Interview #6:
Jessie, James, Meowth, and Butch
Brian Williams: Hello, and welcome to the sixth PokeWorld Interview.
A'Kira: That's right, Brian. Today we are cross-examining four members of Team Rocket, Butch, James, Jessie and Meowth.
Brain: Due to unfortunate circumstances, Cassandra will not be here today-
Butch: What happened?
A'Kira: Well, for some (*snickers*) strange reason, Officer Jenny of Saffron City accused her of kidnapping, and two accounts of attempted murder.
James: Well, I'm sure she'll get out very soon.
(Brian and A'Kira burst out laughing)
James: What?
Brian: Yeah, she'll get out VERY soon
A'Kira: Now that Cassandra isn't here, we're going to need a little help!
Brian: And that's where our friend, Jaquis Gulyban, comes in-
A'Kira: That's friends, Brian.
Brian: Friends? Did you invite someone else?
A'Kira: Well, two someone else's
Brian: Huh? Oh, no
Jaquis: And here we are!
(Jaquis, an unknown girl, and Cassidy?!!?!?!?! Walk on stage)
Butch (Jumping up): Cassidy! We all thought you were I'm so glad you're OK!
Brian: Cassidy, remember your promise! (Points to A'Kira)
(A'Kira runs her index finger along her throat. Cassandra, Brian, and A'Kira had made her promise not to say a word about the plan on stage, otherwise, her, Butch, and their loved one's will be killed.)
Cassidy: Yeah, yeah, I remember. I'm OK, Butch! It's OK!!
A'Kira and Brian: Who's this?
Jaquis: This is my sister, Lauren Azandrea Mohammed!
A'Kira: How can you be sisters and have different last names?
Lauren: We have a very complicated family. We have 10 brothers, 11 sisters, and 3 legal guardians between us. I am one of the proud, REAL Mohammeds!
Jaquis: I was adopted with two brothers and one sister, Meikalei, Billy, and Samantha
(Both continue their explanation of their complicated family for about 20 minutes until A'Kira and Brian stop them)
Brian: I think that's enough, girls.
Lauren: But we're not even half done!
A'Kira: I think he means it. Now, we must get on with the interview!
Jaquis: Wait!
Brian: What now?
Jaquis: I have an announcement. I am proud, no, honored, to say that my sister, Lauren, came out of her shell yesterday, and told everyone she's-
A'Kira: What? Tell me, tell me, what??
Jaquis: That she's lesbian!
Brian: Whoa. Deep.
Lauren: And I'm not scared to say it! And another thing I still think Cassidy's kinda hot!
Cassidy: Well, I'm sorry to inform you, but I do NOT swing that way!
Butch: Oh, go on, Cass! You must have some potential! She wants you!
Cassidy: Shut up, Butch! At least I'm straight! Lesbians probably turn you on!
Butch: You're right about that!
Lauren: Well, you do have a sexy, seducing voice, Cass!
A'Kira: Let's just get on with the interview, shall we? This is sickening
Brian: This one's for all of you: Are you all familiar with the terms Gakishipper, Rocketshipper, and Neoshipper?
(Various replies of variations of "I've heard them, but have no idea what they are")
A'Kira: OK, close enough. Now, Gakishippers everywhere united yesterday when Misty confessed her true feelings for Ash, but Ash turned her down. How sad. However, what about the Rocket- and Neoshippers? They need some action, too!
Brian: Too bad Cassandra isn't here, she'd take care of this! Now, Jessie, James, we'll start with you first. We all know we have seen evidence of how much you love each other-
Jessie and James: What?!?!
Brian: Yes, love-
Lauren: I love Cassidy, but does that count for anything? Do you think that I could get on a talk show?
Butch: Only if Cass goes on with you!
(Cassidy hits Butch with one of those mallets that you get out of thin air...) Cassidy: Shut up, Froggo!
Brian: Can we get on with this?
(All nod yes)
Jaquis: Good. As Brian was saying-
Brian: Now, like I said, we all have evidence, all except for spoken We need to hear you guys say it. And if you don't, just remember what almost happened to Misty-
James: You're a little too late
A'Kira: What do you mean?
(Jessie holds up her hand to a camera, revealing an emerald, sapphire, and diamond WEDDING RING??!?!?!?!?!?!!!)
Lauren: Ho-wha-how did- when did- Man, now I can't propose to her!
Brian: When did this happen?
Jessie (Looking dreamily into James' eyes): We realized our true feelings for each other after a near-fatal accident with a Gyrados
James (Same goes for him): I realized I loved her more than anything else in life, and I proposed to her
Jessie: And I said yes!
Meowth: Dey tie da knot August 16th!
A'Kira: Wouldn't Cassandra love this! Too bad, she missed it!
Jaquis: Well, we've taken care of the Gakishippers (*gags*), and the Rocketshippers, but what about the Neoshippers?
Brian: I think it's a little late for that, too! (Points to Butch and Cassidy, who are making love on the interviewing sofa.)
Cassidy: Oh, Butch, I'm so sorry for all the pain I've caused you!
Butch: It's OK! I love you more than anything!
Cassidy: Oh, Butch!
Butch: Oh, Cassidy, make me happy eternally! Say you'll be my wife!
A'Kira: No!
Cassidy: Yes, I will, Butch! I'll be the one who's happy!
Butch: Oh, Cassidy
Jaquis: Oh, disgusting!
(All on cue, the audience goes "Aaaaawwwwwww!!!") Brian: Aw, how sweet!
A'Kira: Two proposals in one night! It's a miracle! Cassandra doesn't know what she's missing!
Lauren: Now both of them are taken?!?!!? Now I can't propose to either of them Hey, wait (Turns to A'Kira) A'Kira?
A'Kira: Yes, Lauren?
Lauren: Will you-
A'Kira: No.
Lauren: Da- ("Lauren, you can't say that!") Sorry! Darn OK, Brian?
Brian: Yes?
Lauren: Can you hook me up with Cassandra? Please play matchmaker for me!
Brian: I don't think Cassandra would like that
Lauren: Dang it! No one wants to hook up with me! (Runs off stage crying.)
Brian: Um, OK Now, next question
Jaquis: Meowth, do you know that you're an obnoxious, annoying, talkative, self centered, little bastard?
Meowth: Hey, da only reason dat I'm obnoxious and talkative is 'cuz I can actually talk, and dat's more den you can say for dat stupid Pikachu! As for self-centered, youse should talk to Jess and Jim over der!
A'Kira: Can't. They're too busy fighting about who loves each other more!
Jaquis: Should we end the interview now? The sight of Butch and Cassidy do THAT is enough to make anyone hurl!
Brian: You're right. This is Brian Williams-
Jaquis: Jaquis Gulyban signing off from Team Rocket Headquarters-
A'Kira: A'Kira Alone Bennett sending love and best wishes from Viridian City-
Brian: What we're all trying to say is: Good night and see you at the next interview!