Our Love Will Go On
Part one

Disclaimer: I do not own Team Rocket, Pokemon, or any of the characters from Pokemon. All of that credit goes out to all the great peeps in Japan who work hard on everything Pokemon related!!!! And all of the companies...Nintendo, Game Freak, Creatures, etc. I do own Kazuyuki, Yoko, Clint, Sierra, Bobby, and Stephy... so... okay?

Outside of the Team Rocket headquarters, Jessie and James say goodbye to each other, for what should only be a week. James stares deep into Jessie's eyes, feeling her deep pain.

"Don't worry, Jess. I'll be back in a week."

"I know," Jessie answered, fighting back tears. "I just don't wanna be alone," Jessie sobbed. A single tear sparkled slowly down her cheek.

"James, why can't I go with you?" Jessie asked angrily.

"I'm sorry, Jessie. I wish you could, but the Boss said that on lyme, Meowth, Mondo, and a few other guys have to go. No girls," James replied.

"Why no girls? That's stupid. He always puts a girl and a guy in each team couple."

"Yes, but he said it would be too dangerous for any of the girls."

"A week?! A week of really dangerous stuff?!" Jessie started. "That's why he's losing so many team members! That includes my Mom!" Jessie continued in a rage. "If you're going, you might as well say bye to me forever! The last time he sent people out on a mission like this, he lost all but three members. That was three out of fifteen people! You're either gonna get hurt really bad or die! Don't go! You can't leave me like this! You're the greatest friend I've ever had! I don't want anything to happen to you!" Jessie screamed.

"Jessie..." James said quietly as he pulled her into a hug. Jessie let out her tears as she dug her face into his shoulder. "I'm not going to leave you," James finished, tightening the hug. "I'll make sure nothinghappens to me. I promise you, I will always be here for you."

"Excuse me, James," a Team Rocket member clothed in black walked up to James. Jessie and James let go of each other.

"Yes?" replied James.

"Master Giovanni needs you in five minutes. No later."

"Okay, I'll be there soon. Is Meowth already there?" responded James.

"Yes. He is. You'd better get going," said the member as he turned and walked back inside to the Boss.

"I guess this is goodbye," Jessie said, trying to hide the fact that she'd been crying.

"Not forever," James added. "I really don't want to go, but if I don't I'll get fired. I have no choice in the matter. I'm very sorry, Jess. I'll probably get stuck thinking of you all the time."

"Did anyone actually ever explain to you what you're doing exactly?" Jessie asked.

"No, but he will when I get there," James answered. "Um, Jessie..."

"Yes, James?"

"That reminds me, I have to go now. Just enjoy your vacation, okay! I'll miss you, Jessica," James finished.

Jessie stared at the ground for a moment, trying to stop crying. James took a small step towards Jessie, reached behind her, and gently rubbed the middle of her back.

Jessie slowly turned up her head to meet James' eyes. She took a small step towards him and pivoted on that foot. In a split second, she wrapped her arms around his neck and gently lay her head on his shoulder, leaning it towards his face. James kissed her head lightly (hoping she didn't feel it and freak out) and gently wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Please be safe," Jessie whispered. They squeezed a little tighter, then let go.

"Bye," They both said in unison as they stared deeply into each other's eyes.

James turned slowly around and slowly walked inside. Jessie watched every move he made until he got inside.

She sat down in the grass, leaned back on her arms, and stretched out her legs. She stared up through the trees at the bright morning sky.

"Some vacation," she said to herself. "Vacations are no fun when you've got no one to share them with..." she sighed.


James ran up the stairs towards Giovanni's office. He slid past the door and fell down.

"Ughr," he said as he stood back up and quickly opened the door. He was greeted at the door by his worst fear.

"You're late," Giovanni snapped at James.

"I'm very sorry, my watch must be going slow," James replied.

"Just get in here! I want you all to leave as soon as possible. Pay very close attention to what your mission is."

"Well, what is it exactly?" James asked.

"That's what I'm going to tell you!" yelled the now very annoyed Giovanni. "I really don't know why I pick you for anything," he quickly added. "You are a total incompetance."

"I'm sorry," James said quietly as he looked at his hands.

"You're wasting my time! Sit over there right now!" Giovanni yelled, pointing to where the others were sitting. James straightened up and quickly ran over with the others.

"Hi, James!" Mondo whispered, excitedly.

James waved slightly and sat down stiffly.

"It's about time ya got here," Meowth mocked.

James just folded his arms.

"Now," Giovanni began, "before I say anything to you men, I have to tell you, Meowth, that you MUST STAY IN A POKEBALL AT ALL TIMES, unless someone commands you to come out. Got it?!"

Meowth just sighed, "Yes sir..."

"Get in a pokeball now," Giovanni added. Meowth reluctantly got in the Pokeball that the Boss was holding up. "Now to get onto the main event," Giovanni continued. "Around the area of Valencia Island, there have been reports of a Pokemon that no one has ever seen before. Some say it's avery powerful psycic and electric type pokemon."

"Around what area or areas has it been spotted?" asked the Rocke tmember, Bobby. He wore a black uniform, like Butch's, and had long, messy, dirty blond hair, and had dark, purple eyes. He stood about eight inches taller than James and was clearly built. He was nineteen years old.

"There have been about three out of five reports saying in the ocean. The other two reported of it being seen it the mountains, up near the top," Giovanni answered.

"That doesn't seem very hard," another member named Kazuyuki replied. He also wore a black uniform. He had medium length,(a few inches shorter than James) black hair, with his bangs covering his bright almond eyes. He stood a little shorter than James and was eighteen years of age.

"Yeah, all's we gotta do is go for a 'lil swim an' do some mountain climbing," added the final member of this mission, Clint. He wore one of the normal black uniforms (the one with the hat). He was nineteen and stood about two inches taller than James. He had short, spiked, firery red hair. His eyes were a beautiful shade of aqua. "Not very hard."

Giovanni laughed. "The waters are shark infested, lots of poisonous plants are almost everwhere, the cliffs and rocks crumble in very large pieces, and there are many other poisonous, dangerous aquatic life found there. Now, as for the mountain, temperatures can reach -65*F, there have been many avalanches, and a blizzard is going on most of the time," Giovanni finished.

All of that left Bobby, Kazuyuki, Clint, Mondo, and especially James in complete shock. Now they knew why so many members have been killed on these missions.


Jessie had already gotten up and started on the fifteen minute walk to the cabin the Boss was having her use for her vacation. She wanted to settle in and take a shower. "I hope I don't run into the twerps at all this week," she thought to herself. "I'm just not in the mood for them," she continued thinking as she approached the cabin.

"Huh," she said, surprised. "It doesn't look as bad as I thought it would," she added, walking up the stairs as she got out the key. She opened the door and was surprised to see a nice living room set.

"Wow!" she began. "No one must have used this one for a while! The boss did say this was one of his nicer cabins. It's really nice for it being one of the normal sized cabins he usually gives!" she finished.

The kitchen and living-room were basically the same room. A wall blocked the bathroom and bedroom, which were split up by a short hallway, which led to the back door.

Jessie made her way into the bedroom, turned on the light, then plopped onto the bed.

"Ahhh.... that's a nice, soft bed," she said to herself as she sat up and took off her gloves, jacket, and boots. "Maybe I do need a vacation by myself. Then again," she continued, "Maybe not. I've never liked being alone," she concluded as she walked into the bathroom.

She turned on the shower and set the water temperature, then took off the rest of her clothes and stepped into the shower.


As all of this was going on between Jessie and James, two other Rockets were dealing with their own goodbye...

Butch and Cassidy walk quickly into the Team Rocket Headquarters.

"Cassidy, how long are you supposed to be gone again?" asked Butch.

"Only about a week," Cassidy answered, crossing her arms. "Why? You gonna miss me or something?" Cassidy asked, hopefully.

"Nah, I was just wondering. But, be careful... I don't want to have to get another partner," Butch replied, looking down at his feet.

Cassidy laughed, "Ha! Don't worry about anything! I'll be back. Have a fun vacation!" Cassidy finished, turning the door handle.

"Yeah, right. See ya," Butch turned and walked back down the stairs and outside.

Cassidy walked into the room and saw the shocked expressions on everyone's faces.

"What?" she asked, ready to be yelled at.

"Nothing, Cassidy," Mondo answered quickly.

"Ahh, Cassidy. I'm glad to see you here early. At least I can rely on someone to be here on time," Giovanni said, giving James the evil eye. "You can sit over there until the other girls get here."

"Yes, sir," she answered, and sat down.

"Now, I trust you all have your supplies with you, Giovanni began.

"Yes," the five Rockets answered.

"Good. Get it out. I have some more to give to you," he finished as he took out a pile of swim suits, swim gear, ropes, air supply, and radios.

"These helmets are only for under water. They have speakers and microphones inside for you to talk to one another. The radios are for use outside of the water. They're good to use on the mountain. As for the air tanks, I want you each to take four, just in case. Now take what you need and go. If you have any problems, call me," Giovanni explained.

"Ummm... yeah, all of this, I get, but...." James nervously started to say.

"Yes, James?" Giovanni replied with a very annoyed tone of voice.

"What does the Pokemon look like?"

"I don't know. Just look for something you know you've never seen. NOW GET GOING!!!" Giovanni answered.

"Yes sir!" James ran out of the room.

Giovanni sighed, "sigh.... What do I do with that boy?"

James caught up with the others as they were walking down the stairs.

"Geez.... if anyone does die on this trip, I bet James'll be the first," Bobby laughed.

James just ignored him and walked near Mondo.

"I mean, why wouldn't he be..." Bobby continued. "He's gotta be the wussiest, weakest Rocket ever!"

James just crossed his arms and pouted.

"Leave James alone!" Mondo shouted. "What did he ever do to you?!"

"Oh, shut up, little guy," Bobby replied.

"Hey! Cool it, Bobby," Kazuyuki joined in. "If we don't want this trip to be harder than it already is, we shouldn't fight or argue."

"Yeah, we should appreciate this time! We get away from our dumb girl partners," Clint excitedly said.

"But I don't want to be away from my partner," James said sadly.

"Why? Wuz wrong, wuss? You *like* her?" Bobby teased.

James sweatdropped. "Um.....well....I.....of..c-course...not!" He blushed.

They reached the door to get outside.

"Good!" Clint said. "Then let's get goin'!" He finished as he slapped James on the back, making him trip out the door.


Jessie turned off the shower and stepped out of the tub. She dried her hair then put on a pair of blue, baggy jeans and a tight, hot pink tank top which exposed her stomach. After that, she brushed her hair as she walked into the bedroom. She set the brush down on the bed and put on a pair of black sandals. "Oh, wait... I've got no money! I guess I'll go pick up my paycheck," she said, digging her hands into her pockets and shrugging her shoulders. She walked into the living room and out the front door.


Butch had hung around the TRHQ after saying bye to Cassidy. After hanging around for about ten minutes, he decided to walk to the nearest town to get some lunch. He walked for about five minutes, then he saw Jessie in the distance, walking back towards TRHQ.

"Whoa... Jessie!" he whispered quietly as her stared at Jessie in amazement. He had not expected to see her. He was sure she would be on the mission James was going on. He hid behind a bush, hoping she didn't see him. "I'll wait here until she passes, then I'll follow her," he thought to himself.

Jessie walked into the TRHQ, up the stairs, and into Giovanni'soffice.

"Um, excuse me, sir..." Jessie said nervously.

"Yes? What do you want?" Giovanni asked, stroking his Persian.

"If it's not too much trouble, can...can I have my paycheck...please?"

"Of course. Here you go," He said, handing Jessie her check.

"Thank you, sir! Goodbye," Jessie turned around.

"Hi, Jessie," Cassidy said with a very bored expression on her face.

"Hi, Cassidy. Are you going on one of those trips, too?" Jessie asked, glaring at her.

"Yes, I'm going on the one to find Mew," Cassidy replied.

"Oh, well... I gotta go. Bye."

"Mmmhmmm," Cassidy answered.

Jessie walked out the door, down the stairs, and down the hallway.

Butch stayed outside, waiting for Jessie to come back out. He heard footsteps, so he walked in and acted as if he'd just been walking in to get something. Jessie was staring at the floor, lost in her thoughts, so she didn't notice anyone else around her.

"Hi, Jessie!" Butch said, acting as if he didn't expect to see her. "How are you?"

"Huh? Oh... hi, Butch. I'm fine," she answered. "You?"

"I'm okay," he said.

"Butch, I thought you were going on that same mission James was going on. Why didn't you go?" Jessie asked, confused.

"I went on one of those trips a few months ago, so I get a break now. Hey, were you heading outside?" he replied.

"Yeah, I was just going to the nearest town for lunch or something," she answered.

"Me too! Do you wanna walk with me?" he asked hopefully.

"Sure, I guess," she shrugged.

"Great!" he held open the door. They both started walking.

They walked for about 20 minutes, not saying anything. Butch decided to start a conversation. "So, how long is James gonna be gone," he asked.

"About a week," she answered quickly.

"What are you going to do for your vacation?" he asked, shortly after she answered.

"I dunno. Probably just roam around different towns."

"You miss James, don't you?" he asked sarcastically.

"Uh...no! Oo-of course not," she answered back. "Why? Do you miss Cassidy?" she added quickly.

"No way! I hate Cass. I'm glad to get away from her... for a little while. She's been getting kind of annoying lately," he answered.

"Really? I thought you liked her," Jessie said surprised.

Butch just laughed, "Never. Hey, ya know.. we should get James and Cassidy together! They'd make a good couple."

"No! Not James! James is mine!" she shouted. "Umm.... I-I mean..." she blushed. Butch sweatdropped.

They continued walking for about five more minutes in silence. Then, they approached a town.

"Ahh, a town! Finally..." Jessie broke the silence. "What time is it? I'm starving!" she continued, holding her stomach.

Butch smiled and said, "It's 1:30. I know a good place to eat. I'm sure you'll love it!" He put his arm around her. Jessie tensed up and stopped walking. "What's wrong?" he asked. He took his arm off of her.

"Umm... I'll walk behind you," she said quietly. She followed him the rest of the way. Both of them, once again, walking in silence.

Jessie and Butch arrived at a fancy little resteraunt in the middle of the town. "Here we are, Jess," Butch opened the door and motioned Jessie inside. Butch walked in behind Jessie and the door closed slowly behind him.

"Hello, sir! Hmm... you brought a guest today, I see. Would you like your usual table?" a host excitedly said to Butch.

"Yes. Thank you," Butch repled. The host showed them to a table.

"Here you are," the host said as he set down two menus.

Jessie stared in amazment. The table was right next to a big, real working, model of a waterfall, which made a pond. Flowers were surrounding the pond. It all looked so real, thanks to the beautiful picture behind it all, of a bright blue sky.

"Wow.. it's beautiful," Jessie continued looking around the room.

"Something beautiful for my beautiful," Butch replied. "Did I say that," he thought, as soon as he finished saying it.

Jessie blushed and slightly giggled.

"Um... why don't we sit down..." Butch said quietly.

"Sure," she walked closer to Butch.

Butch pulled out a chair, "Here you go, Jess."

"Thanks," she said shyly, as she sat down.

Butch sat across from Jessie and tried to start a conversation. Jessie had beat him to it, though.

"Butch, do you come here alot?" she started.

"Yeah, I hate Cassidy's cooking," he replied.

Jessie laughed, "Really? I didn't even know she could cook."

"She tries but she can't."

"I love it when James cooks for me! He's actually pretty good at it, when Meowth's not yelling at him to hurry up. He always tri-"

"Are you ready to order, sir?" a waiter interrupted.

"Oh, I didn't even look at my menu," Jessie realized, reaching over to Butch, who was holding both menus, ready to give them back to the waiter.

"Yes, we'll both have the steak and the lobster."

Jessie paused after hearing the word 'both'. "Steak and lobster?" she questioned.

"And your finest wine," Butch finished.

"Yes, sir!" the waiter said as he hurried back to the kitchen.

"Butch, aren't you getting a little too expensive?" Jessie asked.

"No," he replied, pulling out a black, leather wallet with a shiny, gold R on the front. "No worries, Jess. I'm paying for you, so you can relax about the money."

"Oh! Thank you, Butch..." she said, staring at his wallet.

Butch saw her looking at his wallet. "Jessie, did you think James' parents' mansion was big?" he asked.

"Oh yeah!! It's bigger than a shopping mall!" she answered.

"Well, my mansion is 3 times bigger than his," he said quickly, not wanting to make a big deal out of it.

Jessie stared at him with unbelieving eyes. "You? You have a mansion?"

"Yeah, well, my parents do. I go there when I'm on vacations,...like this one."

Jessie wasn't listening anymore. She stared at her hands, which were folded on the table. She was starting to feel cold, so she slightly shrugged her shoulders. Butch looked at her and saw that she looked uncomfortable. He stood up and walked behind her. Jessie didn't even notice that he had gotten up, until she felt something touch her shoulders. Butch put his jacket on Jessie. He smiled when she flinched. She looked up and saw Butch looking into her eyes and smiling. She smiled back, until she felt him rubbing the back of her shoulders. At that point, she stiffened up and looked away from him. Butch got the point and sat back down. Jessie looked back over at Butch and saw he had an embarrassed expression on hes face.

"Butch," she began.

Butch looked up at her quickly, ready for her to yell at him or something.

"Thank you for your jacket," she smiled, looking at his hands.

Butch sighed in relief and smiled. They sat in silence for about fifteen minutes, when the waiter came out with their food.


James already hated the mission. In only two hours' time, he had been made fun of, laughed at, mocked, pushed, and tripped more times than he could count. Mondo, Clint, and Kazuyuki didn't see what the big deal on making fun of James was. They tried to stop Bobby, but he would threaten them with something. James felt about ready to drop and burst with tears. He kept fighting not to because he didn't want to be made fun of for crying. It was bad enough he was being made fun of for doing nothing. Mondo felt like punching Bobby in the face. He was sick of being called 'little guy' and even more, he didn't like seeing his friend getting hurt.

It was finally quiet for about 35 minutes when, "OoOww!!!" James had been tripped, again, and fell down, hard on the cement.

"Aww.... whussa matter, wuss? You exausted already? It's only been 2 1/2 hours. We're not even started yet!" Bobby mocked.

As James tried to get up, Bobby pushed him back down.

"Okay, Bobby! That's it!" Kazuyuki yelled as he charged at Bobby. Bobby did not know that Kazuyuki was very skilled in karate. In a split second, Bobby was on the ground, holding his knee and cursing. "We're all Team Rocket members! We don't treat each other like crap!! We're all on the same side!" Kazuyuki finished.

"Yeah, it's up to you whether you wanna make this trip successful or not!" Clint chimed in as he and Mondo helped James up.

"Are you okay, James?" Mondo, Kazuyuki, and Clint all asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," James replied, through clenched teeth. He could feel his elbows bleeding, but was wasn't about to tell anyone.

"Hey, as long as we're waiting for Bobby to recover, why don't we fresh ourselves and have some lunch!" Clint said when he realized they were right behind a pizza shop.

"Sounds great! I didn't realize how hungry I was until you metioned lunch," Mondo agreed.

The five Rockets walked in and chose to sit at a booth. Bobby sat somewhere else, alone. James got up and headed towards the restroom.

"James, wait," Kazuyuki said.

James turned around.

"What kind of pizza do you want?"

"Anything is okay. Thank you for asking," James replied. He turned back around and headed back towards the restroom. When he got in, he cleaned out the wounds on his elbows.

"Mmmmm... I could go for a veggie pizza right now," Mondo said as he leafed through the small menu.

"Yeah..." Clint and Kazuyuki said in unison.

"Let's wait for James, though," Clint suggested.

"Okay," Kazuyuki agreed.

"Umm... Kazuyuki..." Mondo began.

"Yes, Mondo?"

"Do we have to walk the whole way to Valencia Island?"

"No way!" Kazuyuki answered. "We're just walking to an airline that'll have a private plane take us there. The plane ride'll only take about a half hour. We'll get to Valencia Island at about 9:00 tonight, then we'll set up camp."

"Okay, thanks. I didn't know that," Mondo replied.

"Me niether," Clint admitted.

James came back to the table and sat next to Mondo.

"How's a veggie pizza sound to you, James?" Clint asked him as soonas he sat down.

"Sounds great," James replied, setting his heavy backpack down under the table.

A few moments later, an Italian waiter came up to them.

"So, you guys ready to order?" he asked.

"Yeah," Clint replied. "We'll have a large veggie pizza."

"And for drink?" the waiter continued, as he wrote the order down.

"Water," all four said in unison.

"Okay, dat's one large veggie pizza and four waters," the waiter repeated.

"Right," Mondo said.

"Okay, your order should be ready in about 20 minutes," the waiter said.

"Fine," Kazuyuki replied. The waiter turned around and went to Bobby's table.

James sat back and crossed his arms. He stared at his legs.

Clint set his arms and head down on the table. His hat fell off onto the table. Mondo sat back with his arms at his side, pressing on the seat. He stared at the ceiling fan. Kazuyuki seemed to be studying James for something.

After about three minutes, the waiter came with their water. They all sat up quickly and started sipping their water.

"Thanks," James said as the waiter turned back around. He continued to sip his water.

Kazuyuki continued to study James for another minute, when he asked,

"James, Jessica is your partner, right?"

"Yes, she is," James replied, looking up from his water.

"Man, I want that girl! You're so lucky, James!!" Kazuyuki continued.

James smiled and thought, "I know I'm lucky."

Mondo smiled at James. "James.... It's so obvious that you're in love with her," he thought as he continued smiling.

"Well, what's wrong with your partner?" James asked.

"Oh, Yoko's okay. I like her a lot, for a partner. I just think she's getting sick of me," Kazuyuki replied.

Clint had hearts in his eyes, "Ooohh... I'd take that Yoko any day! She's the most beautiful female Rocket ever! Well... her, Jessica, and Cassidy."

"Yuck! You like Cassidy?!" James said in amazement.

Clint blushed, "Yeah...well..."
