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THANKS SO MUCH to EVERYONE on this page.
My Pages would be nothing without all of you!

*Some of the graphics on my pages came from clipart galleries, if any of these graphics belong to you please send me an email an i will give credit where credit is due.Or removed if preferred*

Thanx to Barry for ALL of his help, time and effort on helping me with these pages, from getting pictures and graphics to viewing my pages from the pc to make sure they look good. An for your continous patience in the process of downloading, encoding an making those ra files!! What would i do without you??? Love ya lots :-)

All of the Shit Happens & Whoz Your Daddy Pictures on this site, were taken and uploaded to my site, by Arlene Wallis! She did all the pic work, I just made the pages. Thanx so much Arlene!!

Thanx to jdidas for sending me alot of this stuff an teaching me to cut and paste. An for helping me endlessly when i get stuck!! Not only with my site but also with others!! Love ya lots too :-)

Thanx to David from the Official VELOCITY site, for allowing me to use the info off their page. Also thanx to Chris Dodge, David Victor, Bob Gaut & Chris Thornton from the band for all the support an encouragement on the making of my VELOCITY page. My dedication page would be nothing without you guys!!

Thanx To Bill from Stoner City for all his hard work, in making my IRC.

The sebastian pictures comes from Sebastian Bach's Site.

Thanx to Jenn from the Pretty Boy Floyd site for the Kristy "Krash" Majors Pic.

Thanx to Kristy "Krash" Majors from Pretty Boy Floyd, for doing the Q & A session with me. I appreciate it Kristy.

Thanx to Stevie Rachelle for letting me use the info off his Official Site.

The Vince Neil pics come from the All in the name of....Vince site.

The Phil Lewis Pic comes from the Phil Lewis Shrine Site.

The other Phil Lewis Pic comes from Philip Lewis Band Fan Site.

Thanx to April Storm for the use of that wonderful velocity pic!!! I LOVE THAT PIC!!

Most of my lovely Graphics for my holiday pages, roses etc. come from Pats Web Graphics.

My Banners and Buttons all come from and .

The graphics on my Causes Page comes from Donnas Retreat.

Thanx to RowdyRonster who gave me my first html lessons :-)!!

Most information on my Wiccan Pages came from my own personal Grimoire (Book Of Shadows).
However, various info came from all over the net. The following are these sites.
Witch Way.
Witches Way.
Witches Vox.
Children Of Artemis.
Puzzuzu Spells & Magick.
Mojo Moon.
And which no longer exists.

The gold rose came from Simply Silvana Graphics

My Guestbooks come from Guest World & Dream Book.

My page hosts are Angel Fire, Tripod , Geocities, & FortuneCity.

FreeSpeech is the site that hosts my ra files.

TalkCity is the chat server for the VELOCITY chat room.

Inside The Web Message Boards.

StarBlvd Transloading Service.

An MOST of ALL Thanx to ALL of my friends for their love an support on me makin this page and everything else!! You Guys are the BEST!!

Thanks & Credits