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I have always been fascinated with using a second divinatory system to add depth to a reading. The deck that I normally read with is the Morgan Greer, which is fine for mundane purposes. But if I want a more spiritual quality to end this reading, I will frequently draw a final car, or series of cards, from another Tarot deck (usually the Osho Zen) or from the Medicine or Sacred Path cards, or from my Rune bag. These I use as a spiritual *way out* for the reading.
Recently on one of the online Tarot lists that I belong to (, we were lucky enough to have Geraldine Amaral share with us one of her spreads - the I Ching Spread. The reading itself is done with Tarot cards and interpreted. Then the numbers of t he Foundation, Challange and Outcome cards are added up. If the number is 64 or less, read the corresponding hexagram from the I Ching. If the number is greater than 64, add the two numbers and use that as the hexagram that you read. As Geraldine states, in this manner we are gifted with the wisdom of the Tarot and the wisdom of the I Ching (Book of Changes). In reading her notes, I noticed that she suggests doing this reading from the point of "What guidance would be helpful to me at this time?", or "What is the expanded viewpoint of Spirit about (fill in the issue that you wish to address)?" Good thing - because this is what I wanted to ask!
After thoroughly shuffling, the cards are laid out in the following manner: card number one (foundation) goes on the bottom. Card number two (past perspective, wisdom gained from the past) is placed on the line above the first card and to it's left. Card number three (present perspective) is placed directly above and to the right of card number two. Card number four (future perspective) is placed to the right of card number three. Card number five (challange/opportunity) is placed directly above card number three. Card number six (What you most need to know right now.) is placed directly above card number five.
These are the cards that I drew, using Geraldine's question "What guidance would be helpful to me at this time?" The deck used was the Osho Zen.
1. Foundation - The Outsider (5 of Rainbows/Pentacles)
The initial thing that strikes me about this reading is the first and last cards. In the Osho Zen, both cards depict a child facing away from us. The first card, the foundation, has a sad feeling to it. The last, what I need to know, has a happy feeling to it.
My foundation, what anchors me, what is happening to me in the present - literaly says that I feel alone, an outsider. But - it is also a period of transition. If I let go of the past, I will see clearly that I was never as imprisoned as I felt/thought that I was.
From the present I bring the lesson of innocence. I have learned to accept what life has to offer with open arms. Good thing, because in the present I am being offered the sight of an agle in order that I see all of my possibilities. I am in sync with myself, and celebrate what is offered to me.
Am I happy about having a schizophrenic future? I don't really worry, because I know that I have choices, If I allow myself to drift, if I fall prey to the mechanisms of the mind, I will not go anywhere. However, if I make the choice to follow my intuitive self, my heart, I will do well.
My challange/opportunity (in this case, they are the same thing) is to open up and live from the realm of Spirit. If I choose to take it. I have the opportunity to know many of life's wonders. This is a card of integrating self.
What I need to know shows a child (female) walking into a rainbow of colors (well - this is Osho Zen, you know!) I need to live my inner child, to hold that trust close and allow myself to be vulnerable as I move into the unknown.
My I Ching hexagram is number 28 (from adding the foundation, challange/opportunity and final card). (Note: For this purpose, I number the ocurt cards eleven to fourteen.) Number 28 is Ta Kuo. The text reads: "Ta Kuo suggests to us a beam that is weak. There will be advantage in moving (under it's conditions) in any direction whatever - there will be success."
Yes - I really liked that one! I also felt that it did reflect the Tarot reading. As long as I am moving, making decisions, I will be successful.
Geraldine suggests reflecting on the meaning of the hexagram in relation to the Tarot reading. Having done only three of these readings (two for other people), I found that all three did reflect the cards.
I enjoy this spread for several reasons. It is small enough that I can use it in my work (I do phone readings), yet has the depth that I like to see in a reading. Of course, before I can start using this one on a routine basis, I need to become much more familiar with the I Ching - a system that I started to study many years ago, and that got left by the wayside.
Note: This article appeared in the spring issue of Geraldine Amaral's newsletter "Celebrating The Tarot".(Geraldine may be reached by e-mail or at Tarot Celebrations.) Geraldine added another interprettion for this hexagram, taken from "The Secrets of the I Ching" by Joseph Murphy (Parker Publishing Company, Inc. West Myack, NY): in this book, the hexagram is called "Preponderance of the Great".
Here is the excerpt Geraldine gave: "When you feel the load or burden too great, remember there is a God-Power within you that can sustain you, strengthen you and solve your problems. It is a change in feeling and conviction that matters. Since it is prayer which lifts you up, and effective affirmation folllows: "I am surrounded, supported and guided by the love, wisdom and peace of God." You will succeed and reach your goal in life.
January 2001 The Tarot Connection - The Tarot Podcast dedicated to the traditional, historic and modern Tarot.