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Spin the Bottle

during school mimi went biking with her sisters to the school.kiki had to ride with a popular boy named Quatre Rebra Winner.she joined the club with him.mimi was alowed once in a while.Matt was with quatre most of the time.matt and quatre were cuzins.quatre wanted to say something.he in vitted sora,tai,izzy,matt,mai,kari,tk,daisuke,mimi,kiki,jo,and kimi. "u guys!wanna come to my house and do stuff?"said Quatre. "well i guess!"said kiki. "okay,but what r we doin man?"said Tai. "we're playin spin the bottle!"quatre says. "i am not comin!"said tk and kari. "then stay home!"said izzy. "its to dangerous!"said Jo. "well shot up and dont come at all!"said sora. "well i will watch tk and kari!"mai and Daisuke. "lets meet at um.......the big fat lake in Odaiba park!"said kimi. they went back to class.kiki got a ride from quatre.mimi had to roller blade down made kimi go with him.tai and sora walked down their and every body else walked.matt was the first to get to the lake.everybody body got their at the same time.they all went to quatre's house.they opend the manchine door and went inside.they sat in the living room.mimi had a water bottle and she put it in the middle. she spins it.she had to kiss izzy.izzy's turn he got sora.they kissed.sora landed on jo.everyone was's turn lannded kimi.they kissed everyone laughed.kimi spun and lannded on tai.they kissed.tai spun he got kiki and kissed for about 3 seconds and sora got mad. kiki spun fast it landed on.......Quatre.the kissed for at leaset for a half a minute.quatre says"so i do like kiki cause she is cool!"said quatre.quatre spun and got mimi.kiki was fine.he kissed her for 1 sec and that was it.mimi spun.she landed on matt.she said in her mind"o no!".they kissed for a long lomg lomg lomg time.everyone fell a sleep."would you be be my gurlfrined?"said matt. mimi nodded her head.kiki woke up and went near quatre.he woke up and put his arms around her. they woke up that morning.quatre's mom taking pictures of kiki and quatre. the end

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wynette sabalburo