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Stealing Babies

Okay, you wanted it, so I wrote it! The sequel to Silence. Now, so nobody gets confused, this happens three seconds after Silence, so you really need to read Silence first, so you don't get completely mixed up. ***Stealing Babies *** With every ounce of his strength, he lifted his hand, and reached into his pocket, revealing a small ring. "Mimi... please... marry me." he gasped. To him, this was probably the last place he wanted to propose to her, but, it felt like the right time. Mimi was speechless. She leaned over, and kissed him on the lips. "Of course I'll marry you." Matt felt like he could dance. He placed the ring on her finger, and slowly kissed her. "I love you Mimi." he managed to utter. "I love you too, Matt." she replied, merrily. She hugged him tightly, but avoided his wounds, crying happily. Out of nowhere, she jumped back, clutching her stomach in pain. "What's wrong!" gasped Matt, trying to lift his head. "Okay. Mimi, your turn to get checked out." said Joe, as he walked into the room. "Something's wrong with her!" screamed Matt. Joe ran over to her. "Shit...." he muttered under his breath. "What's wrong with me?" asked Mimi, through tears. She was breathing really hard. "Your water just broke." he said. He screamed out a nurse's name, and ordered her to prep the OR. "What!" Matt yelled. "The baby's not due for another three months!" "Tell that to the baby!" screamed Joe sarcastically, as floods of nurses came rushing into the room, wheeling in a Gurney. A male nurse grabbed Mimi in his arms, and lied her down on the stretcher. Matt looked on in horror. "Mimi!" he shouted. He painfully swung a foot over the rail of his bed, and managed to get up. The excruciating torture that he once called his stomach, almost didn't permit him. "Stay in bed!" ordered Joe. "You can't do anything for her, in your condition!" "I won't let her go through this alone!" he replied. He managed to stand up, but collapsed in Joe's arms. "I'm not letting you out of this room! Get down, and get rest! You're not helping Mimi, by making yourself worse!" "Doctor! Doctor! The patient's in labor! She's passed out! We'll have to preform an emergency C-section! It's the baby's only hope for surviving!" "Damn! This has to be the worst thing that could possibly happen to her!" he said dropping Matt on the bed. "Reason for fainting." he said running out of the room. "Loss of blood!" the nurse called after him. "If we don't get that baby out of her, she's not gonna make it!" "No." said Matt, as he pushed himself off the bed again. It didn't hurt as much this time, but the emotional grief was at least 10 times greater. 'I will not lose Mimi and the baby.' he told himself sternly. The throbbing pain in his stomach aside, he stumbled over to the OR. (Which wasn't far away.) He crashed into several chairs, trying to maintain his balance, but ended up collapsing into one. Hours seemed to have passed. Matt stared at the door. A woman and man, who had obviously been in a fatal car accident, were rolled by him, but his gaze didn't move from the door. 'What'll happen if the baby doesn't make it? Mimi will think it was her fault. She would be heart broken...' he thought to himself. 'What'll happen if Mimi doesn't make it? I won't be able to go on...' Joe interrupted his thoughts. "Matt. Matt you shouldn't be here." His head snapped up. "How's Mimi? Is the baby okay? Did she make it?" "First, I have to tell you something. Mimi's not doing very well. We have her on a respirator. She's lost a lot of blood. Too much in fact. I'm not sure what exactly happened tonight, but it put an incredible amount of stress on her. Emotionally and physically. Basically, in non- doctor babble, her body thought that her nine months were over, and let the baby come prematurely." "So... my baby's dead...." Matt stuttered. "No. Your daughter is alive, but is in intensive care. She was only six months ready Matt! It's a miracle she survived at all!" Matt sighed heavily. He had a daughter. His little girl.... "Listen Matt. I need you to sign some forms. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the hospital has a two-month policy, on premature babies." "What are you talking about Joe?" asked Matt. A sense of foreboding crept up on him. "Well, to sum it up, we give the baby two months. If she or he doesn't get any better, be sadly have to pull the plug. I need you sign the form saying you agree to this..." "Are you crazy!" exploded Matt. "There is no way in hell, you'll get me to sign a slip, saying I'll end my child's life!" "Matt, if it were up to me, this wouldn't even be a question! You know me! I would never do this to anybody!" "So why are you doing it to me?" he said. Tears rolling off his face. "Things were just going right for us. We'd have our child... getting married... starting a life together. This can't be happening. Not now..." "I'm sorry Matt. We did everything that we could. The baby's heart is just too weak. Her lungs are under developed and his organs aren't functioning well. We have her hooked up to machines. They're keeping her alive. But I need you to sign this. It's a policy. Mimi can't so this right now. She's in a worse condition. The knowledge of this, might cause her statue to go critical." Matt stared at him blankly. He blocked out the words, not wanting to hear them. Joe had given him two choices. One, let your baby die. Second, let her live for two months, and when she doesn't get better, pull the plug. "I can't do this Joe. I can't do this now." "I understand. You should be resting anyway. I'll have nurse Jurtes escort you back to your room." As if on command, a frail looking nurse came over to Matt, and grabbed his arm, practically dragging him back to his room. When Matt was firmly covered, she spoke to him. "So. That girl. Is she your girlfriend?" "Fiancee." said Matt. The words danced on his tongue, but stung like acid. "Hey, listen. We saw your kid. She's beautiful. Take it from me. I've seen kids in worse conditions come through. Dr. Kido is the best this hospital has to offer. If anyone can save your kid, it's him." "Yeah, good old reliable Joe. He was always like that. Told the facts right to your face. Never sugar coated it." "Get rest Mr. Ishida. You'll need it." she then walked out of the room, shutting the door. "Hey! Sarah! Did you see that poor baby that just got wheeled off?" asked another nurse running over to her. "Yeah. There is no way that baby will make it. Her stats were way below average. Not even Joe can save her now..." 'Thanks. For the truth.' Matt thought. He had heard the whole conversation. 'How the hell are they expecting me to get rest, when Mimi's not doing well, and my child's in the intensive care ward?' Matt rolled over on his side, not caring about his stitches. He wanted to be with Mimi right now. He wanted the baby to be all right. He wanted Cole's soul to rot in hell. He was positive that he caused this. Who else could it have been? "He was the one who stabbed me and took my baby's life away from us." he mumbled. "If I hadn't already killed him, I sure as hell would have done it now." The Next Day Matt woke up with a jolt. He looked at his surroundings, baffled. 'Where am I?' he thought. Suddenly, reality hit him. "Mimi." he remembered, as he grabbed a house coat from the chair next to him, and hobbled off to her room. "Matt. Good to see you up. Did you sleep well?" asked Joe, as he sipped his coffee. "How would you sleep if your family's in the ICU?" snapped Matt bitterly. "Hey. No need to be grouchy. Mimi regained consciousness this morning. You can see her if you want." said Joe looking a little happier. "Yes! Yes I want to see her!" yelled Matt. "Take me to her please." "Sure. Wait here. I'll get a wheel chair." Joe turned around, and walked over to the section, where they kept the wheel chairs. He grabbed one, and strolled back to Mimi. "Thanks Joe." said Matt, as he sat down. "No problem. But I should warn you. Mimi has no recollection of what happened to her or the baby. I think it would be best if she didn't find out right now." "I understand. I wouldn't tell her, even if you said it was okay." muttered Matt through parted lips. "I can take it from here Joe. No need to push me around." "Whatever you say man. Just take it easy." "I will." Matt promised. He began his journey down the long, winding corridor, only to meet Ken and Brian. "Hey Matt. We heard about what happened. I'm really sorry... if there's anything I can do, you just ask. Okay?" said Ken. "I hear ya. Thanks." Brian took out a piece of paper, and began to write a very large, I'm sorry for what happened to Mimi. "I know you are Brian." smiled Matt weakly, resisting tears. 'Right. I hope Mimi gets better. I hope your pathetic spawn dies...' he thought, smiling at the idea. "This is Mimi's room." said Matt, pushing open the door, only to find an empty bed. "Mimi!" he shouted. He looked around frantically. "Where is she? What happened?" "I don't know Matt." said Ken shakily, thinking the worst. Matt quickly wheeled out of the room, and began scanning the halls of the hospital. He soon got fed up with the chair, and decided to walk, leaving it at the side of a door. "Where did they take her?" he said to no one in particular. "Where are you?..." Just then, he noticed a tall figure staring blankly at a room, with a window. "Mimi..." he let his voice trail, as the girl turned around, revealing largely tear soaked cheeks. "Our baby." she cried. "Our baby is... is..." she broke down crying. Matt rushed over to her side, and held her tightly. "It's gonna be okay. She's gonna make it. She's a fighter like you." "This is all my fault." said Mimi in a small voice. "If I had been a better mother, this wouldn't have happened." "This is not your fault!" said Matt in a demanding tone. "You didn't do this at all! You can't blame yourself for what happened." "I named her Lilly..." said Mimi, as if she hadn't heard Matt. "Lilly." Matt repeated to himself. "It suits her." he said glimpsing at the small figure for the first time. She was covered from head to toe, in white bandages, that were streaked with droplets of blood. She had a tube thicker than her neck, shoved down her throat, keeping her breathing. Large needles, were stuck in her arms, feeding her, attempting to make her better. "Lilly." Matt repeated, letting tears fall. He held Mimi close to him, while looking at his daughter. His eyes not leaving her frail form. "She's going to make it. I know she is." he said trying to reassure Mimi, and himself. "She's so small... so innocent... she doesn't deserve to die..." sobbed Mimi, barely maintaining her standing position. "She doesn't deserve this!" "I know she doesn't." said Matt brushing away one of her tears. "Hey, look at me." he said, as he brought her face to his. "Joe's taking care of her. She'll get the best medical treatment money can buy. We need to be strong! If not for us, then for her." "Okay." Mimi whispered, hardly audible. "I'm going to try." "That's my girl." said Matt. "Remember. We have a wedding to plan now." Mimi laughed. "That's right." she smiled. "Soon, I'm going to be Mrs. Yamato Ishida." "And don't you forget it!" he joked, as he held her hand. Mimi looked at the ring. It symbolized Matt's undying love for her. She just prayed she could do a good job in returning the favor. ************************************************************************ Brian looked at the baby. She was so helpless. So defenseless. So perfect. This was something he hated. 'You might come from Mimi, but you have that stupid bastard's blood running through you veins as well. That makes you worthless. Useless. You're an abomination to this world! Don't worry small one. I'll fix you.' he smiled, as he walked away, smiling at the little children that waved to him. ************************************************************************ Over the next few days, Mimi took on as much work at the hospital, as possible. She was running the charity banquet, and was organizing the field trip for the children. On top of that, she was planning the wedding, which she insisted she could do alone. Matt became worried. "Mimi, it's not healthy to do as much work as you doing. You're gonna make yourself sick." "Don't be such a worry-wart. I'm fine. What do you like better for the China pattern? Pink flowers, or blue swans? Personally, I like the swans, but I wish they were in pink, but who am I to be picky!" "Mimi stop this! I know the only reason you're doing this, is to keep your mind off Lilly. But stressing yourself out is not going to make her better!" "Matt," she said, as her eyes swelled up with tears, "it's just; if I stop for just a minute, I end up thinking of her. With all this work, I don't have the time to worry... I just don't want to worry!" "Nobody said you couldn't worry. Just, you have to slow down. I don't want you to end up in the hospital." he said, as he kissed her forehead. "Matt..." gulped Mimi "how do you do it? You keep up such a good front... I can't do it anymore. I can't do it anymore! It's killing me!" she screamed. "It's killing me too!" screamed back Matt. "Mimi, you and Lilly mean everything to me! What exactly am I supposed to do if I lose you! Both of you! I wouldn't be able to go on! I love you so much..." "I love you to Matt." said Mimi hugging him. "I don't know what I'd do without you either." They stayed like that for a long time, only to break apart, by a knock at the door. "How is it?" asked Matt. "Ken! And Brian!" yelled Matt's friend. "We have some good news!" Matt sighed heavily. He really didn't want to deal with his friends right now. He just wanted to be left alone with Mimi. "Coming." he said flatly. Matt walked over to the door, and opened it. Before he could open his mouth to speak, Ken cut him off. "We've decided to make you manager of our group! Do you accept?" "What!" exploded Matt. "You heard us! We want you to be our manager." Ken smiled coyly. "Why me?" he said dumbstruck. Brian lifted his arms, and hastily began flailing his arms, with the fakest smile plastered over his face. "What?" asked Matt and Ken at the same time. "He said, because you're their best friend, and nobody deserves it more." finished Mimi, returning to her catalogues. "Beautiful, and smart." said Ken in awe. "Quit it!" said Matt, returning to their old game. "That's my fiancee you're talking too!" "Since when!" shouted Ken. "Since a few days ago!" grinned Matt happily. "Mimi, is the guy being delusional, or are you actually getting hitched?" said Ken, as he jaw scrapped the floor. Mimi held up her hand, not turning away from her reading. "Holy mother of Jesus! That is one huge stone!" Ken replied. Brian widened his fake smile. All he wanted to do right now, was gut Matt like a fish. Instead, he punched his shoulder in congratulations. 'Aim for the shoulder. Aim for the shoulder.' he repeated in his mind, so he didn't punch Matt's front teth out. 'Now you really have to pay. Over my cold, dead body will you marry Mimi.' ************************************************************************ The night had been surprisingly slow. No car accidents. No burn victims. No mugging's. Nothing. Basically, the hospital was deserted. Except for the occasional doctor that left to go to home. "Hey Jane! I'm going to make one last round! Make sure everything's in order, then I'm gettin' the hell outta here!" "Whatever Tom." the nurse shrugged, looking at her computer. He quickly straightened his badge, and walked along the walls. He passed by the infirmary, and absentmindedly looked in. He looked straight at the small baby girl, who looked as if she was a deflated football. "Poor kid." he mumbled. "Excuse me sir." said a voice, which made the security guard jump. Turning around, he let out a sigh of relief. "Gez kid! You almost scared the life out of me!" "Almost?" he said as he grabbed his gun, and shot him point blank range in the stomach. The officer, doubled over, coughing up blood, only to die on the floor seconds later. The boy picked up his body, and carried it into the broom closet. He sloppily washed up the blood trail, and took his keys. "I said I'd fix you, and I will!" he said triumphantly as he unlocked the infirmary door. He strolled over to the respirator that was hooked up to the small baby. "Lilly Ishida." he said, as he read off her chart. "Premature." he laughed maniacally. "Try kidnaped." ************************************************************************ Part 2 Stealing Babies Yes. Thanks to all of you who reviewed my story! Okay, mattgomamonluvr77 and Nikaya, please leave your email address. That goes for all of you who review my stuff, please leave your email. I reply my reviewers, and it's really hard when I don't know your email address. mattgomamonluvr77, I'm not mad! This part is dedicated to my friend Jehana. Shameless promotion: read her fics! They are so cool! ~~kate~~ Mimi was surprisingly happy that day. She woke up with a new hope in her heart, as if nothing could go wrong. She smiled, as she rolled over, and faced Matt's sleeping face. Not disturbing him, she quietly got up and showered. When she got out, Matt was awake and cooking breakfast. "Morning." he said as he kissed her cheek. "Morning. What are you making? It smells great." "Strawberry pancakes." he said smiling. "You spoil me." she said as she pulled the maple syrup out of the fridge. She grabbed the glass container, as Matt turned on the radio, waiting for the news. "If you've just tuned in, we are still reporting about the gruesome murder at Neriko Hospital, where the security guard was shot in the stomach, and a young child was abducted." said the announcer. Her voice a little fuzzy, from the misplaced tunning. "Oh God Matt." said Mimi, as she turned her attention to the black box, sitting on the counter. "You don't think..." said Matt. His voice shaky. "He's gone. He died." "A six-month-old baby was the tragic victim of the abduction. It is reported she is a girl, but that's all the information we have at this moment." finished the reporter. "No..." grasped Mimi, falling to the floor. "Not Lilly!" she said as she buried her face in her hands. "Oh my God." said Matt as he rushed over to Mimi's side, trying to comfort her. But he couldn't do it. He broke down in tears with her. The pancakes started to burn, which set off the fire alarm, which set off the sprinkler system in their apartment. They sat through the falling water, only adding to it, with their tears of grief. ************************************************************************ "Stupid baby. Why won't you die!?" screamed Brian to Lilly. "Go figure. The part of you that belongs to your dad, is his pesky habit of staying alive." he wheeled her case over to a damp, dingy corner of his basement. He looked at his personal haven. Half dedicated to Mimi, half for Matt. He walked over to a stack of papers that had belonged to Lilly. Her medical records. Her stats chart. Basically, everything that had ever belonged to her, was with him. Everything except her mother, and that was what he wanted. "This time, I don't have some love-struck fool on my hands to deal with." he cursed Cole silently, and continued talking to himself. "No! We can't do that! We have to! No, we don't! He knows! What? When did he find out? He's known for a long time. We have to get rid of him, before he tells. Fine. Have it your way." He began to walk up his stairs, when he heard the one person he hated the most in the world, call him. "Boy! I'm getting sick and tired of having you locked up in that basement all day! You came up here and make me dinner, before I come down there, and beat you black and blue!" "Coming father." he said, as he entered the house. "What'd you call me? Father? You can start calling me dad, when I can call you my son! You're pathetic! Your stupid and you're pathetic! Why can't you be more like Yamato Ishida? Now there's a boy a father could be proud of." "I'm not Matt, and I never will be!" exploded Brian angrily. "Don't raise your voice to me. You idiotic mistake!" he held his hand up high, and brought it down on his face, sending him sprawling back, hitting a wall. Brian struggled to get up. "Do it now! No, I won't not like this. He'll get you. No, he won't!" "Stop talking to yourself! Normal kids don't talk to themselves!" he sent his fist into Brian's mouth, causing him to cut his lips. He looked around for something to grasp onto, in an attempt to get back in his upright position. He reached up on the small end table, and knocked over a bottle of vodka. He caught it before it hit the ground, and smirked at the thought that popped into his head. "You know what dad, what you think, doesn't mean anything to me. But I'll be damned if I let you compare me to Matt. He's worthless! I'm not stupid! If anything you're the stupid one, for not picking up on it! You made my life a living hell! Always comparing me to Yamato Ishida!" his voice dripping with sarcasm. "The great Yamato Ishida. He's not so bloody great!" he said, unscrewing the top of the bottle. You're the one to blame for all the people I've killed! I did it to get back at the one person who robbed me of a father!" he brought the bottle back, and smashed it over his head, causing the bottle to break, and vodka to cover his father. "You insolent little bastard! I'll kill you!" his dad barked. "Not if I kill you first!" said Brian, with a mad look in his eyes. "Congratulations dad. You'll be the first person in the history of this building, to be turned into a living cigar." "What the hell are you mumbling about boy?" his dad shouted, charging at Brian. Brian swiftly grabbed his lighter, and lit a small flame. As his dad charged at him, he held out his hand, and let his dad run into the flame. He instantly caught on fire, and began running around the room, yelling out in pain. Brian watched as his father was being burned alive, and smiled. When the fire had become too great to handle, he fell down dead. Brian walked over to his charred corps, and pulled out one of his cigarettes. He held it over his dad's head, and waited till it caught fire. "At least you were good for something." he said simply, as he exhaled a large puff of smoke. He cautiously grabbed a garbage bag from the kitchen, and went into the living room, scooping up the remains of his dad, and throwing them in the basement. "Now you'll really rot in hell. My hell." ************************************************************************ Mimi dashed into the hospital, with Matt at her heels. She broke through the police barrier, and ran over to the infirmary window, looking around wildly for her child. When she didn't see her, she collapsed once again. Matt caught her thins time, and buried his face in her hair. "I'm sorry, but you'll have to leave this area. It's a crime scene. We can't have anyone disturbing the evidence." said the officer. "Mimi? Matt? Is that you?" "Officer Brenner." said Matt solemnly. "Yeah. It's nice to see you again." "What happened? Why is Mimi crying?" he asked. "The baby that was kidnaped. It was our daughter. Lilly." he said, bluntly. "Oh man." he looked really uncomfortable. "I'm, I'm sorry. But I promise you, we'll get you kid back. Lilly." "Thank you." squeaked Mimi from under Matt's strong grip. "Thank you Andrew. Thank you..." "Come here kid." he said, opening his arms. Matt let her go, long enough for her to fall into his arms. Andrew hugged her reassuringly. "We'll get the sick individual who did this. I'll get em for you." he turned and looked at Matt gloomy. "Come on Mimi. Let's get going. We can't help Lilly, if we disturb the crime scene." said Matt, taking her hand. "If it makes you feel any better," shouted Andrew, "the kidnaper should be sending his ransom list soon. You'll get your kid back in no time." "Thanks." mumbled Matt. "But it doesn't help one bit." That night, Matt kept having the same horrible nightmare over and over again. He kept picturing Cole hunched over Mimi, holding the cold. Steel blade to her throat. This time, he didn't make it in time. He would watch on in horror, as Cole swiftly slashed at Mimi's throat, tearing deeper and deeper, moving from left to right. Top to bottom. Making sure her face was completely mutilated, before taking his own life. He would always wake up in a cold sweat, and make sure Mimi was safe beside him, where she belonged. After waking up, for the tenth time, he nixed going back to sleep. He just got up, and paced the apartment. Every so often, he would go and check on Mimi, just to make sure she was safe and out of harm's way. "Who took you Lilly?" he said to himself. "Cole is dead! I saw him die! Who would want to take you?" he said in a small voice. He didn't want to think about what some sicko was doing to his daughter. He didn't want to think about it at all. Mimi turned over, expecting to find Matt, lying right next to her. Instead, she found a wide opening, which caused her to jolt awake. "Matt." she called out. In what seemed like a second, Matt appeared at the doorframe. "What's wrong? Do you need something?" he asked. "I want my daughter back." she cried. "I want her back, here with us!" Matt walked over to her bed, and sat down, embracing her. "You heard Andrew. He said he'll get Lilly back, and they'll lock up the guy that took her." "Andrew also said he'd keep us safe! And looked what happened! You ended up getting stabbed, and I ended up giving birth to Lilly, three months in advance!" "We can't blame Andrew. He didn't know about Cole. If I had only told him, then we wouldn't be in this mess." said Matt, choking on the words. "What are we going to do Matt? What are we going to do if the kidnaper makes his demands, we give it to him, and he kills Lilly all the same?" she asked Matt, with tears streaming down her face. "Nobody could be cold hearted enough to kill a six-month-old baby. All we have to do, is wait till the kidnaper makes the demands. That's all. We can't do anything." he said sadly. "Matt, whatever you do, don't leave me right now." "I had no intention of ever leaving you." he said, as he kissed her. They were interrupted by the telephone ringing. Mimi screamed in shock. Matt laughed a little, as he went to pick it up. "Hello." he said smiling, looking at Mimi, who was looking very cross at him. "Hello. Is Miss. Tachikawa there?" the voice said. "Yeah, may I ask who this is." "Nurse Yerion. From the children's wing at the hospital. Tell her it's about Derek." "Sure. Mimi, telephone!" he shouted lightly. She took the phone from Matt's hand. "Hello. Oh! Hi Marie. Yeah. Derek! Oh my God, I'll be right over!" she said dropping the receiver, and rushing to the bedroom. Within minutes, she was out and dressed. "What's going on Mimi? What's wrong with him?" "No time to explain. I'm going to the hospital!" she yelled out the door. "I'm coming with you!" he said as he pulled on a shirt, and shoes, running out the door after her. When they got to the hospital, Mimi ran right over to the small boy, crying in a corner. Brian was sitting next to him, trying to get him to sign something. (~~note~~ for all of you who have forgotten, Derek is mute. By sign something, I mean talk.) "Derek!" Mimi cried, as she hugged him. The little boy looked up, and hugged her back, crying his eyes out. "What happened?" asked Matt. "Mimi wouldn't tell me!" "His parents were in a car accident the night Mimi went into labor. They just died." said Nurse Yerion, coming from behind Matt and Brian. Matt had a flashback to the night he was waiting for Joe to tell him about Mimi. Two people were wheeled past him, in stretchers, but he didn't give it much thought. "Derek, don't be sad. I'm here for you." said Mimi, trying to keep her own tears in check. Derek made some symbols with his hands, which made Mimi slump to the floor. "My parents were taken away from me." "My baby was taken from me too." she said, touching her stomach. Derek looked a little angry. Waving his hands furiously, Mimi translated. "At least you have a chance of seeing your baby again! I can't see my parents again. Ever!" he finished by crossing his arms. "I might not see Lilly ever again Derek. I'm scared for her. I really am. But just remember. I'm always going to be here for you." she said. Derek looked ashamed. He covered his eyes, with his palms, and let out a dull cry. Matt walked over to him, and touched his shoulder. Trying to remember some sign language Mimi taught him, he began flailing his hands around, hoping it made some sense. The boy looked stunned. Then a smile broke out on his face, and he let out a raspy, nails on a chalk board sound. He was laughing. "What'd I say?" asked Matt. "You said you have a cat shoved down your pants, and you're doing the 'snoopy' dance." (^_^ I remember Jenn.) Matt blushed bright

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