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The NBA As A Transformational Experience

I really like watching NBA games (and WNBA since last year - go ladies!). I didn't used to. I thought having five minutes left in a game meant that in five minutes we were leaving the house to go out to dinner. What did I know!

Then there is the replay thingie. At the height of Mikey (that would be Michael Jordan to the uninitiated) I was watching a Bulls game with my then significant other. Mikey made one of his awesome plays - I mean, he made truly awesome plays! We cheered in our living room right along with the home crowd on TV. Seconds later - he did it again. I jumped up - all excited: "Look, Look! He did it again! Isn't that amazing! Can you believe that!" Needless to say, significant other was laughing so hard he was choking, trying to explain instant replay to me at the same time. Talk about being embarrassed. All I could say was; "Oh."

I have come a long way since then. Family and friends (absolutely none of whom are interested in the NBA) refuse to watch the game with me. Now - I think that since the games are live that any energy that I expend on my teams behalf will either get them going or keep them going - depending on where they are in their play. My cats understand that I feel absolutely free to tell a ref off, to yell at the other teams players, and to jump up and cheer for my team - at the top of my voice. If it gets too rowdy - the cats go into the bedroom and sack out.

Do I have a favorite team? OK I watch any game I can get my hands on. Because of this, I have a list that runs in descending order of preference so that I can cheer for one of the teams, no matter who is playing. Current order of preference: Utah Jazz (Stockton to Malone - yes!), New York Knicks (I love to watch Spree - Latrell Sprewell - run the floor), Philadelphia '76'ers (same deal - I love to watch Allan Iverson run the floor), Seattle Sonics (well - they are my home team - even if I really don't like them :) ) and Portland Trail Blazers (they have Scottie Pippen - the other half of the Bulls Jordan/Pippen combo). I don't actively dislike any team - that is negative energy and counterproductive to me having a good time. However - it's anybody against the Lakers. IMHO - the Lakers are a self-satisfied bunch and need to get a clue!

Coaches Oh, my, the coaches. :) There is the Zen Master, Phil Jackson, currently with the LA Lakers (formerly, of course, of the Mikey era Chicago Bulls fame). My favorite is Jeff Van Gundy of the Knicks - a little guy with a lot of heart. (Roll the film of him trying to intercept Marcus Camby going after a player from the other team and getting head butted and something like 16 stitches for his effort - and he still stood up for his player. Last year it was Van Gundy grabbing a players leg to get him out of an on court fray. You go Jeff!) There are more excellent coaches - but these guys are standouts - IMHO.

How to pick a favorite team? It doesn't have to be the home team - it can be any team that strikes your fancy. I look for a team that has heart - that has players and a coach that have real life things going on - that appear as people rather than sports figures. (Think Sean Elliot of the San Antonio Spurs and his kidney transplant - donated by his brother - last season.) Don't pick a favorite because they are winning - they can lose tomorrow! Pick heart.

OK So now - how do we watch a game? What do we need to look for? First of all - look at the color of the uniforms when the teams come out on the floor. The uniforms for the away games (road games) are a different color than those for the home games. Why is the color of the uniforms so important? Because the teams are sneaky! They exchange players in the middle of the season - so the guys you think are playing on your team may not be! Watch the team colors, not the players names - it is easier. :)

What happens during a game? The teams run from one end of the court to the other. At one end they try to put the ball in the basket, at the other end they try to keep the opposing team from putting the ball in the basket. A foul is when the ref finally catches somebody doing something sneaky and illegal to keep the other team from scoring. A flagrant foul is when the player committing the foul forgets to be sneaky. A technical is when the player does something really bad - like telling the ref off or throwing something at the ref or another player. Two technicals and the player is thrown out of the game. Don't know what a technical looks like? Watch Rasheed Wallace of the Portland Trail Blazers. Expert player - needs anger management help big time.

Oh Those funny signs the players make - here is what they mean. Player runs around the court holding his wrist with his other hand. Held in the air - he is telling the ref that a player from the opposite team held onto him during a play. That is a no no. Held close to his body - he thinks he broke his wrist. Player pounds on his chest with either a fist or an open hand - he probably just made a point or three and is telling the crowd that he played with heart. Player runs around the court pulling his jersey away from him with one hand. He is telling the ref that a player from the opposite team held onto his uniform to keep him from making a play. Or he is having a hot flash. Player falls down and slides ten feet or so on his back with arms and legs extended - he flopped, trying to make it look like a player from the opposing team fouled him. Sometimes it works.

See the magickal, transformational things that watching an NBA game does for you. Great aerobic exercise, clears out the lungs, gets the blood pumping. Great feeling when your team wins - almost as good as an extended shopping trip. :) Gives you something to talk about - except that none for your friends can follow the conversation. I will have to work on that one.

Try watching a game or two - they are free, good family entertainment and a great excuse for popcorn and a soda. Get the TV guide out and pick a team - happy hunting!

The Tarot Connection - The Tarot Podcast dedicated to the traditional, historic and modern Tarot.