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Day 28

The Internet

Plus a look into the darkside, oh.. I mean...


ISPs, Dial-up Access, Configuring for Internet Access, HTML, Domain names, and configuring your web Browsers

In the last lesson we talked about ISP, Dial-up access, and Configuring your dial up connection. In this lesson we will review some of those points and go deeper into HTML code  Domain names, and Configuring your web Browsers.


Hyperlinks are the connections between an element in a hypertext document, such as a word, a phrase, or an image, and another hypertext document or file.  The user activates these with a click. Of the mouse. 

POP3. This is version 3 of the Post Office Protocol.  POP is useful for computers, e.g. mobile or home computers, without a permanent network connection, which therefore require a "post office" (the POP server) to hold their mail until they can retrieve it.

SMTP. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. Used to transfer electronic mail between computers, usually over Ethernet. It is a server to server protocol, so other protocols are used to access the messages hold electronic mail.

Ethernet. A local area network standard.  Here data is broken into packets and sent to other computers.  The bandwidth is about 10 M-bit per sec. Disk-Ethernet-Disk transfer rate with TCP/IP is typically about 30 kilobyte per second.  Ethernet cables are classified as "XbaseY", e.g. 10base5, where X is the data rate in Mbps, "base" means "baseband" (as opposed to radio frequency) and Y is the category of cabling. The original cable was 10base5 ("full spec"), others are 10base2 ("thinnet") and 10baseT ("twisted pair") which is now (1998) very common. 100baseT ("Fast Ethernet") is also increasingly common.

TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol over Internet Protocol. 

HTML is Hypertext Markup Language. It is used in to create web pages that contain images, links, and other elements. It is a simple programming language with straight forward commands.  Html started with only a few commands to set up online documents, which would link to other on line documents, hold text, and images. In recent times, HTML has grown many time more complex to hold java scripts and perform special tasks for the user.  For example, HTML can be programmed to inform the maker of a web site, who is viewing the site and what software and hardware they are using to view those pages.   


Here is a sample of some HTML code found at one of my web pages.


This stands for HyperText Transfer protocol.  It allows the user to view different web pages on the internet.


This stands for File Transfer Protocol.  This is used to transfer files over the Net’ .

Domain Names

These are the names that appear after the @ in e-mail addresses or after the HTTP:// or HTTP://WWW. In web pages. Anyone can purchase a Domain name to create your web address. 

Web Sites

These are the stuff that makes the World Wide Web.  Web Sites make up the locations of where everything can be found on the Net’. 

Configuring Web Browsers

Web browsers allow you to surf the net and view web pages.  Popular web browsers are Internet Explorer and AOL’s Netscape Navigator.  If you do not have a web browser, you can install one from the free ISP CDs found at Kmart and other retail stores.  In this lesson, we will focus on Internet Explorer 5.01. 

To configure your browser, from within the browser click Tools, Internet Options.

Now the next windows should pop up.


Here you can set your home page, which is the first page that your browser loads.  You can set how your browser stores temporary files and how long it will keep these pages in its history folder. 

The Security Tab is next.

Setting your security to medium is fine for most folks.  It will warn you before it runs potentially damaging content. 

Next is Content.

Here there are three sections , which allow you to control the content viewed on the browser.

Connection Tab

Here the user may set up which connection or phone number to call when the browser needs to go on-line. 

Programs is next

Here you can set up which programs run you mail and Internet calling.

Advanced Tab

Here you can set up you browser to view photo or not, run Java or not, and many other options. If you mess up here, you can press the restore defaults to set all of these options back to what they where before you changed them.

Now for a look into the GUI of

This section of the lesson will cover basic Mac navigation and exploring.

Macintosh System History

Mac Classic



25 MHz CPU

4 MB RAM (exp. to 36 MB)



LC 500 Series

33 MHz CPU

5 MB RAM (exp. to 36 MB)

320 MB HDD

8 MB RAM (exp. to 264MB)
640 MB HDD


Power Macintosh5200/75 LC


8 MB RAM (exp. to 64MB)
640 MB HDD


Power Macintosh 8600/200
200MHz CPU
32MB RAM (exp. to 512MB)


Power Macintosh G3/233

233MHz CPU
32MB RAM (exp. to 768MB)

233 MHz CPU
32MB RAM (exp. to 384MB)

Blue and White G3
300MHz CPU
128MB RAM (exp. to 1024MB)

Power Macintosh G4
350 MHz CPU
128MB RAM (exp. to 1024MB)

There are countless other Apple models not mentioned here.

a few terms...

Mac OS

Mac Finder
Apple Menu

Control Panel

When booting a Mac system, such as a Power Macintosh 5200/75LC, you will notice the Mac OS splash screen, which loads the programs and extensions needed for your Mac session.

Once inside the GUI, the user may see some of the system's resources by going to the Apple Icon and going down to the first text on the pull down menu, which reads, "About the Computer."

The hard drive icon may be accessed to view programs or files stored there. You may also click on the "recent programs list" to open programs that you were using last.

Other help may be found at

At this site I go into memory managing, networking PC and Macs, Laucher, and transferring files.

What has Macintosh been doing in 2001?

Getting Pricier and lossing in performance.

Computer Shopper Mag did a review of Apple's newer product, called G4-Quicksilver(Fall 2001). So how did this product rate? To too good by the reviewers. This product costs $2,500 and comes with:

CPU: 867MHz
RAM: 128MB of PC133
HDD: 60 GB
Video: Geforce 2 MX, 32 MB
Monitor: Not Included, but the 17" Studio Display is on sale for only $999.00

When compared to other G4s, like the 500MHz, there was no or very little improvment in Adobe photoshop test. In fact, the AMD's low cost 900 MHz Duron CPU blew the G4's Quicksilver 867MHz CPU away in the Quake III frames per second test (using the same video card). So if you wish to pay a whole lot more for a fancy box, then this G4 is for you.

A + Questions


What is used to find and clear lost clusters on a disk?


The brains of any microcomputer system is the ________.


Which of the following symptoms is not normally associated with a Parity Error?
A Parity Error is displayed on the screen.
The system shuts down.
A choice of rebooting or continuing is presented to the operator.
An NMI check is co-generated, and a BIOS program is execute


The microprocessor uses the available system RAM to ______.
add numbers together
store programs and data
decode program instructions
perform addressing functions





If a DOS program will not run properly in Windows 95, you should _____.
run Windows 3.x instead
purchase a Windows 95-compatible version of the software
call the software manufacturer's technical assistance department
try to run it in DOS mode


The most common technology used in keyboards is ______.
the mechanical keyswitch
the magnetic-core keyswitch
the capacitive keyswitch
the dome switch


The most effective grounding system for a microcomputer is ______.
an ESD wrist or ankle strap
the safety ground plug at a commercial ac receptacle
the ground plane of the system board
the chassis ground provided by the brass standoff(s)


The Windows SETUP/I command will _______.

install Windows on the hard-disk drive
setup Windows to run on logical drive I
setup Windows to run in stealth (invisible) mode
setup Windows without regard to any automatic hardware detection


Is it possible to delete an Extended DOS partition if logical drives are defined in that partition?
Yes, if the partition is not an active partition
Only in versions before 5.0







Why can't other network users see any files or printers on your computer?
They haven't shared their directories.
They don't have their file and print sharing capabilities enabled.
Your computer doesn't have any files on it.
You haven't enabled any file or print sharing capabilities.


Select the answer that best explains how a repair technician can increase customer satisfaction.
Allow the customer to explain the problem fully before exploring specific causes.
Do not assume that the power cord was unplugged if the symptom can be caused by other problems.
Ask the customer to review the troubleshooting guide for common problems before calling for help.
Avoid abrupt orders like back up! in favor of more polite expressions such as may I interrupt?


A 9-pin male D-shell connector is _____.
a common parallel printer port
a common external SCSI port
a common video monitor port
a common serial mouse port


Which of the following devices should not be plugged directly into a UPS?
A modem
A monitor
A dot-matrix printer
A laser printer


When a Strike F1 to Continue message appears during bootup, what type of action is indicated?
A floppy disk is needed in drive A.
The system needs to be reconfigured.
The operating system is missing from the hard drive, and needs to be reloaded.
The keyboard is disconnected.


Removing a termination from an Ethernet network could cause all of the following except _____.
a network crash
data loss
no problem
some stations not being seen by the network.


For devices that do not have a device driver listed in Windows, ____________.
create a DEVICE= entry in the CONFIG.SYS file, so that the system knows it is present
create a DEVICE= entry in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, so that the system reads the device on startup
use the default Windows driver for that type of device
use the driver supplied or specified by the device maker


After replacing the battery on the PC's system board, you should __________.
reset the CPU
turn the system on so that the battery can charge up
run SETUP to set the time and date
reinstall DOS in the system


Monitor fading occurs because _____.
electron guns stop emitting
phosphor coatings wear away
brightness controls go bad
user eyesight gradually grows worse


Which type of data access is fastest?


A typical 5-1/4 CD-ROM disk stores about ________ of data.
400 MB
650 MB
1 GB
1.5 GB


A good way to guard against a voltage surge following a power outage is to _____.
keep the computer plugged into an ac wall socket
turn the computer and its associated equipment off
keep the monitor's brightness control set to minimum
unplug the power cords to the computer and its associated equipment



DOS 3.x supports a maximum disk partition of _______.
1 MB
32 MB
640 kB
560 MB


A Flash BIOS is used for _____.
resetting the default BIOS settings
upgrading the BIOS without additional hardware
inputting temporary BIOS settings for troubleshooting purposes
making newer motherboards backward compatible


In which file would the command line DEVICE=HIMEM.SYS be found?



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