Backstage Number 5:
Jaquis, Lauren, Joy, Jenny, Cassidy, Pikachu, Ash, Misty, Tracy, Sabrina, Erika, Lt. Surge, Koga, A'Kira, the Ghost of the Maiden, Butch, Jessie, James, Gary, his fanclub, Brock, Giovanni, Blaine, Jezebel, Meowth, Pro. Ivy, Pro. Oak, Bill, Mrs. Ketchum, Mew, and Mewtwo (Passes out from talking so much)

Cassidy: Hey, where's the other two reporters? Ya know, the girl with the dark brown hair and the dude with slicked back black hair?

A'Kira: Cassandra and Brian? They're in Vegas, eloping.

Mewtwo: But why are you doing this?

(Everyone sighs because they're sick of hearing the explanation over and over and over) Everyone except Mew, Mewtwo, Pro. Ivy, Pro. Oak, Bill, and Mrs. Ketchum: They're plotting revenge against 4Kids Entertainment because they stole their ideas, and now they're using us to make their own show and make sure that Pokemon is out of the game.

Mew, Mewtwo, Pro. Ivy, Pro. Oak, Bill, and Mrs. Ketchum: Oh.

A'Kira: And we will stop at nothing to reach our goal!

Bonus Interview!
Diane Sawyer and Barbara Walters Interview Cassandra, Brian, A'Kira, Jaquis, Lauren, Brianndra, and Kerry

Mr. Announcer Dude: On July 17, 2000, this is 20/20!

Barbara: Hello, and welcome to the July 17th edition of 20/20.

Diane: Yes. Today we have many different articles to report on, including Why Plaids And Stripes Are Not A Good Fashion Statement, and Lice: Are they Ruining New York Sewer Rats?

Barbara: But first, we have a very special interview with the reporters of the now-famous PokeWorld Interviews, Cassandra Jade Tinnikis, Brian Mackenzie Williams, A'Kira Alone Bennett, Jaquis Gulyban, Lauren Azandrea Mohammed, Brianndra Williams, and Kerry Tinnikis.

Diane: This was a very extraordinary interview, indeed! Because of the world-renowned Interviews that they conduct every day, they were very hard to schedule. It was only by fate that Barbara happened to save A'Kira from a killer Magikarp, and she granted us a wish in return.

Barbara: But first, a commercial break.

* Time for a commercial break, but first, a word from our sponsors*

Sponsor Announcer Dude: 20/20 is brought to you today by the letter F, and the number 15!

Sponsor Announcer Girl: 20/20 is also brought to you by: Prison Bars, Incorporated: Making sure you get the most out of your prison bars! Also, try them as handy dress accessories! In peach, strawberry, and grape flavors!


Mr. Commercial Announcer Dude: Do you have a nasty rash on your butt? Does it stop you from doing what you want in life? Are boys and girls scared of it and run if fright? Try Rash-Be-Gone, by Blemish, International! Serving you, and your butt, since about three months ago!

Girl in advertisement: It really works! *Smile*

Mr. Announcer Dude: Welcome back to 20/20!

Diane: Now for the interview!

*Screen fades to show all 7 reporters, Barbara and Diane*

Diane: So, how does it feel to be here today?

Brian: Weird.

A'Kira: Yeah, it's strange here in the real world! Now I see why Corin, Samantha and Aron are so unnatural!

Barbara: What's strange about it?

Jaquis: As if you haven't noticed, we're actually in 3-D!

Diane: And now to start off with the serious questions, here's one that's on everybody's mind: Will you do more interviews?

Cassandra: Well, not for Pokemon.

Barbara and Diane: Aaawwwww

Cassandra: But we will conduct two more interviews

Brianndra: One for MTV's Spy Groove, and another for the Harry Potter book series.

Barbara: You are some busy teens, thank God you're making more. Did you ever think that the interviews would get this big? You're releasing them in 14 different countries!

Brian: We never thought that this would end up so big!

Lauren: We started this as a program for our local television station-

Cassandra and Kerry: Paid for by viewers like you!

Lauren: And somehow it just caught on!

Barbara: And now it's an international phenomenon!

Diane: Who's idea it was to start the interviews?

Kerry: Well, at first it was Cassandra and Brian, but then they needed new reporters, so they hired us!

Barbara: What's the process for scheduling and conducting an interview?

Jaquis: Well, first we make sure that we can secure a time with the interviewees and also have a date set with the television companies and Bob, our producer.

Brian: Then, we plan the questions. We usually center them around what their interests are, and what role they play in the show.

Cassandra: For example, Joy, Tracy, and Mrs. Ketchum make no impact on the show whatsoever. Therefore, we have nothing to say to them.

Diane: I see, go on

Lauren: Then we rehearse asking the questions. We can't afford to lose time stumbling over words, and without cuecards!

Barbara: Yes, we do the same thing!

A'Kira: Then we do the substantive, ever-important interview. We make sure to get every little detail out of 'em!

Brianndra: Then after the interview we kidnap- (The remaining reporters rush over to clamp their hands over her mouth.)

Diane: I beg your pardon, but did I just hear her say "kidnap"?

Cassandra (Laughing lackadaisically {Go use a thesaurus!}): Did she say kidnap? I think she meant "We let them take a nap, you know, to give them rest before the long journey home!" Isn't that right, Brianndra?

Brianndra: Yeah, sure!

Diane: Brian, Cassandra, we heard on an earlier episode that you ran away to elope in Las Vegas, Nevada. Is this true, and, if so, did you, and what did your parents say?

Brian: Unfortunately, we didn't get to marry before our parents came.

Cassandra: How were we s'posed to know that marriage is illegal until your 18?

Barbara: What did your parents say?

Cassandra: They didn't say anything at first.

Brian: They dragged us out of the hotel by our ears and flew us home.

Cassandra: When we got home, all they said was "You're grounded until the end of the millennium!"

Brian: And our parents stay true to their words. We're not allowed to do anything except the interviews!

Barbara: And thank the stars for that! Well, as you said, we can still look forward to the Harry Potter and Spy Groove interviews!

Diane: Well, this concludes out interview from ABC studios! Tune in next time when we interrogate cheese and Barbie!

(The seven reporters walk out of the studios.) Everyone except for Brianndra: What are you trying to do, get us killed??!!?!??!?!?!?

Brianndra: Sorry.

Final Interview!!!!

Interview #14:
Todd and Richie

Brian: Hello, and welcome to our ever-so-emotional, ever-so-important, ever-so-everything final interview!!!!!! (That corny fanfare s_s`````)

Cassandra: It's a miracle! We've survived fourteen interviews, and we still have Harry Potter and Spy Groove!

A'Kira: Let's run through some of the better moments of the PokeWorld Interviews

(Tape plays behind them, showing clips of the interviews and playing "Graduation, Friends Forever" by Vitamin C)

*Cassandra cussing Brian out (See interview #10), Brian proposing to Cassandra (#10), Diane Sawyer and Barbara Walters interviewing the reporters (Bonus Interview), Brian running around the house in his underwear playing air guitar Brian running around in his underwear playing air guitar???!??!!!?!?!?!* {Shudders} The true definition of heck

Brian: Hey, where did you get that? That was from my 14th birthday, and no one was there but my mom, and she didn't have a camera!

(Cassandra and A'Kira laugh) Cassandra: Smile!

A'kira: You're on Candid Camera!

Brian: Oh, crap. You guys will get your revenge.

A'Kira: Now for the interview. Today we are interviewing Todd Richardson and Richie Mardell.

Cassandra: Todd, Richie, I believe you both are friends with Ashton Ketchum?

Richie: Oh, you mean Ash? Yeah, he's a great guy!

Brian: So we gather! You copied his dress code!

Richie: No, I didn't, I dressed like that before I met him!

Cassandra: Right. Liar.

Richie: I'm not lying!!

A'Kira: No, we believe you!

Brian: Todd, how old are you, and how many pictures have you taken in your lifetime?

Todd: Well, in answer to the first question, I'm twelve, and I've taken about 736,280.

Cassandra: That's alotta film!

Todd: My parents are rich; I can afford all the film I want.

A'Kira: Wow, can I borrow some money?

Todd: Sure! (Hands her about $300)

Brian: We are going to get rich off of these interviews! First Jaquis and Gary and then A'Kira and Todd!

Cassandra: How did it feel when you were finally defeated in the Pokémon League, Richie?

Richie: Not too good, as might have guessed. I felt good for my opponent, and I knew I did my best but-

Brian: But your best wasn't good enough?

Richie: Exactly.

A'Kira: And how did it feel when you battled and overpowered Ash?

Richie: I felt sorry for him. He'd been working for so long, even longer than I had, and it was a close match!

Brian: Close? Close?!??!? Are you crazy?!?!? You whomped his butt!

Richie: Well, the whole purpose of training is to do your best, so it doesn't matter if you win or lose, as long as you have fun and do your best!

Cassandra: You're too much of a good sport.

Richie: Hey, I was brought up that way!

A'Kira: Todd, have you been scheduled for many interviews? I mean, you are a world famous photographer!

Todd: Yeah, I've been almost as busy as you guys since I was about 10. I scheduled a lot, but my parents didn't approve of having interviews during school. And speaking of interviews, Richie and I have an interview of our own to give you!

Cassandra (Fidgety): What kind of interview?

Richie (Forgetting Cassandra's question): But in order to con duct this interview, we needed a little help

Brian: Oh, crap, I hope this isn't going where I think this is going

Todd: So, we would like to introduce (Fanfare) Officers Jennifer Birmingham, Jennifer Birmingham, and Jennifer Birmingham!!

(All three Jennies {Please help me with the pluralization!!! Jennys, Jennies?} walk on stage with Pokéballs ready, in hand)

Jenny #1: Cassandra, Brian, A'Kira, we've noticed that there have been reports of 32 disappearances that happened right after your interviews. Is that correct?

Cassandra, Brian, and A'Kira (VERY nervous): Well, yes, but we had nothing to do with it! We don't even know them! They all just happened to disappear!

Jenny #3: Do you know anything about it?

Cassandra: No, no, nothing, nothing at all!

Jenny #2: OK, OK, you can stop with the act now. We know you're little plan!

A'Kira (Finally realizing their fate): How did you figure it out?

Jenny #3: We had Todd here sneak in and take pictures for us! (Shows them a number of pictures of all 32 people and Pokémon tied and gagged.) Then, he asked questions to them. From what we've heard, you want revenge!

Cassandra: All the more reason to kill you all! (Holds up her daggers)

Brian: Cassandra?

Cassandra (Not taking her eyes off of Todd): What?

Brian: I think we'd better run!

Richie: I knew it! All Jennies are aliens, just like the Nurse Joys! That's why there's so many of them, and why they wouldn't tell how in the interviews!

Cassandra: I guess it's all over with. Brian, A'Kira, it's been a pleasure working with you

(A'Kira, Brian and Cassandra immerse in a group hug) Jenny #3: Venasaur, go! (Venasaur pops out)

Jenny #2: Blastoise, I choose you! (Same for him)

Jenny #1: Come out, fighter Charizard! (And for him)(All three Jennies call out the attacks Hydro Pump, Vine Whip, and Flamethrower And all of them hit our beloved reporters, sending them flying into the air)

A'Kira, Brian and Cassandra: Looks like the PokeWorld Reporters are blasting off again!!!!!! *Ding*

Epilouge... The PokeWorld Daily Top Story: Reporters Nabbed! On July 18, 2000, seven reporters, also staff members for the PokeWorld Interviews, were arrested by three Officer Jennies, by virtue of the fact that they were planning revenge against 4Kids Entertainment. From what our reporters have heard, 4Kids Entertainment supposedly stole ideas from them, causing them to rebel. The seven reporters, whose names are not to be given, now face up to 16 years in prison, half a year for every person whom they abducted, which totals up to 32 people. If released, they will be referred to as "Armed and dangerous." 14-year-old Brian Williams says as his last words, "We'll get you next time, Pokemon, next time"

The End For now

Author's Note: It's a miracle!! 57 pages in under a month!!!!! Well, I gotta go I have more patients to attend to (Pulls on rubber gloves while pulling out a large needle) Dude from the mental hospital: Hey, I thought we strapped you to the bed! (Runs after me, trailing not very far behind) Well, see ya! Peace! Love, Cassandra Jade Tinnikis, A.K.A. the psychotic Nurse Joy

To Be Continued...