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Together Forever

Joe and Mimi start to walk looking for their friends, They had found Ogremon and other Digimons. They now know what they must do to defeat the Dark Masters and then... Mimi was thinking: Why the Digimon has sacrificed them self to save my life?. First Chumon then Leomon. Is so... sad. I would like to thanks Matt for tell Tai all that stuff when I was putting the graves he was really sweet, I never see him so mad before, I wonder why he act like that. He looked so concern for me and so... lone at the same time. Something is wrong with him. Matt where are you? Palmon: Mimi are you okay? Mimi: ........ Joe: Mimi? Mimi:.... Gomamon: Mimiiiiiiii!!!!!! Mimi: ah, uh, yes? Ogremon: What are you thinking Mimi? Mimi: uh.... ha, ha, ha, just things. He, he, he, he, just things. Joe look at her sadly and thought: Joe (to himself): I bet she is thinking on Matt. Mean while in a far not so far part of the Digi – world. Metalwarurumon or whatever he calls defeat the poor Puppetmon (poor Puppetmon he have no chance). Matt noticed something was messing Gabumon: Matt, were are we going? Matt: I wanna to go to the lake, or at least be in somewhere an be lone, and think how can we defeat the Dark Masters. By the way...Gabumon? Gabumon: yeah? Matt: did you noticed that Mimi wasn’t with the others? Gabumon: yap, and neither Joe, I wonder were are they. Matt: Me too, is strange, I hope Mimi is okay. Gabumon: What about Joe? Matt: ....... Gabumon: I said, what about Joe? Matt:..... Gabumon: Hey, Digiworld to Matt? Do you copy? Matt: Huh huh. Where am I? Gabumon: Matt are you okay? Matt: ah... Yeah!!! Of course I am. Ha, ha, ha, (he laugh nervously) Gabumon: What’s wrong with you Matt? Matt: oh nothing, nothing, just an old joke for us the human, you will never understand. Like a half of hour pass and Matt ask to Gabumon: Matt: Have you ever fall in love for some dig.... how do you said Digi female in Digimon language? Gabumon: Digi... digi.. digi.... female. You said Digi – Babe. You said it: Digi.... Hey what do mean to fall in love? Matt: Well.. you know that stuff, like someone, not just because is real pretty, cute and funny, you like her just like the way she is, even is she complain a lot, when you know her and see that he cares a lot about others, and not just herself, I....and... and... and... well you know?! Right? Gabumon: What are talking about? Matt blushing Matt: well... I... I... I... think I like. Never mind. Gabumon nodded and the remember what Matt tell him before and scream: Matt you like Mimi don’t you?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Matt: Shut up!!!! Someone could hear you!!!! Gabumon: well, well, well, looks like my little kid is growing up! So sad, one day you see them so indefense and the next day they are getting married. Matt: ... oh shut up, you don’t know what you are saying you freaky Digimon!!! Gabumon: Hey!!!, I remembered that Mimi said, that she wasn’t going cause every friend were died, and she doesn´t want to see anybody hurt, maybe she go by her own, and.... Matt: MAYBE SHE ALONE, IN DANGER, OR MAYBE.. THE DARK MASTERS KIDNAPPED HER WE GOOTA SAVE HER RIGHT AWAY!!!!! Gabumon: calm down, she gotta be okay, Palmon must be with her. Matt: Yeah, but she isn’t strong enough to protect her. We gotta find Mimi. Remember the Dark Master are too strong. We are the only ones how can protect her!!!! Come on Gabumon!!! Gabumon: What about Joe? Matt: He’s okay... I guess. Gabumon: you guess.... What about if he join Mimi? Haven’t you think ‘bout that?!?! If he is with her, he will protect her. Don’ t you think? Matt: WHAT?, THAT CANNOT BEEN HAPPENING! Gabumon: why not? Matt: I dunno know. Gabumon: Are you jealous ‘BOUT Joe ‘CauSe he probably be whit Mimi alone? Matt: I shouldn’t tell you about Mimi in the first place. Gabumon: Why not? I am your friend Matt. Matt: hey, I think that there is the lake! Gabumon: Matt answer me! Come here right away!!!! Matt: lets go buddy!! Matt start to run and Gabumon start to scream at Matt that why he doesn’t want to answer. And suddenly..... Joe: I can’t walk anymore, my feet hurt. Palmon: We have to keep walking!! Joe: I am tired! Mimi: Hey!, this place is so odd. Palmon: What do you mean Mimi? Then Mimi hears a familiar male voice and stop walking: Palmon: Mimi? What’s wrong? Mimi?.... Mimi?!?!? Joe: Mimi? Are you okay, you are pale. Mimi: Oh my God!!!!!!!, aren’t they Matt and Gabumon? Palmon: Where? Where, where??? I don’t see them anywhere??!! Mimi: There!!!!!!!! Mimi cry and start to run like she had never run in her life before (I mean it) like she had never run before!!!!! Joe: (Oh well what I need... now I can’t be never be alone with Mimi) Mimi yells: Matt!!!!!!, Matt!!!!!!!, Gabumon!!!!. Matt stomach start to feel butterflies and he suddenly blush and tell himself, I’ve never been so close to Mimi, I mean, we never talk about our life’s or anything like that, what am I gonna do? I always act so distant and she always so outgoing and what the heck am I thinking. Matt you are DA MAN. CARPE DIEM TO YOURSELF!!!! Mimi: Matt I am so glad to see you. Mimi jump into Matt arms a give him a BEAR hug. Matt hug her so strong and.... to, and tell himself "God, she smells good...!!!!". I wish we can be together.... for ever and ever. Mimi broke up the hug and blush... the she told Matt. Mimi: I – a—I – sorry Matt, you probably wanna be alone..... sorry. Matt: I- No!!!!, no, no, no, don’t worry Mimi. I am glad to see you are all right, I start to worry about you. Mimi: really? Matt: really. Mimi: You mean it? Matt: I mean it. Mimi: oh Matt!!!! That’s one of the most sweets things you had ever said!!!!! Gabumon: You are absolutely right Mimi. He is always acting like if he were a... Joe: Hippocratic??!!! Matt turn his face to see Joe very angry. VERY, VERY ANGRY AND SAD AT THE SAME TIME. Matt: Joe, man!!!! You are okay too. Cool!!!! Joe: Save it. Is just that.... I am happy for see you that’s all. I thought you were in troubles and... Matt: Thanks Joe. I appreciate your concern. Mimi: Know that are 3 of the digi destined together, is going to be more easy find the others right? Matt and Joe: yeah!!!! They said in unison. ***AUTHOR'S NOTE: personally I think I can do it better but for now the only way I can learn how to write good Mimato fan fiction is practicing!!! And practicing and practicing!!! Hope you like it!!!

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