PokeWorld Interviews - Part 3

Interview #7:
Gary and His Fanclub

(Brian, Jaquis, and Cassandra are waiting on stage for Gary and his cheerleaders. It is 15 minutes past showtime, and Cassandra is getting restless)

Cassandra: Come on, guys! Just one swipe?!?

Jaquis: No, Cassandra, remember what happened last night! You'll get taken away for questioning about attempted murder again!

Brian: And you don't want that to happen, now do you?

Cassandra: Just one?? He deserves it! He's beating my brother, Kerry, in Pokemon training, and you know my family is a revenge crime syndicate!

Brian: No, Cassandra, and that is our final answer-

(The corny introductory fanfare is played as Gary walks on stage)

Gary: Cue the trumpets, I have arrived!

Cassandra (Muttering): Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back!

Jaquis: You're finally here? You are very late, mister!

Fanclub (Sitting down): Fashionably late!

Brian: Do any of you cheerleaders have lives?

Fanclub: Um. No!

Cassandra (Bitterly): Do any of you have names?

Fanclub: Yeah!

Brunette #1: Lily!

Redhead: Fiona!

Purple-headed: Roxanne!

Brunette #2: Michelle!

Blue-haired: Jeanette!

Green-haired: Miranda!

Jaquis: OK, how much is he paying you all?

Gary: Are you kidding?? I don't have to pay them! They like me anyway!

Miranda: Twenty bucks a day.

Gary: You promised you'd never tell!

Miranda: We lied.

Cassandra: Aren't you girls smarter than that?

Lily: Excuse me, but I have an IQ of 189. I know I'm smart.

Brian: 189?!?!?! What are you doing with Gary? You can go to Yale or whatever! Any school would be ecstatic to have you in it!

Lily: I wanted to see more of the world!

Jaquis: Whaddya know, mission accomplished! Leave him! Get on with your life! Go apply a some school, just get away from him!

Brian: She might be smart, but she's not very bright.

Cassandra: Gary, are you aware that my family is going to hunt you down and kill you because you're ahead of my brother in Pokemon training?

Gary: No way! Just because I'm better than any other trainer is no reason to kill me! Too bad I'm cursed with this God-given talent!

Cassandra (Getting up and putting her daggers across Gary's neck.): You will give Kerry at least half of your rare Pokemon and you will purposely fall behind half the trainers of the world or you will be killed!

Gary: No way! I'm not giving up this talent!

Brian: Cassandra, please stop now! Pigs and cows may be watching! (Author's note: Pigs and cows are cops and detectives)

Cassandra: Fine. (Turns To Gary) We'll deal with you back stage

Brian: Now, Gary, this one's for you: Do you get special treatment because your Professor Oak's grandson?

Gary: No way Well, maybe a little Kinda Almost Yes.

Jaquis: We finally got him to admit it! Wait till we tell the whole Pokemon World about you, Oak!

Gary: No! You can't tell anyone I said that! Otherwise I'll never be respected as a trainer again!

Brian: Again? Who said you were ever respected?

Jaquis: We'll make a little deal: I don't tell anyone, you hire me as a cheerleader.

Gary: Twenty-five bucks a day?

Jaquis: A hundred.

Gary: Fifty.

Jaquis: Seventy-five.

Gary: Seventy-four, final offer.

Jaquis: Deal.

Fanclub: Yea!

Cassandra: But what about the interviews, Jaquis?

Jaquis: Did I say we were done with the arrangement? Now, Gary, you'll pay me for all of the days that I'm not there, and give me paid vacations!

Gary: Wha-wha-what?????

Jaquis: Or have your reputation as a Pokemon trainer ruined forever!

Gary: Fine.

Jaquis: Give me my first day paycheck now. (Gary hands her a fistful of cash) (Turns to Cassandra) Mall shopping spree?

Cassandra (grinning): Mall shopping spree.

Brian: Can we get on with this?

Cassandra: Gary, exactly how many Pokemon do you have after you take off half of the rares to give to Kerry?

Gary (sweatdropping): Half of the rares?

Cassandra: What, you thought I forgot?

Gary (counting on his fingers): Two hundred and twenty-six.

Cassandra (Looking through notecards): Do we have any better questions than that for him?

Jaquis and Brian: No, I don't think so

Cassandra: Then this interview is over. I can't stand another minute with him!

Brian: Okay, this is Brian Williams for Jaquis Gulyban and Cassandra Jade Tinnikis, saying good night, and good luck. (Corny music s_s***)

Interview #8:
Brock, Giovanni, and Blaine

(Cassandra, A'Kira, and Brian are all waiting for Brock, Giovanni, and Blaine to show up. It's 15 minutes into the show, and just about everyone is getting bored. Not good)

A'Kira: Where are they??

Brian: They're fifteen minutes late!

Cassandra: No one except for us has permission to be late on these interviews!

A'Kira: Wanna play charades again?

Cassandra and Brian: No!

Brian: We've played 5 rounds already, and we need at least one more player anyway!

A'Kira: But-

(Bob the director/producer comes on stage.) Bob: Hey, people out there in TV land! OK, Brian, Cassandra, A'Kira, it looks like the gym leaders are not coming today, so we have to reschedule.

Brian, Cassandra, and A'Kira: What? What about the show??

Bob: I dunno. Interview yourselves or something! (Walks off waving.)

Cassandra: Um, okay Now what do we do?? The writers of the interview haven't even given us any looks or personalities except for the fact that Brian's psychic, I'm a Ninja warrior, and Lauren's a lesbian!

A'Kira: I got it!

Brian: What?

A'Kira: We can interview the writers! We need them to give more information about us, right? They can answer our questions!

Brian: Cool! Right, now, through the miracles of Anime-land, we would like to introduce Corin, Samantha, and Aron!!!! (Audience claps and whistles)

(Aron, Corin, and Samantha walk onstage) Samantha: Whoa.

Aron: How did we get here?

Corin: This is sweet!

Brian: How does it feel to be here, all-mighty creators of people out in fanfic land!

Aron, Samantha, and Corin: Weird.

Cassandra: Now, as you know, because you're the one's writing this, you have not given us any character traits.

Corin: And we're very, really, truly, deeply sorry about that-

Brian: Wow, you guys did write us!

Aron: How can you tell?

Brian: Cassandra and Corin are both walking thesauruses!

A'Kira: Please don't apologize, oh fearless leaders!

Samantha: Um, okay

Cassandra: And we were just wondering if you could give us-

Brian: And the readers.

Cassandra: And the readers, an idea what we look like, how we act off stage, that kinda thing.

Aron: Right. Now, we named you all after ourselves-

Brian: Really?!? Cool!

Aron: I'm Brian, Corin's Cassandra, and Samantha's A'Kira.

Corin: Aron and I started it, and then we needed new reporters, so we added Samantha as a regular.

Samantha: Aron and Corin started the interviews, and Corin writes the scripts.

Aron: And then Corin, her little sister Casey, and I record them as different people on her dad's portable recorder.

A'Kira: What do we look like?

Cassandra: Yeah! I wanna see if I could have a crush on Brian!

Brian: No thank you.

Corin: Well, Cassandra has long brown hair, (As Corin reads off traits, they appear out of thin air.) the deepest black eyes, and right now is wearing a short purple dress and high heeled purple velvet shoes, and has on a purple velvet headband.

Cassandra (Looking at hands and dress and everything else): Wow! I like this! Purple is my favorite color!

Brian: Must be Corin's, too! Now, what about me??

(Author's note: Hi, it's me, Corin, again As you can tell, we're thinking these up off the tops of our heads We have no clue what they're going to look like! Uh-oh)

Aron: Well, you're tall, have black, slicked back hair And you wear glasses And you're wearing not-so-formal interviewing attire New blue jeans A black T-shirt with nothing on it. And chains coming from your belt!

Cassandra: Never mind about the crush!

Brian: Oh, you're nice!

Samantha: Couldn't you have thought of something better?

Aron: Let's see you try it!

A'Kira: Yeah, and hurry up!

Samantha: Um, let's see A'Kira is tall, and has long strawberry blonde hair, like me, and wears glasses, like me and doesn't really wear them a lot, and is wearing a long, blue dress with white high heels and a white headband. Oh, and everyone's fourteen.

Brian: Whoa. I'm surrounded by beautiful women! A'Kira, how'd you like to go out with me?

A'Kira: We're colleagues, we can't date each other!

Brian: Man! What about you, Cassandra?

Cassandra: Don't make me hurt you.

Brian: Dang! Wait, Corin, will-

Corin: If Cassandra said no, what makes you think I'll say yes?

Brian: Oh, so there's no point in asking you either, Samantha?

Samantha: Nope.

Brian: Is it like this with you, Aron?

Aron: All the time.

Cassandra: What about Lauren and Jaquis?

Samantha and Aron: Corin?

Corin (Laughs nervously): Well I'll get back to you on that

Bob: Hey, you guys? I just called the interviewee's' houses' and they didn't answer!

Cassandra: So we have to reschedule?!?! Da- (Cassandra!) Sorry!

Brian: Should we end the interview now?

A'Kira: How would you guys like to do the honor?

Samantha: Great! Well, this is Samantha for Corin and Aron, saying good day to all, and to all, a good night!