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Snowbound:page 2

huge snowball, to throw at Matt, while Izzy ran behind T.K. and Joe, trying to hit one of them with a snowball. Sora just looked around, watching everyone. Mimi was watching Matt out of the corner of her eye, and Matt had given up trying not to look at Mimi, and decided to try to talk to her. "Hey Mimi!" Matt yelled to her, waving to her. Mimi looked startled, and looked directly at him. "What?" "Can we talk?" Mimi shrugged. "Sure. About what?" "About all the stuff that's happened…" Matt replied. "Just come here with me, so we can talk in private." Mimi stiffened. "Uh… OK, sure." They both walked to the porch, and Matt sat down. He mentioned for Mimi to also. "OK, I know that all this stuff that's happened… is a little weird." Matt started. "But I just wanna say, can we just forget about it? 'Cuz I know it's been troubling both of us. And I want BOTH of us to have a great vacation. So what do you say? Friends?" He held his hand out. Mimi took his hand, and shook it. "Yeah… Friends," She said in a semi-depressed tone. 'Or maybe more…' She thought to herself. Matt got up, still holding Mimi's hand. He helped Mimi up, and pulled her towards him, and gave her a little hug. "By the way," Matt said to her. "Take this!" He laughed, and threw a snowball at her. Later, everyone sat in the lounge, after the snowball fight. Everyone had some hot chocolate, and they were sitting by a lit fireplace. Joe sat in a red armchair. Izzy was sitting on the floor. Matt and Mimi shared the couch, with Sora on the end. Tai sat opposite of Joe, in another armchair, While T.K. and Kari were talking by the window. Matt glanced to the window, seeing snow fall outside. "Hey everyone," He said. T.K. looked annoyed that Matt interrupted his talk with Kari. "What?" "It's snowing again. Hard." "What's your point?" Tai asked. "Nothing. I'm just saying." "Do y'all wanna do something? I have an idea," Tai said. "Oh please, not another idea of Tai's!" Sora joked. "Now you see what I live with everyday." Kari said playfully. "This time it's a GOOD idea!" Tai replied. "Scary stories!" "Well I guess I'll try to get through it. I hate scary stories!" Mimi answered, shuddering. She scooted closer to Matt. Matt smiled. "That would be a good idea if there were any scary stories that we all didn't know," Matt said. "And all the other stories we don't know aren't that scary." "Well do y'all know 'bout the devil's secret name?" Tai asked. "I don't think it's really that scary. It's about this little orphan kid. He's at this camp, and there's this bully that always picks on him. They decide to tell ghost stories, just like we are right now." Tai stopped, and looked around. "Well after a few stories, he decided that he should tell one. He told them about how he had met the devil, and how the devil had told him his secret name. If anyone said the name, the devil would come up and take him or her. Of course, the bully didn't believe him, and thought that his story was just FAKE. So he wanted to try it. The orphan took a sheet of paper, and wrote down the name. So the bully took the sheet of paper, and yelled out the name so loud, that no one hears him. Nothing happened, so he just smiled triumphantly at the orphan, and said, 'I told you it was fake.' After that, the boy goes into the woods, to get more firewood. A few seconds later, they heard him scream for help, and some sort of animal. They went after him, but they didn't find anything. He was gone. The orphan smiled, and said, 'My parents didn't believe me either.'" Tai looked around. "You wanna know what his name is? It's-" "That's OK, we don't really want you to get taken," Matt interrupted. Everyone laughed. "Yeah…" Mimi said. "Well I think it was scary. "A lot of things scare you, Mimi," Tai said. "And I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Goodnight, everyone. Hope you don't say his name!" Mimi shuddered, and grabbed the closest thing to her. Which happened to be Matt's arm. (Author's Note- OK, I'm gonna explain why I had such a non-scary story scare Mimi at the end.) Tai walked in the direction of the stairs, but circled back, without letting anyone see him. "Well that really wasn't fun," Joe said. "So what do you guys want to do?" "I dunno," Izzy said. "Just talk, I guess," Mimi said, still holding Matt's arm. "You know, you can let go of me know, Mimi," Matt said, laughing. Everyone started cracking up, and Mimi just had an embarrassed look on her face. "Sorry, Matt," she said, letting go of him. Tai leaped up from behind the couch, and grabbed Mimi. "Haha! I'm the devil and I've come to take you!" Mimi screamed, and punched Tai on the shoulder. "Never do that AGAIN!" she yelled at him. Matt and Sora laughed. She turned back to the rest of the group. "So what do you guys want to talk about? Any suggestions?" she asked. "I dunno," Sora answered. "I'm going to bed anyway. I'm tired from chasing Tai so much today." She laughed, and headed to her room. "Yeah, me too," Tai said. "I'm tired from RUNNING from Sora." He followed Sora upstairs. "I'm going to go up too, so I can use my laptop when I get up," Izzy said, getting up from his place on the floor. "See everyone in the morning." "Me too. Early to bed, early to rise. So I can get this skiing thing over with," Joe said, following the rest of the gang. At that point, everyone left except for T.K. and Kari, who were still talking, and Matt and Mimi. "You really think that story was scary? Matt asked "Yeah…" Mimi answered. She moved closer to Matt, and he put his arm around her. "Don't worry about it," Matt said. "It's not true." "Yeah, I know." Mimi said, yawning. She laid her head on Matt's shoulder. "I'm sleepy." "Yeah, I know. Me too," He answered. He sat there, staring into the fire, thinking. Mimi looked out of the window. "It's still snowing," She said softly. "You think we're going to get snowed in?" "Probably not," Matt said, playing with her ponytail. Mimi yawned one more time, and got up. "I'm gonna get some sleep, so I can get some energy for tomorrow. See ya in the morning." Matt looked sad that Mimi had gotten up. "Goodnight. Don't let the story scare you!" He yelled after her. He yawned, and went back to his thinking. "Mimi, wake up!" Sora said, shaking Mimi furiously. "Ungh…" Mimi groaned. "Give me five more hours…" She turned over so that her back was facing Sora. "Mimi! Don't make me get Matt in here to wake you up! But of course, when we're walking over here, I'm sure the subject of who likes who will come up…" Sora trailed off. Mimi sat up in her bad. "Okay, okay… I'll get up…" Mimi said, groaning again. "Why are you so sleepy anyway? You and Matt stay up all night?" She teased. She laughed. "Anyway, I'm going downstairs. See you there." Sora began to walk to the door. "No…" Mimi trailed off. "Well I'm gonna change. I'll see you downstairs." Sora opened the door. Mimi grabbed a pair of black pants, and a pink sweater. "By the way," She said. "It wasn't me and Matt. It was the couch." Later, everyone was downstairs, eating breakfast. "So," Sora started. "Is everyone ready to go skiing?" "Well I guess I am," Joe said. "As long as I don't break an arm or something. He said the last part sarcastically. "Yes, me too," Izzy said, typing away at his computer. Tai rolled his eyes. "You probably won't get off of you laptop, Izzy," He said, sipping his juice. He pushed his chair away, and stood up. "I'm done. Anyone else?" Matt pushed his chair away, and so did Mimi. "Yeah, I'm ready." Matt said. "Me too," Mimi said. The three of them walked outside together, Matt and Mimi ALMOST holding hands. "We'll meet you outside," Matt called after them, while walking out of the door. When everyone was outside, with their ski suits and skis on, they boarded the ski lift. Matt and Mimi on one, followed by T.K. and Kari, Joe and Izzy, and Tai and Sora. "So you scared Mimi?" Matt asked. "Yeah," Mimi answered shyly. Matt slipped his hand into hers, and squeezed her hand. "Don't worry," Matt said. "It won't be THAT scary." Mimi smiled at him. "Yeah…" "Well, time to get off," Matt said, as the ski lift slowed down. He squeezed her hand again, and jumped off of the ski lift. Mimi followed, reluctantly. When everyone got off of the lift, they went up to the beginners slope. Mimi trudged through the snow. "This snow feels like it's about to sink…" She complained, stomping her feet to test the ground. She leaned against a huge rock, that was at lest f times as tall as she was. On top of it was a lot of fresh snow. "It won't." Matt assured her. He grabbed her, and hugged her. "I'm TELLING you!" Sora said. "You guys would make such a cute COUPLE!" "Yeah, yeah…" Matt said, reluctantly letting go of Mimi. "Well anyway… you guys ready?" "YEAH!" Tai yelled, running to the start of the beginner's course. He pushed off with his ski poles, and whizzed down the slope, yelling. T.K. followed his lead, followed by Kari. Izzy went next, then Joe, and Sora. "You ready, Mimi?" Matt yelled, grabbing her hand. He pushed off, and Mimi clutched his hand tighter, as they went faster and faster down the slope. "MAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!" Mimi screamed, trying her best to hold on tightly to his hand. The others were way ahead of them, so all she could see was the white snow ahead of them… and a rock? "Matt watch out!" she yelled, pointing the rock. Matt made a swerve, which caused Mimi to scream louder. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" She screamed, as she lost her grip on Matt. She tried her best to steady herself, and almost tripped. "MATT HELP ME!" She screamed to him. Above them, near the top of the ski course, the snow on top of the rock began to fall, and tons of snow began to make its way down the ski course. "AVALANCHE!" Someone yelled from the top of the slope, trying to alert anyone on the slopes. Matt happened to hear her, and spotted a cave ahead of him and Mimi in front of him, to his right. He glanced backwards, seeing the snow inch closer and closer. In a few seconds, it would catch up. "Mimi!" He yelled, skiing as expertly as he ever did before, jumping at her, and pushing her into the cave, just before tons of snow covered it's entrance. When Matt awoke, he had a bandage on his arm, and he was leaning on the wall of a cave, with Mimi resting quietly, her head resting on his shoulder. "What happened?" He asked, rubbing his head. "There was an avalanche…" Mimi replied. "We're stuck in this cave until someone finds out we're missing." "What's wrong with my arm?" He said, wincing, as he tried to move his arm. "You got hurt, and were bleeding… So I bandaged it up, and you woke up." "Man… bad luck huh?" He asked, with a laugh. "Yeah…" Mimi said. She got closer to Matt, and hugged him. "Do you think we're going to get out of here?" She asked. Matt hugged her back. "Yeah… Soon…" Meanwhile, the rest of the DigiDestined were back at the top of the ski slope, looking down in the snow, looking for signs of either Matt or Mimi. "I'm gonna call the police," Joe said, hurrying off back to the inn. "Yeah, I'm coming too," Sora said, following Joe. "You guys just keep on looking for them." "I'm hungry!" Mimi complained. "And cold. And tired. And-" "I get your point!" Matt snapped at her. "So can you SHUT UP?" Mimi quieted herself down, and hugged her knees. Matt sighed. "Look, Mimi… I'm sorry I yelled at you like that… It's just…" "Yeah… I know," She whispered quietly. Matt moved closer to her. He put his hand on her cheek, and moved her head so that she was looking straight at him. "I'm sorry, is what I'm trying to say." Mimi found herself staring into his eyes again, and they both moved closer, slowly. Their lips met, and Matt pulled away quickly. "Well…" Matt trailed off. "I guess we have to figure out how to get out of here. "OK, so are you sure they were trapped in the avalanche?" An officer asked Sora, as he looked over her shoulder to a nearby ambulance. "Yeah… positive," Sora said. "Can you just hurry up and get them out? I'm worried about them." "We're working on it," The officer said, straightening out his glasses. Sora looked down on the course, and saw two teams. One was digging furiously in the snow, to the left. The other digging what APPEARED to be a huge rock. Something clicked in Sora's mind. "Dig over there!" She yelled, directing the team of diggers to the rock. "I remember seeing a cave there, when I passed. They could be in there!" "Listen to her!" The officer commanded. Both teams simultaneously turned around, and headed towards the rock, and started to dig. "Hey, do you hear something?" Matt asked, shaking Mimi, trying to wake her up. She groaned, and her eyes opened. "Yeah… I think. You think they found us?" She asked hopefully. "Yeah! I hope, anyway," Matt answered. The wall of snow began to crack, and a beam of light illuminated the dark cave. "Is anyone there?" A voice shouted from the other side of the wall. "Yeah! Get us OUT of here!" Matt shouted. "OK, we found them!" The voice said. "OK, you'll be out of there before you know it!" Later, after Mimi was finished taking a shower, she walked downstairs, and sat in front of the fire with a cup of hot chocolate. Matt walked to the couch, and sat down besides Mimi. "Listen Mimi…" He said, "In the cave… That, you know, kiss? It meant NOTHING. Just friends, right?" Mimi felt her heart sink. "Yeah," she replied softly. "Nothing." Matt walked away from Mimi, shaking his head. 'What have I done?' He asked himself. 'I know that I wanna be with Mimi... but... Why did I tell her that? I hafta sort all of this out...' Meanwhile, Mimi was sitting on the couch, stirring her hot chocolate, and just staring into the fire. 'He's not interested in me...' She thought. ' I wish he were... I mean I really LIKE him. I would go as far to say I LOVE him... But does he feel the same way? I don't know...' Unnoticed by both of them, Sora stood by the stairs, watching. Later, Sora was upstairs, at a desk in her room. "I wonder how I should help Matt and Mimi get together..." Sora asked herself thoughtfully. An idea struck her. She wrote down a note for Mimi, and left it on her bed. She then went to sleep. A few minutes later, Mimi came upstairs, sleepy. She immediately fell onto her bed, and fell asleep. Not noticing the note. In the morning, Matt woke up the earliest out of all the DigiDestined, and made his way downstairs. It was late, but none of his friends were awake. Well that's what he thought. When he got there, he sighed, and sat onto the couch, looking depressed. "Hey there," A voice said, behind Matt. "You look depressed. Anything on your mind?" Matt looked behind him. There stood a girl with blond hair, and green eyes, dressed in blue jeans, and a light blue sweater. "Nah..." Matt said. "Nothing... Just having a little problem with this girl..." Matt trailed off. "Wanna talk about it?" The girl asked thoughtfully.. "By the way, my names Karen." "Well..." Matt started. "A whole bunch of stuff has been happening... Like we've kissed and stuff. But I keep on ignoring her and stuff. Telling her things like "It didn't mean anything..." I guess I'm kind of afraid of commitment or something." "Ahh..." Karen said, nodding wisely. "But I don't know... I sort of wanna be with her, but I don't. You know what I mean. I'm totally confused..." Matt put his head in his hands. "Well does this girl wanna be with you too?" "Yeah, I'm pretty sure... I mean it's the way we act together. My other friend told me that we looked good together, I don't think she was playing around, but I did. I just kept on acting the same to Mimi. That's her name." Matt felt relieved that he got all of that off of his mind. "Well my advice is to just tell her." Karen said. "I mean, what do you have to lose? If she's your true friend, she's going to have to still be your friend, and she probably won't hurt you." "Thanks, I guess..." Matt said. "No problem," Karen said, getting up. "Just glad to help." Matt nodded at her, and just sat there. Karen walked behind the couch, and circled back to the stairs. "Do, did you tell him?" Sora said, at the stairs. "Yeah," Karen said. "I told him to just tell her. Do you really think it'll work?" She asked. "I don't really think so..." "Well I do," Sora said. "I just hope it does. I really, really, REALLY want to see them together! I mean they are so cute!" "Whatever you say..." Karen replied. "Well I'm going out. Bye!" "She's right..." Matt said to himself. "I'm just going to come out and tell her. What's there to lose?" He looked for Mimi, but he couldn't find her. He finally decided to check her room. "Mimi?" He asked, quietly. He knocked on the door lightly. It opened slowly, and he saw Mimi peacefully sleeping. He sat on her bed, quietly, and looked at her. Her hair wasn't that messed up. "Matt..." She mumbled quietly, in her sleep. 'She looks beautiful...' Matt thought to himself. HE touched her face, and her eyes slowly fluttered open. "Oh..." Mimi said groggily. "Hey Matt..." Mimi blinked a few times, trying to wake herself up. Matt got up from where he was sitting. Mimi sat up in her bed. "So... What do you want?" "Mimi, I need to tell you something..." Matt trailed off. "Yeah?" "I just wanna say... that... I love you..." He mumbled the last part. Mimi's eyes shot up. "WHAT?" 'Well she's wide awake now...' Matt thought to himself. Matt cringed. "Nothing..." He said quietly. "Nothing at all." Mimi smiled at him. "I love you too." She mumbled quietly. "I heard that," Matt said jokingly. Mimi got up, and hugged Matt. He sighed. "Mimi..." He whispered quietly, seriously now. "Remember all those things I said about "forget about it?" I had a reason... I just... wanted to forget. Everything. I don't know why. It's just... I dunno. But now... I won't deny it. I love you..." Mimi smiled, and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Promise?" She asked. Matt smiled back at her, and kissed her back. "I promise..." That was his promise. And he would keep it forever.