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The Real Mimi Tachikawa

authurs note:i changed the song a little May have your attenion please that means u sora may i have your attenion please also u listen tai will the real mimi and matt please stand up i repeat will matt and mimi please stand up!where the heck r they,so u act like you naver seen mimi before,tai is the door ,mimi callin sora and was lying on the floor,look it izzy grabin his u know what,oh wait did he say what i think he did,and mr.Kamiye said nothin u idiot it is mimi and matt their locked in the basement,so mimi kisses her pantie hose, I'm the real mimi,he is the real matt,if u want to see us just look at that,so wont the real mimi and matt please stand up please stand up, oh look at tk he turned in to dk he is scratin his nuts and workin at pizza hut,oh there mimi and matt goes,their sittin there pickin at their under where,mimi kisses him but he misses her,and one more time now how does it go!! I'm the real mimi ,he is the real matt ,if u wannna see us just loo at that if u like slim shady i am the first to right this

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