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Together Forever

**Okay, this fan fiction take place in the new episodes that all the digidestined has split up, (I canīt write very well in english sorry).** Joe and Mimi start to walk looking for their friends, Matt has help the other kids to beat Puppetmon, and then he disappear. Mimi was thinking: Why the digimon has sacrificed them self to save my life?. Is so... sad. I would like to thanks Matt for tell Tai all that stuff when I was putting the graves he were real sweet, I never see him so mad before, I wonder why.Gabumon: Matt, were are we going? Matt: I like to go to the lake, or at least be in somewhere, and think how can we defeat the Dark Masters. Hey Gabumon, did you noticed that Mimi wasnīt with the others? Gabumon: yeap, and neither Joe, I wonder were are they. Matt: Me too, is strang, I hope Mimi is okay.Gabumon: What about Joe? Matt: .......Gabumon: I said, what about Joe?Matt:..... Gabumon: Hey, Digiworld to Matt? Do you copy?Matt: RogerGabumon: ????? Matt: oh!! forget it. You never understand.Gabumon: What? Matt: Have you ever fall in love about some digi.... how do you said digi female in digimon language? Gabumon: Digi... digi.. digi.... hey what do mean to fall in love? Matt: Well.. you know that stuff, like someone, not just because is real pretty, cute and funny, you like her just like the way she is, even is she complain a lot, when you know her and see that he cares a lot about others, and not just herself, I....Gabumon: How are we talking about? Matt blushing.Matt: well... I... I... I... think I like Mimi.Gabumon: Really? Matt: ReallyGabumon: you mean it?Matt: I mean it. Gabumon: well, well, well, looks like my little kid is growing up! Matt: ... oh shut up, you make me feel weird. Gabumon: Hey!!!, I rememberd that Mimi said, that she wasnīt going īcause every friend were died, and she doesnīt want to see anybody hurt, maybe she go by her own, and...Matt: MAYBE SHE ALONE, IN DANGER, OR MAYBE.. Gabumon: calm down, she gotta be okay, Palmon must be with her. Matt: Yeah, but she isnīt strong enough to protect her.We gotta find Mimi. Gabumon: What about Joe?Matt: Heīs okay... I guess. Gabumon: you guess.... What about if he join Mimi? Matt: WHAT?, THAT CANOT HAPPEN!Gabumon: why not?Matt: I dunno know. Gabumon: Are you jelous if Joe is with Mimi? Matt: I shouldnīt tell you about Mimi before.Gabumon: Why? Matt: hey, I think that there is the lake!Gabumon: Matt answer me! Matt: letīs go buddy!! Matt start to run and Gabumon start to scream at Matt that why he doesnīt want to answer. Joe: I canīt walk anymore, my feet hurt. Palmon: We have to keep walking!!Joe: I am tired! Mimi: Hey!, this place is so odd.Palmon: What do you mean Mimi? Mimi: Well look at that.... Oh my God, arenīt thet Matt and Gabumon? Palmon: Where?Mimi: There, but that lake.Palmon: Hey. Youīre right. Joe: (Oh well what I need... now I canīt be never be alone with Mimi) Mimi start to run, and she started to scream: Matt!!!!!!, Matt!!!!!!!, Gabumon!!!!. Matt stomach start to feel butterflies and he suddendly blush and tell himself, Iīve never been so close to Mimi, I mean, we never talk about our lifes or anything like that, what am I gonna do? Mimi: Matt I am so glad to see you. Mimi jump into Matt arms a give him a big huge. Matt huge her to, he tell himself, "God, she smells good...!!". ** AUTHOR'S NOTE: I think this fanfic sucks, īcause I am not so inspired, but I try to wrote something cool, I hope your stand. ** Matt hug so tie Mimi and Mimi were so happy of finally see Matt. She feel secure, she feel.... So happy. She never wanted that hug ever finished. Then Joe appear with Gomamon and Palmon, everybody looked at them, Joe feel a little jeleous about Matt hugging Mimi, coz Joe is in love of her, but them he told himself, they are just friends, is obvious that she is hugging him. Gomamon and Palmon just were happy for them. Gomamon: Hey Palmon! Palmon: yes? Gomamon: Donīt U think they look.... Good together? Palmon: You mean Mimi and Matt? Gomamon: No! (he said sarcastilly). Palmon: Hey! Gomamon: Just kidding. Of course I mean Mimi and Matt. How else? Palmon blushes.... Palmon: Well, I... I.... I .... Wasthinkingthesamethingtoo! Gomamon: Hey, wait up!, can you speak more slowly, I didnīt understan a thing about what you just said. Palmon: I said that I- was-thinking-the-same-thing-too. Gomamon: Yeah. For been humans they look.... Kind of cute. What do you think Joe? Joes standing there looking how Mattīs arms were in Mimiīs shoulders, Joe feel so terrible and sad (Donīt worry Joe fans hehehe. Joe is going to find his real love...but not in Mimi, heīll find it in another girl). He likes Mimi, he see her charming attituted, he couldnīt help it. In that moments he wanted to be Matt. After 10 minutes of Matt and Mimi hugging each other, Joe say: Joe: aaah, Guys?, I donīt wanna screw this moment, but.... Arenīt you boring of just hug each other? Matt blushes and Mimi too. Both separeted at the same time and start to look in each other eyes. Matt thought: Mimi.... Why is so difficult for me?.... why I canīt get more close to you?... Donīt you see the love that I feel for you in my eyes?... Could you ever fall in love with me? (nows Mimiīs turn), Matt you look so peaceful, your eyes show me how much you care about your friends, your eyes are so beautifull. Your eyes on me (hehehe for those people that play FF8 You now what am I talking about). You can say a lot wiht out words.... Please let me share your love. When you have that look on your face, as if youīre never hurt, as if youīre never down. Shall I be the one for you? Matt: Joe, I - I am happy for seeing you!, Iīll give a hug too, but you are a boy!... I mean you now, I like girls. Joe: yeah, yeah,. Whatever. Mimi: oh, hi Joe. Joe blush. Joe: hi Mimi. Suddenly they heard a scream. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! All: What was that? Then everybody go to the place were they heard the scream and it was Frogymon (this digimon is from my imagination I donīt now the name of those little frogs that appear in digimon in the episode princess karaoke so.... Bear with me). Frogymon: Princess Mimi! Mimi: Oh my God! Is Frogymon!. Frogymon start to run to Mimi and jumps into her arms. And said; now I feel secure. I miss you sooooo my princess. Mimi: donīt worry, I am here for you. Frogymon: Thanks princess. Mimi: You can stop calling me princess, we are friends. Call me Mimi. Frogymon: As you wish my princess..... uuuhh I mean Mimi. Mimi: Thatīs better. Matt walks to Mimi and Frogymon and aks him why he was yelling. He told them yada yada yada yada yada yada about the Dark Masters. And he explain why he scream, he scream coz he feel that if he scream his soul was going to be free. Joe: yeah right. Mimi: Donīt be so meannie Joe, this poor little fella feel alone. The least you can do is hear him. Matt: Mimi is right. And then Mattīs crest start to glow, Gabumon runs to Matt and told him. Hey Matt!, your crest of Friendship is glowing. Matt: yeah!... I wonder why.... I just..... Mimi: been nice to Frogymon. Frogymon: They said that if you defend your belives, and your friends, you show how deep you care about them. Matt: I think you are right. Mimi: See Matt, you are a real friend. Never give up. Try to allways trust yourself, even if your crest doesnīt glow, you must now that I am going to be allways from your side. Like you were for me when Tai acts such a big..... leader. Is hard to everybody to been courageous and well.... You now what I mean. Matt: I now what you mean Mimi, I really, really apreciate your advise. Thanks for been so sincere to me. Mimi: No problem. I am happy to help you. Joe: o.k. o.k, now we gotta find the others. Frogymon: Can I go wiht you Mimi, Matt, Joe, Gabumon, Palmon and Gomamon? All: Of course. Is not good to be alone. Matt: Okay guys here we go. Mimi: To defeat the dark masters. Joe: To find our friends. Gabumon: To save the Digiworld. Palmon: To save all the Digimons. Gomamon: To show them or rage of been such a big jerks! All: Here we gooooooo. Here we go one more time eveybody is feeling fine, here we now, hehehehrerer we gooo. Matt tell himself, now that I am with Mimi and Joe, I can see that I really have friends. Mimi I am going to declare my love. Coz I want that You and Me.... Always been together forever. Mimi, Mattīs looks so cute when he is happy and smiling. *** Author: Hi everybody. Woaw Mimi Blossom your site is awesome. I wanna thanks for the only person that e-mail me, asking me to continue this fanfic. Thanks you were my inspiration. And I am going to finish this and maybe make a website for Matt and Mimi, coz they need all support they can get. Mimato 4 ever. Maybe in agust or september. See ya soon!.***

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