One day Ash and Misty were getting high on drugs. Tracy was with Pikachu and the rest of the Pokemon. He had no idea what was going on. Ash was smoking weed, and Misty had just taken some Ecstasy.

"Ash, I don't feel well!" Misty said deliriously.

"Don't worry, Mist!" Ash said, higher than a kite."This is what it's like to actually have fun!"

Tracy walked towards them. "What are you guys doing?" he asked madly. "Don't you know that stuff is bad?"

Misty passed out at his feet. "What did she take?" Tracy asked.

Ash laughed crazily. "Some Ecstasy. I'm about to take some myself." He poured out about 8 pills and swallowed them whole. "I'm sorry, but you know I'm gonna have you reported to Officer Jenny! Jenny! Come quickly! These two imbeciles are taking drugs, and one of them's passed out!"

Jenny ran toward them with her Growlithe. "What's happening?" she asked. "Who's abusing drugs?"

"These two!" Tracy stood like the good little boy he is.

"Oh, wow!" Jenny said, smiling. "You guys got Ecstasy!"

"Yeah, sure!" Ash said slurring. "Want some?"

"Sure!" Jenny took about 5 pills and swallowed them. "Wow, this stuff is good! I took it only a coupla seconds ago, and already the walls are spinin'! I'm trippin'!"

"Jenny," Tracy said, "I expected better than that of you."

"Hey, Tracy!" Ash yelled louder than usual.

"Yeah, what?" Tracy said, folding his arms defiantly.

"Take this bottle," Ash held up to package, "And stick it up your candy a-"

"Ash, you can't say things like that!" Mrs. Ketchum had just walked onto the street corner with Mr. Mime.

"What are you doing with that?" Mrs. Ketchum said. "Don't you know that stuff is bad?"

"I told them the same thing, Mrs. K!" Tracy said.

Mr. Mime walked up to the weed, picked it up, and sniffed it. Automatically, he fainted.

"Mr. Mime!" Mrs. Ketchum said. "I thought we were going to..Well, I guess I could do that and then do it...."

Mrs. Ketchum took the almost the whole bottle, only leaving 3 pills. Then she laid on the ground and started humping Mr. Mime.

"Eww, gross!" Tracy said.

As he talked, many more of his, Misty, and Ash's Pokemon started walking over, sniffing the weed, and passing out in turn.

"Oh, well." Tracy said. "If they can do it, I guess I can too!" He took the remaining pills, and gulped them down. And in five minutes time they were all passed out on the curb.

The End.....For now....

Author's Note: OK, OK, it's not as perverted as I would like it to be, but me and my cousin exchange really sick and twisted Pokemon stories over the Internet and I happened to like this one, a'aight? See y'all, Cassandra Jade Tinnikis.