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Silence: Page 3

She found herself walking along the west side of the city. She just looked at all the department stores. She would smile every time she saw a baby carriage roll by, subconsciously rubbing her stomach. Even more surprising, she met Matt. He was walking out of the music shop, carrying a large, odd shaped case. "Hey!" she smiled. "What are you doing here?" "Just picking up the alto sax. Cole said it would pick up the melody in one of our songs. Lucky me, I get to play it." (Yes he can play any instrument I want him too.) "I don't see what's so wrong with that." she said. "Well, the problem is..." suddenly, a boy on a skateboard crashed into Matt, sending him sprawling on the ground. The boy got up, and skated on, as if nothing had happened. Matt rolled over, clutching his shoulder. Mimi ran over to him. "Matt! Matt are you alright?" "My shoulder! That kid popped my shoulder!" Matt regained his calm attitude, and painfully popped his shoulder blade, back to its original spot. A loud POP later, he was rubbing his shoulder, carefully. "Matt, I'm taking you to the doctors! You could be hurt!" (duh!...) "It's okay." he said reassuringly. "I'll live." ***************************************************************** Hearing this last comment, he snickered to himself. "You wish." he said muted. "Hey mister!" shouted a young boy. "Did I do it right? Was that your friend?" he rolled in closer, then slammed his foot on the board, causing it to fly in the air. He caught it effortlessly. "You did a great job! Here's your money." he said handing the boy a 20-dollar bill. The boy took the money, and began to skate off. 'Sorry kid. You've seen my face. There's no way I can let you live now...' he stealthily pulled out a hunting knife. "Hey kid! You forgot something...." ***************************************************************** "Today, the body of 12 year old, Anthony Fighter, was found stabbed to death, in an alley, near Nagano. He was reportedly, drained of all his bodily fluids. Police have yet to confirm if this was a serial killing, or the handy work, of a cult. Sources..." Mimi turned off the tv. "That's horrible. He was 12..." she started crying. 'I wonder what the child's mother is going through? I wouldn't be able to survive, if I knew my baby had died.' Matt walked over to her. Giving her a cup of tea, he hugged her. "It is sad. But don't worry. I won't let anything happen to our child. Or you." he kissed her forehead. "Can you please get me some tissue?" she sniffed. "I have some in our room." Matt quickly got up, and moved over to the room. He spied the chamber. No Kleenex. He riffled through his drawer, hoping to find something. He did, but it wasn't what he wanted. Well, actually, it was something he had wanted for such a long time. He pulled the out the object, and held it in his hand. Small. Very small. The touch of it, brought happy memories to Matt's head. He wanted to make those dreams reality, but somehow, he never could. He got very angry with himself. "You're just weak Matt." he said, throwing the article back in the drawer. The contents of the article, spilled out, revealing itself. He quickly placed it inside it's hiding place, and found some tissue. He slammed his drawer shut, and walked off to Mimi. 'You're just weak Matt.' he thought. The next morning, Matt received an urgent fax, telling him to meet at the recording studio. He was gone before Mimi had woken up. She walked into the kitchen, and found his note. "At the studio. I'll see you tonight. I love you. Signed Matt." 'Perfect!' she thought. 'I have the whole day to myself. A little R&R wouldn't hurt.' she strolled over to the bathroom, and filled the tub with hot water, and loads of bubble bath. Waiting for the tub to fill, she went into the kitchen, and began making herself a pot of tea. (You can tell I like tea!) There was a knock on the door. "Who could that be?" she ventured, walking over to the door. Standing outside was Cole. 'Okay Cole. You can do this. Just tell her how you feel. Just tell her. You didn't call that fake meeting, for nothing.' NOTE. NOW THIS HAPPENS AT THE EXACT SAME TIME COLE IS THINKING. "I wonder where everyone is?" asked Matt. The studio was black, and deserted. NOTE, BACK TO COLE. "Hello Cole! Nice to see you." said Mimi warmly. "Hello Mimi. May I come in?" "Sure. Make yourself at home." she said. "Can I offer you some tea?" "Yes, that would be lovely." "Okay, wait a minute, and I'll get you some. Please, sit down." she said beaconing toward a chair. Cole sat down, and admired the surroundings. He scowled at the photos of Matt and Mimi, which littered the living room. He turned the face to one of then down, just before Mimi entered the room. He stood up. "Here you go." she said handing him a cup. "Mimi, I have something to tell you." he said, gathering his courage. "Cole is everything okay?" she said, walking over to him. Her eyes were shining with concern. He gazed into her eyes for a moment, before turning away. "Cole, please tell me!" she begged. "Mimi. I...I..." he pulled her into a passionate kiss. Mimi was shocked at first, then she realized what was happening, and tried to pull free. Sadly, Cole was stronger than Mimi, so her attempts were close too useless. He had both her wrists, twisted together, and was holding them only one of his hands. The other was used to hold her head close to his. Almost immediately, the water from the bathtub, started to leak over the rim, and spilled out over the floor. Mimi took a forceful step back, trying to free his death grasp on her wrists, but her attempts were thwarted, when she stepped in the water, and slipped back. Cole caught her, with a crushing hold. Now she was completely pinned to him. Matt was on his way up the stairs, when he saw Mimi's door, open. He walked in calmly. "That was so weir..." he stopped when he saw Cole and her. Mimi was kicking feverishly, while Cole hugged her tighter. Without thinking, Matt made a running dash, and tackled Cole to the ground. Mimi fell to her knees, and gasped for air. Matt punched Cole, right in the lip, causing it to bleed. But, he was not able to continue with such fury, because his shoulder was still sore. Cole flipped Matt over, and proceeded to punch his face. He hit him in the jaw, and in the eye. After getting pushed around, Matt lashed out, delivering a crushing blow to Cole's stomach. He doubled over in pain, but quickly reconveyed, and got up, ignoring the pain in his stomach. Matt clenched his shoulder in agony. He wiped the blood trail from his lip, and smiled evilly at Matt. "You're going to pay for that one Ishida. Your career is over!" Matt staggered over to Mimi, who helped him up. "You think I care? As far as I'm concerned, your career is over! How does sexual harassment sound?" he yelled, through his throbbing jaw. Mimi held him back. She knew better than anyone, what Matt could do when he's angry. "You wouldn't!" retorted Cole smugly. He flattened his wet shirt. "You wouldn't do that! You know I have the best lawyers in all of Japan! I'm sorry Mimi. I didn't want it to end up like this." he touched his lips. "You know Matt, even a forced kiss out of her is amazing!" "You sick son of a bitch!" Matt yelled as he darted toward Cole. His fist clenched. His eyes burning with hatred. Mimi was pulling him back with one hand. "Don't Matt! He's not worth it!" she said pleadingly. He looked at her. "Please. Do it for me." a tear streamed down her face. (Cole, by this time, slipped right out of the house.) Matt looked at the floor. He then noticed the water. "Where is this water from?" he asked. "The bathroom. I was filling the bath, when Cole stepped in." she looked at the floor too. She stared at it for a few moments. To the naked eye, it would have been just water. To her, she noticed a strange hue to it. Touching it with a white napkin, she confirmed her assumption. There was a hint of red in it. "What the hell?" she mumbled as she walked into the bathroom. Matt heard a loud piercing scream come from Mimi. Rushing to the bathroom, he saw why she was screaming. Lining the walls of the room, were pictures of herself, and those of a small boy. Examining the photos closer, he noticed a large slash across his stomach. He felt extremely sick at the sight. Pulling his eyes off the horrible photos, he saw the bathtub, filled with a red colored substance. The color reminded him of blood. Matt, then remembered the police report he heard the day before "Today, the body of 12 year old, Anthony Fighter, was found stabbed to death, in an alley, near Nagano. He was reportedly, drained of all his bodily fluids." He fell next to Mimi. They were standing in a poor defenseless boy's blood, with pictures of him surrounding them. Written on the mirror, in Mimi's purple colored lipstick was a message. "I did this for you. His blood is on your hands. Literally. Tonight." "He's back!" she sobbed. "He's back and he killed this boy because of me!" Matt grabbed her small frame. "You didn't do this. He's just sick. Sick and twisted." Mimi cried louder. Matt picked her up, and carried her to their room and placed her on the bed. Picking up a huge quilt, which her mother had made, he placed it over her shaking body. Picking up the phone, he dialed the police. A few minutes later, the familiar police chief was back at the apartment. "We'll send a sample of the blood to the lab. Just to see if this is the boy's. Mr. and Mrs. Ishida..." "We're not married." said Matt flatly. "Well, anyway, I'm posting guards outside your door tonight. This man is obviously deranged and is very dangerous!" "Thank you officer." whispered Mimi. She was hugging herself, trying to get the numb feeling out of her system. "This is officer Brenner. He will be standing guard, watching you like a hawk. He's the best officer, on the force. You couldn't be in better hands." he finished. Mimi smiled at officer Brenner. "Don't worry Ms. Tachikawa. No harm will befall on you, while I'm on watch." he said confidently. "Thank you officer Brenner. This means a lot to me. To us." she said looking at Matt's smiling face. "Please, call me Andrew." he said smiling. ************************************************************************ "HA! They think an officer can stop me?" he said laughing manically. "An officer Matt. I'm very disappointed. You really should be taking better care of Mimi. You know as well as I do, that I'll stop at nothing to get her." He pulled out a .22 gun. Pulling the safety off, he aimed. "Pow." he said grinning. He then checked the bullets. 2. That's all he would need. 'Maybe Matt could escape one bullet, but I'll get him with the second.' "Tonight my love. You will be mine." ************************************************************************ Mimi sat outside, looking at the stars. A blanket was draped over her shoulders, keeping her warm. That night had been cold. She shivered slightly as a cool breeze, flew by her, causing her hair, to scatter everywhere. Matt looked at her, from the window in the living room. 'I'll join her.' he decided. 'She shouldn't be alone right now.' Matt walked into a room. He opened his drawer, to find a sweater to wear. Instead, he found a glistening object. He once again picked it up. Rather than throwing it back in the drawer, he cupped it in his palm, tightly. "I have to." he said to no one. "I want to, and I'm going to do it!" he smiled at the thought. He quickly slipped the object in his breast pocket, and walked over to the patio door. Mimi turned to look at the person who was joining her. Smiling at him, she turned her gaze back to the shining stars. Matt slipped in back of her, and wrapped his arms around her stomach, pulling her close. "They're beautiful, aren't they?" she asked pointing to the sky. "Not as beautiful as you." he said coolly. 'Easy does it. One step at a time.' he thought. Mimi placed her cheek, next to his warm cheek. "I'm so glad you're here with me. I don't think I would have made it this long without you." "I don't think I would have made it this long without you. I love you so much Mimi. Always remember that." "How could I forget?" she smiled. "I love you." "Mimi... I..." he began, only to be cut off, by the intercom. "Mr. Ishida, there is someone by the name of David Rerden, here to see you. Shall I send him up?" asked Andrew. Matt winced. "Yeah. Send him up." he said dully. 'Perfect timing man. Couldn't have waited 15 seconds?' he thought, getting up, and walking over to the door. After he opened the door, he instantaneously regretted it. "What are you doing here?" he said, filled with disgust. "Returning a favor." he said, pulling out a knife. Matt's eyes widened, as he saw the gleaming weapon. It all seemed to have gone by in slow motion for him. The man quickly brought up the weapon, and forcefully plunged it in Matt's stomach. He cried out in pain, as the attacker, brought out the weapon, and brought it down again; cutting a new hole in his body. Pain shot in and out of Matt, as the attacker quickly stabbed him to death. Fire was burning in his stomach, and it got hotter, with every swipe. The knife just ripped through his skin, like butter. He felt a warm liquid pour out, onto his hands and scatter over the floor. Strangely, there wasn't a burning sensation anymore. He was now very cold. With great effort he placed his hand over his wounds, trying to stop the flow of his blood. The assailant calmly kicked his hand off. "You might want to know, that what you are experiencing right now, is only a fraction of the pain I feel every day." he looked on in disgust, as Matt tried to stand up. "Very good Matt, you managed to roll over. I commend you, but please. Just die in peace. No use getting Mimi's floor dirty." he laughed loudly. This startled Mimi. She got up, and opened the patio door, only to see Matt, hunched over. Blood oozing out of his stomach. Standing next to him was Cole. "Matt!" she screamed. She ran over to him, only to be grabbed by Cole. "Get away from him!" he screamed. Mimi refused to listen. She somehow pulled free, and dashed to Matt's side. She quickly pushed her hands into his stomach. "Matt don't die on me... I need you. Our baby needs you..." she cried. Matt rolled his head over and looked into Mimi's tearing eyes. He managed to lift his hand, and wipe away her tear. "Run..." he chocked. His eyes fluttered shut, and his hand fell limply to his side. His body was a sickening shade of yellow. "Matt NO!" Mimi screamed. Her tears were mixing with the small trail of blood left by him. "No..." she sobbed. "Well. That took long. Stupid boy. Wouldn't listen to me. At least he's out of the picture. We can be together now." he said hopefully. Mimi looked at him, with anger in her eyes. "Never!" she screamed. Remembering Matt's warning, she turned and began to run. In his pursuit of Mimi, a small gun fell out of Cole's pocket. Hot tears blurred her vision. Mimi was trying to run; but something in her, just wanted to die. Die along with Matt. She smashed along a wall, crying her eyes out. Her balance, was as uncoordinated as her thoughts. Cole had caught up, and tackled her to the floor, pinning her arms and legs. "He didn't deserve you! I deserve you!"he shouted at her, in an attempt to win over her affections. "The only way you would be able to see that, was if he was out of the picture. I love you Mimi." he said. "I love Matt! I could never love you, knowing what you did to him! I hate you! You ruined my life! I hope you burn in hell!" she screamed to him through tears. "It hurts me to hear you say that. But if you tell me you love me, I'll spare your life." said Cole softly. "I'd rather die than be with you!" screamed Mimi. "You've been taunting, and tormenting me for almost a year! You made my life a living hell! Why would I ever want to be with you?" she cried. "I would never do that to you. I love you!" "You killed me! You killed me, the moment you killed Matt." "I'm sorry you feel that way Mimi." he said touching her cheek. "Because of him, you will never fully love me. That's all I ever wanted. You to love me." he said sadly. "You leave me no choice." he pulled out the knife he used to stab Matt. Wiping the blood on his shirt, he moved it over Mimi's neck. The touch of cold steel made her shiver with fear. He brought it over the main artery in her neck, and pressed down slowly. "I'm so sorry." he said. He took the knife, and pointed the blade down. He brought it up, to make it a quick blow. "I'm sorry." he said tearily. He brought the knife down with speed and accuracy. The sound of a deafening shot, rang through the building. The sound slicing the silence of the building. The ringing sound still echoed in Mimi's ear, as Cole fell lifelessly onto her. The knife falling to her side. Mimi pushed his heavy body off hers, to stare at Matt. He was holding a gun in his right hand, while his left, was wrapped around his bleeding stomach. He fell to a knee. Mimi ran over to him. He weakly smiled. "I told you, I wouldn't let anything happen to you..." he fainted. Andrew came rushing up the stairs. He faced Mimi, who was holding a dying Matt, in her arms. "Call an ambulance!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. Andrew whipped out a small cell phone, and called an ambulance over. Hours later, Mimi was standing outside the OR. She was staring blankly at the door, waiting for it to open. "Matt sacrificed himself to save me..." she said. The though of it, bringing tears to her eyes. Joe walked out of the door. His eyes were to the floor. "Mimi, you have to listen to me. Matt lost a lot of blood. It was a miracle he survived..." "He's alive!" cried Mimi. Happiness filled her. "Just barely. He will have to stay in the hospital for several weeks to recover. But he might never be the same. Cole hit some of his major organs. His lungs are in bad condition. He will never be allowed to play another note of music again. I'm sorry." he said. Mimi didn't care. Matt was alive! "Can I see him Joe? Please!" she begged. "Alright. But only for a few minutes. I want to check you out." "I'm fine." she said as she rushed into the room. She saw Matt. His eyes closed. His blues shirt was ripped open. (They hadn't had enough time to change him into the regular gowns.) "Matt. Can you hear me?" asked Mimi. Matt tilted his head, to see who was talking to him. He was heavily bandaged, and for every move he made, was a new feeling of pain. He opened his eyes and smiled wide. "Mimi." he gasped. "Don't try to speak." she said, rushing over to his side. He ignored her completely. With every ounce of his strength, he lifted his hand, and reached into his pocket, revealing a small ring. "Mimi... please... marry me." he gasped. To him, this was probably the last place he wanted to propose to her, but, it felt like the right time. Mimi was speechless. She leaned over, and kissed him on the lips. "Of course I'll marry you." Matt felt like he could dance. He placed the ring on her finger, and slowly kissed her. "I love you Mimi." he managed to utter. "I love you too, Matt." she replied, merrily. ************************************************************************ "Bastard!" he shouted, as he kicked the wall. Two old women looked at him. Then began muttering amongst themselves. "In my day, young people never used such profanity." said one. He shrugged it off, like the comment was a bug. "Why the hell did Cole have to go and ruin all my plans! I almost had her!" he mumbled to himself. "Now it'll be 10 times as hard to tear them apart." "Hey Bryan!" shouted Ken from a distance. "How are you?" Bryan looked up, and gave a thumbs up sign. "You know, now it's going to be different with you not being able to speak and all, but I think I'm getting the hang of talking with my hands!" said Ken, demonstrating his new ability. Bryan thought to himself. 'If you only knew....' ************************************************************************