You Can Still Be Free - Jezrocket

Disclaimer: The song belongs to Savage Garden, and is © to Darren Hayes and Daniel Jones by Rough Cut Music. It is dedicated to Kojiro's voiceactor and the people Savage Garden dedicated it to, Michael W. Messer and 'Mikey' Messer. Apart from that, yes, of course I own Pokemon, Jessie, James and Meowth! Naturally, I suddenly acquired several million dollars from a lucky lotto ticket and bought the whole thing. Expect episodes where they confess their love for each other, Ash and Misty both die of a terrible disease andthey 'finally capture Pikachu'! ^-^;;

Note: This deals with morbidness. And mourning. And death. Plus other equally depressing things. I'm writing this after being hyped up on coffee, so don't blame me if it sounds a little strange.

Jessie shivered. This was the day. The eleventh anniversary of her mother's death.

"Jess? Are you feeling okay?" Her partner's worried voice shattered her train of thought.

"Hmm? Yeah, fine," She drifted back into her thoughts, remembering the happier years of her life when her mother had been there to guide her.

Cool breeze and autumn leaves,
Slow motion daylight,
A lone pair of watchful eyes
Oversee the living

James looked worriedly at his partner, who had been a little out of it for the entire morning.

'Jess, I hope you're okay,' he thought. He decided against asking her again, it would probably only result in him being smashed with a fan. He often wondered how a piece of paper could hurt so much. James shook his head and watched the ground a few feet in front of him. The three twerps had once again gone looking for a 'mystical ice bird'. He snorted in derision. That kid sure was optimistic. Sometimes James pitied him for having such a distorted view. He shivered again. The hairs on James neck rose. It wasn't just him, there was something very wrong today.

Feel the presence all around
A tortured soul
A wound unhealing
No regrets or promises
The past is gone,
But you can still be free
If time will set you free

Jessie stumbled over a rock and fell forwards. She let out a shriek of surprise as the ground leapt at her face. James grabbed her shoulder roughly to steady her.

"You okay Jessie?" He asked softly.

Jessie tossed him a fake smile and moved away. James stood there looking hurt and confused. Jessie wasn't usually this cold to anyone, least of all him.

'Sorry James,' Jessie thought sadly. 'Why does this always happen?'

The visions were building in her mind. A pair of deep violet eyes watched her. Jessie, it was your fault.

'No! I would never have..'

You know it was you Jessie.

'But Momma, you always said Daddy was the reason! You said..'

Jessica your father wasn't the reason at all. It was you, the spoiled brat, greedy, never thankful for anything I did.

The voice spat at her.

'! You promised!' Jessie screamed inside her own head. 'You promised you'd come back!'

But you knew I wouldn't. I wouldn't come back to you if you paid me..

"No! Momma!!" Jessie whispered under her breath.

Time now to spread your wings
To take to flight
The life endeavour
Aim for the burning sun
You're trapped inside
But you can still be free
If time will set you free
But it's a long, long way to go

"James, can we stop?" Jessie asked, a little weakly. "I'm not feeling too good."

"Sure Jess...where d'you feel sick?"

Jessie groaned, and sat down. "Just everywhere." She said under her breath, before passing out.

A light shone before her. I'm sorry Jessie..I've missed you.

'So have I Momma,' Jessie reached for her mother.

Jessie, just stretch a little're almost there.

'I'm trying Momma'

Come on Sweetie, you can do it..

'I can do it! I'll get you mommy..'

Jessie stretched, and suddenly recoiled as a sharp slap hit her cheek.

"Jessie, wake up! Jess, come on, you can do it."

Keep moving way up high
You see the light
It shines forever
Sail through the crimson skies
The purest light
The light that sets you free
If time will set you free

Jessie's eyes fluttered open. "James?"

A look of relief spread over his concerned face. Jessie smiled gently at him.

"Jessie, how are you feeling?"


She was, too. Her headache had evaporated, and she no longer felt the severe nausea that she had earlier that day.

Sail through the wind and rain tonight
You're free to fly tonight
And you can still be free
If time will set you free

A cold wind sliced through her uniform, and she hugged herself. James gave her a rug to wrap around her shoulders.

"That better?"

She shook her head and closed her eyes, shivering like a leaf.

James moved around behind her and rubbed her arms. He pulled her back against his chest and wrapped his arms around her. She pressed herself into him. Her hands were like ice.

And go higher than mountain tops
And go high like the wind, don't stop
And go high
Free to fly tonight

After a while he loosened his grip to find she had fallen asleep in his arms. Meowth, too had curled himself into a ball on Jessie's lap. He stroked her hair, and craned his neck forwards to kiss her brow softly.

"Love you Jess.."

She smiled in her sleep and murmured."Love you James.."

Free to fly tonight
Free to fly tonight

Well, didja like it? ^-~ Send me mail at I need feedback this time!!!!