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A+ Lessons

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Day 1- First Steps
Day 2 - I/O devices plus OSers

Day 3 - Motherboard and Components
Day 4 - Resources, Terms, Building PCs
Day 5 - Hardware ID, Groups, Video
Day 6 - PC Troubleshooting
Day 7 - Installing DOS, Chipsets
Day 9 - Quantifying Memory
Day 10 - System Memory
Day 11 - Window Terms, Video Cards
Day 12 - CPUs, Sockets, Pricing
Day 13 - Cooling CPUs, Windows 95
Day 14 - Hard Disk Drives
Day 15 - Floppy Disk and other Drives
Day 16 - Main Board Manuals

Day 17 - Award BIOS, Building PCs


Day 18 - PC Troubleshooting II
Day 19 - Windows 9x, Award BIOS
Day 20 - Input/Output Devices II
Day 21 - Intro to NICs, XP, A + Qs
Day 22 - Intro to LANs, Data Loss
Day 23 - Computer Viruses
Day 24 - Local Area Networks
Day 25 - Exploring Windows 9X/ME

Day 26 - Running Windows 9X/ME
Day 27 - Networking in Windows 9X
Day 28 - Internet, Plus Macintosh
Day 29 - Fixing Common Problems
Day 30 - Discussion, BIOS Tuning
Day 31 - WinDriver.Com, Practice Test
Day 32 - Hardware Test
Day 33 - Software Test




Here are the links to my lessons, which I made for this A+ Cert. class.

D. L. Berry - Jan. 2001

Thank you VROP for making this class possible.

By Daniel L. Berry