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Swear it Again

Disclaimer: Is more than obvious that I don’t own Digimon Digital Monster, but anyway I gotta write diz. And I don’t own the song either (sighs). The song is from cutest guys of Westlife. I am a fan of them and Digimon. So I take the song borrow and the characters too. Read and review please. ^_^ Author: Okay the person that is talking is Matt and he is reading the letter to Mimi. They are suppose to be talking by the phone. Got it? And they’re ages are: Matt = 18, Mimi = 17. My song fic can be pretty confusing, please bear with me. The are some parts of then song and then I start to describe how Matt is telling how he feel to Mimi. ************************************************************ Ring, ring, The phone rang. Mimi: I’ll get it!!!!!!!!! Mimi took the phone and say: "Hello Tachikawa residence". Matt was on the other line, he wasn’t pretty sure if he was doing the correct thing....he was really nervous, with only hear Mimi’s voice he could feel like if he was melting. And then: Matt: "Mimi?? This is Matt. I need to talk to you!!, I need to see you!!!, I need to feel you!!!, I need you!!!!" he said and his voice start to broke, but he knew that he gotta tell her. Right there and right now. "Mimi I know this is the most anti – romantic thing that a boy could ever done for you.... but this couldn’t wait. I gotta tell you this". His voice sounded so serious. Mimi was afraid, afraid of Matt broke up with her. There was an annoying silence between them And then Matt broke the silence and told her: Matt: "Mimi.....are you listening to me?. He sounded sooooo worried. Mimi: "I- I- I- I’m.....all ears Matt. Go ahead please". Matt: "Kay. Mimi listen....but, give just a minute please, just a sec Kay?". Mimi: "Okay" she said almost whispering. Then she could hear violins, a piano, a guitar and finally Matt’s voice singing. Matt: "I compose this song to you.... I made it only for you. And I also wrote a letter for you....I am gonna read it". Mimi then start to imagine how Matt was looking in the other side of the phone. He probably was wearing a blue T-shirt and blue jeans. The blue definitely was Matt’s color. Blue just made Matt eyes looks so peaceful, blue was the color of the ocean. She hear him singing and his voice sounded so masculine, so deep. Then she could her Matt saying this: *************************^________________^***************** Matt: ~~~~~ I wanna know Who ever told you I was letting go Of the only joy that I have ever known Girl they were lying ~~~~~ The first time I met you....I thought you were really cute. When my little bro. Ask me what did I think of you...the only dumb words that came to my mind were: "FORGET IT!.....I did it ‘cause....I was afraid of rejection, and now I think you are more than cute. You are the most wonderful, charming, nice, carrying, compressive, sweet girl I ever know. You are the like my twin soul.....they say that we don’t have anything in common...but they’re wrong. ~~~~~ Just look around And all of the people that we used to know Have just given up they wanna let it go But we’re still trying ~~~~~ Matt’s P.O.V: "I know we are going to have a lot of troubles with our relationship, not because of you or me, is for all the people that doesn’t believe in us. They are going to make tons of excuses, they are not going to support us. But I’m sure that together we handle that. You are very brave, and I will protect to you, no matter what. I’ll be your knight (he, he, he, FF8 ^_^), I’ll be whatever you want" ~~~~~ So you should know this love we share Was never made to die I’m glad we’re on this one-way street Just you and I Just you and I ~~~~~ "We had share lot’s of things like...when we go to the digital world, all those fights that you hated so much. Do you remember when our friend Tai disappear and you, T.K. and me try our best to find him. Sadly you decided to live and find him by your own. It was then that I realize that you weren’t a cry baby anymore, well just a little. You were really brave. I didn’t try to stop you ‘cause I knew we were going to see each other again. And because I trust you, I knew that nothing bad was going to happen to you. I’m so happy that finally I found the courage to tell you how do I feel for you". ~~~~~ I’m never gonna say goodbye ’Cause I never wanna see you cry I swore to you my love would remain And Id swear it all over again and I I’m never gonna treat you bad ’Cause I never wanna see you sad I swore to share your joys and your pain And I’d swear it all over again ~~~~~ "I promise that I’m never gonna make you cry. I hate to see you sad. I swear I’ll always going to be by your side. I don’t care the flames or the gossip. I don’t care what the others think. I just care about you and I’ll always will". ~~~~~ All over again... ~~~~~ "I’ll go hell for you!, I’ll to the end of the universe and come back for you!, I’ll do whatever for you". ~~~~~ Some people say That everything has got its place and time, Even the day must give way to the night But I'm not buying 'Cause in your eyes I see a love that burns eternally And if you see how beautiful you are to me You'll know I'm not lying ~~~~~ "You are beautiful, in soul and body. I can see in your eyes the sincerity, the love, the kindness, and I can see that..... I want you with me forever". ~~~~~ Sure there'll be times we wanna say goodbye But even if we tried There are some things in this life Won't be denied Won't be denied ~~~~~ "I curse the day when you left to U.S.A. I feel my heart breaking in pieces..." ~~~~~ The more I know of you Is the more I know I love you The more that I'm sure I want you for ever and ever more And the more that you love me, the more that I know Oh that I'm never gonna let you go Gotta let you know that I ~~~~~ "But the days before you left were the most wonderful, funniest, greatens, coolest days in my life. All the things we share, the crazy jokes, the laughs, Those days..... I miss them sooooo much. I miss you sooooo much". ~~~~~ And I swear it all over again... ~~~~~ "God bless those days cause they help me to realize how much I love you and how much I care for you...." Matt finish his lecture. He took a deep breath and almost whispering asked to Mimi. "Well what do you think". Mimi: "What do I think!!!!" she cry. Again "What do I thiiiink!!!!!". "Matt this is the most sweetest things that you had ever done!!!!! And even you dare to said that this is anti-romantic????!!!!!! I Gooooddd!!!!! What do I have done to deserve you??" Mimi said crying. Matt with tears all over his checks and with his voice breaking respond "Just been you....that’s what you have done....just been you...the pure heart Mimi.....that’s what you have done to deserve my heart and soul" He said whispering in the phone. Mimi: "Oh !!!!! Thank you Yamato Ishida, now you made me cry more!!!!" she said joking. Matt laugh and finally he said: "Mimi.... like I said before I’ll do everything for you, I love you" then with out thinking 2 times he ask her and pronounce the 6 magical words: "Mimi Tachikawa, will you marry me?" Mimi: "Of course I’ll marry you!!!!!!!! Matt: "Reeeaaaaalllyyyy????!!!!!" Mimi: "Really" Matt: "You mean it???!!!" Mimi: "I mean it" Matt: "Yahoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "That’s my girl!!!!!! You had made me the most happiest man in the world, no in the earth, no in the universe, in the all digital world!!!!!" Mimi: "You promise" Matt: "Not only I promise I swear it, and I will swear it all over again for you" The end ^___^

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