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Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon

English Name: Serena
Japanese Name: Usagi Tsukino
Name Meaning: Rabbit of the Moon
Element: Purity and the Soul
Name Day: Monday
Age (1992): 13-14
Birth Date: June 30, 1978
Astological Sign: Cancer
Height: 4'11"
Blood Type: O-
The odango atama! Hobbies: Eating, shopping, video games
Favorite Color: White
Favorite Gemstone: Diamond
Favorite Food: Ice Cream
Least Fav Food: Carrots
Favorite Subject: Home Ec
Least Fav Subject: Math
Strengths: Crying, loyalty, spirit
Weaknesses: Lateness, school, thunderstorms
Goal: To marry Darien one day
Usagi is the reincarnation of the Moon Princess who will, in about 1000 years, become Neo-Queen Serenity of Crystal Tokyo. She transforms into Sailor Moon, the leader and most powerful of the Sailor Scouts. At first, Usagi wasn't up to the challenge of her role, but then she faced her destiny and responsibility. Her heart belongs to Mamoru (Tuxedo Mask), but sometimes she drools over other guys. Usagi is often called "dumpling/meatball head" or the Japanese "odango atama" (dumpling head). However, I LIKE her hair, and not any idiot can do that style and manage 4 foot long hair! Usagi attends Azuba Juuban Junior High (Crossroads Junior High) with Ami (Amy) and Makoto (Lita). She lives with her mother Ikuko, father Kenji, little brother Shingo (Sammy), and her feline guardian Luna.

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