Disclaimer: Nothing yet, sadly. But who knows? Any day now some great-aunt Ethel I've never heard of could die and leave me a fortune. Someday...

Rating: PG-13. Violence, language ... what more could you want?

Other: Here it is, Part Two. Once again I don't have much to say. E-mail me at Jayhawkfan13@aol.com.

Dedicated to Eric Stuart, for giving us the oh-so-perfect voices for James and Brock.

The Rocket Saga: Part Two
by Jayhawkfan13

Jessie peeked through the air duct, looking around at the deserted office.

"That's odd," James mused. "You'd think they'd leave a guard or something."

Jessie and James dropped into the office, Meowth staying in the vent.

"If anyone comes, we'll hand you the papers," Jessie instructed Meowth, holding the Uzis in her hands confidently. "We'll try to rendezvous with you in the forest. If we're not there by sunset-"

James gulped. "Get back to Giovanni."

Meowth nodded, watching silently as the two looted through the desk.

"I don't see anything that would tell us who the leaders are," Jessie sighed after searching her side of the desk. "Any luck James?"

James held up a document triumphantly. "It's a memo, but I think it can help us."

Jessie snatched it from his hands, reading carefully. " 'All Resistance members must report to Headquarters on Friday night for important business. By order of the president, Cassidy O'Donnel.' I should have known she was the cause of this. That rat."

"I guess that means Butch is probably involved too," James concluded.

Something wizzed past his ear. Instinctively James ducked-just as a bullet flew past the very spot where his head had been. James pulled Jessie down behind the desk, as another gunshot narrowly missed her.

"Come on out Jess," Cassidy taunted. "There's only fifteen of us. I'm sure you and your little friend can handle that."

Jessie looked up to where Meowth was hidden. She didn't bother trying to lower her voice. "Get out here! We know what we need! Go tell Giovanni, we'll hold them off."

Obediently Meowth scampered back into the vent system.

"Speaking of Giovanni," Cassidy continued. "We paid a little visit to his headquarters. We were planning to give you two a little surprise also, but we just missed you. So, I figured maybe you'd had the same idea, and had come to see us. Isn't it funny how we meet like this?"

"What did you do to him?" Jessie demanded.

"Let's just say we hurried his death along a little," Butch replied.

"Damn you Cassidy," Jessie cursed.

Cassidy clucked. "Such language Jess. Not very nice words to end your life with, are they?"

Jessie poked her head up, aimed and shot in a swift, fluid motion. She smiled dryly at the scream. "One less gunman to worry about."

The bullets came hard and fast. Every time they stopped to reload, Jessie would come up and fire. They got rid of two others this way.

"Jessie," James muttered. "We can't keep this up. Pretty soon they're going to jump us. What now?"

As the shooting subsided for a moment, Jessie looked over the edge of the desk for a brief second. "Damn, they still have twelve, and each of them have a gun," Jessie thought for a moment. "I think I know a way we can buy some time and make a break for the door."

The next time there was a break in the shooting, Jessie came up. She took enough time to aim - right at Cassidy.

"See you in hell," Jessie muttered, firing.

Cassidy's quickness was the only thing that saved her. She dived out of the way, and the bullet hit Butch. He was killed instantly.

The others stood still, shocked at the sight of one of their leaders being shot down. Jessie and James seized their chance. They made a dash for the door, Jessie killing a three more on the way.

Cassidy was the first to snap out of her trance. "Kill them! Don't let them get away!"

The remaining eight raced after Jessie and James. Jessie turned, firing rapidly at the oncoming traitors. They were eventually backed against a wall, fighting for their lives. Cassidy, seeing that this was the best moment, made her escape down the hallway. Jessie saw her go.

"James!" Jessie shouted over the din. "You have to get Cassidy! If she gets away she could start a new renegade force," she glanced down at his gun. "It only takes one bullet."

James looked at the now-five gunmen advancing on them. "But Jessie, they-"

"I can handle it," she said, gritting her teeth as a bullet ripped through her shoulder. "Cassidy's the important one now."


"Go, dammit!" Jessie demanded. "That's an order!"

There was nothing James could do about that. If Giovanni was dead, that made Jessie the boss and he had to do what he was told. He inched along the wall until he was at the doorway, then made a break down the hall, gun held out in front. As he neared the corner, Cassidy stepped out, gun aimed directly at him. James skidded to a halt. They stood, a gun to each of their heads.

"All I have to do is pull the trigger," James growled.

"Likewise," Cassidy said cockily.

"My life doesn't matter as long as you're dead and Jessie becomes the leader of Team Rocket," James informed her.

Cassidy smirked. "You really think she's alive? Five against one in a face-off. There isn't a chance. She's dead James."

James knew it was true, but he wouldn't let Cassidy get to him. "Butch is dead too."

"He was a pawn, just like the others were. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the pawns to save the queen," Cassidy remarked coldly, though her eyes were rimmed with tears.

"You loved him," James insisted.

"I make it a point never to care about someone," Cassidy answered. "In this business, it doesn't do you any good."

"I'm sorry you feel that way."

Cassidy smirked. "Join us James. We could use someone like you. Loyalty is hard to come by. Who knows? One day you could even be second-in-command."

"I'd never do something like that," he informed her.

"Think about it. Why should you stay where you are? This very organization sent Jessie to her death. Don't you get it? Giovanni killed Jessie, not me. We did you a favor by sending that bastard to hell," Cassidy hissed.

James fired once. That was all it took.

To Be Continued...