Ash get a GOOD pokemon (And Team Rocket (Even Giovanni!) surprises everyone!)

Chapter 1.
"I can't belive that they sent me back to Pallet town!" Ash was still mad at Team Rocket.

"Drop it Ash, I think that Team Rocket is OK, after all, there were really good at helping when you had to do that thing with Lugia." Tracy said.

"Yeah, I saw it all on the news." Brock said.

"Pika pi."

"Arggg! Am I the only one who knows that they are bad guys?"

"Yeah." Misty said.

"I think James made a good pie."

Suddenly, "AAAAHHHHHHH! A BUG! A BEEDRILL!! HELP MEEEEEEEE!!!!" Misty screamed, and climbed up a tree.

"I must catch it!" Ash turned his hat backwards.

"Wow. that surprised everyone." Tracy said, rolling his eyes.

"Go Pidgeot!"


After gis bird got knocked out, he sent out Pikachu.

"Pikachu! Thunderbolt!"


"Drilll?" It fainted.


"I'm thrilled." Brock said sarcasticly.

"Ewwww you got a bug!"

"Come on out Beedrill!"

"Bee, Bee Beedrill!?!"

"Pikachu Pika!?"



"What are you doing Pikachu?""Drillll!!!!!!"

The bee attacked Pikachu."Piiiiii!"

"Beedrill! Return!"

"Ha! You got another Pokemon just like Charazard!" Misty said.

"Stop it! It obeys me! I think.........."

"Hole digging to victory!"

"You said it James!"

"Meowth! Dat's right!"

"Lets wait!"

The team jumped in the bushes. Soon, they heard them.

"I don't care! It's cool!"

"Is not! It's a bug!"

"AAAHHHHHH!" They fell in a hole.

"Team Rocket! Let us out!" Ash yelled.

"Ha ha! Prepare for trouble!

"Make it double!(You know the rest)

"So you want Pikachu? Fine, I'll let you have him if you can beat me!"

"Okay chump! I'll go! Go Wheezing!"

"Go Beedrill!"

"Beedrill! Twin needle!"

"Drill?" Beedrill sat down, and crossed it's arms.

"Ahhhh! Beedrill!" Ash fell over.

He was beat. "Ah! Wheezing! Smokescreen attack!"

"Grab the rat Jess!"

"Got it James!"

"Pikaaaaaa! Pikachu!"

"Pikachu! I'll get you back! I promise!"

Chapter 2.
"That was too easy." James was staring in the fire.

"Who cares? We got da rat!"

"There's a catch! This is not right!" James stood up.

"What is it with you? sit down, enjoy your food!" Jesse said, pushing him back down.

"You two don't get it do you? There is something going wrong!"

"Fine. Lets go to the boss now. Okay? Happy?"

Hours later.......
"What do you meen you stole a Pokemon? You are joking right?"

"No boss, we got a Pokemon!"

"What one?"


"A. Pikachu."

"Yeah! It is so good!"

"Let me see this, Pikachu."

"Come out!"

"Pikachu! PI! PIKACHU!!!!"

"Let me fight it with my Pikachu."

"You, you have a Pikachu?"

"Of course."


Jesse turned to James. "James! You can fight him!"



"I, I, I can't fight him! He's the boss!"

"Are you ready?" The boss yelled.

"Yeah, go Pikachu."

"Go Pikachu." Giovanni tossed down a Pokeball.

"PIKAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!" A tough looking Pikachu glared at Ash's Pikachu.

"Pikachu! Thunder!" James said.


Giovanni's Pikachu yawned.

"Emm, err, ahhh, Thunderbolt?" James said hopefully.


"Pika." It yawned again.



"This is boring. Pikachu, thundershock, just lightly."



"Ahhh! no! my Ash's Pikachu fainted"

"What did you say?"

"I said that he fained-"

"You took this Pokemon from which boy?"

"Just this kid named Ash-"

"He is my son."

"What?!" all three yelled at the same time.

"Never mind, just give the Pokemon back. NOW!"

"Yes sir!"

"Did I here what I thought I heard?" Meowth said.

"Yes, you did."