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Day 13

A+ Answers



One of the major components of a PC is the Central Processing Unit (CPU) which can be best described as:

a) The device that sends the monitor signals telling it what to display

b) The area that regulates all of the system power usage

c) The area where all the of the Basic input/output routines are stored

*d) The area where all of the processing takes place


A numeric co-processor handles what function?


*b) Floating Point Calculations

c) Counts RAM

d) Data Processing


What does the CPU do? (choose all that apply)

a) Control power voltages

*b) Execute program instructions

c) Dictate video resolution

*d) Perform math functions

*e) Control input/output operations


You get a call from a user complaining that his computer consistently locks up after only 5 minutes of operation. What is the possible cause?

a) Track 0 bad

*b) bad CPU fan

c) Faulty power supply


What types of Cache memory are available on a Pentium Pro CPU?

a) L1

*b) L1, L2

c) L1, L2, L3

d) L1, L2, L3, L4


The first CPU to come with a built-in co-processor is ________?

a) 486sx

*b) 486dx

c) 386sx

d) 386dx


Which processor uses slot 1?

a) 8088

b) 80386

c) 486DX

*d) Pentium II


Which processor uses Socket A?

 a) Pentium 4

b) AMD K6-2

c) Power PC

*d) AMD Thunderbird


Which processor uses 3D Now! Technology

a) Later Macintosh CPUs

*b) Later AMD CPUs

c) All modern CPUs

d) Later Intel CPUs



A PC with a 486DX2 processor runs internally at 50 MHz. What speed would its external logic be running?

a) 10 MHz

*b) 25 MHz

c) 50 MHz

d) 100 MHz


A PC with a 486DX4 processor runs internally at 120 MHz. What speed would its external logic be running?

a) 25 MHz

b) 33 MHz

*c) 40 MHz

d) 50 MHz


Which processor uses Socket 7?

a) 80286

b) 80387

*c) Pentium

d) 386DX


Can A AMD Thunderbird use the same socket as a Pentium III?

*a) No

b) Yes

c) Yes with a converter socket

d) It depends on which the MHz speed of the CPU


The _____ chip uses a 64-bit data path.

a) 486dx

b) 386sx

*c) Pentium



Note: Computer show is coming soon

CPU Coolers


Windows 95

CPU Coolers

Passive Air Coolers

Active Air Coolers

Water Coolers

Passive Air Coolers

These were first used with 486 DX2 66 CPUs. Many are still in use on the motherboard chip sets.

They do remove the heat from the CPU, but they are intended for chips that are not consuming too many watts.

The way these work is as follows:

The chip creates heat. The heat is carried to the heat sink because it is making contact with the chip. This heat then moves to the air around the heat sink. This device is only efficient when the air around the heatsink is cool and if the chip is not putting out much heat.

Pros: low cost, light, silent

Cons: Can disparate only a little heat

Special care: Make sure that the heat sink makes good contact with the chip.

Active Air Coolers

These were first used with 486 DX4 100 CPUs

These can remove a great deal of the heat from the CPU, but they have their limitations.

The way these work is as follows:

The chip creates heat. The heat is carried to the heat sink because it is making contact with the chip. This heat then moves to the air around the heat sink. The hot air is then remove, being replaced by cooler air. This device is only efficient when the air around the heatsink is cool, so large 60 mm fans should be used. The fins of the heat sink should be very thin to increase the surface area, where the heat may be dispersed. The heat sink must be of aluminum for low speed CPUs, Copper for mid to high range CPUs, or silver/copper for overclocked CPUs. Recommended HSFs are GlobalWin's CAK 38 or SVC's low cost GoldenGate 40.

Pros: Can disparate a great amount of heat

Cons: Expensive ($5 to $90), Loud, Heavy, may be hard to mount onto the socket.
Special care: Use thermal compound between the chip and the heat sink. Be careful installing the heat sink, to avoid a cracked chip.

A few HSFs compared...

Tested on a 1.4GHz TBird pushed to 1.65GHz at an ambient temperature of 77 degrees F(Room temp).

HSF Temp. Graph Cost
ClobalWin CAK 38 123 mid
SVC GG 40 122 low
Zalman 5000 7K fan 121 mid
CCK 6035D 119 mid
Cooler Master CB5-6G52 7K fan 116 mid
Alpha PAL 8045 114 hi
SwiftTech MC642 113 hi
Thermalright Sk6 8K fan 113 hi

Water Coolers

These can remove a great deal of the heat from the CPU.

The way these work is as follows:

The chip creates heat. The heat is carried to the water jacket or water block because it is making contact with the chip. This heat then moves to the water within the jacket. The hot water is pumped out of the area, being replaced by cooler water. This device is very efficient as long as the water is cooled through a large enough radiator, a Yugo's radiator works fine. Large 120 mm fans should be used. The fins of the radiator should be very thin to increase the surface area, where the heat may be dispersed to the air.

Pros: Can disparate a great amount of heat, low noise

Cons: Expensive ($45 to $290), Heavy, may be hard to set up, may leak
Special care: Use thermal compound between the chip and the water jacket. Be careful installing the heat sink, to avoid a cracked chip. A large pump should be used to move as much water though as possible. Use only distilled water with anti-freeze to reduce the amount of mineral build up.


I normally use a good HSF to keep my CPUs cool.




Memory Management



DLL (Dynamic Link Libraries)

PIF (Used to optimize DOS programs that will be running within Windows)

Real Mode (for 8086)

Standard Mode (for 286 and 386 SX)

Enhanced Mode (for 386 and faster)


Win 3.1 and 3.11 were GUIs for DOS.  They allowed he user to perform the tasks found in DOS, without using the command line driven interface.  With the introduction of Win95, the user now had a more natural GUI, by which to do his/her tasks.  Also, Win95 was a stand-alone OS, meaning that the user did not have to install DOS before installing the GUI.  Win95 performed all of the functions needed without having to use an underlying DOS text commands. 


Comparing and contrasting Win3.1, Win95, and Win98




BIOS performs the POST

BIOS performs the POST

PnP BIOS performs the POST

OS sets up hardware, executes the options selected in the BIOS, and begins loading the boot sector.

OS sets up hardware, executes the options selected in the BIOS, and begins loading the boot sector, if this is not a PnP BIOS. IF the system is PnP, then Win95 begins enumeration process in which the BIOS gathers info about hardware on the motherboard.  This data is stored in a buffer for the OS, and BIOS begins loading the boot sector.

Win98 begins enumeration process in which the BIOS gathers info about hardware on the motherboard.  This data is stored in a buffer for the OS, and BIOS begins loading the boot sector.

Bios loads the boot sector. IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS loads.

 BIOS loads the boot sector. IO.SYS loads, setting up variables for Win95.

BIOS loads the boot sector. IO.SYS loads, setting up variables for Win98. MSDOS.SYS loads

MSDOS.SYS handles the drivers and options found within CONFIG.SYS and then loads COMMAND.COM.

If there is a CONFIG.SYS, then it’s drivers are loaded. and then MSDOS.SYS loads COMMAND.COM file, which allows drivers in an autoexec.bat to load.


CONFIG.SYS and autoexec.bat are not needed, but there is a COMMAND.COM file, which allows drivers in an autoexec.bat to load.

Win98 begins to load.


Autoexec.bat is loaded Autoexec.bat loads TSRs, and environmental settings.

If there is an autoexec.bat, then it is loaded.  If there is an Autoexec.bat, then it loads TSRs, and environmental settings. Win95 begins to load.

WIN.COM loads the VxDs.  VxDs control everything within the OS.  The file located at c:\windows\system\VMM32.VXD is loaded. Here it has it’s own folder. SYSTEM.INI is loaded

The command WIN is processed and Win3.1 begins to load.

WIN.COM loads the VxDs.  VxDs control everything within the OS.  The file located at c:\windows\system\VMM32.VXD is loaded. If exists, then load WINSTART.BAT. SYSTEM.INI is loaded

WIN.INI is loaded.  PnP data is gathered.  If there is new hardware, Win98 will find it and ask for the new drivers, if it does not have them.

WIN.COM loads WINSTART.BAT, which is a batch file that load the drivers needed for win3.1

WIN.INI is loaded. Any PnP data is gathered.

USER.DAT is loaded


SYSTEM.INI loads (contains the hardware settings)

USER.DAT is loaded (contains User data, passwords, names, etc.)

Items within the startup group or folder are loaded.

WIN.INI loads (contains the software settings)

Items within the startup group or folder are loaded.

The user has access to the GUI

Items within the startup group are loaded.

The user has access to the GUI


The user has access to the GUI





Summary of Win 3.1


Windows 3.1 is simple from both the operational and architectural views.  This leads to many problems. Here is a list of shortcomings found with Win3.1:


ü      All drivers for the base system are loaded in DOS, not Windows.  Problems may arise because of the way Windows uses them.

ü      Win 3.1’s multitasking is cooperative, which can mean that if one application crashes, the whole system can crash.

ü      The GDI heap (application heap), which windows uses for running applications from within windows is limited to 64 KB.  If this file grows to beyond that small size, windows run out of memory!  The application heap is a 64KB block of RAM, which win 3.1 uses to control the operation of running applications.  FACT: many of today’s applications need more than 64KB of space, So Win 3.1 would not be able to even to load them. 

ü      Win 3.1 runs in a 16 bit environment, which is a slower and less efficient environment than 32 bit.  FACT: most of today’s applications are made for the 32 bit environment.

ü      There is no native crash protection built into win 3.1








Q-Summary of Win 95


Windows 95 is far more complex than DOS or Win3.1, making it better able to handle today’s more complex applications and hardware.

Here is a list of improvements found with Win95:


q       All drivers load within Windows, making them more tightly integrated with the system as a whole.

q       Win 95’s multitasking is pre-emptive, which means that if one application crashes or stops responding, then Windows does not crash, but can close or exit that one application.  So here Windows controls the show, not the application.

q       When an application stops responding to the system, it can be closed by pressing Ctrl + Alt+ Del, then by clicking on “End Task” for that application.  See the insert.

q       The application heap found in Windows 95 is drastically larger than the one found in Win 3.1.





















Key Features found within Win95


q       Filenames can be as long as 255 characters and can include spaces.

q       Plug and Play Technology allows the system to monitor all devices and configure them from within windows to eliminate conflicts.

q       Supports pre-emptive multitasking.

q       Uses icons, which the user can make into short-cuts to applications by simply right-clicking on the desktop and selecting “NEW.”

q       32-bit operation system

q       Organizes programs and data into folders and not directories, subdirectories, or groups.

q       Allows the user many more options with the use of the “right click.”  Here a user only needs to right click on an object to see a large list of options, see insert.


Minimum Hardware Requirements for Win95


  1. 386DX CPU
  2. 4 MB of RAM
  3. 35 MB of free Hard Disk Drive space
  4. One high-density floppy disk drive or CD-Rom drive
  5. VGA video card and monitor
  6. Mouse
  7. Keyboard









Recommended Hardware Requirements for Win95


  1. 486DX or Pentium Processor
  2. 8 or more Megs of RAM
  3. 40 to 200 MB of free Hard Disk Drive space, both for the OS and Virtual Memory
  4. 4X or faster CD-ROM
  5. SVGA video card and monitor
  6. Mouse
  7. Keyboard



Minimum Hardware Requirements for Win98


  1.  486DX2 66 CPU
  2. 16MB of RAM
  3. 250 MB of free Hard Disk Drive space, both for the OS and Virtual Memory
  4. 4X or faster CD-ROM
  5. SVGA video card and monitor
  6. Mouse
  7. Keyboard



Recommended Hardware Requirements for Win98


  1.  Pentium 100 or faster CPU
  2. 32 or more MB of RAM
  3. 500 MB or more of free Hard Disk Drive space, both for the OS and Virtual Memory
  4. 8X or faster CD-ROM
  5. SVGA PCI video card with a high frequency Super-VGA monitor
  6. Three button Mouse
  7. Microsoft Enhanced keyboard






The term TSR is an abbreviation for:

a) Terminate Stay Ready

b) Testing System Read

c) Terminal Still Ready

d) Terminate Stay Resident


Which file(s) must be installed for WIN 3.1 to work?


b) EMM386.EXE


d) a & b


What three files are important to Win3.1

a) kernel, user, gdi

b) kernel, win, system

c) autoexec.kernel, gdi


You can run WIN 3.1 or 3.11 without loading himem.sys.

a) true

b) false


How do you switch between running programs?






Without which file can Win3.1 not start?

a) System.ini

b) autoexec.bat

c) Config.sys

d) Win.ini


WIN 3.1 is what type of environment?

a) multimedia

b) multitasking

c) virtual

d) enhanced

e) outdated


The Windows file system.ini contains primarily:

a) desktop and application settings

b) DOS parameters under Windows

c) Windows system settings and device drivers

d) Windows parameters used under DOS

e) used only by WIN 95, not WIN 3.1


WIN 3.1 supports what type(s) of Multitasking?

a) Preemptive

b) Cooperative

c) Preemptive and Cooperative

d) WIN 3.1 does not support Multitasking


Which file contains settings of the PC hardware for Win 3.1?

a) system.ini

b) win.ini



WIN 3.1 is not an operating system.

a) True

b) False


What is a PIF?

a) programmed input file

b) programmed interrupt function

c) program information file

d) processed information files

e) programmed information format


Within Windows, an Icon can...

a) Can exist in any or all program groups any number of times

b) Cannot exist more than once in a program group

c) Can exist only once regardless of which program group it is in

d) Can exist more than once if it doesn't call up the same program


Icons can be used -

a) only once in each group

b) only once for each item, but in multiple groups

c) in as many items and groups as you want, without limitation

d) sparingly


Windows uses PIFs to set the following parameters for what programs?

a) DOS programs

b) Word for Windows

c) System files

d) Batch files

e) a copy of the bios is placed in ram


Which Windows file contains hardware information?






Where would you configure the Swap file in WIN 3.1?

a) 386 Enhanced Control Panel \ Virtual Memory

b) 386 Enhanced Control Panel \ Swap File

c) vmem.exe

d) Windows Setup \ Virtual memory


After clicking on your word processing icon, Windows reports the following error message: "invalid working directory". What should you do first?

a) Click on the icons properties

b) Run fdisk

c) Check the path statement in the autoexec.bat file

d) check the group properties


Which of the following files can be modified using the Windows SYSEDIT program? (Choose all that apply)






To change your swap file settings, which one of these is correct?

a) go to file manager, swap file, virtual memory settings

b) go to program manager, virtual memory settings, swap file

c) go to control panel, 386 enhanced, virtual memory

d) got to control panel, swap file settings

e) got to control panel, virtual memory, settings





As soon as you see DOS starting, what key do you press to step through the startup files?

a) F4


c) F8

d) ALT

e) TAB


In WIN 95 what can you use to repair fragmented data?

a) F-Disk

b) Scandisk

c) SmartDrive

d) Chkdsk /F


The Acme program isn’t working because of a corrupt Acme.dll. How would you properly fix the corrupt Acme.dll?

a) from the current Windows session recopy the DLL from the setup disk

b) from a DOS Window in the current session, reinstall the DLL

c) reboot and start new Windows session and rerun Acme setup

d) reboot to DOS and rerun Acme setup program


During boot up what key do you press to bring up the Startup Menu?

a) F-5

b) F-1

c) F-8


What is the best way to change settings in the registry?

a) Through Redgedit

b) Through control panel

c) Through sysedit


WIN 95 is an operating system

a) True

b) False

c) That's what Mr. Gates says!*


What file can you view to determine what might be wrong with your system when it locks up during a hardware detection while installing WIN 95?

a) detlog.txt

b) 95log.txt

c) log.txt


What utility would you use to view who is accessing shared resources on your WIN 95 machine?

a) System Monitor

b) Net Watcher

c) System Agent


What utility that comes with WIN 95 can you use to view your systems kernel processor usage?

a) System Monitor

b) Net Watcher

c) System Agent


WIN 95 can run 32 bit and 16 bit programs

a) True

b) False


It is possible for WIN 95 to keep a modem log.

a) True

b) false


Windows can best be described as:

a) A graphical user interface (GUI)

b) A provider of multitasking capabilities


What type of multi tasking does WIN 95 support?

a) Cooperative

b) Pre-emitive

c) Multitreading

d) Parallel Processing


Which of the following is a WIN 95 install file?

a) WIN95_13.CAT

b) WIN95_13.CAB

c) WIN95_13.DLL

d) WIN95_13.SYS


Closing the print manager will do what?

a) Stop all printing.

b) Purge all print jobs

c) Purge current job

d) Not affect any print jobs


What key do you hold down to by-pass start-up programs?

a) Alt

b) Space Bar

c) Shift

d) Ctrl


What utility would you use to view a document without opening the application associated with that document?

a) Instant View

b) Notepad

c) Quick View


What utility that comes with the Microsoft Plus pack can you enable to notify you that your disk space is getting low, or to run things such as Scandisk or Disk Defragmenter while you are away from your computer at a pre-determined time?

a) System Monitor

b) Net Watcher

c) System Agent


How would you make sure that Acme.txt was always opened by Notepad?

a) associate Acme with with Notepad

b) click File/Open in Notepad

c) make an extension mapping in the Registry

d) associate .TXT files with Notepad


What are the minimum requirements for Win 95

a) 486 DX, 8 MB RAM, hard disk space varies depending on what installation method you choose.

b) 386 DX, 4 MB RAM, hard disk space varies depending on what installation method you choose.

c) 386 SX, 4 MB RAM, hard disk space varies depending on what installation method you choose.


You are installing Win 95 and it crashes, which file can you look at for clues to what happened?

a) Crash.log

b) Detlog.log

c) Detlog.txt

d) da0.txt


What two files make up the registry?

a) Win.ini & System.ini

b) system.dat & user.dat

c) config.sys & Autoexec.bat


How could you check to see how much empty space is left on your hard drive?

a) Go to Control Panel, then right click on the system, then choose Properties

b) Go to My Computer, then double click on the drive, then choose Properties

c) Go to My Computer, then right click on the drive, then choose Properties


What hotkey can you press while viewing files that will refresh the screen

a) F-5

b) Alt-R

c) F-3


Where would you look to see a list of devices currently set up on your WIN 95?

a) System Resources, located in the properties sheet of the System icon in the Control Panel.

b) Device Manager, located in the properties sheet of the Properties icon in the Control Panel.

c) Device Manager, located in the properties sheet of the System icon in the Control Panel.


What kind of operating system is WIN 95?

a) 8Bit

b) 16Bit

c) 32Bit

d) 64Bit


If you are in your internet explorer and click file, save and then you can not find the file what should you search for?

a) .HTM

b) .DOC

c) .FTP

d) .URL


Which of the following gets the start menu if the taskbar is hidden?






How to get your registry file back?

a) Copy system.da0 to system.dat & copy user.da0 to user.dat

b) Use the regedit command

c) Unformat the hard drive

d) Call Microsoft


What keys do you press to bring up the close program dialog box?

a) Alt-F4

b) Alt-Ctrl-Del

c) Ctrl-F4


A circled Exclamation point indicates what in Win 95?

a) Defective part

b) There is a problem

b) Wrong driver