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The Virus

about my story,if you see.... Matt: and then a sentence after it that means that matt is saying it.That also goes for the rest of the charaters.Thanks again! ****** It had been a year since the camping accident.Since then Matt and Mimi had gotten a house outside the city and had a baby. Mimi:Oh matt,I've been so happy since we've moved out of that dirty old apartment. Matt:Yeah,it sure is nice to get away from all the noise and pollution. Mimi:But I would be even happier right now if I could find the music CD for the party tonight.I knew I put it somewhere,but where? Matt:Uh,I think you put it in the CD player. Mimi:Oh yeah I forgot. Mimi:Is everything set up outside????Did you check on little mimi? Matt:I guess I had better check on her.Matt went to check on their daughter mimi as mimi got out the lemonade.As matt entered the room.He noticed the rose pink wallpaper.Matt:I can't believe I let her do the whole room in pink!He looked down in little mimi's crib and smiled.Mimi:Matt!I need your help out here!I need you to finish setting up the party while I go get some chips and ice cream.Matt:Okay,but hurry back!A little while after matt heard a knock at the door.Matt:Gabumon!Palmon!come on in.It sure is good to see you two.Gabumon:You too matt.Palmon:Where's mimi? Matt:Oh she went to the grocery to get some stuff for the party. Palmon:No I mean little mimi!Matt:Oh,shes in here,come come on in.Palmon:Oh she's so cute! Gabumon:Hi there little one.As gabumon got in closer to get a better look at the baby. Little mimi grabbed his nose.Gabumon:OWWWWWWCH!!!That hurt!Matt:Hahahahahaha.Palmon:Oh gabumon,you don't know much about babies do you?Gabumon:Well I know they can hurt!(said gabumon as he rubbed his nose.)Palmon picked up little mimi with her long vines and rocked her.KNOCK KNOCK.Matt:Palmon would you hold her while I see who's at the door?Palmon:Sure.Matt:Oh mimi your back.I'll put these on the picnic table outside.Mimi:I'm gonna go in the bathroom to wash up. A little bit later the others showed up.After they had all seen the baby they started the party.Sora:Oh mimi your so lucky.I hope me and tai could have a baby someday.Don't you think so tai?Tai:Huh?what?oh yeah a kid.That would be nice.Sora:Tai I wish you would stop stuffing your face with tacos and listen to me more.Tai:Oh sorry.Mimi:Matt I don't feel very well.I'm gonna go inside and lie down for a little while.Matt:Are you okay? Mimi:I be fine.I just need to lay down for awhile.Joe:Hey uh matt?Matt:What is it?Joe:Gomamon and I have to leave.They need me at the hospital.Matt:Oh okay.See ya later I guess.Joe:Bye T.K:You and mimi got a great house.I wish we could afford one like this!Matt:Yeah I guess it is kinda nice.....Would you like to see the baby?Kari:Oh sure,I just love little babies!Matt:You two can stay here and see her while I go check on mimi.Matt:Mimi are you alright in there?Mimi?After he opened the door he saw mimi laying on the floor.He rushed to her side.Matt:MIMI!MIMI SPEAK TO ME!!!!SOMEBODY HELP!!!! LATER...... Matt:I'm glad you could come and help joe. Joe:No problem but.....I have some very bad news.Mimi is very very ill.Some kind of unknown virus has taken over body.It has been spreading in the city too.If we don't find a cure soon her organs will shut down and she will die along with everybody else that's got it.Izzy:I have gotten some news from the digiworld that the virus came from there.It appears to be coming from a large fortress somewhere on the mountian at file island.If there is any hope of saving mimi it might be found there.Matt:Then lets go!Tai:I'll go with ya matt!T.K:I'll go too!Agumon Gabumon and Patamon(together):Count us in!Matt:Uh sora I need to ask you a favor.Sora:What is it matt?Matt:Will you watch over the baby and mimi while I'm gone?Sora:Sure I will.We all will.Joe:You gotta hurry matt.She dosen't have much time.Izzy:I've opened a portal for you guys outside.Good luck.After they entered through the portal they waved there last goodbyes.Tai:Well now that were here how are we gonna find the fortress?We don't even know where it is!Leomon:Do you guys need directions?Matt Tai T.K.(together):LEOMON!!!!!!Matt:But I thought you died a long time ago.Leomon:I did but I was brought back to life when the digital world reformed itself after you and the others went back to the real world.But that's enough about me.Did you say you were looking for a fortress? T.K.Yeah the fortress on the mountain.Leomon:I know exactly where that is.I will take you there.LEOMON DIGIVOLVED TO.........SABERLEOMON!Saberleomon:get on my back and I will take you there.Tai:Alright!Transportation!Matt:Good lets go!Gabumon Agumon Patamon(together):What about us!?Gabumon:There's not enough room for us on there!Agumon:Yeah.What are we gonna do?Ogremon:Need a ride?Matt:How did....Ogremon(interupting):No time for that now!Get on my back and let's go! LATER AT THE FORTRESS.......... Leomon:Alright.Well have to get past all the guards first.Ogremon:Yeah I'll take care of that! Leomon:No I'll do that!Ogremon:No ME!Matt:How about both of you settle your differences and fight together!Leomon:Your right.Ogremon:Yeah I guess you are.Tai:Alright then lets go! As they all charged out of the bushes they startled the two Dark Tryanomon guarding the entrance.Ogremon:AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!PUMA WHACK!!!!Leomon:FIST OF THE BEAST KING!!!!!!!!Ogremon had jumped on one dark tryanomon and started beating him with his club.Leomon had started slashing at the other with his sword.Leomon:GET IN THE FORTRESS!WE'LL CATCH UP!Agumon:I can't see tai!It's to dark.A familar voice:Does this help??????Suddenly the whole room lit up.Augmon:Wow thanks!Numemon?Patamon:No that's--that's Dark Numemon!I remember reading it in izzys digimon analyzer.They are evil numemon that destory anything they don't like.Dark Numemon:Right and we don't like YOU!ACID SLUDGE!!!!!!!!Matt:Gabumon you have to digivolve!Gabumon:Somethings not right matt.Something inside me tells me I shouldn't.I think we should wait.I feel there's something big coming.You've got to tell the others not to digivolve either!Please matt!Please.Matt:Are you sure?GabumonYes.Matt:All of you!Don't digivolve yet!Tai T.K.Patamon Augmon:Why????Matt:Just trust me.Agumon:PEPPER BREATH!!!!!!!!!!The fireball hit some dark numemon and toasted them.Dark Numemon:AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!Patamon:BOOM BUBBLE!!!!!!!!!Gabumon:BLUE BLASTER!!!!!!!!!!!After beating most of them the few that were left ran off as fast as they could.Tai:HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!See ya you numemon losers!T.K.Look over here you guys!I remember seeing something like this in joes office at the hospital.It's some kinda vaccine.Do ya think it's what we came for?Matt:It must be a vaccine to cure the virus that mimi's got!Yeah!It has gotta be it.Tai:We'll then let's get it and get out of here.An evil voice:Your not going anywhere with that.The evil digimon grabbed the vile of vaccine just before matt could reach it.Agumon:Who are you!?The Evil Digimon:I am Devi-Shemaramon. master of the digiworld and soon to be master of the real world.Soon the whole human race will die from my virus that I created and sent to your world.Matt:If you wanted us all to die then why did you create a vaccine that you knew we would find out about?Devi-Shemeramon:After i sent the virus through a rip between your world and the digi-world I wanted the digidestined to come here to try to get the vaccine so I could kill you all personally before the virus did.But since I can't kill you all I guess I'll just have to settle for you six. Matt:Well you made a big mistake!LET'S DO THIS FOR MIMI!!!!Matt:Alright.....DIGIVOLVE!!!!!!Patamon:PATAMON DIGVOLVED TO...........MAGNA ANGEMON!!!!!!!Agumon:AGUMON DIGIVOLVED TO...........WAR GREYMON!!!!!!!Gabumon:GABUMON DIGIVOLVED TO.............METAL GARURUMON!!!!!!!!! War Greymon:I'm gonna dice you up like basil!War Greymon slashed at Devi-Shemaramon but he dogded War Greymon.Devi-Shemaramon:I don't think so.DARK DESTROYER!!!!!!!!Just as War Greymon turned to attack again the large,dark missle hit him directly in the chest and blasted him directly into the surrounding vegetation.Devi-Shemaramon:Who want's to fight me next?Magna Angemon:I will!Devi-Shemaramon:Oh a big angel.HAHAHAHAHAHA!Come and get me!Magna Angemon raised his staff above his head to attack.Devi Shemaramon: DARK DRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Magna Angemon:AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!Devi-Shemaramon:I am draining your life away.Metal Gaurumon bit through the cord that was draining Magna Angemon.Metal Garurumon looked down on the greatly weakend tokomon he had didivolved back into and saw koromon coming out of the bushes.Devi-Shemaramon:Now it's only you and me you metal wolf!I'll chrush you easily!Devi-Shemaramon knocked Metal Garurmon to the ground.Devi-Shemaramon:NOW I'LL KILL YOU!Matt:NO!!!!!Metal Garurumon rolled out of the way as Devi-Shemaramon put his large foot down to chush him. Metal Garurmon(thinking):I may die doing this.......but matt needs me.I am willing to die for a good friend like matt.Goodbye Matt.Matt:What do you mean goodbye?Metal garurumon:This may be the last gift I give to you matt.Thank you for your friendship.Metal Garurumon flew high into the air and gathered all the energy he had.Metal Garurumon:FIRE OF DESTINY!!!!!!!!!A large ball of fire came down and hit Devi-Shemaramon right in his stomach.Devi-Shemaramon:WHAT!!!!!!??????Metal Garurumon had blew a big hole right through his stomach.After Devi-Shemaramon had dissolved away Metal Garurumon started dissolving too.Matt:NO!COME BACK!!!!!!!METAL GARURUMON COME BACK!!!!!!T.K.He's gone matt.We gotta hurry and get back!Matt:Your right T.K.lets go!As the portal had opened back to the real world matt looked back one more time to see leomon and ogremon waving.As matt went through the portal he waved back to them.Matt(thinking):Thank you for helping me Metal Garurumon.I'll miss you. BACK AT THE HOUSE........... Matt:Were back!Here's the vaccine!Give it to her!Joe:Alright.........There.It'll take a while for mimi to recover.Matt:Thank you so much joe.Joe:Your welcome,but I need to get to the hospital and produce some more of this to give to everybody infected.Sora handed little mimi to matt.Matt:Thanks for watching her while we were gone.Sora:I loved taking care of her.But where is gabumon?Matt:He died trying to get the vaccine.Sora:I'm so sorry matt.Matt:I'll always have nice memories of him at least.Sora went over to hug tai as matt sat at mimi's bedside............ 6 WEEKS LATER..................... Matt:How are you feeling mimi?Mimi:I still feel a little weak but alot better..........Matt? Matt:Yes mimi?I heard about gabumon.Matt:I'm ok about it now.I've come to accept that he's gone.I'll miss him but I'm glad he helped me save you.I love you mimi and I would to anything for you.Mimi:Well that's good.Then would you please get me a glass of pink lemonade please? ***** The End

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Rayan Ward