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Stealing Babies: Page 2

crimson. "What I meant to say, was I'm sorry for your loss. How does that translate into I'm doing a 'snoopy dance, with a cat in my pants?" 'Maybe because you're stupider than a door nail.' thought Brian. Not daring to say what's on his mind. 'Hope the kid got Mimi's brains.' "Derek. Do you want to stay with Matt and me tonight? Matt makes really good pancakes." said Mimi. The boy nodded his head. "Is that okay Marie?" asked Mimi to the Nurse. "No. But since it's you, I'll make an exception. Oh, and if anyone asks, you took him without me knowing. Okay?" she said sneakily. "You got it Marie. Thank you." said Mimi, smiling at her friend. She collected the small boy in her arms, and carried him off to her car. "Don't worry, small one. You'll be safe at my house. We can play games and you can eat all the ice cream you want." the boy's face lit up. He licked his lips, as Matt winced. "Really Mimi. Ben and Jerry's are making me one of the owners! We've been buying way too much ice cream there. Did you know all the servers know my name? It's humiliating!" he said pleadingly. Mimi gave him, one of her looks. Matt knew he had lost that battle. Marie began making 'whipped' noises, as Brian made the gesture. "Quiet! You try defying The Look!" he said, as he turned feel, and stormed out of the hospital. "Mimi sure did a number on him." said Marie laughing. 'Sure did.' he thought. 'What I wouldn't give, to do a number on him. A few slashes here. A few bullet holes there. Cut off that bloody hair... pisses me off.' he said as he waited for Marie to turn around. When she wasn't looking, he grabbed a massive needle, and a few of the small vial's next to it. He slipped them in his coat, as he walked out. ************************************************************************ "Time for your daily injection of life kid." said Brian, as he took some of the clear liquid in the needle, and injected it into the baby's arm. The machine next to her bleeped, then died down to its normal rate. The injection giving her a little boost. "Don't worry. I have no intention of killing you. Now, that is." he backed up, almost tripping on a large bag. He reached out, and covered his nose. The smell of burnt flesh, lingered in the grimy basement, to the point of repulsion. "Man dad. Why'd you have to be so God damn smelly?! I though I'd gotten rid of your revolting odor when I killed you." He expertly took out a pair of white latex gloves, and began pawing through his remains. He finally found what was left of his arms, and pulled him up, snapping off three of his fingers. A trail of red/black blood paved a trail, as he took the corpse, and shackled it to a bar that stuck out of the wall. The man's body, barely intact, cracked and chipped, as his once son, chained him violently to the wall. His jaw hung open in a scream, which no one heard. His eyes rotting in the sockets. Like a magnet, insects of all kinds attached themselves to the body, enjoying their feast. Soon, rats and other vermin were tearing at the flesh madly. Brian watched in delight. "You finally got you just deserts' father. Except, now, you are the desert!" ************************************************************************ Mimi and Matt sat with Derek all night. They had a large bin of chocolate ice cream, and were watching reruns of Gilligan's Island. "You know," started Mimi, "Matt's little brother Tk, has a hat like his. I never noticed it before." she finished by scooping a large spoonful of ice cream in her mouth. "I heard that!" said Matt. "I gave Tk that hat!" "You see! I told you I should have come shopping with you for his present!" said Mimi, throwing a pillow at him. "Hey," he said throwing it back. "my taste isn't that bad!" "Not if you're the Skipper. Maybe the captain..." she said, smiling ear to ear. Matt got off the end of the couch, and lunged at Mimi, kissing her neck. "I'll get for that comment. Just you wait and see!" "Really honey. In front of the child?" "Do you mind Derek if I tickle her till she says uncle?" the boy shook his head, smiling at the goofy couple. "See. He's on my side." said Matt, tickling Mimi. "No! Stop it!" cried Mimi, fighting back tears of laughter. Derek didn't help by joining in, helping Matt win a crushing victory. "Way to go little man! We showed her!" exclaimed Matt, giving him a high five. "Really!" said Mimi! "You sleep on the couch!" "What!" exploded Matt. "You can't be serious!" "1 week." said Mimi. "A week!" squeaked Matt. "Fine. Two weeks." said Mimi stubbornly. Matt's jaw hung to the floor. His eyes watered up, giving her the Puppy Stare. "Two weeks." he pouted. Mimi resisted looking at him because she knew if she got a glimpse of the puppy dog eyes, he could con her into dumping the bucket of ice cream on her head, and run around the block. "AH!" she said in frustration. "You win. No couch." "Yes!" said Matt thankfully. "This week." she put in hastily. "We'll see about that. But right now, I'm going to sleep. Night Mimi. Derek." he said kissing Mimi, and ruffling Derek's head. Derek smiled, and looked up in amazement. "I like this." he signed. "I like this too." said Mimi, hugging him. "Mimi." he signed slowly. "Do you think I could be your replacement child, while Lilly's away? You don't have to answer if you don't want to." he quickly added, blushing tremendously. Mimi felt a tear roll down her cheek, as she collected the boy, and hugged his tightly. "Oh course you can." Matt watched the two, and couldn't help but smile. Mimi and Derek were so close, and he couldn't help but feel jealous. 'He's 6 Matt. No competition for you.' he reminded himself several times. Mimi woke up the next morning, with a sharp pain in her neck. She winced as she got up, but realized it was only because she was hunched protectively over Derek. They had fallen asleep during the 12-hour marathon, for I love Lucy. She lay the boy down, and covered him with a blanket. She left the room, to go get the newspaper. She passed by the bedroom, and saw Matt sleeping sloppily. His arms and a leg sticking out from the blankets. She giggled, as she wondered how somebody could sleep the way he does. She heard a thump at the door. The newspaper boy had arrived on time as usual. She opened the door, and collected the newspaper. She turned to her favorite section. Fashion. She skimmed right over the Sports, Obituaries, and Comics until she got to her section. She opened it wide, and began reading a column on Donna Karen, shaking her head at the woman's new ideas. Something circular fell out. Mimi stared at it for a moment, before collecting it. She noticed there was some writing on it. "What the hell?" she said, as she dropped the paper. Lilly Ishida. Born: June 4. It was her ID bracelet. "Matt!" yelled Mimi. "What is it?" he said wiping the sleep from his eyes. "The kidnaper! He sent Lily's ID bracelet!" "What?!" he shouted, wide awake. Mimi riffled through the rest of the newspaper, to try and find something else. She stopped, when she saw something written in bright red letters. It was still wet, and smelled awful. "If you ever want to see Lilly again," read Matt "we'll make a trade. The life of your daughter, for the life of your soon to be wife." It must have been a grand total of five minutes between Matt phoning the police and the police arriving. Their whole house was buzzing with policemen and gathering neighbors, within minutes. Matt was holding Mimi. Her eyes wide with fear. "Matt, we need you to come over here for a minute." said Andrew beaconing him toward him. Matt reluctantly left, leaving Mimi by herself. "What is it?" he said flatly. "Matt, we have the ransom note. You read it. I'm just wondering how he knew you'd read it. I mean, a stalker would usually write down the name of the person, so the people don't mess up the demands. But this is different. He said your soon to be wife, meaning Mimi. So, I have a theory that the person knows you. Very well." "I don't care!" Matt screamed. "This son of a bitch is expecting me to let my fiancee go, in exchange for my baby! I'm not doing that! I'm not letting Mimi put her life in danger, just so he can get his twisted kicks!" "I know what your going through! You don't have to get angry at me!" said Andrew, getting a little annoyed. "You have no idea what I'm going through!" exploded Matt. " How do I know he'd do it?! I could lose Mimi and Lilly for all we know!" "Matt." Mimi whispered. He bolted to her side, grabbing her hands. "What?" "Calm down. It's okay. Andrew's trying to help us." "Mimi, I'm sorry." he apologized. "It just, this guy is getting on my nerves! First he takes our baby, then he wants you. 'I'm not giving into his demands. I refuse to." he said sternly. "I'm doing it Matt. You can't stop me. I've already made up my mind. He wants me, not Lilly." she said fiercely. "Over my dead body." said Matt coldly. "I'm not losing the both of you." "You have no say in the matter." she snapped. "Lilly's a baby! She has her whole life to live! I won't let some idiot take it away from her!" "Mimi, think about what your saying! You'll be walking into a trap! I know he won't let you go!" he sighed deeply. "I have a feeling it's the same guy as last time." "That's impossible. He's dead. Gone! Pushing up daisies! You killed him!" she said. "Like I said, it's just a feeling, but I'm willing to bet my life on it." he explained. Mimi looked at him. He had such an expression, that she believed him. "He's dead." she reminded herself. "Matt. Mimi." said Andrew walking over to them. "We gave the substance on the newspaper article about the destruction of the old factory, to our lab. They identified that the substance was blood. Who's blood, they don't know." A policeman walked over to Andrew. He whispered something in his ear, which made Andrew go very pale. "What is it?" asked Matt. "The... the blood. God. I don't know how to say it." he searched for the words, no being able to find them. "Tell us!" demanded Mimi. "It belongs to Anthony Fighter Mimi. I'm sorry." "Oh dear God no..." she said buckling into Matt's arms. "It is the same guy. It wasn't Cole...." "Matt, I think you know the stalker. Or at least, the stalker knows you. I want you to come down to the station, and ID some people. We might find him by the end of the week." "Thank you Andrew. We really appreciate what you're doing for us." Mimi said quietly. "It's the least I could do. I blame myself for what happened to you Matt. Both of you almost died because of me." he said, looking at the floor, unable to look them in the eyes. Matt placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We don't. You had no idea that Cole would do what he did. And we didn't die now did we?" he said smiling. He smiled back. "Matt, we still need you to come to the station." "Fine. I'll go with you now." he turned to Mimi. "Are you gonna be okay?" She shook her head. "The only way we'll be able to find Lilly, is if we find out who the stalker is. You go with them. I need to take Derek back to the hospital." she looked over at the small boy, huddled in a blanket on their couch. He was as worried as Mimi was. "He must be petrified." "I bet the poor boy is." said Andrew nodding his head. "I'll drive you to the hospital." "Thank you." said Mimi, as she left to collect Derek's belongings. Andrew pulled up to the hospital, ten minutes later. Derek hopped out all smiles, because Andrew let him turn on the siren. Mimi stepped out after him, and shivered. Even though it was a hot day, she had a cold feeling attached to her since the incident in the morning. "Derek! Slow down! You might trip!" she said motherly like. "Mimi!" screeched Marie as she saw her. "Look at the wedding dress in this magazine! It's gorgeous! You'd look beautiful!" she waved the book around frantically, before shoving it in Mimi's face. Mimi stepped back instinctively, but took the magazine any ways. Her eyes widened at the sight of the gown. "It's beautiful Marie." she gasped. The dress was a pale lavender color, with beaded glass spirals at the bottom. It was sleeveless, and had a long lace veil. Little pieces of ribbon hung from the bodice and bottom, giving it a heavenly appeal. "I must have this dress! It's perfect! It's better than perfect!" screamed Mimi forgetting all her worries. It was really dark by the time Mimi finally left the hospital. She was supposed to be planning the hospital fund-raiser's ball, but she got so caught up with her wedding plans. She ended up planning the rest of her menu and she chose the caterers. With Marie's help, she chose her dress and managed to finally choose the flower arrangement. "Ugh! This is so much work. I really should have asked for Matt's help." she complained, as she flagged down a taxi. Completely oblivious to the fact that someone was watching her. ************************************************************************ Brian turned his attention away from Mimi, waiting for his real prey. He clutched his weapon and fiddling with it nervously. He soon spotted him walking out of the hospital, rubbing his arm. There was another person beside him, laughing his head off. "Why the hell did they have to make needles so painful?" shouted Ken. He kept staring at his 'wound' painfully. "Man! You screamed like a girl when the nurse injected you! You should have seen your face!" Chris shouted, making a scrunched up face, and screamed really high pitched. "I do not scream like that!" said Ken defensively. "Yeah you do. Man. Look at the time. Terry's going to kill me. See you tomorrow Kim. I mean Ken." "Shut up Chris! At least my name doesn't sound girlish!" he retorted smartly. "At least I don't scream and try and throw myself out a window when a nurse shows me a needle!" said Chris as he crossed the street. "Bye!" "Bye Chris." said Ken giving up their little spat. A firm hand grasped his shoulder. He screamed. "Man. He is right. You scream like a girl." said Brian, not showing his face. "Who the hell is this?" asked Ken spinning around fast. "Brian? You... you can talk!" "No duh!" he said taking his baseball bat, and smashing it down on his head. Ken fell limply in a pile on the ground, as Brian quickly pulled his body into the alley. He waited till there were nobody insight, and dragged Ken off to his car. He threw his body into the back seat, and drove off to his desired destination. Several minutes later, he arrived. He pulled out Ken, and the large box beside him. He hauled Ken up several stairs, finally throwing him in a small room. All the paint on the walls had chipping, and had turned an off shade of yellow. The large pillars had been vandalized and were tagged. Large pieces of the ceiling and pillars had crumbled apart, or had been broken off. Dust covered anything and everything. Brian took a large metal chain out of the box, and tired Ken's legs and hands to the furthest pillar. He then took a brand-new lock out of the box, and chained him together. Finally, he took out a large roll of silvery duck tape, and sealed his mouth. Walking out of the building he smiled, and kicked down the 'DO NOT ENTER. DEMOLITION SITE.' sign, and took off in his car. ************************************************************************ "Mimi!" called Matt. "I'm going to the police station now! I'll see you tonight!" he took off out the door, and ran down the stairs. "Fine." Mimi pouted to herself. Matt had spent every day that week with the police, in an attempt to find the mysterious stalker. Mimi riffled through several of her magazines, before deciding on Vogue. She flipped to page 145 and started reading the article about wedding planning made easy. After several notes, Mimi put down the magazine. She turned on the TV and started flipping channels. She passed by a news report on the old shoe factory being blown to smithereens in two days, and she found a bunch of soap operas, finally deciding on Passions. (~~Note~~ it's a pretty good show.) "Theresa." Mimi said shaking her head. "Pink and floral prints are the biggest mistake you could make. If you want Ethan, you should start dressing sensibly." She was interrupted from her viewing, by a knock on the door. "What is it?" she yelled out. "It better is important! Luis just admitted he likes Sheridan!" "It's me Mimi!" said Terry, her best friend. "And I've known Luis wanted her from episode one." she had to put that in, just to rub it in her face. "Terry!" exclaimed Mimi. "Come in! The door's open!" she jumped up, and ran to the door. 'Well, Mimi. I can over to discuss the maid of honor duties. I'd be doing this with Ken, but he's not here. I tried his house ten times!" she said frustrated. "So." said Mimi smirking. "The best man isn't home. Why am I not surprised?" "It's so Ken like. Just watch him show up a day before the wedding." Terry nodded in agreement. "What!" shrieked Mimi. "What day is it?" "Mimi, you're getting married in eight days. Have you completely forgotten?" "Eight days! Oh my God! I'm not even finished the preparations!" "How could you forget your own wedding day?" asked Terry in awe. "It's the thing with Lilly. Terry, I can't sleep at night. I'm so worried about her. It's not even funny. I've been losing all track of time." she said, as a tear rolled down her cheek. "And you have every right to be worried! Mimi, you baby was kidnaped! I don't even think I would be able to do all you're doing, if I lost my baby." she said patting her stomach. Mimi looked up. "Terry you're..." "Yes!" she said happily. Her black hair bouncing on her shoulders. "Oh my God! I'm so happy for you!" she said hugging her. "Does Chris know?" "No. Not yet anyway. I was wondering if you could help me tell him." she said in a small voice. "Of course I will!" said Mimi as she picked up the phone, dialing Chris's cell number. "Wassup!" said Chris as he answered the phone. Loud music was blaring in the background. "Hey Chris. It's Mimi." "Yo! How's it going Mimi? Hyped about the wedding?" "Yeah. And I just found out something that you're going to be hyped about." "You got the Baywatch girls to preform at the wedding!" he said hopefully. Mimi placed her hand over the receiver. "Why you care about him is beyond me." she returned to Chris. "No you idiot. It's about Terry." "What's wrong with Terry?" he said seriously. "Guys, turn down the music." instantly the music went dead. "Mimi what's wrong with Terry? Tell me!" Mimi giggled. "She's pregnant." she heard a thump, then David picked up the phone. "Mimi! What'd you tell Chris? He passed out!" he commented. "Terry's pregnant!" she taunted excitedly. "No way! Wow! Chris my man, nice job!" David said laughing. "Give me the phone!" said Terry nervously. Mimi handed it to her. "David! What's wrong with Chris?" "He passed out babe. Oh, wait! He's coming to!" Terry heard a moaning nosie, as Chris reclaimed the phone. "Terry! Terry is it true?" he said frantically. "Yeah. We're going to be parents' Chris." she said, as she cried. "This is unbelievable! I don't think I've ever been so happy. I love you Ter." said Chris happily. "Me either." Terry said. "I'll leave you guys alone. You have a lot to talk about." said Mimi leaving the room. "We'll discuss the plans some other time." she said as she grabbed her coat, and walked out the door. It was very cold that day. August wasn't really hot, but still. She walked through the park, and sat by the lake. The leaves were falling from the trees, blinding her with their many colors. Swirls of orange, yellow and red, stained the ground. Small, light pink petals fell from the tree above her. "I love autumn. It's so beautiful." she whispered. A water-lily floated past her. She stared at it, not moving. Its wide purple petals dancing on the water. "Lilly where are you?" she asked the flower as it drifted by. There was no response. As if she was waiting for one. The sad thing is, she was. The next morning, didn't go so smoothly. Mimi didn't wake up with her alarm, making her late for work. It was her first day back in four months. "Mimi!" shouted Annette, running up to her, giving her a huge hug. "It's so good to see you back! Everything fell apart when you left." "Great." she said sarcastically. "Just what I need on my first day back." she set off to finish the work she started. "Ow. Ah. Thank you Matt." she said as he gently rubbed her shoulders. "Man. You had to redo the whole thing. And you did it in a day! It took you a month last time." he said in awe. "Mrs. Hetyu wanted it by the end of the day. I wasn't letting all my hard work go down the drain!" she said sleepily. "I'm really tired. I think I'm gonna get some shut-eye." "Okay. I got to go anyway. Andrew thinks we're close to finding the guy. I'm still skeptical, but I'm not the policeman, am I?" he said kissing her. "You'd make a really cute cop though." she said kissing him back. "Sorry. You'll have to deal with the music manager." he said playfully, as he grinned. "Matt, before you forget, try and get Ken. He's been a no show. He's your responsibility, not mine!" "I won't forget Mimi." he said as he headed out the door. "Hey Brian." Matt said as he almost bumped into him. "Mimi's home." he pointed before dashing to the elevator. 'Perfect. You're gone and Mimi's all alone. Now I'll get both of them.' he thought as he pulled out his dagger. He knocked on the door, and placed it behind his back. "Coming!" shouted Mimi. She grabbed her housecoat from the chair, and placed it over her black, silk nightgown, that scrapped the floor. "Brian!" she said shocked. "Nice to see you." Brian grabbed the knife, and shoved it to her throat. "Don't say one word." he said, pushing her inside the room, shutting the door behind him. Mimi's eyes fluttered open. Her vision was blurry, and her arm stung. She had felt the needle go in, but then nothing at all. She couldn't remember anything that had happened to her. She attempted to get a look at her surroundings, but her vision was so contorted, she saw blurs of black. Too bad her sense of smell was working perfectly. There was an odor in the room, that made her want to throw up. Her stomach was churning with repulsion, begging her to block her nose. She tried, but found her arms bound together. She was tied up to something. To what, she had no idea. As she was fiddling with the locks, she brushed against something. She lobbed her head around, to see a rotting corpse, half eaten, half molding. She screamed at the top of her lungs, but the tape across her mouth didn't permit the scream to be broadcasted. Mimi put as much distance between the body and herself, as possible, not wanting to touch it at all. Much to her dismay, a large, full looking rat waddled over to the person, and began scrapping at him. Shutting her eyes tightly, she prayed to God this was a nightmare, and she would wake up and find Matt holding her. Opening her eyes, she realized this was real. Not some dream she could just wake up from. Her vision was back to normal now. She saw her surroundings with ease. The sound of a stifled cry spun her head around. Mimi saw a small oxygen chamber, and an IV machine, pushed up against a wall. 'Lilly!' she thought happily. 'Lilly's here! She's alive!' she struggled with the locks, pulling and hitting the links with all her might. A door slammed shut, startling her. "Glad to see you're awake. I thought with the amount of tranquilizer, you'd be out for at least another few hours." Brian said calmly, as he pulled out a small bottle, and walked over to Mimi. He pulled the tape off her mouth, causing her to scream a little. "Why are you doing this?" Mimi asked scared. "Because. I want you. That's all. I would never hurt you, you know that right?" he said touching her cheek. Mimi pulled away violently, but Brian just grabbed her head, pulling it closer to his. "Why did you take Lilly? She could have died!" Mimi said angrily, forgetting her fear. "Lilly was only a pawn. So was Anthony, and Cole, and Matt, and Chris," he looked out the small window above them. "even Kenji." he smiled. "Ken...What'd you do to Ken?" Mimi demanded. "Is he... is he..." "No. Well, not yet any way. Our dear friend Ken has only a few more hours to stay alive. By tomorrow, Kenji Derouts will be no more than a pile of ash." He shook the bottle, and walked over to Lilly, injecting the bag full of the liquid. As usual, her heart monitor beeped furiously, before dying back to it's normal pace. "What are you doing to my baby!?" she shouted, pulling against the chains. "Keeping her alive." he snapped. He then glanced at her, looking deep in thought. "You know what's funny?" "No." squeaked Mimi. "What?" "How this baby, could have been born from such a beautiful mother, and look so much like her pathetic father. She's showing traits like him. I don't like it." "Please don't hurt her." begged Mimi. "I'll do anything." "You wanna know what else is funny?" Brian said, totally oblivious to the fact she was talking. "Well, a better question would be, you wanna know something sad. I would have gladly taken you and Lilly away from this place. We could have moved to France or England! We could have been so happy together! It would have been perfect." "Would have been..." she chocked. "Mimi, Mimi, Mimi. For someone so intelligent, you can be awfully dumb. Lilly. I'm talking about Lilly! I would have raised her. I would do anything for this baby." he paused for a minute. "But sadly half of her belongs to Matt. I can't let her live because of that. I refuse to have another Matt running around in this world." "You're going to kill Lilly." Mimi said numbly. "But you said you wouldn't hurt her." "I won't hurt her my love. Her death will be quick and painless. Unlike Matt's. First he will watch his child die, then I'll kill him. I'll kill him right at the moment he's suffering the most. I'll remind him constantly on that I now have you. How I have his perfect life. The one with the picked white fence, and the neatly trimmed lawn, with the beautiful loving wife. You." "You sick bastard! You..." Brian covered her mouth. "None of that foul language here." he said coyly. He calmly removed her from the post she was leaning against. Her arms and legs were still tied together, but now she could move. "Believe it or not, I love you." he kissed her cheek. Mimi turned away. He grabbed her head again, this time pulling her into a passionate kiss. She wiggled and kicked to get away from him, but he lied on top of her, over powering her. He pulled away, and looked into her tearing eyes. "Please don't." she cowered. "I can't stop myself." he said smirking. "You're just too tempting to resist." he went right back to kissing her, occasionally pulling up for air. "Know what I never understood? How Matt could keep his hands off you!" he said happily, continuing to kiss her. Mimi screamed, and kicked, trying to get him off of her. Sadly, she knew Matt wouldn't be there to help her this time. Brian suddenly stopped. He looked at her again. This time, grabbing her left hand. "That's what feels wrong." he said quietly. "Take off the ring." he demanded. "No." she said fiercely. "I refuse to take off my engagement ring. You hear that! Engagement! As in, to Matt! The man I love!" "Shut up!" he screamed madly. "Take it off, or I'll cut it off!" "Then I guess you'll have to cut it off!" she said, not knowing why she said it exactly. "Fine! Your choice!" he said, reaching into his back pocket, pulling out the knife. He slid it against her skin, letting the blood pour out onto his clothing. Mimi screamed in pain, and he stopped. "I can't do this to you." She pulled her sore hand free, and slapped him across the face, with all her strength. Brian, jumped back, just far enough to let Mimi slip out. She was a little slow because of the drug, so he caught her before she got 3 centimeters. Brian spun her around, and slapped her. "You bitch!" he screamed. Mimi, from the force of the blow, smashed into a wall, and slipped down. Because of her shackles, she couldn't stand up, or fight back. Her cheek stung wildly and pain shot in and out of the side of her face. "I'm sorry I had to do that." he pulled off the engagement ring, ignoring her cries. He took the bloodied ring, and placed it on his table. The blood staining the beauty of the diamond it held. "Give it back to me!" she cried. "I really don't think you're in a position to be making demands Mimi. All you can do now is pray to God I don't kill you right now!" he snarled. When Mimi didn't reply, he began to unhook Lilly's medical equipment. "What are you doing?" exclaimed Mimi. Brian turned to face her. "Tonight, someone will die. It's up to Matt to chose which one lives or not. Their blood will be on his hands. Not mine." "No!" she said, getting up, but falling. Her legs were stilled slightly tied. Brian smiled, picking up the ring and wheeled Lilly up the stairs. He slammed the door shut, and left Mimi

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