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Sincere Friendship

By: Jordan MacKenzie Disclaimer: Please do not post this on your website unless you email me first. I do not own Digimon, that belongs to Toel Company. The plot is mine, and it is original. Thank you. : It’s been three weeks since us Digdestines headed back to the Digiworld. We have discovered what an illicit state it is in. The Dark Masters have changed the landscape, creating Spiral Mountain. Spiral Mountain is the Digiworld we knew: File Island and the Server Continent. In three weeks the Dark Masters have terrorized us. Piximon, before he sacrificed himself, told Tai that we needed something more than us eight being together. I guess we’ll have to find out what that is. I’m sorry, I didn’t introduce us. There is Tai, our "leader", with the Crest of Courage; Sora, the soccer loving girl, with the Crest of Love; Izzy, our computer genius, with the Crest of Knowledge; and Mimi, the shopaholic, who has the Crest of Sincerity. There is also T.K., my little brother, the bearer of the Crest of Hope; Kari, Tai’s little sister, with the Crest of Light; and myself, Matt, with the Crest of Friendship. All our Digimon have reached their ultimate levels, and Tai and my Digimon, Agumon and Gabumon reached their mega levels. I think the others’ Digimon have a mega level also. That is something we’ll have to discover on our own. Anyway, my friends and I are in a forest with plantlike organisms. The sun was dipping low, and T.K. and Kari were scouting for a campsite. T.K. yelled that he found a clearing. I ran up to him, with Gabumon following me. We entered a large open area, about the size of a standard swimming pool. Us Digidestined took our usual jobs: T.K. and Kari gathering sticks with Patamon and Salamon; Izzy pounding on his computer entering information about this area with Tentomon looking on; and Mimi, Sora, Palmon, and Biyomon finding fruits or vegetables. Tai, Agumon, Gabumon and I found a small stream and started fishing with our hands or claws. Joe oversaw us all, telling the younger kids where to put the sticks or taking inventory of food, with Gomamon imitating Joe’s every move, making us laugh. This is how nightfall came. I was worried about the younger kids: T.K. and Kari. Surprisingly, they adjusted better than the rest of us. T.K. is the most optimistic, and Kari is wise and strong beyond her age of eight. It was probably Mimi and I that missed home the most, with Tai being the leader, Sora the mom, Joe the responsible one, and Izzy on his computer; we were left with each other. I thought she was a tad bit self-absorbed, but once I found out things about her, I came to like her. Flashback: On the one day back on Earth when we were normal kids, not fighting Myotismon, I walked to the jewelry store with Tai, bought a small emerald with a gold band, and had a teardrop with two circles inscribed into the inside of the band. The best thing was the little diamonds on both sides of the emerald that made the whole ring sparkle. Tai liked it and paid for the gift-wrapping. It cost me all of my allowance saved for a rainy day plus some my dad and brother chipped in when they heard about my plight to give Mimi a ring. Looking at the ring on her finger now reminds me of the time I gave it to her. It was after I picked it up from the jewelry store. Mimi called me and said she wanted to go out. We took the subway to Olympic Park. There was a tripping sounding, so we turned around but no one was there. I took her to the top of the Tokyo Tower, at the perfect time: sunset. She was wearing a pink GAP dress, and me with my Old Navy blue sweater. She became cold so I offered her my jacket. We surveyed the view of the bustling for a while. The city that never slept, she pointed out the Meiji Shrine and the National Diet. The tower, all streets, and stores were lit up. I waited for an opportune moment. Then I pulled the box with the ring in it out of my pocket. The box had a pink ribbon, with tiny pink bows, slightly crushed. "Here, Mimi," I mumbled, my hands shaking nervously. She shot me a questioning look, picked the box out of my hand, and looked at it. Mimi touched the bows gently, then pulled on the ribbon. She finally opened it, with me looking on and gulping. Mimi gasped when she saw the emerald ring, and then she threw her arms around me. She gave the ring to me to put it on, and I put it on her middle right finger. She looked at me with those deep brown eyes, and I just melted. Mimi leaned forward, and so did I, even though I did not think that our relationship had become this deep. I leaned forward even more, felt her warm lips against mine, our lips caressing each other’s, and time froze. It felt good, and we stayed like that, my arms wrapped around her body, her arms around my neck. The next thing I hear it the little horn things for a New Year’s Party or a birthday party. It turns out that Tai had told the others, they followed us on the subway, through Olympic Park, and up the Tower. Joe was the one who tripped over a stick. The others had to pull him into the bushes to avoid detection. My face turned the color of Sora’s crest. Mimi’s face blending in with her dress. I quickly turned to the city, and Tai slapped me on the back. "Way to go, Matt!" he shouted. The other guys were just grinning, and I had to smile back. Sora and Kari were admiring Mimi’s ring, oohing and aahing. After everyone else had their fun, we rode they subway to our homes. T.K. was staying at my dad’s apartment with me. The first thing T.K. asked Dad was what does a girl’s lips taste like? He had a short talk with T.K. about how boys and girls like each other, and decide to "taste each other’s lips". Then he had a long talk with me about girls. It was about eleven before I went to sleep. End Flashback The sunset always reminds me of that special night. Now there was another sunset. Kari arranged the sticks in a pile. Tai put the twenty fish we caught on one stick each. Mimi complained that she did not want to eat cooked fish. We sat in a circle around the unlit fire. "Gabumon, can you light the fire, please?" I asked. "Sure Matt!" he said, delighted to be of service. "Blue Blaster!" Gabumon’s attack made the sticks glow blue, then they burst into orange flames. They danced on the dark forest around us. Again Mimi complained, she complained of the smoke this time and moved conveniently by me. I smiled, knowing that she just wanted to sit with me, and that made me glad. So I had Mimi on one side, T.K. on the other, with Sora by T.K. and Tai by Sora. Sora and Tai are kind of involved, both of them won’t admit it out loud, that’s another story I’ll tell later. Anyway, by Tai were Joe and Izzy. Our Digimon sat near us. We then proceeded to fry our fish. Within five minutes, they were crunchy and tasted like corn. This was a pleasant meal, with laughter and fun. Soon our bellies were full and the fish was eaten. We were about to settle down for the night when there was a great explosion. Sixteen Gorillamon emerged from the trees. "Energy Cannon!" said the nearest one. "Agumon digiviolve to Greymon!" "Gabumon digiviolve to Garurumon!" "Biyomon digiviolve to Birdramon!" "Tentomon digiviolve to Kabuterimon!" "Palmon digiviolve to Togemon!" "Gomamon digiviolve to Ikkakumon!" "Patamon digiviolve to Angemon!" "Salamon digiviolve to Gatomon!" Even though we had eight champions against the Gorillamon, who were also champions, they outnumbered us. "Nova Blast!" "Howling Blaster!" "Meteor Wing!" "Electro Shocker!" "Needle Spray!" "Harpoon Torpedo!" "Hand of Fate!" "Lightning Claw!" There were two Gorillamon on each of ours. It just was not working. I stood with the others on edge of the forest. Then, machinelike, one of the Gorillamon on each of our Digimon turned and fired at us. "Energy Cannon!" they said. I grabbed T.K.’s and Mimi’s hands and ran. The shock wave hit us and threw all of us to the ground. "No!" cried our Digimon. I stood up and helped up the others. Our crests glowed from under our shirts and our Digivices shook, except for T.K.’s. "Greymon digiviolve to Metalgreymon!" "Garurumon digiviolve to Weregarurumon!" "Birdramon digiviolve to Garudamon!" "Kabuterimon digiviolve to Megakabuterimon!" "Togemon digiviolve to Lilymon!" "Ikkakumon digiviolve to Zudomon!" "Gatomon digiviolve to Angewomon!" "Yes! Go ultimates!" I shouted. The Gorillamon were easily defeated with Giga Blaster, Wolf Claw, Wing Blade, Horn Buster, Flower Cannon, Vulcan’s Hammer, Hand of Fate, and Celestial Arrow. I was tired after the fight; T.K. was yawning. I hugged Gabumon. Tai suggested we all have some shuteye, and I slept until dawn. Sora woke us up before daylight because she wanted to leave. Sora had Biyomon and Palmon had out the fruits they found last night. I ate one that tasted like a mint. I gave T.K. a bite for his bad morning breath. The fire had long gone out, and not able to give us warmth anymore. Joe packed up all the leftover food into his bag. Then off we went. Tai has us walk the opposite way that we came from, through the forest. No matter what, I thought we could never split up. Last time we did, we almost never fond each other again. Piximon said we were stronger together, all eight of us. My feet started cramping. By now the sun was high in the sky. There was no more dew on the grass. All of a sudden, Agumon sat down. He closed his eyes, but Tai was still walking. "Tai! Stop!" said Kari. "Agumon’s tired or hurt or something." Tai immediately rushed back to Agumon. "What’s the matter, little guy?" asked Tai. He looked at Agumon with the saddest eyes. "I’m tired, Tai. I need a rest." Agumon replied. "I think we all do," said Mimi. Tai said okay, we will as soon as we find a secure place. Tai led us into the forest. I couldn’t find one, so I finally I said, "Tai, let’s just stop here. There’s no way to be seen from above. We can build a fire and have lunch. Is everyone hungry?" "Yeah!" replied the Digidestined and Digimon. My stomach was growling anyway. Kari grabbed some sticks while Joe brought out the fruits from earlier. I didn’t notice Izzy was gone but he and Tentomon brought back some squid looking things. I sighed, I knew I’d have to eat them. "Pepper Breath!" Agumon shouted. With a burst of orange flame, we had a fire! So exciting. When you’re in the Digiworld, there isn’t much to see, so little things are like wow. I was just about the cook the squid when the light came. It became brighter and brighter. Like the sun was creeping closer and closer. Then we were in a world of white. We were floating, I guess. There was not ground. I saw the shock on Tai’s face, and I grabbed Mimi’s hand. She squeezed it hard. T.K. was over by Kari and Tai. Sora held on to Tai’s waist. I looked around for Gabumon. I could not find him! "Hey, guys? Where are our Digimon?" I asked. In alarm everyone was looking for their Digimon but can’t find them. Izzy took out his laptop and tried to turn it on. It would not. Kari started crying, and then T.K. Tai and Sora tried to calm them down, with no avail. Then Mimi started to snuffle. I turned to her, hugging her, holding her. "I miss Palmon, Matt," Mimi said. "What if they’ve been captured?" Joe asked. "What if something terrible is happening to th…" Tai stopped him, but the damage had all ready been done. Sora had tears in her eyes, and Izzy started bawling. Joe hugged him and said he was sorry. Tai had tears in his eyes, too, like me. Pretty soon we were all straight out crying. "I want Gabumon!" I shouted. "Give him back to me!" I tried to move. I tried to run. I tried to do anything. "Do not be afraid, Digidestined. Your Digimon are safe." Said a voice, a huge voice. "Why did wait so long to speak to us?" Tai questioned. "We wanted to make sure you loved your Digimon. Shedding tears was enough proof. Come now." The strange voice said. We were transported into a palace, pure white, in front of six Angemon on thrones. There were two thrones empty. These Angemon smiled at us. "Welcome, Digidestined. We have brought you here to give you some valuable information." "Information about what?" Tai eagerly interrupted. "And why is two of the seats missing?" "Patience, my friend." laughed one of the Angemon. "We will explain everything to you." So this Angemon started the story of the Digiworld. I zoned out. I knew Izzy and Joe wold be interested. Looking at the others, my eyes landed on Tai and Sora. They were close to each other, holding hands. Flashback: Tai was over my house the day I went to the jewelry store with him. We were playing video games in my room when he asked my if I liked Sora. I said yes, she is a nice friend. Then he said no, I mean as in like. I said no, I liked Mimi. It just kind of hit me, why would Tai ask those questions? "Tai, do you like Sora?" I shot at him. He turned beet red, but would not tell me. I wrestled him to the floor, then started tickling his sides. He is very ticklish. He laughed and was gasping for air. I stopped and asked him again. "Yeah, I guess I do like Sora." Tai replied. "Then go to a movie with her!" I shouted. "Perfect way to go out with Sora." So I had Mimi call Sora to ask her to a movie with Tai. Mimi said she was happy to oblige. We talked for a few minutes, then said goodbye. Tai and I then walked to the jewelry store. After that was done, Tai invited me to his house to help him get ready. At his apartment, I gave him tips and pointers, like how to get his arm around Sora (pretend to yawn) or how to get a kiss (look deep into her eyes). He wore his orange shirt with blue pants. He was ready about thirty minutes before the movie started. He told me the rest, how me picked up Sora and how she smelled like flowers. I asked him how the movie was and he said that he didn’t watch most of the movie. He was watching Sora. At the end, he said he looked deep into her eyes, and then she said, "Tai, why are you staring at me?" That completely ruined the mood and then they left. You didn’t even get a kiss? I asked. He replied no, it never happened. But then Tai said that he asked Sora is she liked him, and she said yes, she did, more than anyone else did. End Flashback "Goodbye, Digidestines, we will be watching." boomed the Angemons. Oops, I didn’t listen to them. I was too busy reminiscing. We were returned to our camp, right next to our Digimon! I threw my arms around Gabumon. "Whoa, what happened?" he asked. I told him about him Council of Angemons. "I’ve heard about the Council of Angemons," said Tentomon. "Me too," Patamon said. "They were the first Digimon created. They know everything about the Digiworld." "What did they have to say?" I questioned. "Well, while you were off in la la land, the Angemons told us about everyone else’s mega!" exclaimed Sora. "even though they couldn’t tell us what they were." "So all you have a mega form?" I asked another question. "Yes, all except T.K." Izzy replied. "His ultimate form is the supreme Digimon, Megnangemon." "And I found out why two of the thrones were empty. They are to be filled by Angewomon and Megnangemon when the Dark Masters are put on trial!" Tai shouted. We started to set up camp again. The fire had been blown out by the wind. Tai decided to stay here for the night so we were trying to make a shelter out of the surrounding trees. Hmm, I wondered, when will Angemon digvolve? Then, there was an evil laugh. I knew whose laugh it was. Metalseadramon! "No!" Mimi shouted. "Mimi!" I shouted. "Gabumon, warp digivolve now!" "You too, Agumon!" Tai said. "Agumon, warp digivolve to… Wargreymon!" "Gabumon, warp digivolve to… Metalgarurumon!" Metalseadramon used his River of Power and hit two people. It turned out to be Sora and Izzy. Metalseadramon used his attack again on Mimi and Joe. "No, Sora, I love you!" shouted Biyomon. "Izzy, I need you!" cried Tentomon. "Mimi! No! Don’t die!" cried Palmon sincerely. "I’m responsible for you, Joe!" Gomamon shouted. Four beams of red, purple, green, and gray shone into the sky. Then, the world turned white again. Four beings of purity appeared. "We are here to help Biyomon, Tentomon, Palmon, and Gomamon digivolve further," they said in unison. They all had bows and arrows, and I knew what was to happen next. With a great cry, these beings shot their arrows. "Biyomon, warp digivolve to… Firegarudamon!" "Tentomon, warp digvolve to… Herculeskabuterimon!" "Palmon, warp digivolve to… Flowralilymon!" "Gomamon, warp digivolve to… Tsunamizudomon!" Wow, four more digivolved. They will help us in our quest. Will these newly digivolved megas defeat Metalseadramon? To be continued…

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Jordan MacKenze