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Steps To A Successful Spell

Steps To A Successful

1. Work Undisturbed

2. Wear as little clothing as possible

3. Unplug the phone

4. Turn off all electrical appliances near ritual area

5. Remove all unneccessary noises from area

6. Have all supplies needed on hand and ready

(1) You must have agreement between all selves an conscience

(2) Charge all materials, and ingredients, and tools

(3) Have a specific goal in mind

(4) Visualization ( visualize spell already working)

(5) Build up of power

(6) Proper relase of power raised

* Notes* - with visualization, see desired results done

Power Buildup - Emotion & will power, do all like you really mean it and can feel it. Stones for earth power.
Deities for divine power.
Air for astral power.
Sexual power must result in orgasm.

Power Buildup - Chanting, rhyming, stomp feet to chant rythm.

Release of power - create enough force for energy to burst out of aura/body. Scream, clap, stomp, feel power leaving you.