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My Work

I've only got this one up right now, hopefully I'll have some more later on but we'll see. The following was written in February of 1999, two months before I went into treatment. Needless to say, I was not in a very good place at the time and this poem (although I don't know if you'd really call it a poem, but anyway...) is the only time I ever attempted to put what I was feeling into words...

Hidden amongst the shadows of my mind lie answers, tucked away, left untouched

a beginning, so missed and so much a mystery

lost, sunken deep in the mire I stand, kneel, collapse

a storm so much stronger than I could ever hope to be

withering away, swallowed by unattended anguish stuffed down by my own hand


heart wounded by mind, mind tormented by poisoned heart

seeking to redeem the shattered soul now lying before me... scooping up the pieces, recoiling

jagged edges slice open my unsteady hands, spilling forth what sign of life remains

finally a new calm found somewhere between the darkest dark and awkward silence

in the deadened lull of emptiness there is nothing, for if something were allowed to be I myself would be no more

I have made my bed with the one I hate, the one I despise with my whole being, all the while catering to it's every whim, yearning to be seen as worthy of being set free

Die already, die!

voices screaming, warning, pleading... my voice joins in, I become my own executioner, the sound so sickening, the feelings yet untraced

never again, they taunt, never again shall I be open, never again to be hurt. Never

lost in the depths of a dark unfamiliar place I grope, searching for a way out, a trace of something to comfort me

my hands find only the unforgiving stone cold walls marking clear my boundaries

the beginning too far gone, no trail of crumbs to mark my way

alone I sink down, deeper until the only voices left to be heard are my own

still taunting, still demanding

needing something, wanting nothing

feel a hand reaching down, the breath of another... now so utterly foreign a sensation brushing against my calloused heart I cringe, draw back

desperately seeking some new place to hide, deeper still into myself I retreat, breaking and oblivious to the intensions of another

shut my eyes tight, if I can't see them they won't see me

stop this madness? but to stop the running would be to curl up and die

still they venture in, closer closer still

too close for comfort yet never close enough

pushing against them, pushing... and they give in, turning to leave, ready to depart

stop I whisper, don't go... though audible to only my own aching ears

Go! I scream, leave me be

all the while pleading with myself to let them stay, let one care

groveling at my own feet I lay pleading to no avail, they are walking

foosteps fading, my own voice laughing - taunting, claiming victory yet again

curling up I slow my breathing, once again in solitude I fall deeper


one step closer to comfort, one step closer to an end


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