The Jerry Springer Show - Part 6

Somewhere, in a huge mansion, Giovanni gasped. How dare they be in love-and marriage- huh! They were fired behond their wildest dreams. Tomorrow, he thought- but why not now? This was live after all. He stood up, called his Persian to him and got in his helicopter....

Back in the studio, the fight was still in full swing. As Giovanni ran in, someone punched him in the head. He looked around, but the room was so anarchic, he couldn't tell who it was. "Well," he thought,"No-one punches Giovanni and gets away with it!" So he joined in. He swang a few punchs, then went to hit Jezebell. For once, he looked at who he was punching. Jezebell raised her fist, then stopped. His eyes caught hers and it was love at first sight. Around them was mayhem and madness, but they only had eyes for each other. Then, as serenly as nothing was going on around them, Giovanni walked over to Jezebell, and offered her his hand. She took it, let herself be led away from the anarchic ramble, and, arm in arm with Giovanni, away from the studio where the Jerry Springer show was being filmed.