINTS ON WHAT HAPPENED. (^_^) BUT SINCE I'M NOT THAT KIND OF WRITER, *cough* bull*cough* I'LL FAST FORWARD TO THE NEXT DAY! OKAY, ON WITH THE STORY. ~~Kate~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mimi, happily, walked back to her place. In all the commotion of her stalker, she forgot her Trig book. She ducked under the bright yellow police tape, and walked over to her house. The phone rang. She picked it up, like it was part of her normal routine. "Hello!" she said chipper. She heard a deep breathing on the other line. Her stomach tightened. "So glad to see you're happy. I thought that you would be glad to see my present." "Oh no. It's you..." gulped Mimi. "Yes it is my love." he said soothingly. "Now tell me." his voice got harsh, and he was almost screaming. "Why did you have to go and screw around with him? You ruined everything!" "Of God no..." forced Mimi. She started to inhale deeply. "Get rid of him, or I'll get rid of him. And trust me, my way is a lot messier." his voice calmed down again. "I wouldn't want to get blood on all those clean dishes. Phone him if you don't believe me. Oh, and tell him the cup on his right hand side is about to fall." with that he hung up. Mimi jabbed her thumb on Matt's speed dial button. "Hello!" he replied. "Hey Matt. It's me." she said calmly. "What are you doing?" "Oh, I'm washing the dishes. They wer.." a sharp shattering sound was heard over the phone. "Bloody cups." Mimi fell to the ground. Her knees were like jelly, and she knew she was going to be sick. "Matt, I... We need to talk." she rushed. "Leave right now!" "Okay, where?" he asked. "Some place where there isn't a lot of people." she mumbled. "How about the school campus? It's Saturday, no one should be there." "Fine. Go now!" she yelled, before she hung up. Mimi didn't know what to do. She had a few minutes to figure out how to dump the guy she loved. 'Why the hell is he doing this to me?' she thought. "I have to make him hate me. I have to make him hate me so much, he'll never want to speak to me again. It's the only way he won't get hurt." she began to cry at the thought. Mimi silently rode over to the school. She had figured out how to dump him; but, it would kill her to do it. She loved Matt, more than anything in the world. Mimi saw Matt's car in the distance. Her heart sank as she saw his smiling face. "Hey, beautiful. What'd you call me here for?" asked Matt in a chipper voice. He leaned in to kiss her, but she backed away. "Matt listen." her voice was harsh and sever. "It was fun while it lasted, but it's over between us." she watched as Matt's smiling face, turned into an expression of shock. "Oh, I'm sorry Matt. Did I say something to hurt you?" her voice now dripping with sarcasm. Matt opened his mouth to speak, but quickly shut it. After a few moments of deep thinking, Matt spoke. "Where is this coming from? I thought you loved me..." "Oh God. You don't know. You know, when you decide to date someone as popular as me, you really should check out their backgrounds. I'd say anything to bed a guy." her eyes swelled with small tears. "Why is this happening to me?" she mimicked herself the previous night. "I love you too." she said with tears rolling down her face. She began to laugh uncontrollably. Matt looked like he was going to be sick. "I never really loved you Matt." she said harshly. In his dismay, he blurted out disgustedly."There never really was a stalker, was there?" he was trying to keep himself from crying. He couldn't believe what was happening to him. "Ding dong! The bell finally goes off! Tell me Matt. How could a stalker get into my maximum security apartment building? Seriously, it's not rocket science to pretend you've been getting phone calls. And it's not that hard to fill up MY room with roses and candles. Even the hamster? One scoop with a plastic shovel." her voice went monotone. "I've been such a fool. To think someone like you, could ever love me." said Matt. "Damn straight." said Mimi. "Oh, look at the time. I have to go get my nails done." said Mimi waving bye to Matt. He heard her laugh all the way to her car. With the screech of tires, she was gone. He fell to one knee, unable to support his body weight. Tears that felt like acid, poured out of his eyes. He clutched at his heart. He was positive. It would explode into a million pieces. Violently, he wiped away his tears. 'Never again.' he said to himself. 'I thought she was different from the rest.' he thought sadly. His grief intoxicated his mind. He stumbled back to his car. His vision blurred beyond compare. His hand, shaking wildly, jabbed the keys into the ignition. He sat looking at the open road. For so many people, an open road meant many new possibilities and adventures. At this moment, the open road, for Matt, was only another way to get hurt. His life ended when Mimi said she didn't love him. Nothing was as painful as watching you only love reject you. He stepped on the gas pedal, and took off. He went back to his place, to think. He was greeted by Chris. "Hey Matt! What's wrong?" "Nothing." replied Matt. "Aren't you supposed to be with your mom?" "That's the funny thing. When I got there, my mom was fine. Alive and kicking! I don't know what kind of sick son of a bitch phoned me, but I can tell you, if it ever happens again, I'm phoning he cops!" Chris picked up his overstuffed suitcase, and threw them in his room. NOW, JUST SO THIS DOESN'T GET TOTALLY CONFUSING, IT'S NOW 2 MONTHS AFTER THE HUGE BREAK UP. NOW, MIMI IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT 20, AND MATT 22. THEY JUST GRADUATED FROM COLLEGE, AND IT'S SUMMER VACATION. ^_~ ~~kate~~ Mimi hadn't walked out of her house in more than one month. She stayed home, watching soap opera all day, divulging into the junk food category. Her breakfasts were pizza and milkshakes. Her lunches, triple chocolate, double swirled, extra fudge, chocolate ice cream, with real brownie and chocolate chips. (The only true kind of comfort food!) She didn't care what she ate anymore. Keeping her figure was the last thing on her mind. She kept remembering the fatal night, where seemed to have died. She couldn't believe how cruel she'd been. Then she would always remember why she did it. To protect him. 'I had to break up with him. If I hadn't, then he'd be dead right now. At least he's still here.' she said. She wrapped her arms tightly around herself. Matt's massive green sweater draped around her shoulders. She always wore his sweaters. They were the only items she possessed of his, which made her feel good about what she had done. A loud wailing sound broke her train of thought. It was the kettle. "Tea's finally ready." she said getting up. On her way to the kitchen, Mimi passed a mirror. She stopped and gazed into it. Her eyes were completely bloodshot. Her hair no longer had its radiant shine to it. Worst of all, she had put on several pounds, from all the junk food. 'I look horrible.' she thought, but quickly brushed it off. She walked into the kitchen, the smell of peppermint lingering everywhere. She felt really dizzy, so she grabbed a chair, and sat down. Placing her hand to her forehead, she realized that she was sick. "Just great." she mumbled. She grabbed a cup from the top shelf, and the thermometer from the bottom drawer. She placed the thermometer, in her mouth, and poured hot peppermint tea into the cup. 'Peppermint tea was Matt's favorite.' she remembered sadly. A beeping sound, alerted Mimi her temperature was above average. Way above average! She had a fever! "PERFECT!" she screamed. "I'm sick too." she slowly brought the cup to her lips. As the liquid touched her tongue, she felt sick. She dropped the cup, and ran into the bathroom, where she preceded to throw up. The nausea didn't leave her. Memories of Matt and herself came flooding back, haunting her. ************************************************************************ "You'll be fine Mimi; now that he's not around. I'll take care of you. Better than he ever could." the figure calmly took out a big book, and began to write in it. "Oh shit!" it exclaimed. "It can't be...." ************************************************************************ Mimi decided she needed to go to the hospital. She tried to get into her usual clothing, but her extra 'tire' wouldn't permit it. She moaned, as she threw on a purple tank top, and a pair of overalls. She walked down the stairs, as if it was her first time walking. She held onto the railing for dear life, as she finally reached her car. She drove very carefully to the hospital, because all the swerving made her even sicker. Several minutes later, she reluctantly made it to the hospital. To her surprise, she was greeted by Joe. "Joe! I didn't know you worked here!" she exclaimed. "Nice to see you to Mimi." he replied with a huge smile on his face. "Of course I'm thrilled to see you!" she said as she hugged him. He had grown several inches, over the years, and contacts replaced his glasses. He had matured into a very handsome man. "You look great!" Joe looked her over. "You've probably had better days. Huh?" "Yeah, I'm sick. I think it's that new bug floating around Japan." "Well, let's get you into a room. You'll be pleased to know that I've been working as a doctor here, for more than five months now!" he said triumphantly. "That's amazing! I bet you're the best doctor this hospital has." said Mimi feeling better. Joe lead her into a room, and took a sample of her blood. (It's true! When I got really sick, the Dr., had 2 take a sample of my blood to determine which disease it was. Luckily 4 me, it was a really bad case of chicken pox!!!) Mimi rubbed the area where the needle had previously been. Joe handed her a bright pink bandage. "Still your favorite color, I hope." he said. Mimi smiled. "Yep!" she placed the bandage over her wound. "I'll be back in a few minutes, with the results." said Joe smiling. As he walked out the door, h bowed his head. 'Mimi looks horrible.' he thought. 'What the hell has Matt done to you?' he thought solemnly. It was painfully obvious that he had broken up with her. Never in his life, had he ever meet someone as special as Mimi. He had, had a huge crush on her in the Digiworld, but as fate would have it, she was liked Matt. Joe was now in the department of the hospital, that contained all sorts of diseases. He had to wear a suit, with a small supply of oxygen. He placed a drop of blood, on a piece of litmus paper, and dunked it in a blue tinted liquid. It turned pink. "No good." said Joe, as he did the exact same thing 3 times. Once in a yellowish liquid. Again in a clear liquid. Finally, he was down to only 2 possibilities. "For the love of Good, turn pink." prayed Joe, as he carefully dropped the blood stained paper into the purple tinted substance. He held his breath, as the substance reacted with the blood. Slowly, it turned crimson. Joe exhaled deeply. He placed the seal back on the container, and replaced it with the other containers, marked AIDS. Finally, there was only one other possibility. But after the test came back negative, Joe began to wonder. He sat, looking at the small supply of blood that was left. "That's it!" he exclaimed, jumping over to a small vile. He gently shook a small amount of the powder into the remains of Mimi's blood. It turned foggy blue. "Ding ding ding, we have a winner." said Joe. He walked back to Mimi's room, and entered. He was met by the gaze of Mimi's amber eyes. "You know Mimi, you really should take better care of yourself." said Joe. "I know." said Mimi sadly. "No. You don't." he said. Mimi felt herself taking a long walk. Her conversation with Joe, still ringing in her head. She bumped into people, not caring where she was walking. 'I had no idea I was that sick.' though Mimi. A tear streamed down her face. Matt had decided to take a walk that night, as well. He no longer cared about anything. He let himself become distant again. Letting no one he cared about, to get close. He became a shell of his former self. That was of course, before Mimi made him realize, how much better it was, to be open, with his feelings. He punched the wall he was walking near. The break up still standing out in his mind. To him, it didn't make any sense. 'What happened to the girl, I fell in love with?' he asked himself. 'The Mimi I love would never do this.' Little did the couple know, they were about to walk right into one another. As Matt turned the corner, he collided with someone, and fell right on top of them. His elbow accidentally smashing into their stomach. "AH!" screamed Mimi. Matt jumped up, and helped the girl up, not realizing it was Mimi. Mimi clutched her stomach tightly. A throbbing pain was passing through her body. "Oh miss, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to..." started Matt. Mimi looked up. Staring into her tear drenched eyes, were Matt vivid sapphire eyes. "Matt..." Mimi uttered, still holding her sore stomach. Matt wanted to reach out, and pull her close to him. But, then he remembered what she had told him. "Sorry." he said flatly walking away. "Matt..." Mimi whispered under her breath. She looked on as his tall frame walked away from her. A deep sadness filled her heart. "I really lost him." she wept silently. "If only you knew..." ************************************************************************ "Bye Joe! Thanks for helping me out!" "No problem! It's my job, you know." said Joe beaming. "I owe you one. Remember that!" "Believe me. I will!" said Joe smiling, as he waved goodbye. 'Yes Joe. You've helped me out more than you can possibly imagine.' he thought, pulling a large envelope out of his bag. He sat down, and began to read the contents. "Name: Mimi Tachikawa. Age: 21. Blah, blah, blah, oh! Here we are, the patient..." he stopped reading. "I was right. Why do I have to be right? Now it's two lives I have to destroy..." ************************************************************************ Mimi had settled down in her bed. A large box of tissues, were stationed by her bedside. Her eyes were bloodshot. She blew her nose, and dropped the tissue into an over flowing garbage can. "Why me?" she said stubbornly. "I never did anything to deserve this kind of punishment." she said touching her stomach. There was a huge bruise where Matt's elbow had hit. To an ordinary person, the pain would be long gone. But to her, it was still sore. It wasn't the physical pain, but the emotional pain. To her, Matt had caused it. Unintentional or not, he was the one that walked away from her, in a period of pain. She was suffering more than he could possibly imagine. She wiped her eyes again. No matter how many tissues she would use, the tears just kept streaming down her face. It was like her eyes had an unlimited amount of tears, but they decided to come out tonight. Her phone rang. She picked it up, half heartedly. "If this is mom, I'm fine. Sorry I haven't called home, I've had tons of work. If this is Terry or Amy, I'll see you at the mall tomorrow. If..." "Don't lie to me Mimi. Your mother is worried though. She was talking to your father about it while making pancakes today. You look just like her, when you're worried. Amy and Terry are out with Chris and Adam. By the way it looks, they won't be back for a while..." "Stop it!" screamed Mimi. "You've turned my life upside down! Now you're going after my friends, and my family! I've had enough of you! Just leave me alone!" she screamed. "Please..." "Never." he hissed. "I know what's wrong with you. I can fix it." he slyly said. "What's wrong with me? I'm fine!" she lied. "There you go lying to me again. I know everything about you Mimi. Absolutely everything. I know what you eat. I know where you go. I know what you did." (Dumb I know. You try thinking of something that sounds really dramatic!!) "You can't know. I just..." she began. He mumbled it into the receiver. Mimi was speechless. "Goodnight my love. One." he said hanging up. Mimi sat dumbfounded for a few hours. She looked at her alarm clock. 2:43 am. "I need to see Matt. I have to put my life back together. I can't let him win." she said determinedly. Matt heard a knocking on his front door. 'It must be Chris.' he thought, stumbling over to the door, lazily pulling on his emerald colored house coat. As he let the door swing open, his eyes opened wide. Mimi was standing outside, shivering. "What are you doing here?" he asked startled. Mimi looked at him, with tears in her eyes. "Matt I'm so sorry! I didn't mean any of it! I love you so much!" she mumbled loudly. He could barely hear her over her sobs. "Mimi, calm down. Tell me what's wrong." he said reassuringly. He held her tight, stroking her hair. "The stalker. He made me break up with you. He said he would kill you... I, I'm so sorry." she cried. Matt's heart lifted. He felt electricity surge through his body. He was happy again. Truly happy. "Don't worry Mimi. He can't get rid of me that easily." said Matt smiling. "You should have told me, instead of putting me through my own, personal hell." "I didn't want him to hurt you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself, if he hurt you." she was rambling on about something she couldn't quite understand herself. Matt placed his finger to her lips. "Don't." he said kissing her. He was reminded of how much he missed her kisses. They seemed to brighten, the very dark room. He held her tightly, not wanting to let her go. "I love you Mimi. I always will." She began to cry. "I have to tell you something Matt." "What is it?" he said. His stomach clenched. He knew something was wrong. "I'm sick." she said turning away from him. "I don't understand." said Matt. Fear had taken over his body. Panic soon ensued, then grief. 'What's she talking about?' he asked himself worried. "I don't know how to say this..." she whispered. He moved closer to her, placing his hand on her shoulder. She took his hand, and placed it over her heart. He felt the pulsation sensation, underneath his fingertips. "I still don't understand Mimi." he tried to move closer to her, but she dropped his hand, and moved forward. He could tell she was cringing. She slowly took back his hand, and placed it over the beating sound once again. This time, it was very weak, like it was going to give out any second. "Mimi, your heart..." she started. Then, the sickening realization that his hand wasn't over her chest, struck him. She had placed it over her abdomen. "I'm pregnant Matt." "Pr...pregnant..." chocked Matt. He felt as if someone had hit him over the head with a baseball bat. He felt really dizzy, and had to grab something, to not fall over. "Is it... Is it mine?" "Yes." Mimi stated. She was crying softly. "Are you sure? I mean it could be anything..." "I'm positive. Joe confirmed it." she said sadly. "Mimi, I... I don't know what to say." said Matt, still in total shock. "Just tell me you want the baby." "Oh course I want the baby!" his spirits lifted instantaneously. "I want the baby more than anything." Mimi turned and looked him straight in the eyes. To Matt, she had never been more beautiful. She ran over to him, and threw her arms around him. "I love you Matt." "I love you Mimi." he said kissing her full on the lips. For the rest of the night, they stayed up talking about their future. Mimi sat in Matt's lap, planning everything that their son or daughter would need. Matt kept placing his hand over her stomach. "I can't believe I'm going to be a father." "I'm sure you'll be a great dad." said Mimi, as she nestled closer to him. At around six in the morning, Chris and Terry came stumbling into the apartment. Chris took one look at them, and smiled. "So, you guys back together yet? You know Mimi, Matt's been moping around this place for months. It was getting really pathetic!" "Chris!" yelled Terry. "Well, are you guys back together or not? Well, tell us!" "Yeah, we're back together." said Matt smiling. "Guess what!" he said excitedly. "What?" asked Chris taking off his coat and throwing it over a chair. He got his first good look at Mimi. "Hey Mimi, what's up with your stom..oh man." he mumbled. "Mimi!" Terry shouted excitedly. "Are you? ..." "Yeah." she said proudly. "Oh Mimi!" she squealed. "I'm so happy for you too!" she said throwing her arms around her best friend. She then looked sternly at Matt. "I swear Yamato Ishida. You better treat them right! If she comes to me crying over you, I'll beat you with a stick!" "Don't worry." he said reassuringly. "I won't let this one get away." he said pulling her close to him. Mimi giggled. "It's okay Terry. Matt and I are going to be alright. We've sorted out all our differences." "Oh, I can't begin to..." the two girls, sat comfortably on the sofa, and began chatting away excitedly. Chris pulled Matt into the small kitchen. "So. Did you, know?" he said excitedly. "No..." he said unsure. "I've been waiting for the perfect moment, and with us not seeing each other it was..." "God Matt! You're just scared! How long has it been now? A year and a half! With that type of attitude, you'll never do it!" "I will!" hissed Matt venomously. "I will..." ~~NOTE~~ IT'S NOW BEEN 4 MONTHS. MIMI IS 6 MONTHS PREGNANT. After a few months, of pure insanity, Matt moved into Mimi's apartment. Matt's music career was taking off, faster than Cole had expected. The song Starlit, had reached the top five in less than two weeks, and was number one, in the third week. Matt couldn't go anywhere, without being completely mauled by young girls. The stalker hadn't done a thing in months, so somehow, the whole matter was forgotten. (BEAR WITH ME. I KNOW NOBODY COULD EVER FORGET ABOUT A STALKER, BUT THEY JUST DO!) Mimi had graduated with a degree in fashion, and was climbing the business ladder. So, both had promising careers, and would be able to support their unborn child perfectly. Mimi now made regular visits to the hospital, because she was on maternity leave. THERE. NOW THAT YOU KNOW THIS, YOU CAN CONTINUE TO READ. "Mimi! Mimi do you need a lift to the hospital?" yelled Matt, as he viciously beat some eggs. "No, it's okay. I'm going to walk." she shouted back from the bedroom. She entered the room, and sat down at the table, rubbing her eyes free of sleep. Surprisingly, the effect of being six months pregnant, hadn't worn on her. She had a slight, but noticeable bulge in her stomach. "I feel as if I ate a bowling ball." she said sadly, touching her stomach. Lately, she hadn't been getting much sleep. The baby had begun to kick, and kick it did! "Mimi, you look horrible!" said Matt looking her over. She had dark black circles under her eyes. Her hair fell lifelessly over her shoulders, and she looked as if she was going to pass out. "Thanks sweetie. That's what every pregnant woman wants to hear." she said sarcastically. "No. I mean that you look faint. I think you should get some sleep. I'll drive to the hospital, and tell them you couldn't make it." "Not gonna happen. I'm going to the hospital, and you can't do a bloody thing about it!" she snapped. 'It's because of the mood swings.' he reminded himself. He remember last week, they were at a movie, and Mimi broke down crying. The sad thing was, it was a comedy! "Well, I'm driving you. And there's not a bloody thing you can do about it!" he retorted. After a long and furious battle, Mimi had won, and was going to the hospital. But, Matt had his way, and he ended up driving her. "Bryan!" screamed Mimi. She hadn't seen him in ages. "How are you doing?" He slowly pulled out a piece of paper, and scratched some words onto it. Handing it to Mimi, he looked at the floor. Mimi read the note. 'The stupid doctors screwed up! I didn't have laryngitis. I had a sever throat infection. I'll never be able to speak again.' "Oh Bryan, I'm so sorry." said Mimi throwing her arms around him. He began to cry silently. He regained his composure, and handed her something else. A book on how to read, and speak sign language. He ripped out another sheet of paper, and wrote on it. Mimi read the note. 'I want you to be able to understand what I'm saying.' "Bryan, I'll do my best." she said crying. One of the things she hated about being pregnant, was if she cried, she didn't know if it was her emotions, or the mood swings. On that note, she felt horrible. She quickly sat down, and began to inhale deeply, holding her stomach. Bryan looked at her, concerned. He pointed to the water fountain. "No. I'll be fine." she said. He handed her a new note. 'How's the pregnancy so far?' "Just dandy." she replied smiling. He took back the note, and wrote on the reverse. 'Well. Looks like we'll be working together. I just got a job, playing with the mute children. I'll be able to learn, and have fun. Smile! Be happy!' (Andre, you know what I mean! ^_^!) "That's great Bryan! It'll be fun working together!" she said smiling. She always admired the way he could just piece his life back together. No matter what happened to him, he was always smiling, and saying words of encouragement. 'I feel so bad. I wonder if Matt knows.' she thought to herself, as she walked to the children's wing. Mimi quickly learnt how to say several words with her hands. She could now say hello, goodbye and several others. She had started a conversation, with a young boy named Derek. Much to her surprise, she understood him, fully. Derek was thrilled when Mimi had started talking to him. He had so much to say. Most of which made Mimi laugh. "You're really cute Derek." she told him. The boy beamed ear to ear. Twisting his middle and index fingers, followed by his index finger sticking out (it goes on longer. Yes I can speak sign language ^_^) he said thank you. Several hours later, Mimi decided she needed to get some rest. Bryan waved bye, and made a quick hand gesture. 'Bye. You look great.' Mimi nodded, and walked out of the building.

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