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Part 1- Vacation Time! Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of Digimon: Digital Monsters. It belongs to Toei Animation, Saban, and Fox Kids. I only own the plot, and any made up Digimon (I'm not gonna spoil it for you yet! ^_^) Authors Note: Hey everyone! This part will be focused around Mimi, other than anyone else. This'll be a Mimato fic. By the way, the DigiDestined are teenagers here. (Like around 16.) Sorry if this part is a little boring, but it's just the beginning. "Hurry up, Mimi, darling. You know Sora told you to get ready by 3!" Mimi's mother called up the stairs. She looked at her watch, and tapped her foot impatiently. Mimi ran down the stairs, a suitcase in each hand. She was out of breath. Palmon was behind her. Mimi dropped both suitcases, and they fell to the floor with a crash. "Sorry, mom. I just had to pack a few more things." "Oh. Remind me again, darling, where are you and your friends going?" Ms. Tachikawa asked. "Umm," Mimi said, "We were going to go to the mountains, for a few days, to ski before winter's over." "Oh, that's right," Mimi's mother replied. A car horn honked outside. "Bye mom! That's probably Sora!" Mimi yelled, picking up her suitcases, and running out the door. Palmon followed her. "Have a nice time, Mimi!" Her mother called, as she ran out the door. Mimi stepped out into the brisk winter day, and looked around. The grass and trees sparkled with a light frost. She looked around, and saw a blue minivan parked to the side of the road. She ran up to it, the best she could, with the two suitcases in her hands. The passenger side window rolled down, and Mimi could see Sora, waving. "Hi, Mimi! Get in, we still have to pick up Tai and Kari." Mimi opened the side door, and Palmon jumped in. She saw Izzy in one of the front seats, staring at his laptop, and typing furiously. Tentomon was beside him. Next to Izzy were Joe, and Gomamon. Joe was turned around in his seat, talking to the people in the backseat. Mimi looked in the backseat, and saw Matt, T.K., Patamon, and Gabumon. Mimi looked back at Sora. "Where am I supposed to put my stuff?" She asked. "In the trunk, " Sora replied. Mimi walked around the side of the van, and saw that the trunk was already opened for her. She barely lifted both of her suitcases enough to put it in. She closed the trunk, and walked back to the opened door, and got in. She made her way to the back, and squished herself in. Palmon got on her lap. The van began to move down the road. "So," She asked, "Watcha talking about?" "Oh nothing," Joe replied. "Just about how I can't ski and probably will break an arm or something." "I wonder how it would feel to have arms..." Gomamon asked. "It's not that bad," Gabumon responded. "Aww, Joe, it won't be that bad!" T.K replied to Joe. "You just have to learn first. I don't know how to ski that much either, so we can just learn together. What about you, Mimi?" "Oh... I know how to ski a little bit..." Mimi trailed off. Sora turned around from her seat in the front. "Don't worry guys, if you can't ski, you can always do something else. Or you can just learn. I don't think the majority of us know how to ski. After all, it WAS my mom's idea. I just thought it would be fun." Sora shrugged, and turned back around. Izzy looked up from his laptop. "I'm sure the instructors there are professional enough to teach us how to ski." He looked back down at the monitor, and began to type again. The gang began to talk for a while, until they got to Tai and Kari's house. Sora's mother honked the horn, and the door to Tai's house opened. Tai ran out, with a black backpack on his back, and Agumon in his arms. Kari came out, with a pink backpack, and Gatomon following her. Tai ran up to the minivan, and opened the door. He climbed into the van, and sat in one of the front seats, next to Izzy. Kari, on the other hand, climbed into the back, and sat by T.K. Gatomon sat on Kari's lap, and Agumon was on the floor, talking to Gomamon and Tentomon. "I'm squished!" Mimi complained. "Do we have to do this again?!" "So, guys, what's up?" Tai asked, ignoring Mimi's complaints. "Nothing much," Joe responded. "By the way, do you know how to ski?" "No," Tai responded. "Why?" "Because none of us know how to ski," Joe said. "Well that's just great." "Well, we can all learn," Palmon added. "Right." The van rolled over a huge bump, and it lurched. Everyone inside the car groaned, except for Sora's mother. After that, the road started to get steeper. "Well at least we know we're ALMOST there." Matt said. He looked out the windows. He was right. He saw the road get A LOT steeper, and as they went up the road, the temperature dropped. "I'm cold!" Mimi whined. "OK, we're almost there, just hold on," Sora's mother told Mimi. After about 30 minutes, minutes, The arrived in the parking lot, and lurched to a stop. "Well," Sora said, "We're here!" She opened the door, and jumped out onto the parking lot. She ran to the side door, and opened it. "Everybody out!" Each DigiDestined came out, followed by their respective Digimon. They all went to the trunk, to get their stuff. "OK, just register at that hotel over there." Sora's mother said, pointing to a medium sized building, made of brick. "I'll pick you up in about 3 days." Mimi looked at the building. A sign hung over the door, which said "Mt. Sleepy Hotel." It was made of brick, and had a chimney. "So that's where we are," Izzy said. "Mt. Sleepy. Prodigious!" "Nice name..." Matt muttered, sarcastically. "Well, let's go!" Sora said, running towards the hotel. Everyone followed her. She ran to the door opened it, and ran inside. She ran to the receptionists' desk. She saw that no one was there, so she rang the bell. While she was waiting for the clerk to come, she looked around the room. She saw a lot of signs, but one caught her eye. It said "WARNING AVALANCHES" in bold, red letters. Below it, there were smaller letters that gave things to do during an avalanche. She began to read, but was interrupted by a voice. "Can I help you?" The clerk had asked. He looked about 17, and had blue eyes, and short, spiky hair. He looked bored. "Uh... uh..." Sora said, unable to speak. "What she means to say, is that we want 2 rooms," Mimi said. She had walked up behind Sora, and she hadn't noticed. "OK," The attendant said, turning around to get 2 keys. He threw the keys on to the desk. "Here you go. Rooms 16 and 17. Have a nice day." He turned back around and walked into the back room. "Hey guys!" Mimi yelled to her friends. "We got the rooms!" She tossed a key to Tai, and looked at the tag on hers. They had room 16. "Hey Sora, Kari, come on! We have to go unpack," Mimi said to the other two girls. "OK, hold on for a sec," Sora said. She turned to the boys, who were talking. "Hey guys, we're gonna go upstairs and unpack now. We'll meet you down here in.... 30 minutes?" "Sure," Tai agreed. "Thirty minutes." Mimi, Kari, and Sora ran up the stairs, followed by their Digimon. When they got upstairs, they looked at the room numbers until they got to "16." Mimi stuck the key into the door, and turned it. She opened the room and looked inside. She gasped. "It's HUGE!" She looked around the room. There were 2 beds in the corner, and a couch near the middle of the room. Off to the side was a TV. Near the television were three cabinets. "Wow!" Sora exclaimed after seeing the room. Mimi dropped both of her suitcases, and they fell to the floor, with a crash. She stretched her arms, ran to the bed and jumped on it. "Finally! A comfortable bed! And a heater!" Kari walked in, saw Mimi, and rolled her eyes. "Wait," Sora said, "there are 2 beds, and 3 of us. Who's gonna sleep on the couch?" Mimi gasped. "Not me!" "Well since we're gonna stay here for three days," Kari said, "we can just alternate sleeping on the couch. I'll do it tonight. Might as well get it over with." "I don't understand why Sora can't just ask her boyfriend downstairs is he can just move another bed up here," Mimi said, not wanting to sleep on the couch. "My boyfriend?! Who?" Sora asked. "You know... the clerk guy. You know you like him," Mimi said. Kari laughed. "You know it's true. You couldn't even talk." "When was that? I don't remember that!" Sora said, defending herself. "Uh... uh..." Mimi said, imitating Sora. Mimi and Kari started cracking up. "Well... I MIGHT have said that." Sora replied, embarrassed. "Well, who can blame you? He WAS kind of cute." Mimi said. She laughed. "Better get to know him better, we're only gonna be here for 3 days!" Sora blushed. "OK guys, let's just start unpacking. And get off this subject. Besides, I know how both of you like. "Uh..." Mimi and Kari both said in unison. This time, it was Sora's turn to laugh. "Who's sayin' "uh" now?" Kari unzipped her backpack, and started folding her clothes, and putting them away in the cabinet nearest in the middle. Sora chose the cabinet to the right, and Mimi chose the one to the left. The three girls started to unpack. Meanwhile, the boys were still downstairs. "I think we had better get up to our room to unpack," Izzy suggested. "If we want to be down here to meet the girls in 30 minutes." "OK," Tai said, looking at the number on his key. He walked upstairs, followed by the other boys, and their digimon. The boys' room was similar to the girls' room, only it had more furniture. In addition to the beds, cabinets, couch, and TV, there were 2 armchairs and a desk. "Who's gonna sleep on the beds?" T.K. asked. "Well I think T.K. should sleep on the bed 'cuz he's the youngest..." Matt said. "And 'cuz he's your brother..." Tai muttered under his breath. Matt shot him a dirty look, and continued, like he didn't hear him. "And I don't have to sleep on a bed, I'm fine with sleeping on a couch." "The same with me," Izzy added. "So it's between me and Joe," Tai said. "I say they play a game of 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'," Matt said sarcastically. "That'll work," Joe agreed. "OK," Tai said, holding his hand out. "Let's play." The first time it was a draw, a rock, and a rock. The second time, Joe won, paper, and scissors. "OK," Izzy said. "It's decided. Joe and T.K. are sleeping in the beds, and Tai, Matt, and I are sleeping on the couch and in the chairs." Tai looked at his watch. "OK, we should start unpacking, if we wanna make the time." The boy's started to unpack, sloppier than the girls had. When they were done, they all went downstairs, where the girls were patiently waiting. "What took you so long?" Mimi asked, impatiently. "Mimi, we've only been down here a minute," Sora reminded her. "Oh yeah..." Mimi trailed off Matt laughed, and rolled his eyes. "Well guys, since none of us know how to ski," Mimi said, trying to change the subject, "I suggest we all get a tutor. It should be easy, right?" "We'll find out," Sora said. The gang went outside, and looked out at the mountains. They were huge, and were covered with snow. They saw skiers sliding down the slopes, and a snowmobile. As she was looking around, Mimi saw a sign that said 'Ski Lessons' She pointed to the sign. "Look guys, over there!" The group all ran to the sign, where a man met them. He wore a ski hat, gloves, and snowsuit. "Hi everyone," he greeted them. "The name's Mike. I suppose you came here for skiing lessons?" "Yeah," Mimi said. "So where do we start?" "First, you have to get some skis," He replied. "There's a shop over there. Once everyone has them, come back here." He pointed to a building not too far from there. "Thank you," Sora said. "No problem," He said before they ran off. At the store, after everyone had finished picking skis, they walked out of the store, and started walking back to the ski instructor. As they were walking back, Mimi had a suggestion. "After we're all done with the ski lessons, do you guys wanna go out to dinner?" "That's a GREAT idea!" Sora agreed. So did everyone else. They walked the rest of the way in silence. When they got back to the ski instructor they started their lessons. After the lessons, and dinner, the DigiDestined were lounging in the lounge of the hotel. Mimi and Sora were sitting near the fireplace talking. Izzy was sitting in an armchair, working intently on his computer. Kari was talking to T.K. on the couch. Joe, Matt, and Tai were carrying on their own conversation. "So Mimi..." Sora asked, "You know when I said I knew who you liked?" "Yeah..." "When are you gonna tell him?" "Tell who?" Mimi said, pretending not to know what Sora was talking about. "You know... When are you goin' to tell Matt you like him?" "Shhh!" Mimi shushed Sora. "He might've heard you! And anyway, I don't like him like THAT." They both looked over at Matt. He didn't hear. Mimi sighed in relief. She just sat there, staring at him, for about half a minute, watching him talk and laugh. "Hello!" Sora said. "Earth to Mimi! I repeat, Earth to Mimi!" Mimi snapped out of her trance. "Huh? Oh sorry... I didn't notice you." Sora laughed. "Don't worry about it. So seriously, when are you gonna tell him? I know you like him." She said the last parts in a hushed tone. "Ok, well maybe I do like him... a little... but I'm not sure when I'll tell him..." Mimi said, confused. "I mean, he might not like me back... You know what I mean." "Yeah..." Sora said, thinking about what Mimi said. "Well," Mimi announced to everyone, "I'm going to sleep. Goodnight everyone..." She yawned. "Goodnight," everyone said. "Goodnight..." Matt whispered. When Matt awoke from his sleep, he looked around. He looked out of the window, and saw snow falling. He rubbed his eyes, trying to wake himself up. "Good morning, Matt," Izzy said, getting up from the armchair he was sleeping in. Matt yawned, and ran his fingers through his spiky hair. "Hey. So, is anyone else up?" "No, just us," Izzy replied. He walked towards the window, and looked out of it. "It looks like we're gonna be stuck today…" "Why? Too much snow?" asked Matt. "Precisely," said Izzy. He stretched, then yawned. "Well I'm going to change, then go downstairs." He looked in one of the cabinets, and pulled out a pair of blue jeans, and a blue T-shirt. He looked back at Matt. "You coming?" Matt glanced at his watch. It said 7:10. "Nah," he replied. "I think I'll just stay here for a few more minutes." He yawned one more time, and fell back down on the couch. Izzy grabbed his laptop, clothes, and ran out the door. Matt yawned again and fell back asleep. When Matt awoke, he looked around. He was the only one still in the room. He looked at his watch again. 9:30. He blinked a few times, trying to wake himself up. He got up, walked to the window, and looked out. It had almost stopped snowing, and the snow was about half a foot near the lodge, but it got much higher near the mountains. Matt walked towards his backpack, and grabbed a pair of black pants, with a white stripe down the side, and a black T-shirt. He quickly changed, and made his way downstairs. When he got there, he saw his friends sitting at two tables, eating breakfast. He pulled out a chair from another table, put it in an empty space, and sat down. "So where'd you all get your food?" He asked. T.K. pointed over to a long table, where there were rows of trays with food on them. "Thanks." Matt answered, running over to the table. He picked up a plate, and loaded up with food. He returned to the table. "So, everyone," Tai said, munching on something. "Before we start skiing, you guys wanna play a game? So we don't go when it's snowing?" Sora shrugged. "I guess… what do you guys think?" Mimi glanced outside. Snow was lightly falling, and it looked like it was going to stop soon. She sighed. "I guess." "Anyone NOT wanna play?" Tai asked the group. No one said anything. "Good. Meet you all at the lounge at 10:00." They continued to eat. About 15 minutes later, Matt walked downstairs, and made his way to the lounge. When he got there, he saw everyone was there, with the exception of Mimi, and Sora. He sat down in an unoccupied armchair. "So, Tai. What game did you have in mind?" "You'll see," Tai said mysteriously. "Whatever," Matt replied lazily. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mimi running up to the lounge. "Hey everyone," Mimi said. "Sora's late 'cause she had a phone call. She'll be here in a couple of minutes, though. So what are we gonna do?" Matt shrugged. "You known as much as we do." Mimi sat down on the couch, next to Izzy, who was working on his computer while waiting. She watched him work, and wrinkled her forehead, trying to understand what he was doing. Matt stared at Mimi. 'She looks so cute when she's thinking…" He thought to himself. He snapped out of his thoughts when Sora ran up to them. "OK guys, I'm here. So what are we gonna do?" Izzy looked up from his computer, and closed his laptop. "Go ahead Tai, explain what we are going to do." He placed his laptop on the coffee table in center of all the furniture. "Well," Tai said, "What I was planning to play was Truth or Dare!!!" Everyone groaned. "Come on," Tai persisted, "It's gonna be fun!" "Well…" Sora said. "It could be a LITTLE fun… I'm in!" "OK, cool," Matt said. "I guess I'll do it too." Eventually, everyone decided to join in. "OK, since it was MY great idea, I'll start." Tai said. "Kari, truth or dare?" "Uh…. I think…." Kari replied. "Hurry up!" Tai said. "We don't have all day. After it's done snowing, we're all gonna go out, remember?" "OK, fine…" Kari said. "I'll choose… Truth!" "Hmm…. " Tai said, thinking. "What to do… Kari, admit who you like. Even though I already know, I want everyone else to hear." "That's boring, I already know that!" Sora said playfully. Kari blushed. "Uh…" Kari stammered. "I sorta like… T.K!" She said the last part quickly, hoping no one would hear it. She blushed harder. Unfortunately for Kari, every one heard. T.K blushed, and with a semi-smile on his face, turned away so that no one could see his face. Everyone laughed. "Hey Kari, would you mind running that by me again?" Mimi teased after everyone had stopped laughing. "Not funny, Mimi, " Kari replied. "Especially since I happen to know that you like mmpphh!" Mimi had covered her mouth. "Anyway, going on…" Mimi said, trying to change the subject. Kari laughed. "Izzy, truth or dare?" " I choose, Dare!" "OK, Izzy, I dare you to… kiss… Mimi!" Kari smiled. Izzy's face fell. Mimi looked shocked. Kari's grin widened. "Well, go ahead!" Izzy looked at Mimi, and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Matt felt a pang of jealousy. Mimi just blushed, and looked over to Matt. Everyone laughed, except for Mimi, Izzy, and Matt. "Hey Matt, why aren't you laughing? I thought you should be laughing the loudest," Tai asked. "I was just thinking of something," Matt said, laughing. "But that IS funny." He laughed, trying not to show any emotion. "Anyway, it is Mimi's turn," Izzy said. "OK, Matt, truth or dare." Mimi asked. "Dare." "OK, I dare you to… umm…" Mimi said, trying to think. "Oh I dunno, do a split?" "You can NOT be serious…" Matt said unbelievably. Tai laughed. "Go ahead, Matt. I wanna see this!" Matt moved the coffee table out of the way, and got down on his hands and knees. He tried to do a split. "Oww…" He tried to get up, barely making it. Mimi felt sorry for him. 'Why'd I make him do that?' She thought to herself. "OK, my turn to chose," Matt said, wincing in pain. "T.K., truth or dare?" "Truth!" T.K. answered. "OK, do you like Kari?" "Uh…" T.K. stammered. "Well… yeah… a little." He said slowly. He blushed again. "Oh! Looks like we got ourselves a good couple!" Sora said, teasing the two youngest DigiDestined. They just both ignored her. "OK, Tai, truth or dare?" T.K. asked. "Um. Truth." "OK, admit what you think about…" T.K. looked around the room. "Mimi!" "Well," Tai said, "That's easy. I think she can be annoying at times… but she pulls through." "That's all?" T.K. said. "Pretty much. So, Sora, truth or dare?" "Truth." Sora said, after thinking a little bit. "OK, who do YOU like?" "Um… you know the clerk from yesterday?" She said shyly. "I sorta like him…" She looked over to the receptionist's desk, to see if he was there. He was, and was flipping through a magazine, looking real bored. "Checkin' to see if he heard?" Tai asked, laughing. "Uh… no," Sora lied. "So Mimi, truth or dare?" "Dare," She responded. "I dare you to… go one WHOLE day without wearing pink!" "Uh… OK," Mimi said, shocked. Mimi looked around the room for someone to chose. She looked in Matt's direction, and saw him looking around the room also. His gaze fell on her, and they just stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds, from across the room. He smiled at her, and looked away. "Uh, Izzy, truth or dare." Mimi asked. "Dare," He responded. "Well, since I don't have my pink clothes for a day, I dare you to go one day without a computer!" "OK…" Izzy said uncomfortably. "And to make sure, I'll just take it for the day," She said, reaching for his laptop. "Well," Izzy said, "Matt, truth or dare." "Dare." "OK, I dare you to… kiss Mimi!" Matt blushed. "Um… might as well get this over with…" Matt said to everyone. He got closer to Mimi, and gave her a kiss on the lips. It lasted for about 5 seconds. For a second, Mimi kissed back. Matt's eye's widened, but after the kiss was done, he looked normal, just a little dazed. "Well…" Sora said. "It stopped snowing. I'm goin' upstairs to change. C'mon Mimi!" While they were going upstairs, Sora winked at her. "Yeah," Matt said, "I'm gonna change too." He followed them upstairs. "I can't believe it actually happened!" Sora squealed. "I know!" Mimi agreed. "I mean, I thought he would give me a quick peck on the cheek, like Izzy did! But he kissed me on the lips! And for like, a few seconds! Woah!" "I know!" Sora yelled, excited for her friend. 'But the question is if he likes me back...' Mimi thought. Matt on the other hand wasn't that thrilled. 'Man,' he thought to himself, 'Why'd I do that? Know, everyone probably knows I like her!' He opened up his backpack, and pulled out a sweater, and pulled it on over his black T-shirt. He sat down thoughtfully on the couch. Izzy walked in. "Hello, Matt. I figured since everyone was about to change to ski, I might as well also." "Yeah..." Matt replied. "Right..." Izzy grabbed a pair of black sweatpants, and a gray sweater, and walked out of the door, in the direction of the bathroom, to change. Matt sighed, and opened the door, to go back downstairs. He walked out of the door, and passed Mimi's room. He raised his hand to knock, but thought against it. He dropped his hand, and walked the rest of the way downstairs. Mimi walked down the stairs, a minute later. Sora still had to get ready, so she went alone. She was wearing black pants, and a light blue sweater. She walked into the lounge, and saw Matt sitting on the couch, thoughtfully. She walked towards him, and he snapped out of his daydreams. She sat down on the sofa next to the couch. "Hi," She said to him. "Hey," He replied. "You know that kiss I gave you? It didn't mean anything, OK?" Matt started. "Hello Mimi, Matt," Izzy said, coming towards them, slowly. "Did I interrupt something?" He asked. "Oh, no," Mimi said quickly. "Nothing." Soon, the rest if the DigiDestined appeared, changed. "So Mimi," Tai smirked. "I see your not wearing any pink." Mimi looked at Tai disgustedly. "Remember my dare? Obviously, I can't wear any pink." Matt smirked. "Well anyway," Tai said, trying to change the subject, "Do you all wanna eat before we go out?" Sora shrugged. "I guess..." She grabbed her jacket, and walked to the dining room. Everyone followed her. Mimi picked at her food with her fork. She couldn't eat. Matt's voice just kept on playing in her head, over and over again. 'You know that kiss I gave you? It didn't mean anything, OK?' "Hey Mimi," Sora said, "Is there something wrong?" Mimi sat up in her chair. "Nothing. I'm just not that hungry." She went back to her food. Tai pushed his plate away, and stood up. "Well, I'm done. I'll met you all outside. Sora and Kari pushed their plates away too. "Yeah," Kari said. "I'll go with you." She left, along with Tai and Sora. They After a few seconds, T.K. remembered he had forgotten his jacket in his room. "I'm gonna be outside, after I get my stuff, OK?" He said, running up the stars. Izzy pushed his got up. "Well, I'm done. I'll go outside, with Tai and them." Joe got up too. "Yeah, I'm full." They both walked out the door. So there was only Matt and Mimi left. Mimi looked up. "Where'd everyone go?" She asked Matt. "They all went outside," he answered, slowly taking a drink from his cup. "Well I'm gonna go outside too." "Wait for me," Mimi said, putting her hand on his shoulder. She saw that she had gotten something on his sweater, and laughed. "Sorry." She took a napkin and dipped it into her water. She looked up, and Matt smiled at her. She dabbed the napkin on his shoulder, trying to get the stain out. She looked up, and their faces were real close. Almost touching. She stared into his blue eyes for a second, and then looked away. "Well," She said. "Let's go." She got up picked up her jacket, and walked out the door. Matt grabbed his jacket, and followed her. Matt walked out onto the porch. He sat down thoughtfully on the steps, remembering what had just happened. 'I had almost kissed Mimi… so what?' He thought to himself. "It's probably nothing," he said aloud. "What's nothing?" Sora asked, walking towards him. "If it's about Mimi, you're in SERIOUS denial." "Well then I'm not in denial. 'Cuz it's not about Mimi." "Yeah… I believe you." Sora said. Matt got up from where he was sitting, and brushed his pants off. "OK, where's everyone else?" Sora pointed. "They're over there, waiting for you. Mimi's already there." Matt ran up to the rest of the gang, carefully avoiding Mimi's sight, and trying his best not to look at her. Sora elbowed Mimi, and mentioned to Matt. Mimi shrugged. "What are we standing around for?" Tai said impatiently. "Let's go!" He picked up a handful of snow, and packed it together tightly. He threw it at Sora. "Gotcha!" He yelled playfully. He ran off, before Sora could get him back. "Argh!" Sora yelled, brushing the snow off of her coat. "I'm gonna get you!" She ran off after him, grabbing some snow. Tai ran back to the group, panting, closely followed by Sora. Hey, let's have a snowball fight! We can ski or whatever tomorrow." "Sure!" T.K. agreed. He made a snowball, and launched it at Matt. "Gotcha, big bro!" He laughed, and ran behind a tree. Joe ran off, in the direction of the porch. He reappeared a few seconds later, a snowball in his hands, running in front of the DigiDestined. While he passed them, he threw it at Kari. He ran, laughing. T.K. ran after him, with a snowball in his hands. Meanwhile, Tai was busy making a

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