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Truth or dare double dare promise to repeat

Authurs note:i would say this is rated r the kids r older in this story.kiki changed her name to seung mina for a reasin,and kimi changed her name to Xianghua. charecters:mimi,matt,tai,sora,kari,tk,kiki known as Seung mina,kimi known as Xianghua,Izzy,Jo,Quatre,Trowa,Relena,Catherine,Wufei, mai,Daisuke,Heero,and Deliah. one day mimi invited all of the cjarecters in this story to her birthday.after that they got boerd abd the wanted to play truth or dare. "you guys if your so so so so so boerd why wont we play truth or dare?"said mimi. "well we are very sure we could all play!"said Trowa. "well then it is mimi's birthday and her choice!"said T.K. "then let the game begin!"said Quatre . "lets go for it peoples!"said kiki. they began that game of truth or was mimi's turn to go.she picked Catherine. "catherine truth or dare or double dare promise to repeat!"said mimi. "dare!"said catherine. "if you dont do this we get to give you a swirly down in the toilet but first somebody has to poop in their first!"said mimi. "i will just do you darn dare!!!!"said Catherine. "i dare you to pull down your pants in front of every body here in the group!"said mimi so catherine did.she pulled down her pants then all the guys were staring at catherine.she pulled her pants way back up. "matt!!!!!!"said catherine. matt chose truth. "do you like mimi!!!"said catherine matt said nothing mimi sat their blushing.matt still did not say anything.kiki and quatre (quatre is a boy) took matt to the bath room and he swirly.he had to take a one second shower. "ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....i choose Quatre Rebra Winner!!"said matt. "dare i choose dare!!!!!"said Quatre. "i dare you to>............kiss no umm...french kiss kiki i mean seung mina known as kiki you know!"said matt so quatre did well he frenched kissed her very good.evryone was staring. "so i do like her she is cool in teligent and everything"said Quatre. "thank you !"said kiki "i choose mimi!"said quatre. "dare!'said mimi. "i am so boerd can i kiss heero for fun?"said Relena. "go ahead!"said Heero "mimi i dare you to kiss matt actully no french kiss him!"said Quatre. mimi did.matt hugged her.kissed for a long long long long long long long long long time.evryone fell asleep.they woke up everybody.every wanted to dance.mimi danced with matt.sora danced with tai.Relena danced Heero.Catherine danced with trowa.wufei danced with an imagenary danced with kari.deliah danced with Izzy.daisuke danced with maioko.and for last kiki danced with Quatre.wait the door bell rang."yeah!"said mimi.a hole bunch guys cute guys wanted to see kiki.kiki went to the door.the guys asked her if they could be her boyfriend.she said"no way i already have one and goodbye."but but!"said the guys.get out of my proporty or i will call nine one one.the guys ran.they partied for a long time. The end

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by wynette sabalburo and Kaycee Brunko